Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1)

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Wings of Steele - Destination Unknown (Book 1) Page 38

by Burger, Jeffrey

  Mike was dying in suspense. "So what happened to it?"

  Jack pointed to his watch. "Three hours..." was all he said. There were a lot of confused looks. "Remember what I told Trigoss? What we can't take, burn! The Chief stuck one of the charges between the engine cores. When it went off, it must've opened the cores and it went up like a nuke. That cruiser wasn't more than fifteen-hundred feet away." Jack waved, "Bye, bye cruiser."

  "I was worried," said Paul, "I didn't know what he was doing. I thought if that cruiser finds the Freedom, we could be in deep trouble. Because I knew the Freedom couldn't outrun, or outgun it."

  "It turned out to be a lot bigger than we thought too," commented Mike.

  "I thought he was nuts," announced Maria. "I thought, no way is he coming back. No way could he survive attacking that thing alone..."

  "But he slid through it like he was covered in Teflon or something," reflected Paul.

  Brian thought about the airport in Puerto Rico and raised an eyebrow. "I've seen that before..."

  "Stainless Steele," said Mike.


  "Your new call name," continued Mike. "All fighter jocks have one, yours has to be Stainless Steele."

  "Is that what I am? A fighter jock?"

  "You are now... Stainless." Paul grinned.

  "It kinda' does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

  "What about me?" asked Brian.

  "Gunner," said Derrik without hesitation. "Did you know, all they had to do when he came in was to refuel his bird and refill the Mercury pods for his Gatling? He got two bloody kills without lighting one damn missile!"

  Mike shrugged sheepishly. “I kinda forgot I had them...”

  "Sounds like it fits to me," said Paul chuckling.

  "Ok, Gunner it is," accepted Brian.

  "How about me?" asked Maria.

  "Lifeguard," said Jack. He'd already thought about it.

  "Oh I like that a lot," interrupted Paul. "That's perfect." He winked at Jack.

  Maria snuggled down and yawned. "I like it too." The door chime rang and the person closest was Walrick. He opened the door allowing Trigoss to walk in. He handed Jack a printout of everything they had recovered from the Velorian freighter. His other hand he held behind him.

  "What else you got, Chief?"

  "That other little thing you asked me to take care of Captain." The helmet was in plain sight to everyone behind him but not to Maria.

  "Perfect timing, go ahead and give it to her, Chief." Trigoss stepped around the couples on the floor and handed Maria the new helmet.

  "That's from all of us," said Jack. "You broke your other one." The brand new helmet had the same determined little hornet on it, except he was wearing a lifeguard shirt and a pith helmet. In the front, side by side on the forehead, was a miniature life-ring and a miniature skull and crossbones.

  "Oh I love it! But what are these?" She pointed to the little emblems.

  "You downed one pirate and you saved one life," said Trigoss, matter-of-factly. "They'll all have little pirates," he whispered loudly, "but you and Myomerr will be the only ones with life-rings..." He beamed like a proud father.

  "I'd like you to consider being our permanent recovery and rescue pilot," suggested Jack. "Myomerr would be your second officer. You don't have to answer now, just think about it. Ok?"

  "Does that mean no more patrols?"

  "Not necessarily."

  "Ok, then I'll think about it."

  "Good." He yawned. "Well people, I don't know about you, but it's been a long day, and I'm bushed. I think we ought to call it quits and go to bed." They all agreed, most of them had been yawning all through dinner. Saying their goodnights, the weary pilots rose from their various places on the floor, several assisted by their dates.

  Jack lifted a half bottle of wine and two glasses off the table as he and Alité prepared to leave. "Something for later," he whispered.

  LaNareef looked painfully at Alité as Walrick helped him to his feet. He ached more of heartbreak than physical pain. In his heart, he knew she was a Princess and though a decorated officer, he was only a commoner. And because he was a realistic man, he also knew nothing could ever come of his childhood promise to marry her. But that never seemed to interfere with their twenty five year friendship. In that twenty five years, he had become her best friend and self-appointed protector. And although he respected Steele's rank, LaNareef found it extremely distasteful that Alité should want to throw her affections at a man who was so obviously a rogue, not to mention being a commoner of another world. To him it was clear, her capture and the time she spent with the pirates had severely corrupted her Royal morals. The only thing unclear was what he was going to do about it.

  Alité caught his look and shook her head, making it clear he was to say nothing of his objections in Jack's presence. She had guessed correctly, that Jack did not suspect she was a real Princess, and she wanted to be able tell him in her own time and in her own way. A careless slip like Walrick's in the infirmary, could ruin everything.

  Jack sent Alité and Fritz ahead and detoured to the bridge to check on things before retiring for the night. "How're you holding out, Walt?"

  Professor Edgars stretched in the reclined command chair. "Just fine, my boy, just fine. I took a couple cat naps and things are real quiet. We enter Gate 24-024 in about an hour." He called up some information on his navigation screen, "Passage is a little over seven hours, so we probably won't see another ship for the next eight hours. Go get some sleep," he whispered, "you look like hell."

  "Think I will. Thanks, Walt. Call me if you need me." He started up the stairs and stopped next to Raulya. "May I borrow your comm for a moment?" He realized there was one thing more he should do.

  Puzzled, she pulled off her comm and handed it to him. "Thanks," he replied. Steele palmed the earpiece to his ear and adjusted the mic, turning it on. "Attention all personnel, this is the Captain... we did what many might think, was fairly impossible today. We severely damaged a light carrier, damaged a destroyer and destroyed a cruiser. All this from an impaired ship with an understaffed crew. While we were blessed by God and fate today, we must not overlook the performance of this ship and the exemplary efforts of its crew. You all did a wonderful job, and I thank you. Goodnight." He handed the comm back to Raulya and the bridge crew applauded.

  It was sad, thought Jack, as he walked the short distance to his quarters, that such a good group of people, should have had to serve under a man such as Kidd. He wondered why one of Kidd's own people hadn't killed him in his sleep. Surely, most of them despised him. Ok, granted, half the survivors of the ship's pirate crew, were as crooked as he was... That's why they ended up prisoners of the UFW patrol vessel that answered the Princess Hedonist's distress call. But the rest of these people were dedicated and hard working. He wondered how many other pirate vessels were run just like this one had been, how many good people had been caught up in the clutches of men like Kidd. It was nice to know, however, reflected Jack, that at least humans had not invented deceit and treachery, nor did they curb the market in it. What did bother him was that they spent so much time trying to perfect it.



  All thought escaped Jack Steele when he entered his suite. Alité stood near the bar in a long, flowing white gown, of the sheerest material he'd ever seen. He froze in the doorway and swallowed hard when she turned silently away. The gown was mostly backless to the waist, and the wispy material fluttering in the breeze of her movement revealed side slits from her ankles to the top of her thighs. "Wine?" she asked, turning back. She extended a glass toward him but did not move.

  "YoOu..." his voi
ce cracked and he cleared his throat, "always seem to be asking me that..." He stepped forward and the door swished closed behind him, plunging the room into semidarkness. He stepped forward, hand outstretched, and she slid the glass into his hand. "Thanks..."

  "You're welcome," she breathed. "It is my pleasure to serve you."

  "Stop that," he scolded mildly. "You're not a slave or a servant. I want you to be here, because you want to be here. Not because you think you have to..."

  "Oh, but I am, I do" she corrected. "No one could make me give my love if I didn't want to... not even Kidd." She looked down at her glass then back up at Jack. "He used to try though."

  "Did he punish you?" Jack was almost sorry he asked, the second it came out of his mouth. He could imagine Kidd's cruelty, and he didn't think he could bear to hear what she might have been forced to endure.

  "Sometimes. But not much." She didn't want to say more.

  Jack could see this was an uncomfortable topic. "So," he smiled, changing the subject, "how do I get you to give me your love?"

  Alité grabbed the folded-down flap on his tunic and pulled him closer. "You're doing just fine," she cooed. "Now if I could just get you to loosen up a bit. Quit being so proper..." She unbuttoned his tunic with one hand and put her glass on the bar with the other. "Quit being such a gentleman, I won't break." Jack raised an eyebrow. "I am yours," she continued, "I want you to do what you're thinking, let loose, take me..." Jack grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face to his. "Yesss..." she hissed. He pressed his lips against hers and backed her against the bar.

  She let him kiss her for awhile, then fought him back. He glared at her and she could see the smoldering want, in his eyes. She held him at bay, with one hand on his bare chest, the other gripping his hair, holding back his head. She felt his chest muscles ripple under her fingers. "If you want me," she whispered, "you'll have to take me."

  Dropping to one knee, he dragged her down on top of him. Toppling to the floor, they rolled and he pinned her to the carpet. "You are mine..." he growled, holding down her hands.

  "Never..." she teased.

  "Yes," he countered, easing his body down onto hers.

  "Yesss," she breathed.

  Jack Steele had always been fascinated by the human body's capacity for sensations, and he always knew the mind could manipulate those sensations either heightening or reducing their intensity. He always felt he had a rather good grasp on how to use them to his best advantage, until now.

  In Alité's world, much like Earth, its people placed a great deal of effort and value on giving and receiving personal pleasure. The biggest difference being, their elevated use of the mind and its psychologies to effect, expand and intensify. He knew for some time he'd been falling in love with her, but this sealed it, wrapped it, and tied it with a bow.

  She was the first woman Jack had been with in a long time who gave as much as, or more than, she got in return, physically, emotionally and intellectually. He hadn't thought he'd ever get those feelings again... He simply didn't allow a woman that close. Maybe it was because he wasn't naive enough anymore, to fall for the unrealistic fantasy expectations of what love should be. Maybe it was because once burned, twice shy. At any rate, keeping a safe distance from the flame seemed a wise way to provide insulation against injury.

  But she had found the chink in his armor, she had gotten under his skin. She knew how to treat him, what to say, when to say it, how he felt, how to reach him and how to get him closer. He had forgotten how good the warmth of that flame could feel. And after feeling it again, he wondered how he'd gotten along without it.

  There was no getting around it, no sense in denying it, he was in it up to his neck. He was in love with her. And frankly, it scared the shit out of him.

  He rolled on his side and stared at her profile in the darkness... she was quite possibly the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. He slid his arm under the covers and across her stomach, drawing himself closer to her. She uttered a soft little moan and rolled on her side with her back toward him.

  Even in her sleep Alité felt him there, his thoughts, his being, his soul. Or as they called it on her planet, his Rae. She snuggled back until her body touched his, fitting together like two spoons in a silverware tray. With one arm under her neck, his other draped over her body and across her breasts, she felt comforted by Jack's warmth. Alité became more lucid as her breathing gently rubbed her right nipple on the palm of his hand. As she awakened, growing more conscious, she could feel the contemplation in his Rae, it was like a disturbance in its completeness. He must have sensed she was awakening and lightly kissed her shoulder and neck. She inhaled deeply and smelled the sweet musk of their combined bodies. "What's wrong sweetheart?" she whispered.

  Jack had not realized he'd wakened her. "Nothing," he replied softly, "go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you."

  "You didn't," she replied. "Why are you awake? Can't you sleep?" She felt him shrug. "Tell me..." she urged, "what are you thinking about?"

  "I don't know, nothing I guess." He was feeling a bit vulnerable, exposed, like she knew what he was thinking. "Just thinking..."

  Alité reached back and ran her hand up his thigh, pulling him against her. "Tell me..." she whispered, "it'll make you feel better."

  "I, well... ahem," he had to clear his throat. He wanted to say something, tell her what he was feeling, but he just couldn't form the words or put them in a coherent sentence. It seemed like his thoughts ran around in his head, like a circus gone mad. "I um... lo..." He stopped himself.

  Alité could feel his inner conflict and it worried her. She turned over in his arms and touched his face. "It's Ok... just tell me."

  He wanted to tell her, he needed to tell her. But his brain said no and his heart said yes. So he wrestled with it.

  She could feel the waves of emotion. Then it grew calmer, more whole.

  When Steele pulled away, he touched his hand to Alité's face and brushed the hair from her eyes. "I..." he swallowed hard, "I..." he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

  "Go on..." she murmured.

  "Christ," he breathed, "I love you..." There, he'd said it. Fine. It was out. And he'd never meant it more. He felt a wave of relief.

  Alité shivered as the thrill raced up her spine. "And I love you," she sighed, "with all my heart... more than life itself."

  Jack wanted to jump out of bed and scream at the top of his lungs. But he pulled her close and hugged her instead. He didn't want to let her go. There was just one little thing that nagged at him... "What about LaNareef?"

  Alité realized at that point, Jack was far more perceptive than he let on. "What about him?"

  "I don't know," said Jack, rolling on his back and drawing her on top. "I just get the feeling like there's something more, like you were more than acquaintances or something. He's not too fond of me, I can tell that, for sure." She attempted to speak but Jack continued. "Like he calls you Princess..." He looked up at her, "That's a kind of endearment, a familiar you use when you're real close with someone." He decided to take a stab in the dark. "Do you still love him?"

  Alité giggled. "Yes, but not in the way you think. We could never..." Her voice trailed off. She wasn't sure what affect it would have to tell him about her lineage, her capture...

  "Why not?" interrupted Jack. Alité didn't want to lie, and she realized she had to tell him sooner or later... it seemed it would have to be now. "So you love him like a brother then?" asked Jack, pressing on.

  "Well, yes, I guess you could look at it like that." She noticed another disturbance in his Rae, but it was so fast it escaped before she got a good feel for it. What she could feel though, was his heart pounding against her chest as she lay on top of him. She decided she
would tell him now and settle his mind, get the matter out of the way. "I..."

  Steele cut her off with a kiss, his heart pounding like a drum. She mistook it for arousal and began to slide her body sensuously down his torso. He grabbed her and pulled her face back to his. "I love you..."

  "I love you too..." she cooed.

  "I want you to be my wife." Even as he said it, he thought maybe he shouldn't have. But he wanted to say it before he lost his nerve. The little voice in his head was absolutely screaming... Nooooooo!

  "What?" Alité sat bolt upright on his stomach, the blanket sliding off her shoulders.

  He couldn't believe he said it the first time, he didn't want to have to repeat it. "I love you... very much," he said, slowly, deliberately, "and I'm asking you to be my wife." Nooooooo... screamed the little voice. Shut the fuck up, he told it. He could feel the rush of heat rising across his face.

  Alité leaned forward, putting her hands on his chest and held herself at arms length. "Wait, there is something you don't know, something I need to tell you..."

  "You're married?"

  "No, of course not!"

  "You're engaged?"


  "You're promised to someone... dating... good friends..."

  "No, no, no..." she slapped his chest.

  “Are you saying no?"

  "NO I'M NOT! Not exactly," she added quietly.

  "Then what?"

  "Shut up and I'll tell you!" She held her hand over his mouth and he mumbled through her fingers. She needed to tell things to Jack, to explain her parentage and her capture. "Are you done?" she asked. He nodded. "Good. Now, the reason I could never get involved with LaNareef, even though we've been friends for over twenty years, is, I am Royalty and he is not."


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