Alphy's Challenge

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Alphy's Challenge Page 5

by Tigertalez

  “Don’t like the chores Betty has you doing?” he mused.

  “Well, no, but I’m trying not to complain or she’ll have me doing what Reese’s mouth got him stuck with.”

  Alphy chuckled. “Please tell me, I can’t wait to hear this.”

  Havana sounded only too pleased to tell him. “Well...”


  Gale was so confused. She saw Alphy step out of the room and stared at the doorway, deep in thought. Tom sat down on the bed next to Paul. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

  She hesitated, and it was long enough for Tom to make a decision. “I’ll go watch the twins and send your mom in here. It looks like you need to talk to her. If you need me for anything, you know you can always ask me.” He got up and disappeared into the other room.

  Gale didn’t know what to think. So many things had been happening, and then today just seemed to be life throwing her … what? A wrench or a lifeline?

  In some ways Gale missed their old life, before they learned about the real paranormal world that really existed around them. Their mother had been happily married for several years to their dad. After he had died, hit by a drunk driver, their mother had met a man, Tom Elkin, who forever changed their lives. Paul was only twelve at the time and Gale fifteen, when they were sat down and told about shifters and mates, and why it had to be kept secret from everyone.

  Her mother appeared in the doorway, and she had a huge smile on her face. “Is it true? Is that shifter really your mate?” Her mother looked positively giddy, but why?

  With a solemn face, Gale nodded confirmation.

  Connie lay down on the bed on the other side of Paul and propped her head on her hand to look directly at Gale. “Don’t you get it?” Gale shook her head in response. Her mother reached over and cupped her cheek. “A mate means he won’t ever hurt you, leave you, cheat on you, and the mating will extend your life.” Her mother withdrew her hand. “Ever since I mated with Tom, my only sorrow was that I was going to watch you and your brother age and die, and most parents worry about their child when they’re in a relationship. There are diseases. There’s abuse, and there’s betrayal. A shifter can’t cheat on his mate. He can’t get it up for anyone else ever again.”

  Ok, so her mom had a strong argument. And being mated to the hottest man on the planet was also a bonus. But Gale was confused and nervous. She didn’t have a lot of experience with men. She’d actually only slept with two guys.

  “Mom,” she whispered, “what if I’m not good enough? I’ve only been with two guys. I wouldn’t know what to do or how to please him.”

  Her mother wasn’t one to get uncomfortable about this subject. She’d always believed an open relationship with her kids would help them but a stricter one would put them at risk. She always wanted her kids to be able to approach her or Tom about anything. “Fate wouldn’t do that to you. You tell him you’re not very experienced. Always communicate with your mate. Many issues could be resolved more easily or avoided completely if there was better communication. He won’t know how to help you if you don’t let him know what you need. Shifters are territorial, and more so of their mates than anything else. He won’t turn you away or be disgusted in you for your history, but the fewer the lovers in your past, the more pleased they are. Don’t be afraid to tell him anything. He’s the one person you should be able to go to for anything. It’s still a challenge. You’ll have to compromise and forgive, but love will come fast and never lessen.”

  “Do we date? Do we mate right away? I’m having a problem figuring out what we do now.”

  Her mother gave her a look of sympathy. “Think about how you feel and what would be best for you. If you aren’t ready, you need to tell him. He shouldn’t hurt you, Gale. I would bet he would wait for you.”

  Gale wasn’t so sure what was right for her. She was still really young at nineteen, and she did have goals. Her mom must have read her doubts. “Gale, what was he like when you first met him? How did he make you feel?”

  “Safe. Safe and happy. For the first time since the attack, I felt safe and happy.” She gave her mother an apologetic look. “I know you and Tom are doing your best. I’m not sorry for what he did.”

  “I know, baby. I’m not sorry either. I love him more than ever. If he wouldn’t have accepted you two when we first got together, we wouldn’t have gotten together. Deep down, I thought maybe he was just putting up a front, but over the last couple of years, I’ve shed almost all doubts. I didn’t realize I still had doubts until the alpha ordered him to get rid of Paul. I couldn’t be more proud of him for what he did or how he handled it.” Her mother’s eyes welled up. Connie blinked the tears away and shook herself of her mood, and she smiled at Gale. “I’m a believer in true mates. Take the time you need, but don’t be afraid to take a chance.”

  Tom appeared in the doorway, so her mother got up and went to him. They stood in the doorway, holding each other, and the look of intense love on Tom’s face when he looked at her mother made Gale long for that with Alphy. She remembered Alphy had held her like that. She could have what her parents had if she just got over her fears.

  “Alphy wants us to move in with him. He lives with his great-aunt, younger brother, and sister on some property a little ways from here. What do you think?”

  Connie looked up into her mate’s face. “I trust whatever you choose.”

  Tom looked to Gale. Gale stood up and walked over to them. “Well, he’s my mate.” She hesitated for just a moment. She was scared to take this next step; it was a big one. But from what she’d learned, she knew there wouldn’t be a better man for her. “My place is with him.”

  Tom’s smile looked like it was filled with relief. He used one arm to bring her in for a hug while still holding her mother. He kissed her temple and pulled back. “He still needs to do some shopping, and we need to pack up. He said he was going to come back as soon as he was done. You can go with him if you like. Your mother and I can handle the packing.”

  Nerves played out in Gale’s stomach, so she had to steady herself. “I’d like that.”

  Her mom leaned over and kissed her. “I’m proud of you. Now go get to know your mate, and remember what we talked about.”

  Gale nodded and headed through the door. Her hotter-than-hell mate was squatted down playing with one of the twins. He stood up and gave her a panty-wetting smile. He gently took her hand and led her out the door.

  Chapter Five

  Alphy nearly let out a whoop when he heard his mate’s answer to her stepdad. He didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, so he didn’t mention that he was able to hear the entire conversation between her and her mom. Shifter hearing was far superior to humans’. He didn’t have to hide his interest in the conversation, as Tom was just as interested. The two talked lightly, but they kept part of their attention aimed towards the room.

  There were a few things he paid special attention to. Her nervousness about the mating was important, and he’d have to remember that.

  They were so close to the store that he really didn’t get a chance to talk before they were already parked in the parking lot of the supermarket. After they exited the truck, he made sure to hold her hand as they walked through the parking lot.

  “So, uh, what are we shopping for?” she asked tentatively.

  Alphy dug into his pocket and pulled out the list and handed it to her. “We’ll need to grab everything in a bigger quantity. Is there anything specific your family needs?”

  They walked through the open sliding doors, and Alphy grabbed a cart while Gale skimmed over the list. “We could see if they have pull-ups. The twins are potty trained, but they still have accidents at night. And soup—Paul still has trouble eating anything too solid.”

  He nodded as they started roaming up and down the aisles. They worked their way over to the bakery department. Alphy took in a deep breath and hummed as he let it out.

  Gale looked sideways at him and smiled. “Got a sweet tooth?

  “Guilty. Most shifters do. How about we get a few dozen donuts to take back to everyone?”

  Gale got timid again, and she looked down and shrugged. He stopped and pulled her soft figure against him. Crooking a finger, he used the side of it to gently lift her chin until he was looking into her bright hazel eyes. “What’s wrong? If you don’t like donuts, we can get something else.”

  She fidgeted a little bit and tried several times to look away, but he would have none of that. Her cheeks pinked, but he waited patiently until she finally confided in him.

  She gave a defeated sigh. “Donuts are fine.” Her voice was just above a whisper. He let her chin go and held her closer to him.

  “That’s not what I asked, my beautiful mate. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  “I’m really not that beautiful. You’re the drop-dead gorgeous one, which is nearly what I did when I first saw you.”

  He chuffed with her description upon seeing him, then grew very serious. He placed his finger under her chin again until her entrancing eyes were looking into his again. “You are more beautiful to me than any other woman I have ever met. I don’t ever want to hear you putting yourself down like that. Would you tell your baby sister that?”

  Gale gave a sharp look of shock and gasped. “Of course not.”

  “Even if she was getting a little heavier than other girls her age?” he asked.

  Gale’s brows knitted together. “Never, she’s beautiful no matter what.”

  “Exactly. But if you did tell her that, do you think she would start to believe it?”


  “Well, it works the same way when you tell yourself things. If those things are negative, it will drag you down, but if you constantly encourage yourself, it will lift you up. And how you view yourself or treat yourself, reflects on others around you. They can grow confident or insecure by watching how you think of yourself. I love everything about you. I don’t want you insulting my mate, and I’ve discovered I’m extremely defensive of her.” He ended the last sentence with an amused smile.

  Gale thought for only a moment, and then a warm and wide smile spread across her face. He could see the tears start to form in her eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. He didn’t want to stop at just a brush like last time, especially with her confidence being so fragile, so he gladly took the kiss further.

  Alphy ran his tongue over the seam of her lips. They parted in a muffled gasp, and he dipped his tongue in to taste his mate. Her honey flavor burst over his tongue. He felt his shaft strain the front of his pants, causing abundant pain, which pulled him out of his lust enough to end the kiss. His instincts to claim her right here in the store ran heavy, and he didn’t want to take her in a public place.

  He pulled back to see his mate still had her eyes shut. She swayed just a bit before her eyes fluttered open to reveal a glazed look in her eyes. He suddenly didn’t feel much like being out in public, and he agreed with his bear. They wanted her in their den so they could explore their mate much more thoroughly.

  They finished their list and made their way through the check stand. After loading the truck, they headed back to the Inn. Alphy was alarmed to see a muscular man banging on the door to their room with two others standing nearby acting as scouts. He smelled heavy fear coming from his mate.

  “Do you know those men?” he asked her, already guessing the answer.

  She nodded her head shakily. “Thos-se are t-t-the…”

  He grabbed her hand. “Ok, I’ll take care of this, but I need you stay here.” He squeezed her hand, but she didn’t let go right away when he tried to leave the truck. He looked back to her, and she was very white. “I know what I’m doing. I need you to trust me. It will be all right,” he promised. She let go, and he made his way over to the three men. He could smell their scent. They were definitely elk shifters.

  The closest one stepped forward as he approached. He held up his hand, and Alphy knew he started talking before he had smelled him, or he wouldn’t have gotten in his way. “Hey, buddy, nothing going on here. We’re just apprehending some…”

  He didn’t get to finish before Alphy laid him out.

  The other two quickly approached. “Hey! Back off. Who the hell—oof.”

  Two down on the ground. Alphy turned his sights on the now frightened third enforcer. The elk shifter held his hands up and sniffed the air, and his eyes got bigger. To enter into an alpha’s territory unannounced, especially if you were of any rank, was a major offense, one held against the encroaching pack. They could scent his anger and feel his presence, so they knew now they were in someone’s territory and that they were not welcome.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. We didn’t know there was a pack near here. We didn’t know we were in your territory. If you just let me explain—”

  Alphy did want to hear what they had to say. The more information he could get to incriminate the alpha and his enforcers, the better. Alphy crossed his arms over his chest. “You have sixty seconds. Talk fast.”

  The enforcer looked like he was trying to get moisture back into his now dry throat. Alphy watched him, but he kept an eye on the other two as they came around and limped back over to the third enforcer.

  “We’re chasing rogues. They attacked an enforcer and stole from the alpha of our territory. They were part of our herd. They’re here, so we’ll just take them and go.”

  “No, you won’t. This is my territory, and I say when someone can come and go. What are you accusing them of stealing?”

  “You don’t want to do that, man. Our alpha is pretty pissed, so it will cause a lot of problems for you if you don’t let us take them back. You don’t want that. They aren’t worth it.”

  One of the men, who was holding his stomach and leaning against the wall, snorted. “Yeah, one of them’s gay.”

  “Shut up, man,” the other injured enforcer bit out through clenched teeth.

  “Is that some kind of veiled threat?” Alphy knew it was, and he nearly ground his teeth.

  The “diplomatic” enforcer continued. “We’ll just take them out of your territory. I’m sure whatever they told you was a lie. Our alpha would be grateful, and he’s willing to compensate for any inconvenience.”

  Alphy almost rolled his eyes. “I’m a shifter, you half-witted dung-beetle. I could smell if they lied, and they aren’t lying. You, however, are. I can smell it. They only shot your enforcer in self-defense. I would like to know what your alpha claims they stole.”

  The enforcer was clearly losing his patience, and he glared at Alphy for being called out. Alphy gave a warning growl, letting his bear show through his eyes and his canines cut through his gums, showing themselves to the enforcers. The man looked down and tilted his head. “Money. They stole from the herd accounts.”

  Alpha stalked over to the man and lifted him up until he was standing on his tiptoes. The other two only backed up. “Pay attention because I’m only telling you this once.” He glanced over at the other two. “You two may want to help him remember, as I’m sure none of you alone would have enough brain-power to remember this.” He looked back into the other shifter’s eyes. “One, I can smell your lie. Two, I aready spoke to them, and one is my fated mate. Which brings us to three, if you or your alpha comes near my territory, if you or your alpha contracts or orders an attack on anyone in my territory, or if anyone,” he growled, “lays a finger on my mate, or her family, when I get a hold of them, it will take them a very long time to die! I will kill their family, slowly. I will kill their pets, their lawyer, and their third grade school teacher, just for having a role in their worthless miserable lives. I am not an alpha to fuck with. Am I clear?” He shouted at the last. Alphy’s rage burned in his chest. He growled as fiercely as he dared to in public, to slam home his message.

  Letting go of the terrified shifter, he watched as the piece of shit didn’t quite catch himself and fell with a thump to the ground. All three enforcers whimpere
d from the presence he projected. They stumbled and scurried to their vehicles and sped out of the parking lot. Alphy took a look around to make sure everything was clear. He didn’t want to be surprised by a lurking extra or some wandering human. When he judged it safe, he signaled for Gale to come to him. She didn’t hesitate. She sprinted across the small lot and into his arms. She had tears pouring down her face, and as soon as she was in the safety of his arms, she sobbed. He could smell her panic and pure distress. He rubbed her back and kept telling her, over and over again, that she was all right.

  Alphy looked up as the door opened. Tom looked out and around, and he was holding a shotgun. They locked eyes, giving each other a nod, and Tom dipped back inside, then returned with a groggy Paul in his arms, followed by Connie, leading the twins behind her. They loaded them into the van and climbed in.

  Alphy didn’t want to let his mate out of his reach, but he didn’t want her to leave her stuff in the lot either. He didn’t want those idiots getting anything that belonged to her. Drawing back, he wiped away her tears. “Are you all right?”

  She drew in a shaking breath as she nodded. He kissed her on her forehead. “Are you good enough to drive? I don’t want to leave your car here.” She nodded her head again. He walked her to her vehicle and helped her in, then jumped into his own. He sent a quick text to his sister before leading his new family out onto the road. He stayed alert the entire ride home, which made it feel so much longer than it was.

  His aunt, sister, and brother were all on the porch waiting for them when they arrived. His sister and brother quickly trotted over to his truck to unload the groceries while his aunt stayed on the porch and directed Tom as he carried in a moaning Paul. He briefly regarded his mate as she was helping her mother with the twins, a desire to create his own cubs with her thrumming through his heart. Scanning the area for potential threats, he saw too many places they could be approached. He would need help keeping his family safe, but for now, he didn’t see, hear, or smell anyone or thing out of the ordinary. Deeming it safe for now, he grabbed some grocery bags and started hauling them inside.


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