Alphy's Challenge

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Alphy's Challenge Page 3

by Tigertalez

  Finally pulling up next to the other vehicle, he put his truck in park, but the teens were out of the truck before he could turn off the engine. He chuckled at that. Guess I’m not the only one eager to get out of the truck.

  Alphy felt the tickly ache in his legs, tensing his muscles to stretch as he stepped from the truck. It felt so good to stretch the aches out, and he finished with a great big yawn.

  Oh that feels good, he hummed to himself. The sun was warm, the colors bright, and the air was cleaner than he’d smelled in a long time and was filled with the scent of cooked and baked foods, which suddenly filled his mouth with saliva. His ears perked at the sounds of critters flying or scurrying around them. His heart suddenly felt light, and the tingle of excitement pulled at his growling stomach.

  Turning his attention to the sound of a friendly voice greeting his brother and sister, Alphy slowly made his way to the porch.

  “…and I made everyone lunch.” The teens disappeared through the door with an excited whoop, letting the screen door flap shut. His great-aunt’s sight fell on him as he neared.

  “There you are, Ralph. Come give me a proper hug.”

  He leaned down to her taller than average five foot ten, and took care not to squeeze too tight. Pulling apart, she cupped her hands on either side of his face, “You have your mother’s eyes but, my-oh-my, aren’t you the spitting image of your father.” She kept one arm around him as she walked him inside. “I bet you get tired of all the girls throwing themselves at you.” She chortled.

  Alphy grunted his confirmation and grimaced. Stepping inside, he let his eyes readjust. The inside was mostly open with warm browns and creams throughout. The furniture was pretty new and looked very soft and comfortable. Statues of various animals made from black rod iron or wood were placed around, and the hardwood floors were well maintained with wood inlay in the entryway. A large decorative cast-iron wood stove sat on a multicolored, foot tall, slate rise. This was nothing like he’d expected. He would have thought she would have a shack with a leaky tin roof and threadbare furniture. Instead, as he looked around a vast open space that was warm and inviting, it appealed to him and his bear on every level.

  Home, his bear asserted.

  After a hearty and savory lunch, everyone helped do the dishes, and then Betty offered to show them some of the property. Alphy hadn’t been able to let his bear out in a little while, other than to heal in a hospital bed, so he was eager to shake out his fur and stretch. Shifters weren’t big on modesty because they constantly had to undress to shift, so it was no big deal for all of them to gather on the deck and strip. They immediately took to their bear forms and explored a bit of the surrounding woods together.

  Rivers, streams, and creeks veined through the property feeding the lush trees and shrubs that colored the forest. His siblings romped and sparred through the foliage while he and Betty sauntered around nearby. The teens were so tired when they returned that they had no trouble falling asleep in their own queen sized beds.

  Alphy stood on the deck looking out towards the barn and up into the clear, darkened sky crowded with sparkling stars. His shoulder was against a wooden column as he contemplated their future. Because his bear was being stubborn, it had claimed the territory, but he wasn’t sure if he and his siblings would be welcome to stay. Betty came out and joined him.

  “Couple of good kids, they are.”

  Alphy only nodded. He loved his brother and sister but didn’t know what to say to add to her comment.

  “You know you’re welcome to stay here. I’ve got plenty a’room.”

  Alphy looked slightly sideways at her. “Why didn’t you ever come to visit us, or Mom bring us up here to visit? Mom didn’t tell me about you until I moved out.”

  Betty moved to a soft bench and sat down in it. “It wasn’t like we were terribly close. I wasn’t even that close to your grandfather, and he was my brother. This is where I, your grandfather, and five other siblings were raised.”

  Alphy raised his brows. “Seven kids, wow, that’s a big number. What happened to them?”

  “War,” she bluntly answered. “There were so many wars. By the end of World War Two, your grandfather and I were the last two survivors. We used to have a pretty good sized sleuth, which your great-grandfather was alpha of.”

  Alphy fully turned to face Betty. He was fascinated by the story that had been kept from him, of his ancestors. He didn’t understand why he had never been told, and probably now he never would understand. Funny how until now he hadn’t really given it much thought.

  “Most of the males went to one war or the other,” she continued, “and they were all starting to get killed off. Our sleuth was blessed with true matings. Just about every couple was a true mate match. When their men died, so did they. Those who didn’t die off moved away. They’re old shacks are still scattered around the property in places, though they aren’t anything like this.” She lightly waved her hand around. “It was an age old time ago. They’re just rundown shacks now. Your grandfather wasn’t an alpha, nor did he want to be. I suppose he couldn’t take the memories any more, so he packed up his mate and your mother, who was about five at the time, and left. He kept me apprised of what was happening with him. It’s tragic what happened to them.”

  Alphy grunted and nodded. His grandparents had been killed in a house fire when he was about one. He had never actually known them, and his mother hadn’t ever wanted to talk about it. He hadn’t pushed either. He could tell it was an emotional difficulty to think about. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Now losing his own parents, he could better appreciate what she’d felt.

  Betty went on. “As for your mother, she never really knew me. I don’t know what my brother told her, or how much, but she continued to keep in touch, sending pictures of you and those other two. I sent letters and gifts, but I wasn’t sure how welcome I would be, and, to tell you the truth, I haven’t been out of these forests for so long, I don’t think I could handle the culture shock. I can barely keep up with what’s going on.”

  Alphy gave an amused snort. “I told Reese and Havana that you didn’t have a phone, and the look on Reese’s face was priceless.”

  Betty lightly cackled. “I bet it was. The price they wanted for me to run a line way out here was outrageous. Don’t get me wrong. I can easily afford it, but it would have marred the beauty of this place with all those lines, and for what? I didn’t know anyone other than my brother, so I would only have been harassed by those telemarketers. Wasn’t worth it. I did allow a cell tower to be put up. Those companies pay good money for that.”

  Alphy started to nod his head in response but stopped when he suddenly thought of something. “You know, I don’t think I have seen either of them take a peek at their cells since we got here.”

  “Good, too much technology rots your thinkin’.”

  Alphy was quiet for a moment. “It feels right being here. Are you serious about letting us stay here?”

  “Yes. I know you’re an alpha. Your mother couldn’t stop yammerin’ on about you. She even wrote to me about you in the military. I tell you, that brought back memories, but you did well for yourself. Every one of your uncles died in a war, serving their country. It may not have been the same country, but it was no less of a cause. You’ve done your family proud.” She sounded like she was getting a little bit choked up about it. She truly was proud of him.

  Alphy had never thought about how his serving would affect his family. Now that he was home with his family, to hear her pride made him feel proud as well.

  “We’ll call the council tomorrow and place your claim on the territory. I’ve kept paying dues but convinced the council members to keep the territory off the books. I didn’t want some other alpha coming and placing a claim, because I couldn’t fight him off. No doubt they’ll send you a heavy load of paperwork, but every alpha, no matter what sect, has paperwork. I can help you through it, because you don’t know the area enough yet to answer some
of the questions. It would feel good to have a sleuth again.” She sighed. “Although, having an alpha would take some getting used to again. I’m used to doing everything my way, but that is minor. The pros far outweigh the cons.”

  Alphy was giving it serious thought. His bear none-too-gently nudged his mind. If he could have been head-smacked by his bear, he’d be nursing a lump. His bear wanted to stay, and the truth of it was, he wanted to, too.

  “Ok, we stay.”

  Betty gave a hoot. She jumped up and slapped him on the back of his shoulder. “Welcome to Bancroft. So what are ya gonna call the sleuth? I can list several rivers and creeks, lakes and other spots well named.”

  Alphy shook his head. “It wouldn’t be smart to name it while I’m this tired.”

  “So your first order as alpha is to order us to bed?” Betty puffed out. They stood up and started to head inside. “Fine, but you get to do the shopping tomorrow.”

  “Hey, I thought I was the alpha. Why don’t you do it?”

  “Well, I could go to town, all by myself, while you stay here with the two high wired over-emotional teens, or I can stay here and put them to work while you get to go to town and…”

  “I’ll go,” he interrupted.

  Betty laughed. “Thought you’d see it my way.”

  Alphy smiled down at the older woman. “I have a feeling your issue with not getting your own way is unfounded.”

  Laughing again, she slipped away to her room, which was on the main floor down the hall from the kitchen. Alphy made a sweep around the house, securing windows and doors. Some habits were just too hard to break. Then he headed up to his master suite. Betty had turned one of the guest rooms downstairs into her master suite, leaving this one open to take.

  He woke early the next morning, bright and early, which was another habit he didn’t think he would be able to break. He took a quick shower and headed downstairs. The boards on the stairs hardly squeaked as he descended them. He knew someone was up with the smell that tantalized his recovered senses and lured him into the large rustic kitchen. It was no surprise it was Betty he saw. The smell was too good. With the smells waking his appetite, he guessed she was making biscuits and gravy, bacon, and a small bowl of yogurt and fruit he could see that sat in a small serving cup, which was placed by an empty plate. He walked over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup of the freshly made black brew.

  “I see I’m not the only early riser.” He gave her a slight smile.

  “Figured you’d like to get outta here before your brother and sister wake. They may actually wanna go with you to shop or find some internet connection.”

  Taking a sip of the hot black brew, Alphy grunted and took a seat at the breakfast bar that spanned around the outside of the kitchen island. Betty set a now full plate down in front of him. After so many years of military food, and these last few days, fast food, he didn’t waste time to let it cool before he scarfed it down. In spite of the speed, the flavors weren’t unappreciated. He groaned several times as the rich flavors curled his toes. He would gladly get used to this.

  Once he finished, he thanked Betty as he put his plate in the sink, then grabbed his wallet, cell phone, and keys and headed out. Betty had given him directions and a list. He was good with directions, another nod to his years of military training and usage of that training, so he didn’t have any trouble finding the town.


  Gale was at her limit. The past three weeks had been hell, and the trials didn’t cease. Her vehicle had a flat. They were all the way on the other side of the country but were unable to shake the persistent alpha whose enforcers always kept catching up and finding them. Her brother was alive, but he was stillhealing. After three days, the hospitals couldn’t do any more for him, and the whole family was in danger from the alpha who was out for their blood. They were running out of money, and they needed it all for renting rooms, fuel, medical supplies, and food. What was she going to do? She didn’t know how to change a tire, and no one seemed to be in the mood to stop and help.

  Gale leaned over her steering wheel and started to cry. Things were just too much for her. When would they catch a break? She looked up when she heard gravel crunching in front of her. Wiping her tears away, she got a look at the man as he stepped out of the truck, and she nearly swallowed her tongue. He was tall, with an unmistakable tanned muscular body. His brown hair was crew-cut at the bottom and around his ears, but got longer as it went further up his scalp and spiked into a pleasant wide upside-down V kind of Mohawk. Usually she didn’t like Mohawks, but this guy had a style that worked. His face was perfectly proportioned with defined facial features accented with a chin strap beard and no mustache, indulgent pink lips, a straight nose, and soft brown eyes. She’d never seen a better looking man in her life. He elicited many different emotions just as she gazed into his eyes, one of those feelings being refuge. For the first time in three weeks, she felt safe. She had no idea why. He was a complete stranger, so what was she thinking?

  She saw him stop just in front of her car and lift his head slightly, like he was smelling something. Could he be a shifter? That thought got her blood flowing in an entirely different manner. Her stomach began to knot, and her hands were actually starting to shake when he knocked on her window. Gale debated opening the door. She felt so drawn to him, and felt that he would never hurt her, but she also had the other side of her brain reminding her he was a complete stranger. The man squatted down to her level, his soft brown eyes looking at her through the glass. “Miss, I’m not going to hurt you. Is everything ok?”

  His voice strummed happy tingles in her belly, and goosebumps actually broke out on her arms. She looked at his face, trying to judge his sincerity. But with his voice and those eyes, she was a goner. She sat there frozen, struck stupid by all his glory. Then he smiled, and she discovered her butterflies had rocket launchers. Her breath caught in her throat, and sweat started to bead across her upper lip and forehead. Oh no, she was sweating. The hottest man on record and she was staring at him like some wide-eyed loon and sweating!

  “Can I open the door?” he asked her. She loved hearing that voice. What else could she do to keep him talking?

  I bet I could orgasm by just listening to his voice. She didn’t realize she was nodding until he stood up and flipped up the door latch to pop it open. Her mind went blank as she found herself staring right at his lower stomach and crotch. Holy huckleberries, that’s an impressive bulge.

  Cooler air lightly suctioned past her as he opened the door. He squatted down again, placing his large hands on his bulky upper thighs. I didn’t know they came in those sizes. Yes, she had truly lost it. This had to be some sort of hallucination caused from her little breakdown.

  “I’m Ralph, but everyone calls me Alphy.”

  Oh boy, she thought, he sounds even better without the window hampering his voice. Bad window, bad. Her brain, seemingly out of nowhere, clicked back on just enough to respond. “Gale,” she breathed out. She felt the hit to the stomach from those rocket-launcher butterflies again when he gave her a wide, bright smile. His teeth were straight and white. How do people actually get to look this perfect?

  “It’s nice to meet you. Now, can you tell me what’s gotten you so upset so I can fix it or kick its ass?”

  Her nerves got the better of her because she started to laugh almost hysterically, and then she started to cry. She saw his face fill with alarm.

  “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.

  He leaned over and pulled her into an awkward hug. It helped though, because as soon as his arms reached around her and held her, she suddenly felt all right. She inhaled, filling her lungs with his rich spicy scent. He smelled so good that she had to internally argue with herself to exhale, giving up the erotic fragrance.

  She felt the loss when he leaned back on his heels but for only a brief moment until the abrasive skin from his palms lightly grazed her dampened cheeks as he cupped her face with his giant hands. His thumb ski
mmed over her cheek, and she automatically leaned into the pleasant feeling. She cleared her throat and snapped out of her happy place. “Uh,” her cheeks pinked, “my tire went flat.”

  “I can fix that for you, but that can’t be the full reason why you were crying. I can see you’ve been upset.” He had gentled his voice to near whispering. It soothed her, and she began to calm. Gale took a moment to remember what it was she needed, other than to be licked like a lollipop by the muscular Adonis in front of her.

  She held her breath for a few moments, then shook her head. “If you could change my tire, that would be great. I have a spare.”

  He tilted his head and rested his arms on his legs. “Let’s take a look to see what has to be done then go from there.” He stood up and held his hands out for hers. She threw one leg out onto the ground and grabbed his hands, eagerly taking them, and tried to leap up but was promptly stopped and pulled back by her seatbelt.

  Damn it! She covered her face in embarrassment. She peeked through her fingers at hearing a rich sexy laugh. The Adonis in front of her was laughing. He squatted down and reached a colossal arm around her and pushed the button on her seat belt, releasing her. Then he grabbed her hands and gently pulled her out of the car.

  All she could do was to mutely stare up at him as he held her hands against his firm warm chest. His thumbs rubbed over her fingers causing more tingles. And someone really needs to de-arm those damn butterflies.

  She managed to detach her tongue from the roof of her mouth. “Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome.” His voice had lowered, rippling through to her core, provoking a shiver that galloped down her spine. Keeping hold of her left hand, he led her around the front of the car to the passenger side. His eyes roved over the tires as they drew around to the passenger rear flat tire. Letting go of her hand, he knelt down and inspected the tire, then stood up and walk back to the front passenger and made his way around, inspecting all four tires.


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