Trust Me (Beggar's Choice #2)

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Trust Me (Beggar's Choice #2) Page 3

by Lily Morton

  “I told you Mabes, he already obeys you. There’s no need to make it official.”

  “Only in the bedroom,” Charlie drawls. He dodges his wife’s fist and coming towards me he too draws me into a hug. Oh my I think I’m hugging Charlie Hudson. Sid scowls at me and I return it before turning back to Charlie. “I cannot wait to hear you sing,” he says and drawing me with him he turns down the hall gesturing to Sid and Mabel to follow. “The others are waiting in the studio.”

  Sid stops him by putting a hand out. “Hang on a minute Charlie. Let me take Nelly’s coat for her and get her a drink.”

  “Oh no you don’t have to.” I’m horrified at the thought of him handling my disgrace of a coat, but he draws me away from Charlie who waves and mutters that he’ll see us in the studio.

  “Don’t mention it Nelly.” He bends sideways to whisper in my ear as he takes my wrist to steer me into a huge, sparkling kitchen. “Fucking hell you’re freezing,” he scowls. I try to draw away from him but he’s having none of it and his hand is so warm I almost don’t want to let go. He reaches out his free hand and drifts a finger over one of the holes in my sleeve and arches an eyebrow with something soft drifting over his face.

  Hating the thought of him feeling pity for me I rush into speech. “It’s the fashion you know. I’m a slave to it but it’s quite warm.”

  He stares at me for a second and then obviously decides to let it go but that something soft remains in his face. He takes both of my hands in his big, warm ones and starts to gently rub feeling back into them, and again I feel those sharp tingles that I felt when he last held my hand. I gasp and as if he’s coming out of a trance he jerks a look at me, and then abruptly drops my hand and steps back looking slightly flustered. “Let’s get you a hot drink,” he mutters abruptly and turns to the counter. “Tea or coffee?”

  After he’s served me tea in a big, stainless steel travel cup he steers me out of the kitchen and down a herringbone brick path which winds its way down a huge garden towards some old brick outbuildings. “The studio’s down there,” he says in answer to my questioning look. “There’s a rehearsal room in there as well with everything set up ready for us.”

  “Lucky you,” I say faintly thinking of my days schlepping instruments from one dusty old room to another and he half smiles.

  “I’ve done my time hauling instruments about. I like my comforts now.”

  I stare at the buildings that draw closer and spill welcoming yellow light over the path, and I feel surprisingly nervous. I say surprising because I love singing, I always have and have never suffered from nerves, even at the biggest of my gigs. I’m nervous now because we need this money so much, and I’ll admit it, I also felt alive for the first time in three years at that audition, and I don’t want to lose that feeling.

  Sid shoots a sharp glance at me as if he senses my nerves and he draws me to a stop. Leaning in to me with that sideways move he seems to use for me he whispers. “Don’t be so nervous. You’ve no need Nelly.”

  “Don’t call me Nelly,” I whisper faintly and he smiles.

  “You have an amazing voice Nelly. You’re perfect for this so don’t let anyone, including yourself, talk you out of this. You may feel you need us but we might need you just as much. Do your stuff and show yourself off.”

  I smile. “Wow! Did you just say something nice to me Mr Hudson?”

  He shifts on his feet looking embarrassed. “Yeah don’t get used to it,” and then with a flash of irritation. “And for fuck’s sake don’t call me Mr Hudson, Nelly.” As he speaks he steers me through the door and into the warm surroundings of the rehearsal room.

  As we enter I look around with curiosity. It’s a big room with vaulted ceilings and an old wooden floor. A couple of huge, red velvet sofas are pushed over to the side and there’s a small kitchenette tucked into the corner with a big stainless steel fridge and an industrial looking coffee maker. However, the room is really a musician’s delight, with every instrument known to man dotted about and wires trailing everywhere. A group of people are clustered together on the settees drinking coffee - two woman along with Bram and another two men. Bram waves and I smile at him feeling Sid stiffen slightly. I look at him but he just steers me over to Charlie and Mabel who are standing entwined together while he laughs at something that one of the men is saying. As we draw closer the man, who I recognise instantly as Seth the drummer, gets to his feet and I gulp because he really is a giant. He must be 6’ 5” and his arm muscles are huge. He has unruly black hair and a rough, stubbly beard but very kind green eyes, and when he takes my hand his grip is gentle. “You must be Nell,” he says in a deep, drawling American voice.

  “I am and you’re Seth,” I venture, smiling because he has such a lovely aura about him.

  “Pretty, pretty face,” he mutters. “You were dead right Bram.”

  One of the women stirs at this and his attention immediately drifts to her which isn’t surprising because she’s beautiful, with a mane of silky, chocolate coloured hair and a face that’s vivid with expression. I smile at her and something seems to relax her because she smiles back and her face almost glows. Seth stares at her and there’s something so soft in his expression that I almost don’t want to look because it’s private, and then, almost like a barrier coming down, his face becomes hard and distant.

  The girl breaks the spell and stands up to hug me. Wow these people are touchy feely. “I’m Viv,” she says in a throaty voice. “I’m Mabe’s friend.” I smile at her and she turns to the man sitting next to her. “This is Adam,” she smiles and he grins at me and I blink slightly. He’s gorgeous too with jet black, inky hair and brown eyes, and as he stands to shake my hand I can’t help noticing that he’s got a lovely body all lean and muscled. One thing is for sure I’m definitely not going to be short of eye candy on this tour. “Adam’s the keyboard player for the tour,” offers Viv, throwing her arms around him and winking at me. I feel Seth stiffen at my side and when I sneak a look at him he seems to be glaring at Viv embracing Adam, but when he catches my look his expression instantly smooths out. The remaining woman gets to her feet and comes round to offer a hand to shake. She’s small with long blonde hair and a very sweet expression.

  “I’m Lucy,” she smiles. “Seth’s girlfriend.” I’m slightly taken aback by this because I could have sworn that there was something between Seth and Viv, but obviously I’m wrong because when she nestles into him he instantly raises his arm and throws it round her. I turn to Viv and for a second something washes over her face that looks a lot like desolation but then it’s gone and she slaps her thigh.

  “Well it’s nothing you’ve said Nell but it’s time I was gone. Are you coming Mabe?”

  Mabel stirs and Charlie protests, wrapping his arms around her jokingly and dragging her away from Viv. Bram leaps to his feet, removing Charlie’s arms from around her. “Go, go, go, Mabes. Make a run for it while you still can. Think of yourself and don’t look back love.” Everyone laughs and Charlie punches him lightly saying ‘twat’ in a very affectionate tone.

  The two girls smile at me again. “Have a good session,” Mabel offers. “We’ll see you later. Will you stay for dinner?”

  “That would be lovely,” I say faintly. I have the feeling I’m going to enjoy spending time with this group of people because there’s a strong sense of family about them which warms me like I’ve stepped close to a fire.

  Mabel turns, somewhat reluctantly I think, to Lucy. “Are you coming Lucy? We’re going to have a coffee on the High Street and have a mooch around the shops – make the most of our day off.”

  The small blonde girl pouts charmingly but there’s something slightly steely about it. “I’ll stay here I think Mabel,” she says running her hands lovingly over Seth’s abs.

  Capturing her wandering fingers he smiles down at her in a slightly strained way. “Honey, you know you can’t do that. It’s a no guest rule you know that. Remember when we talked about this? We’ve got work to
do and I won’t have time to talk to you.”

  “Really?” she says disbelievingly. “I’m sure it won’t matter if I just curl up here on the settee and wait for you. You won’t know I’m here baby.”

  I see Charlie exchange a loaded look with Mabel and she grimaces at him before coming forward and taking Lucy’s hand. “Come on babe,” she coaxes. “It’s Nell’s first time with the band and she’ll need some privacy for her to work. Let’s leave them to it and go and get a cup of coffee.” Lucy looks at me her eyes narrowed, and I try hard to look like I really need privacy to do what I’ve been doing in front of loads of people for years with no problem. I think Sid laughs but when Lucy glares at him he immediately puts his hand to his mouth and offers a weak cough. For a second it looks like she might object but Charlie claps his hands together briskly.

  “Alright then, women out,” he says loudly. “There’s work to be done and daddy’s got to earn some dough.” He gives Mabel a brisk slap on her bum and a very loud, wet smacker on the cheek and she wrinkles her nose at him.

  “Please don’t use that word it makes me very uncomfortable,” she sighs and he grins back at her as she and Viv usher Lucy somewhat forcibly out of the door before she can make any more protests.

  I stare after them feeling the atmosphere in the room settle and listening to Seth offer a low ‘thanks mate’ to Charlie. Looking up I catch Sid watching me. “What?”

  “You have one of the most expressive faces I’ve ever seen,” he offers.

  “Is that a bad thing?” I ask worriedly.

  “It might be if you’re going to be watching the Lucy Show for a while.”

  I wince. “Ah, I’ll try to cultivate a stone face from now on.”

  “No don’t do that,” he says hurriedly and I stare at him in confusion. “You’ll get used to her. We’ve had to.”

  Ouch I think and go to ask a question but Sid, obviously done with this conversation, distracts me by turning to the men. “Shall we get started boys?” he asks and the men gather around. He’s all business now, that firm expression back on his face. “Nell, I take it that you know our music?” I nod. I always liked Beggar’s Choice and I’ve got all their albums, but over the last couple of days I’ve immersed myself in a crash course of their music and I have to say that it’s deepened my respect for them. They write all their own songs and I love the way that they mesh catchy tunes with very clever lyrics which manage to be edgy but still self-deprecating, funny and sexy. They reference modern trends but there’s a real timeless quality to their work. It’s no wonder that they’re so big. “Okay, Charlie and Seth missed out on the audition so how about you sing the Lily Allen song that you did for me and Bram. Seth and I can accompany you. Is that okay?” I nod my acceptance and he goes over to a stand full of guitars and slings the strap of one over his shoulder settling it on his lean hip. I’m immediately impressed and walking over to him I touch the neck of the beautiful instrument.

  “Wow!” I caress it. “This is a Carvin isn’t it?” He nods with an arrested expression on his face. “How are you finding it?”

  “I love it. The tone’s so sweet and rich it surprises me every time and the build quality’s amazing.” For the first time since meeting him I get to see an animated Sid and I have to say that it’s amazing, because all that hard distance has melted away to be replaced by the enthusiasm only a true musician shows to instruments.

  I nod. “There’s such mystique to a Carvin. Did you like the custom build aspect of it because a lot of musicians can’t deal with that?”

  He shrugs. “I’ve played enough guitars over the years to have a good idea what I want and the blokes there are really good so I enjoyed that aspect, and it really feels like it’s all mine if that doesn’t sound too fanciful.” I shake my head and smile stretching out my hand to touch the tortoiseshell finish. He looks at me intently. ”You play don’t you?”

  I shrug. “A little,” I say modestly. “I play and teach the violin mainly but I can also play the piano, viola, cello and guitar, although that’s just for fun.”

  “I’d love to hear you play the violin,” he muses almost absently as if his attention is on some thought I can’t gather.

  “My brother was the guitarist in the family…..” I stop abruptly and I know from the suddenly sharp look on his face that he’s seized on this slip up.

  “Your brother?” he offers tentatively.

  “Yes,” I say firmly, shutting down the conversation by turning to the other boys and rolling the sleeves up on my rose pink, asymmetrical cardigan. I’m wearing it over a black ruffled shirt which I’ve paired with my denim cut offs worn over opaque tights and my boots. “Are we ready boys?”

  We launch into the song and the feeling at singing with him is indescribable. It’s not my song and I have no connection with it beyond liking it and finding the lyrics funny, but playing it with Sid Hudson changes my whole perception of it. His fingers fly over the guitar and the look on his face when he plays I have to admit makes my knickers damp. He’s so focused and in the moment and his enjoyment shines through intensely, and our connection is there again as he laughs with me as I sing about a Mr Right whose only failing is that he’s terrible in bed. The other men are just as focused, leaning forward, occasionally talking low and I see Seth nod approvingly at Bram over his drums. However, I notice that Charlie’s attention has shifted to Sid and he’s watching him closely with a strange expression on his face. We come to the finish with a flourish and there’s silence for a second and then the men burst into applause and surround us, slapping Sid and Seth on the back and hugging me.

  “That was brilliant,” Seth says as I peer up at him. “I fucking absolutely love your voice. You’ll steal the show from this old twat,” and he laughs at Charlie.

  Charlie just grins. His expression is animated and eager. “I cannot fucking wait to sing with you,” he says simply and I see Sid grin at him. “Your voice is amazing honey. This is going to make the tour so much fucking fun. The new stuff is going to sound fucking brilliant with you in it.”

  I flush happily. “Thank you,” I say breathlessly, grinning at him. I’m not immune to praise and to have it coming from someone who’s won the Ivor Novella award for song writing and must have shelves full of the awards that he’s won for his voice, is just amazing.

  We’re bought back to earth by Sid who has put his guitar down and appears to have retrieved his Captain Downer personality all of a sudden. “Right then,” he claps out. “I take it we’re all in agreement about Nell?” The others nod enthusiastically. “How about we play her and Adam the new stuff and then we can measure out where she can come in?”

  The others nod and I settle down on the settee that Sid nods to as the others mill about grabbing their instruments and getting themselves sorted out while I hug myself. I’m about to have a personal show by Beggar’s Choice - oh my! Adam slides in next to me and I smile at him as Sid wanders over with an electric guitar resting on his hip. He looks at us sitting close together and his expression which was already cool, chills further. “Bill will be here soon,” he says referencing their manager. “He’s got the contracts ready for you so when he comes you can scoot off with him. Don’t worry about being rude and leaving us, because we’ve got to get Adam sorted out as well.” I nod and smile and he wanders back to the other boys. I know that he’s being kind and actually very considerate today but his moods give me a slight case of whiplash.

  Adam distracts me by reaching out and touching my arm and I turn to him. “How’s it going?” he asks in a deep voice with a twang of Yorkshire in it. “You’ve got an amazing voice Nell.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, really. It’s so distinctive. Who’ve you sung with before?”

  “Oh, no one really. I mainly teach violin and I’ve done some adverts.”

  He snaps his fingers. “The marmalade girl?” When I nod he laughs. “I fucking love that song. It’s so catchy.” Then he sobers. “I can’t believe you’
re not singing at the front love. You’ve got a real talent there. You know something, I feel like I know you,” he adds slowly, staring at my face closely.

  “Nah, I’ve just got one of those faces,” I say tensing up but luckily the boys start to play and our discussion is over. Twenty minutes later I’m in heaven. The new stuff is amazing. They haven’t lost their edge, but the lyrics are softer somehow. I suppose that must be Charlie settling down because the focus is more on the ins and outs of relationships and love. They’re still funny and sarcastic and occasionally hard hitting, but there’s a softer underbelly to the songs and I can’t wait to get stuck in. I’ve already identified areas which I know will benefit from my voice and sometimes my fingers itch because a few of the songs are begging for a bit of violin, but that’s got to be up to them and I keep reminding myself of this. It’s hard because in the past I was always in the driving seat but I already feel more positive than I have in years. My thoughts are fizzing through my head at a million times a minute.

  “What do you think?” Adam asks, his long fingers tapping a rhythm on his ripped, skinny jeans.

  “I think it’s brilliant,” I shout as we watch Seth crashing away on his drums. I also think it’s brilliant that he’s removed his shirt but I think I’ll keep that little thought to myself. “How about you?”

  “Fucking amazing. I’ve played with them on tour before but I can’t wait to play this new stuff. It’s so melodic and I’ve already heard a few Number Ones.”

  “It’s softer,” I say musingly and he nods enthusiastically. “You’ve been on tour before?” I ask and he laughs.

  “I’ve done two tours,” he shouts. “Fucking head rush both times.”

  “I bet you’ve got some stories then?”

  “Yep and you will too by the end. I don’t think they’re as wild as they were though. I mean Charlie’s married now and I’ve never seen a bloke so settled so there won’t be many shenanigans from him, and Seth’s bird looks like she keeps him on a short leash.” We look at each other in complete agreement and start laughing. “Mind you Bram’s still single and he’s always been a wild man. Total pussy magnet.”


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