Wolf in her Soul: Salvation Pack, Book 8

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Wolf in her Soul: Salvation Pack, Book 8 Page 28

by N. J. Walters

  Elias released Hannah and smiled at his mate. “Reece and Hannah are mated.”

  Sue’s smile lit up her entire face. “That’s wonderful.” She hurried down and threw her arms around Hannah. “Congratulations.” She released her and then hugged Reece. “Both my boys are mated.”

  “There’s still Billy,” Reece reminded her.

  She scowled at him. “Hush. He’s too young to be thinking about that yet.”

  Reece only laughed. “His day will come.”

  She kissed his cheek. “Not for many more years.”

  “Speaking of Billy, where is he?”

  “He’s still at the workshop with Cole.” Sue glanced at her watch. “It’s past dinner, but we haven’t eaten yet. Have you? You must be starving.”

  Hannah prayed she wasn’t blushing at the implication she must be hungry because of what they’d been doing out in the woods. She was hungry, ravenous in fact, but that was beside the point.

  “We should go speak with Jacque.” Reece left his aunt and came to stand by Hannah’s side. “We’ll eat when we get back.” He turned to his brother. “You should go get Rina.”

  “She’s over at Sylvie’s in the sewing room. I’m going with you to see Jacque.”

  “We’ll all go,” Elias announced. He nodded at Sage. “Go round up Rina and Billy and meet us there.”

  Sage nodded and hurried down the path.

  Now Hannah was getting worried. She nibbled on her bottom lip. “It will be okay, won’t it?” She should never have pushed for the mating. They should have waited.

  “Everything will be fine.”

  She clung to the certainty in Reece’s voice. He knew his alpha a lot better than she did. She was still learning the ins and outs of pack life. And from everything she did know, this pack didn’t play by normal rules.

  She squared her shoulders and walked beside him. No matter what happened, they were in this together. By the time they reached the alpha’s home, Rina, Sage, and Billy had joined them. Billy caught her eye and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and nodded her thanks.

  Jacque opened the door and studied them, his eyes falling on her. “Come on in.” He held the door wide and they all filed in. She wished she knew what he was thinking. Gwen and their two children were seated at the table having dinner. Louis and Gray were also there.

  The alpha shut the door and went back to his chair, but he stood behind it instead of sitting. “You got something to tell me?” He addressed his question to Reece.

  “We’ve mated,” she blurted. “I asked him to do it. Maybe we should have asked permission first. I’m not sure how this works. But it’s not Reece’s fault.” She stepped away from Reece. She was not going to let him get in trouble with his alpha over this.

  Jacque clasped his big hands around the back of his chair. “So Reece had nothing to do with it.”

  “Well, not nothing. He had to mark me, obviously.” Her hand went to her neck and she rubbed the mating mark.

  “But you forced him to do it.” Jacque’s voice lowered until it was little more than a growl.

  “I take full responsibility.” She would not allow Reece to lose his pack over her. If it came to it, she’d leave, but she hoped the alpha would give her a chance to prove her worth. “I can contribute to the pack,” she assured him. “I’m not afraid of hard work.”

  His gaze softened. “I’m sure you’re not.” He turned his attention to Reece. “I trust you know how lucky you are.”

  Reece wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “I do.”

  Hannah was feeling a little bewildered. Was the alpha mad or wasn’t he?

  “Stop it. The poor girl is totally confused.” Gwen pushed to her feet. “Welcome to the pack.” When Jacque didn’t speak, she nudged his arm.

  He gave an exaggerated sigh. “Welcome to the pack.” He looked so put upon, Hannah laughed. Then she slapped her hand over her mouth. Oh God, she’d laughed at the alpha.

  Then Jacque threw back his head and laughed. His two sons climbed up to stand on their chairs and jump up and down.

  Louis shook his head and pushed to his feet. “Welcome to the pack.” He gave her a brief hug.

  Then Gray stepped in. “I’m so glad you’re staying,” she whispered.

  Overcome by the welcome, all she could do was nod. Her stomach was still in knots.

  “Have you eaten?” Jacque asked.

  “No, we just got back from our walk in the woods,” Reece told him.

  “That was some walk,” Louis quipped.

  Hannah wanted the floor to open and swallow her whole. The members of this pack teased one another, but they also fought for each other. And now she belonged. She’d never belonged anywhere before. It was a heady feeling.

  “Have you told your father?” Jacque asked.

  She hadn’t even thought about him. “No.”

  “I suggest you do so.” Jacque nodded at Louis. “Might as well get the others. We have something to celebrate.”

  Reece stood by her side as all the other pack members showed up to congratulate them. Her head was spinning by the time they’d all crowded into Jacque’s home. Children ran around, adults talked and laughed, and food seemed to magically appear from the kitchen thanks to Gator, Anny, and Jacque’s mother. Hannah didn’t know Elise well, but she was always kind when their paths crossed. The older woman was interested in photography and they’d briefly chatted about the subject.

  She managed to eat a piece of fried chicken Gator had made, a heaping of coleslaw and two fresh rolls supplied by Anny, and the most delicious piece of apple pie she’d ever eaten, compliments of Elise. Reece had told her that apple pie was his favorite dessert. Now she knew why. It was the best she’d ever tasted. She’d have to ask Elise if she’d show her how to make it. She’d love to surprise Reece one night with an apple pie she’d made on her own.

  All the attention was a little overwhelming and she was glad when she and Reece ceased to be the center of attention.

  “We can sneak out if you’d like,” Reece whispered in her ear.

  Her spirits leapt only to come crashing back down. “That would be rude.” After all the trouble they’d all gone to welcome her with this impromptu party, the least they could do was stay.

  “It would be expected.” Reece nuzzled her neck and lightly dragged his teeth over the mating mark. “It will damage my manly reputation if I can’t get you to leave with me.”

  She gave a snort of laughter. “Your manly reputation?”

  He gave a solemn nod. “You wouldn’t want to be responsible for making me look bad in front of everyone, would you?”

  She pretended to give it a lot of thought. “I guess that wouldn’t be right.”

  He nodded. “There you go.” He took her almost empty plate and set it on the table, and then he took her hand and led her toward the back door.

  The place went silent and all eyes turned toward them. Reece shrugged. “Hannah is tired.”

  That devil. He’d thrown her under the bus, making it seem like it was her idea. Just for that, she was going to stay.

  Then Gwen nodded. “Of course, she’s tired. You should really take her home.” Then the alpha female winked at Hannah. She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

  “I’m on it,” Reece told her. “Thank you for everything,” he told the group.

  Hannah let her gaze fall on each member of the pack in turn. These were now her people. Her family.

  “Thank you for welcoming me into your pack and into your lives.” She planned to spend the rest of her life making sure they never regretted their choice.

  Jacque nodded and then Reece whisked her outside.

  Reece waited until they were several steps away from the house before he scooped Hannah into his arms and twirled her around. She gasped and then laugh

  “Are you mad at me?” With her cradled in his arms, he started toward home.

  “Very.” She frowned, but he could see her underlying smile.

  He nuzzled her neck. “I’ll have to do everything in my power to get you to forgive me.”

  She gave him a solemn nod. “It may take a while.” She hooked her arms around his neck. “All night, in fact.”

  The sun had gone down while they’d been eating and celebrating with the pack. Reece had no trouble seeing the path to home. It really was home now that he had Hannah. “I’m up for the task,” he assured her.

  She shivered and he scented her arousal. He almost stopped and took her right then and there, but she deserved a soft bed. And they had all night.

  “When are you going to call your father?”

  She stiffened at his question. He hated to spoil her mood, but he wanted it done and behind them.

  “Put me down.” She patted his chest. They were just outside the house. “Do you have your phone?”

  Surprisingly, Gator had found Reece’s phone in the woods the night of the crash and it still worked.

  He shook his head. “No. It’s on the nightstand.”

  “Let’s get it over with.” She climbed the deck stairs and made her way to the patio doors. He got there before her and slid them open.

  “It won’t be so bad,” he assured her, hoping he was right.

  “It’s just that I don’t see why I need to tell him. On the other hand, I want him to know. It’s very confusing.” She sat on the edge of the bed with her hands clasped in her lap.

  Reece grabbed his phone from the nightstand and held it out to her. “You don’t have to talk for long. All you have to do is tell him.”

  She nodded and took the phone. Then she stared at him. “I don’t know the number.”

  “It’s programmed in,” he told her. “I got the number from Armand just in case you needed or wanted it.”

  “You think of everything, don’t you?” There was wonder in her voice.

  He hunkered down in front of her and shook his head. “Not everything, but your happiness will always be my priority.”

  She reached out and cupped the side of his face. “As your happiness will always be for me.”

  He turned his head and kissed the center of her palm before nipping at the base of her hand. “Do it so we can get on to the more enjoyable part of our evening.”

  She took a deep breath, found the number, and dialed. “Maybe it will go to voicemail,” she muttered.

  Reece didn’t think she’d be that lucky.

  Almost as soon as he’d had the thought, the call was answered. “Burdette.”

  “This is Hannah.” Her voice was steady and strong. He’d never been prouder. He knew how difficult this was for her.

  “Hannah, baby, is everything all right?”

  She nodded and Reece had to bite his tongue not to remind her that her father couldn’t see her. This was her call. He was there for moral support if she needed him.

  “I’m mated.” That was all she said before she went silent again.

  “Is it that wolf that said he loved you? Did he force you into it?”

  Reece growled, unable to hold it back. Hannah’s eyes widened. “No, of course he didn’t force me. It was my idea.”

  Reece groaned and buried his face in his hands. Why did she keep telling everyone that?

  “And he just went along with it.” Reece heard the skepticism in her father’s voice and decided it was time for him to step in.

  “I asked her to mate with me, Mr. Burdette. But it was her choice as to when it happened.” Even though he wasn’t talking directly into the phone, he knew the other man could hear him just fine.

  “I see.” He paused. “Are you happy, Hannah?”

  Reece could hear the thread of longing in her father’s voice. While he might not agree with the man’s choice to leave his daughter behind, there was no doubt that he did care for her in his own way.

  “Yes. Yes, I am. I have to go now.”

  “Call me again, please. I know I don’t have the right to ask you that, but I am.”

  Hannah looked to Reece and he held her gaze, letting her know he’d support whatever she decided to do. “I will. Goodbye.” Then she ended the call.

  He pried the phone out of her hand and tossed it onto the nightstand. “That’s it. Our mating is official.” He was on his knees in front of her. “Do you want to get married? All the other couples have done that. Makes it more official in the eyes of the law. And it’s a great excuse to throw a party.” He caught her hands in his and brought them to his mouth, kissing each knuckle in turn. “Nothing will change how I feel for you. I love you.”

  “I love you. And yes, I’d like to get married.”

  “Just as well, as everyone will refer to you as my wife and mate, regardless.”

  Hannah frowned. “Does that mean Sage and Rina aren’t really married?”

  Reece shook his head. “Not yet. They’re planning a Christmas wedding. They wanted to get their house done first.” He nibbled on her fingertips and was rewarded with a low moan. He set her hands in her lap and tugged off her shoes. “I imagine you’ll be wanting a house too.” He tossed the footwear aside and unbuttoned her jeans.

  “A house? You’d build me a house?” The wonder in her voice made his heart swell with happiness.

  “Of course. We have some standard plans we use, but they can be customized. I suggest we go over them and choose one. Then you could talk with Rina since she’s already immersed in the world of paint chips and kitchen cabinets. And talk to Anny too. She can find anything online, and usually at rock bottom pricing and overnight delivery.”

  He reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head. “And now I have more important things to do than talk about houses.”

  She raised her arms and helped him remove the garment.

  “You do, do you?” She unhooked her bra while he pulled down the zipper in her pants.

  “Oh yeah.” He yanked off his T-shirt and tossed it aside.

  Hannah hadn’t realized it was possible to be so happy. The pack had accepted her, she and Reece were mated, and they were going to get married and build a house. Even the conversation with her father had gone better than she’d hoped.

  Now it was only her and Reece together. “Thank you for storming into my life. For following a dream you had until you found me.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle push. As she fell back, he peeled her jeans down her legs. He took her underwear with them, leaving her totally naked. “I couldn’t have done anything else.”

  He unlaced his work boots and toed them off. Then he removed his socks and jeans. Naked, he stood beside the bed, big and strong and hers.

  He knelt on the floor and lifted her legs over his shoulders. She shuddered as her pussy clenched. Reece licked his lips. “I plan to enjoy myself all night long.” He nuzzled her thigh. “You’re everything to me.”

  Her heart swelled. “And you’re everything to me.”

  He was her wolf, and she knew he’d love and protect her forever. And she’d do the same for him. This was the most perfect moment.

  Then he moved closer and proceeded to show her just how much better things could get.


  Almost the entire pack was out for a run. It had started with just Hannah and Reece, Sage and Rina, and him. Mikhail had come to respect his sister’s mate, but he still liked to keep an eye on her.

  Hannah couldn’t shift, but she could still run faster than any human. Everyone was still excited from last night’s announcement. His sister and Hannah had spent most of the day talking houses and weddings. He’d escaped to patrol.

  They’d only been running for about ten minutes when Jacque and Gwen, Sy
lvie and Gator, and Corrine and Joseph had joined them. He knew Cole and Louis were home with their mates and keeping an eye on all the children. Elias had opted to remain home with Sue since she was human and couldn’t run with the pack.

  The only other single wolf running was Elise LaForge.

  Mikhail hung back and watched her. She was a beautiful wolf with her golden-brown eyes and her lush brown fur. She flanked her son, easily keeping pace. He’d noticed that most of the pack treated her as though she was fragile.

  He didn’t know all the details of her past, but he did know her former mate had been a murderous bastard. But he was dead and she was a single wolf.

  As though sensing his gaze on her, she turned and glanced his way. She stumbled slightly but regained her feet and kept going.

  Yes, the pack treated her as though she was fragile. And maybe she was, but she was also strong. There was a will of iron in that woman, which his wolf found incredibly attractive.

  He’d wanted her the first moment he’d laid eyes on her. It had only been a few months and she was still wary around him, which only proved she was an intelligent woman.

  Her sons and the others might see her as a matriarch of the pack. He saw her as a gorgeous woman he wanted to bed.

  He had a choice to make. Either he left and struck out on his own to build a life for himself, or he stayed and became a full-fledged member of the pack. That was assuming Jacque would issue the invitation. He was still here as a guest.

  And if he stayed, there was no way he was going to be able to keep his distance from Elise much longer.

  He could imagine how the alpha would react if he knew Mikhail was lusting after his mother. He shook his head and picked up his pace.

  He had some decisions to make, and he had to make them soon.

  About the Author

  Once upon a time, N.J. had the idea that she would like to quit her job at the bookstore, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.


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