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AT LAST Page 3

by Melissa Schroeder

  He skimmed his finger down her spine. She shifted her weight and snuggled into her pillow. He smiled. She was such a separate person, on her own. Other than his sister and his parents, she never seemed to be attached to other people. No, he took that back. It was his whole family.

  “I can feel you staring at me.”

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Stop it.”

  “I can’t.”

  She turned over, then had to push her curls out of her face. “It’s weird.”

  He shrugged.

  She opened her mouth to respond, but the phone rang. She looked at the number. “It’s your sister, and if I don’t answer, she will think I’m dead.”

  She clicked on the phone. “Hey, Kait, what’s up?”

  She was silent for a while because, well, Kaitlin could talk—a lot. Aeden tugged on the sheet, trying to expose her breasts, but Wendy held onto it and gave him a dirty look.

  “Uh, I’m not sure what I’m doing today,” she said, turning over to give him her back again. Fine by him. She had the sexiest back. He traced her spine with his finger, causing her to arch her back. He had a distinct feeling that she was suppressing a moan.

  “Lunch?” she asked. “I don’t think I can do it. I had planned on staying in bed today.”

  He chuckled as he planted a kiss at the base of her neck. She shivered and Aeden took that as a good sign. He continued making his way down her spine.

  “Yeah. How about tomorrow? I have an interview in the morning, then nothing the rest of the day.”

  He grazed his teeth over her flesh, then licked over the spot. She wiggled.

  “Okay, I’ll meet up with you there. Bye.”

  She hung up the phone, then moaned out loud.

  “What was that?” he asked, pulling back from her to give her room to roll over.

  “You were driving me crazy. Don’t do that when I’m talking to your sister on the phone. When I'm talking to anyone on the phone.”

  “That’s something we didn’t discuss.”

  “Not trying to tease me while I’m on the phone?”

  “No. Telling other people about us.”

  She hesitated, then said, “I don’t think we should tell anyone.”

  “Why not?”

  She sighed. “You know I’m not a good bet for any relationship. Of course, neither are you.”


  Aeden didn’t like that she had hit the mark on the head. They both had histories; and, while nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, their histories would play into their relationship. There was just no way to avoid it.

  “And I don’t know where we are going with this.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “That makes two of us.”

  “I think we should wait.”

  He wanted to disagree. He wanted to march through the streets of Baltimore, carrying her over his shoulder like a conquering hero, and telling everyone she was his. But…he couldn’t do that. Right?

  “Why should we wait?”

  “What if it all goes wrong? It might be awkward between us, but it would make it worse with your family. Your parents…well, they’re more my parents than my own. Mine didn’t even know I’d left the country.”

  He blinked. “Wait, what? You didn’t tell your parents you were in Africa?”

  “I didn’t know where they were. I think Mom was somewhere in Europe, and I don’t have my father’s newest phone number.”

  The idea that she didn’t know how to contact her family was foreign to him. Many times Aeden wished for privacy, but the Fitzpatricks weren’t that good at giving it, but he would rather have them around irritating him. It still astounded him that the Reynolds never seemed to keep in touch with Wendy.

  “And, I don’t want your parents to think they have to be careful around me if it doesn’t work out. You know what I mean? It could make everything horrible.”

  He did understand, but he didn’t like it. In fact, he wanted to demand that Wendy accept they were an item. Hell, he’d like to have his name tattooed somewhere on her body; like right beneath her belly button with the sexy little belly ring. Not really—but there was a primitive part of him wanting that.

  “Okay.” Worried he would screw up the conversation with that demand, he decided to change the subject. “What about the interview?”

  “The charity that sent me to Africa thinks it would be good and, of course, the hospital execs love the idea. It’s just a phone interview.”

  He nodded. “And that’s tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I think around nine or so.”

  “You just got back.”

  She shrugged. “It will only take a few moments of my time, and the charity always needs money.”

  He frowned, but he knew he had no say in her decision. Not at the moment. He planned on having the right at some point in his life.

  Aeden paused as he allowed those words to set in. He was planning on a future. Maybe he didn’t know exactly what would happen, but he knew it would be something more than just fooling around.

  Damn. Was that why Aeden had avoided Wendy for so many years? It had to be. She was his type for sure, as in, she was a confident woman. He usually dated women who knew their worth, and Wendy unquestionably knew hers. She was also strong and loyal, two more qualities he admired. It had been years since that first meeting when Kaitlin had introduced them, and he had felt the initial attraction. He had put her in the hands off category but got upset every time she dated someone. It had been stupid, but he was starting to understand exactly how ignorant he’d been.

  Pushing away those thoughts, he asked, “So, this interview?”

  “Oh, well, it’s on the phone so I can do it from here.”

  “Then lunch with my sister?”

  She nodded.


  “And nothing. I have nothing else I need to do.”

  “How much time are you taking off?”

  “The hospital said I could have the next month off. I had planned on taking at least next week.”

  “But…because I sense one in there.”

  She smiled. “Yeah, if you’re off for two weeks, I wouldn’t mind spending some more time with you.”


  “Not sure where this is going, but right now, I don’t care. I just want to be with you.”

  He couldn’t stop the way those words made him feel. “I like that. A lot.”

  She smiled as she rose up. The sunlight was streaming through the slits in the blinds, as she slipped over him to straddle his hips. God, she was gorgeous. Not just the physical beauty either. True, she had the girl next door gone bad kind of look about her—her words not his—but there was something else in there. He had seen her in action when it came to the work and the way she treated his family. The beauty within her was brighter than anything she showed to the world.



  She leaned down. “Hmm, I think there is something.”

  She kissed him then, pulling his tongue into her mouth and sucking on it. God, the woman drove him crazy. She never hid her sexuality, and he knew she was never ashamed of it. It made her even more enticing to him.

  She gave his tongue one last suck, then leaned down to kiss his chest. Her mouth moved over him, as she explored first his chest, then abs before settling between his legs.

  Wrapping her fingers around him, she looked up at him. The little smile playing about her lips, and the devious look in her eyes, tugged a chuckle from him.

  “Well, don’t you look dangerous?”

  “You think I look dangerous?” He nodded. “I like that. I like that a lot.”

  She stroked his cock, her fingers gliding over his sensitive flesh again and again. Just a delicate touch. As she continued to torture him with her hand, she leaned forward toward the head of his penis. Her hair dripped over his legs and abdomen as she bent her head and licked the tip. Just that one little move almost had him coming righ
t there and then. He moved to grab her, but she refused to move.

  “Nope. I’ve been dreaming about doing this to you again for months.”

  Damn. She had brought him to orgasm their first night together with just the use of her mouth, and she wanted to do it again. Determination stamped her features, and he just couldn’t say no to her. But, he wouldn’t lie there while she worked him over.

  “I just wanna taste too, sugar,” he said.

  He leaned down and pulled her up for a kiss, then helped her turn around so she straddled his face. He slipped his hands up over her ass and pulled her down to him. As she continued to drive him insane with her hands, mouth, and tongue, he gave her slit a long, leisurely lick. She shivered against his mouth and redoubled her efforts.

  Turnabout was fair play in his opinion, so he slipped his tongue inside of her, then teased her clit. Over and over again, he repeated the motion, then added a finger. It didn’t take him long to bring her to orgasm. She lifted her head, and moaned his name, long and loud. She convulsed against his mouth, but he did not relent. He brought her to orgasm once more. After she had regained her breath, she took him in her mouth again, and this time, he could no longer hold back. He lifted his hips off the bed as he thrust into her mouth once, twice…then he came, moaning against her sex. It seemingly pushed her over the edge as she came once more.

  Long moments later, they untangled long enough for her to settle back against him. It wasn’t a commitment, and he wasn’t truly sure he was looking for that. But for now, he would enjoy these moments for her.

  She snuggled closer, and he wrapped his arm around her and followed her into sleep once more.

  Chapter 3

  It was late afternoon before they finally made it back to the kitchen, and Wendy was starving. She had pulled on a pair of panties and a huge night shirt while Aeden was wearing his boxers.

  “We can order in,” Aeden said.

  She shook her head and opened her fridge. “Your brother made sure I had a lot of things to eat.”

  He peeked over her shoulders. She could feel the heat of him against her back and immediately felt her hormones bounce to attention. Her nipples tightened against the soft cotton fabric of her nightshirt. Jeez, this was getting embarrassing. She couldn’t seem to control herself around Aeden.

  “Holy crap, that’s a lot of food.”

  “Yeah, well, your brother knows me well. So, do you want some shepherd’s pie or some lasagna?”

  He said nothing, and she looked over her shoulder. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No. It’s just weird. I generally date women who might know my family, but you’re kind of part of my family.”

  “Is that going to be a problem?”

  The moment the words left her mouth, she wanted to call them back. She wanted to pretend, if only for today, that there were no problems.

  He shook his head. “No. Just odd, that’s all.”

  “Oh. Okay. So, choice?” Wendy asked.

  “Shepherd’s pie sounds good.”

  She pulled out the container, then tried to step away, but he stopped her.

  “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” he asked.

  “About last night?”

  “And this morning…and just a few minutes ago.”

  She smiled and shook her head, as she thought about the shower they had just shared. Aeden was creative when water was in play. Hell, he was creative all the time, and just thinking about his next seduction had her heart hammering. The man had taken over her hormones and was in complete control of her libido.

  “Not when I’ve been dreaming of this for six months.”

  He returned her smile and let her step around him. She put the containers on the counter and then she saw the notes on top. She rolled her eyes.

  “Your brother is a pain in the butt.”

  He stepped up and laughed. “Yeah, but now we know how to cook them.”

  The note was a welcome home message, then instructions about how to cook the food he had left for her—including warnings if she cooked certain dishes in the microwave.

  “The woman who marries him is going to have to know how to cook, or not care about cooking altogether.”


  “Cabinet next to the stove.”

  They halved the food between the two bowls, then nuked them. After grabbing some water, they both sat on her couch. She glanced out the window.

  “Looks like rain.”

  “That sucks.”

  “No, I love rain. I didn’t get to see it that much while in Africa.”

  “What was it like?”

  She tore her attention away from the dark clouds outside and faced him again. “Terrifying, exciting, heartbreaking. There were times at the end of each day that I thought I had made a huge mistake.”

  “Why did you stay?”

  “Lots of reasons. One was commitment. I said I would do the six months, and I had too much pride to give up.”

  “And the other reasons?”

  She hesitated just long enough to make him feel intrusive apparently

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

  She shook her head. “I was trying to come up with a good reason. I would have several bad days. It’s hard when you lose a little one. Five, six…and their mothers…their grief is so deep. Many of them have lost children for various reasons.” Her vision wavered, and she knew it was from unshed tears. She blinked trying to hold them back. “Some of them would wait too long, or they had to wait because of weather, fighting, whatever. By the time they got to us, it was too late. It was heartbreaking.” The first tear escaped, and she brushed it away. “Sorry.”

  He set his bowl on her coffee table, then took hers and set it beside his. He took hold of her hands. “Don’t be sorry.”

  “I had to hold it in so often while there. I always thought I would crack, and I almost did a few times. But I held it together. At least until I got back to my bunk.”

  “But there were good times?”

  She nodded. “Yes. We could have weeks of horrible experiences, but that one triumph would keep us going to the next.”

  “Like what? Tell me a good story.”

  She thought back to little Bandi. “We had a little one come in with malaria. It had taken his mother three days to get to us. He was so weak, so dehydrated, I didn’t know if we would be able to save him.”

  “But you did.”

  “We did. We all worked together as a team. Even the doctors were respectful, but many of them were older and not trying to prove anything. I think we might have lost a few team members if we’d lost Bandi.”


  “The little boy. He was a trooper. Made it through, even though it was touch and go there for a while.”

  “And that got you through?”

  “Until the next one.”

  He leaned forward and brushed his mouth over hers, then pulled back. “I know I’ve been an ass before, but I don’t want you to hide your feelings from me.”


  “I mean it, Wendy. I asked about your time over there because I want to know. I also want to know more, but you can tell me when you’re ready. I’ll wait.”

  He released her hands and picked up his bowl again like it was a normal thing. How had she missed this before? She hadn’t. The one thing she always understood was this soft side of Aeden. She had seen it with his mother, of course. Then there was Kaitlin. Only fourteen months separated the siblings, and they were close. It was the reason Wendy could never completely dismiss him as a total ass. She had seen the way he cared for his sister, mother and the rest of his family.

  She had always wanted that sort of attention directed toward her. She had yearned for it in a way she hadn’t understood. It had caused her to act out and it had been one of the reasons she had taken the volunteer assignment. Then, he had romanced her…and she was hooked.


  “Why do you have an odd look o
n your face?” he asked.

  Nothing really, she thought. I just figured out I might be in love with you. Or falling in love with you. Or something like that.


  She shook her head. “No reason. Just must be tired.”

  “Well, eat up. Could be the lack of food and all the physical exertion.”

  She smiled. “Yeah.”

  He picked up and handed her bowl to her. “Eat.”

  And they sat there on her couch, as the rain started to tap against her window. She couldn’t think of another place she would rather be.

  * * *

  The scream in the middle of the night cut through the pleasant dream Aeden had been having. He bolted up in bed ready to defend them against an attack but realized Wendy was still sleeping. She was tossing and turning in the bed next to him.

  He laid back down and took her in his arms. She struggled at first, but Aeden held on tight until she settled against him, her whimpering dying down as she seemed to relax.

  Aeden lay there, staring up at the ceiling, knowing that what she had told him about her time in Liberia was just the tip of the iceberg.

  He didn’t sleep for a very long time.

  * * *

  Wendy smiled as she watched Kaitlin waddle her way to the table. Her best friend might complain about being huge, but she was in the last month of her pregnancy, and to Wendy, Kaitlin was beautiful. The joy of her marriage and impending baby brought out some of Kaitlin’s best qualities. They had decided to eat at Declan’s place because it was convenient for both of them.

  “You look exhausted,” she said as Kaitlin sat down.

  “I’m grouchy, my back hurts, and more than likely I’ll have to go pee in five minutes.”

  “We could have done this another day.”


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