Redeeming Lottie

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Redeeming Lottie Page 22

by Melissa Ellen

  Two weeks ago, things changed. We both agreed we wanted more. More than a long-distance relationship. It was then we decided one of us had to make the move. It was no surprise I was ready for this step. I just wasn’t sure if she truly was.

  After much discussion, she decided she’d make the move. Though it was her idea, her volunteering and assuring me it was what she wanted, I still feared she’d change her mind. Billingsley had never been where she wanted to end up. She’d be leaving behind a career and life she loved. One she’d worked hard for.

  As the crowd thinned out, my nervousness thickened. I bent my neck forward, rubbing the back of it with my one free hand. My heart beat sluggishly and weighed heavy in my chest. I knew this was a possibility. Explanations ran through my mind as I tried to figure out what I’d say to Lily.

  “There she is! She’s here!” Lily screamed, her hand breaking free from my hold as she took off running.

  My head snapped up to the beautiful redhead walking toward me. Her smile was huge as she knelt down, opening her arms to my niece a few feet away. The two of them embraced, Lily already filling her in about anything and everything, Lottie exchanging furtive glances with me as she listened. I gave them a minute—the longest fucking minute of my life—before joining their sides.

  Lottie stood, her eyes full of hope, my eyes full of promises. I slipped my hand between her arm and her hip. Resting it on her back, I pulled her into me.

  “Hey.” I grinned, the skin tightening on my face it was so damn big. My heart finally felt whole with her in my arms once again. She’s here.

  “Hey.” She nibbled at her bottom lip through her smile, heat spreading through her expression.

  “How was your flight?”


  “You hungry?”

  “Starving.” She winked.

  I chuckled, knowing neither one of us was referring to or concerned about food. I pressed my lips against hers, giving her a quick kiss for our PG audience—one I’d be doing over when we were alone. “Later,” I whispered in her ear before pulling back.

  Her pupils dilated with intensity, her mouth dropping open as she brushed the tips of her fingers against her mouth.

  “Can we go to The Shack?” Lily asked, wide-eyed, rising up and down on her toes, halfway hopping with hopefulness.

  “How do you feel about burgers and milkshakes?” I asked Lottie, quirking an eyebrow.

  She looped one arm through mine, taking Lily’s hand in the other. “As long as they have strawberry ones, I’m game.”

  I turned into the alley behind the old brick buildings that lined one side of the town square. My whole body was tense as we neared the destination. My stomach had been in knots all through dinner as I forced my burger and fries down. I checked my phone more than once to make sure everything had been completed in time on the jobsite.

  I knew I could trust Dan to deliver. But I was still anxious as hell. Lottie asked me more than once if I was feeling okay. Every time I just nodded and gave her a tight smile, doing my best not to ruin the meal with my stress.

  Lottie rotated her head to face forward, her attention pulled from her conversation with Lily when I turned off the main road.

  “What are we doing?”

  “I just need to check a couple things on a project we’re working on. Do you mind? It’ll be quick. Then we can head to the farm.”

  “Of course not. I’d love to see what you’ve been so busy with these last few months.”

  I smiled, keeping my eyes forward as I drove slowly through the dark alleyway. I pulled the truck off to the side, putting it in park and shutting off the ignition. The girls got out of the truck, following me as I led them to the rear exit door of the space. I pulled out the spare keys Dan had made for me and unlocked the door. Stepping aside, I allowed Lottie and Lily to enter first.


  I took Lily’s hand as we walked down the dark corridor. There was a warm glow ahead of us, spreading a dim light across the dark wood flooring at our feet. My heels clicked, echoing off the bare walls. The narrow corridor opened up into a huge room, string lights hanging from the exposed rafters. My mouth slowly fell open, Lily’s hand slipping from mine as I took in the beautiful space. There were wooden shelves and pipe clothing rails lining the brick and white painted walls, each one dotted with hundreds of lit votive candles. Track lighting and beautiful modern chandeliers hung from the exposed ceiling, centered over display cases and matching custom-made pipe clothes racks. The largest chandelier dangled just above the most beautiful cashier counter that matched the style of the rest of the space—rustic and modern.

  I spun slowly, taking it all in. My feet went still when I saw Tucker. He was on one knee, his mother’s vintage, heirloom ring between his fingers. Fingers that were trembling with nerves.

  We stared at each other, a million silent words passing between us. My heart rate quickened in my chest. His mouth opened as the words I knew were coming fell from his lips.

  “Marry me, Lottie.”

  He said those three words. Three little words with a monumental request.

  I waited. For the panic. The dread. The urge to flee. The doubt. I waited for my pulse to pound loudly in my ears and my lungs to start fighting to breathe the way they had before.

  I waited.

  But all I felt was contentment. Happiness. Peace. My body relaxed as I stared into the eyes of the only man I’d ever loved. The only man I’d ever love.

  “Yes.” I smiled, the word a faint whisper. But not any less decisive. It was what I wanted. It was what I needed. This man in my life forever.

  His eyes widened as if he didn’t believe the one word I spoke. He stood, taking the last few steps, his hand taking mine as he slipped on my finger the ring I’d admired so many years ago. It was perfect.

  He crushed his lips to mine, his hands bending me backward. I giggled through our kiss, locking my hands at his neck. He continued to devour my mouth as I continued to devour his. The moment was only broken by whistles and cheers coming from behind us. We pulled apart, our eyes going to our friends and family as they filled the room. Lily stood at Grams’ side, making me realize I’d completely lost track of her in the moment.

  Champagne bottles popped open. Glasses were filled as everyone toasted and took their turn congratulating us, mingling as laughter and chatter filled the room.

  Tucker stayed glued to my side, his arm or eyes always on me. The sound system started to play music, the song I’d once pretended to love. I turned into Tucker, my front facing his, my smile never-ending, sharing our inside joke with a look. His smile and laughter crinkled his nose.

  “This project you’ve been working on.” I tugged and straightened the collar of his shirt. “Will the owner mind that you’re using it to throw a party? And getting champagne all over their brand-new wood floors?”

  “I have a feeling she won’t mind too much.” He smirked.

  “Oh, yeah? Why’s that? She have a thing for you?”

  “I hope so, seeing how she just agreed to marry me.” His fingers glided down the left side of my face, stopping on my chin. “It’s yours, Lottie. Yours to fill it with all the beautiful things you love.”

  Heat rose in my neck, the blush headed for my cheeks as my eyes glanced downward.

  “You always know just what to say, Tucker. Just what I need.”

  “I wish I could take all the credit on this one. But I had some help this time.”


  He nodded with a smile. “She wanted to be here but couldn’t make it in time.”

  A light laugh escaped my lips, knowing she was likely just using that as an excuse. She’d been avoiding Billingsley altogether after her first and likely her last trip here.

  He kissed my lips, his hands cupping my face as he pulled away. “Welcome home, Lottie.”

  I smiled fondly up at him, my heart warm and full. I was finally home. Finally where I’d always belonged.


  I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you did, I would greatly appreciate a short review on Amazon, Goodreads or your favorite book website. Reviews help readers find books.

  Thanks again!








  (A Mafia Romance Trilogy)


  BURDEN - 2018

  SALVATION - 2018



  About the Author

  Learn more about Melissa Ellen by visiting her website and subscribing for monthly updates in her newsletter!


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  This last year has been an exciting journey for me. I’m thankful to have so many people standing behind me and encouraging me every day to keep writing.

  First, I would like to thank my team of beta readers. Without you this book wouldn’t be what it is today. Thank you to Christy, Ryan, Samantha, Ashley and Jami! Your comments and feedback are invaluable. I’d also like to thank my old friend, Natalie, for her sharing some insight on the day to day of buyer life.

  Second, I would like to thank my editor Emily. It was my first time working with her and she made the process easy and taught me a few things. I look forward to working with her in the future.

  Third, thank you to all my readers! You guys are awesome and I love you dearly. I appreciate all your continued support and feedback.

  Last but not least, I would like to thank my family. Especially, my husband. Without your constant support I wouldn’t have been able to continue to write and pursue a long time dream.




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