Sold! A Romance In The Sudan

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Sold! A Romance In The Sudan Page 3

by Storm Chase

  Ooooooh, what a slut, her secret self jeered.

  Stricken, Lilly could feel a flush of embarrassment flooding over her.

  Unaware of her rising embarrassment, Hafiq checked her over systematically. He’d done it so often during the last week that it had become routine.

  He looked briefly at her eyes, noting that they were no longer bloodshot. He touched her neck; slightly warm but not feverish. Then, turning her around so that she stood in the light, he held back her hair and checked her neck. The bruises and grazes left by the collar were fading. Gently holding her wrists, he turned her arms so he could see her elbows. The rope burn had healed completely. If she kept out of the sun for a while, it wouldn’t leave a mark.

  He looked at her legs and was lifting the pyjama top to check the rest of her when he realised that she had stopped breathing. At first he thought the flush was a sign of the fever returning but when she couldn’t look him in the eye, he realised she was blushing furiously.

  Hafiq was instantly amused. “You know I’ve seen all this before, right?”

  She mumbled something as she tried to tug the pyjama top down over her thighs.


  Lilly looked him in the eye and then looked away. “I said I know you have.” He was still holding her. Part of her wished he’d let go; part of her wanted to nestle up against him.

  Hafiq knew enough about women to know exactly what was going through her mind. Her blush brought it home that he’d been so busy monitoring the health of her body, that he’d forgotten she was a girl.

  He looked at her again, noting the long shapely legs, the gently rounded arms and the heart-shaped face with the big, green eyes. Her chestnut hair set off her creamy, white skin. After a week of nursing her, he knew every inch of her. In his mind’s eye he could see the soft breasts and the trim waist that lay underneath the pyjama top.

  She smelled good too. There was the faintest whiff of peach soap that he’d used to wash her but what attracted him was her own fragrance. It was pure, warm, clean, toasty and all-girl. The scent went straight to his toes - and his cock.

  He leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. Her mouth was velvety soft. As he kissed her again, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her body pressing against his. She was warm, luscious and soft. Her lips parted and she moaned slightly. He was instantly flooded with desire.

  Hafiq picked Lilly up, tossed her on to the bed, jumped in next to her and began to peel off her top.

  Instantly Lilly squeaked a protest. “Hey, no, wait a minute!”

  Puzzled, Hafiq stopped. “What’s up, Green Eyes?”

  She had both hands against his chest, pushing him away. He could see she was near panic. He spoke soothingly. “What is it? What’s wrong? You’re not feeling sick, are you?”

  “No, it’s not that.” Flooded with confusion, she couldn’t look at him directly. “Mr Master.” She stopped, paused and looked at him with a little frown that he was dying to kiss away. “I don’t know why I’m calling you that. I’m going to call you Yuri, ok?”

  Hafiq wondered if the fever had turned her brain. “You can if you like but my name is Hafiq.”

  Lilly stared at him. “I could have sworn you said your name was Yuri Masters.”

  He couldn’t help laughing. “It’s Hafiq. Hafiq Rahma Mansur.”

  Lilly blinked. “Oh my God! Not “Yuri Masters” but “Your Master”.

  Hafiq grinned. “It seemed appropriate. In fact, my great grandfather was known as the Slave King of Africa.”

  “So buying girls off the block runs in the family.”

  She was the most unusual girl he’d ever met, Hafiq decided. She also looked adorable with her face all flushed and the laughter set her breasts jiggling. Encouraged, he ran his hands round her body and up her back.

  Lilly closed her eyes. The feel of his warm, slightly rough skin electrified her. She had a sudden flashback, seeing herself sitting in a tub of bubbles as he sponged her all over.

  He’s hot and we want him, her ever-truthful self whispered salaciously.

  Lilly admitted she wanted him but knew she shouldn’t. It wasn’t right.

  So much for being reborn, her inner voice taunted her. He’s a storybook hero for heaven’s sake. What are you waiting for? A proposal of marriage? We tried that and look where it got us!

  Lilly hesitated and then threw caution to the wind. “I want to,” she said. “But can we take it slowly?”

  “Sure.” He wanted her so much, he would have agreed to anything.

  A moment ago his one aim had been to spread her legs, nuzzle those breasts and plunge into her. Thinking it over, he realised that slow sounded good too. It might even be better.

  Slowly he moved the silky top to expose her breasts. He admired the smooth thick creamy skin before rubbing the swell of her breasts with the base of his thumbs. Hearing her gasp and seeing the dark pink nipples pucker, he flicked his tongue over one while cupping the other.

  Lilly heard herself growl as tingles shot through her body. Her body arched towards him; she had no will of her own. Her blood was drumming in her ears; her body was so tense that she could feel her toes curl.

  Hafiq was enchanted by her response. Rubbing her nipples with his thumbs, he rained soft kisses along her breasts, travelling slowly up her neck. Her arms wound around him, pulling him to her so closely that he could feel her heart beating. The way she was rubbing her hips against him while she nuzzled his neck sent shivers running down his spine.

  He carefully pulled away from her. If he didn’t take off his trunks soon, his erection was going to give him a hernia.

  “Oh wow!” Lilly stared in fascination. She reached out slowly, trailing a single finger over his cock.

  Hafiq counted to ten in Arabic, English and Mandarin. He wanted this moment to last forever but if he didn’t distance himself, it would be over in a second.

  “It’s amazing. It’s all soft and yet hard at the same time.”

  Vaguely he wondered what on earth she was talking about.

  “I never thought it would be like this,” Lilly said happily. “It’s not at all like I imagined.”

  Hafiq opened his eyes and looked at her in wonder.

  “I probably should have told you,” Lilly said apologetically, “but this is my first time.”

  It took all of his self-command not to take her on the spot.

  Chapter Six


  “You’re a virgin?” Hafiq was incredulous.

  Lilly felt instantly guilty. “Yeah.” Suddenly shy, she glanced at him and looked away again. She was reassured by his grin.

  Hafiq couldn’t believe his ears. He wanted to joke that she must be the only virgin in Africa but the vulnerable look in her eyes stopped him. An African girl would have been proud of her virtue; this girl clearly wasn’t. He’d heard that white girls had no morals but he hadn’t really believed it.

  Briefly he wondered at the vast gulf between them. Then he dismissed it. She was beautiful and sweetly innocent. He would take good care of her.

  Sensing his astonishment, Lilly felt the need to explain. “My dad was a vicar, you see and he was very hot on sex. Or rather, very hot about me not having sex.”

  Hafiq smiled at her. “You were a loyal daughter and obeyed him.” He intended it as a compliment. He considered loyalty and obedience prime qualities in a woman. Along with chastity, beauty and proper family connections of course.

  Lilly considered this carefully. “Not really. He didn’t like me very much and I didn’t like him either. I wanted to move out, go to college and live by my own rules. But my mum got sick so I stayed at home to look after her.”

  She gazed at him candidly. “The only man I met regularly was Ashton because he worked at the pharmacy. And you know how that worked out.”

  Hafiq felt a stab of jealousy. “Forget about him,” he growled.

  “Already have.” She buried her face in the curve of his neck. “I’m s
o glad I met you.” She was kissing his shoulder. “You’re my knight in shining armour.”

  Hafiq wrapped his arms around her tenderly. He couldn’t believe his luck. This sweet beautiful girl was all his. She was his little virgin. He wouldn’t contact her people; he would keep her for himself.

  The pause had brought back his control. Willing his cock to wait, he slipped the silky pyjama top over her head, laid her gently on her back and kissed her tenderly.

  Lilly sighed with pleasure. She wound one hand around his shoulders, burying her fingers in his short, black hair. The other was busily exploring his erection.

  Her fingertip ran up and down the shaft before softly circling the tip. A soft groan of pleasure escaped him. Encouraged by his response, her fingers slipped lower, gently stroking his balls.

  Hafiq tried counting to ten again. When that didn’t work, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine something disgusting. It was no good. Those fingers were sending him to paradise.

  “Go slowly, Green Eyes,” he implored her. “Or I won’t last a second.” He heard her chuckle wickedly. “Teasing me, are you?” In mock-revenge he dipped his head and began to swirl his tongue around her nipples again.

  It was his turn to chuckle as goose bumps appeared on her arms and soft whimpers escaped her throat. Both her hands were now running up and down his back, her nails lightly caressing his skin. She was unaware her knees had parted, revealing a soft wetness. He inhaled her scent as deeply as he could, revelling in its sweetness.

  Running his hands over her body in long smooth strokes, he ran kisses down the swell of her breasts and over her stomach. As he moved down towards her legs, he could feel her tense up, so instead of burying his face between those soft thighs he swirled his tongue in and out of her navel while gently stroking her clitoris.

  “Dear God, don’t stop!”

  He laughed as she trembled and clutched at his shoulder.

  “Oh my God!”

  She was shuddering now. Little whimpers escaped her lips as she rolled her hips slowly from side to side.

  He rubbed gently as he continued to raise kisses over her body. When her mewls became moans, he rose swiftly, paused briefly to savour the wet lips trembling with passion and then rested his erection lightly on her fluttering belly.

  Rubbing his hips slowly against hers, he nibbled her ear, then traced the line of her jaw languorously with his tongue.

  Her legs were shaking uncontrollably now, her hips bucking against him in a steady rhythm. He quickly took a condom from the drawer by the bed, rolled it on and slowly eased himself over her, circling her clitoris with his thumb while kissing her deeply.

  As his tongue flickered in and out of her mouth and his fingers worked their magic between her legs, Lilly could only think of one thing: she wanted him inside her.

  She could feel the tip of his erection against her pelvis. Rubbing up against him, she paused a second, then pushed. As he entered her, she felt a delicious warmth spreading out from the centre of her body.

  Thrusting her hips slowly, taking him in inch by inch, she could feel the pleasure mounting. Finally, he was buried completely inside her. She paused to savour the sensation, then began moving her hips in a circular motion.

  Hafiq was distancing himself again. He’d run out of numbers and was desperately trying to remember the names of the teams playing in the UEFA cup. It was no good, her little gasps of delight in his ear sent pure pleasure coursing though his body.

  He raised himself so he could see her body writhing underneath his. She was watching him slide in and out of her. The happy humming noise she was making was driving him crazy. He took his weight on his elbows and began to move in and out of her in slow smooth thrusts. The legs that wrapped around his waist, her plunging hips, frantic kisses and happy moans encouraged him to move faster and faster.

  She arched into him as her pleasure peaked. For a moment she was motionless as she teetered on the brink of an orgasm. Then, with a squeal of pleasure, she tightened around him. Her hips jerked against him in a sharp, staccato beat.

  Feeling her cum sent him over the edge. Leaning on one arm and holding her tight against him with the other, he thrust wildly, shuddering as he finally exploded inside her.

  As he collapsed on top of her, he could feel her quiver underneath him. For a moment he wondered if he’d been too rough but a voluptuous sigh of pleasure and a kiss planted under one ear said otherwise.

  “That was bliss,” Lilly breathed softly in his ear. “Can we do that again?”

  Hafiq laughed shakily. He had found a treasure after all. This girl was going to keep him happily occupied.

  Chapter Seven


  “Heaven,” Lilly announced slightly breathlessly, “is definitely in your arms.” She collapsed on top of Hafiq, kissed him on the tip of his nose and slithered down to curl up next to him.

  She was red faced, slick with sweat and Hafiq had never seen anyone more delicious.

  Lilly was making up for 22 years of virginity. Launching herself into a new world of erotic bliss, she kissed, licked, nuzzled, rubbed and massaged every part of him, teasing him into loving her over and over.

  Hugging her to him, Hafiq realised he was head over heels in love. A whole new world was opening up before him. It was wonderful but he had no idea what was coming next.

  Lilly threw an arm over his chest, sighed happily and then lapsed visibly into thought.

  Hafiq wondered what she was thinking. Lilly had no practical experience but she’d heard and read plenty.

  “Can we try this with me on top? Do you think that would work if I put my feet here? Have you ever tried this backwards? Do you think this would be fun in the shower?” she’d ask sweetly. “Do you want to try?”

  He would die before admitting it but he needed some time to recuperate. If she kept up this pace, he’d need to get some blister beetle from the old medicine woman down the road. She’d gossip and when his brothers heard about it, he’d be a laughing stock.

  As Lilly half sat up and looked at him pensively, Hafiq held his breath.

  “You know,” she said seriously. “I am knackered. Exhausted. Bushed, if I may use that word. And I am suddenly absolutely starving. Could we take a break and have something to eat?”

  Hafiq vowed never to reveal how relieved he’d been by that speech. This wasn’t just a goodtime girl; he wanted to keep her forever. Hafiq discovered a romantic streak he never knew he possessed. Lilly would be his queen and he would treasure her forever.

  They shared a leisurely shower and found her a shirt to wear. Hafiq’s shorts fell off her, so she tied a beach towel around her hips. Used to girls who pouted if not exquisitely dressed in designer gear, Hafiq found Lilly’s lack of vanity refreshing.

  Lilly had been too sick to see the house when she’d arrived. She oohed and aahed at the huge living room, the terraced garden and the magnificent covered veranda with its winding stone staircase that led straight to a sandy beach.

  “I have never seen anything so beautiful,” she said in awe. “This place is paradise.”

  Proudly, Hafiq showed her his favourite place, the little covered alcove that looked out over the ocean. A table loaded with fruit, bread and covered dishes stood waiting.

  “Have you got house elves? Who made all this?”

  Hafiq was tickled at her enjoyment of everything. “My staff have orders to lay for lunch every day. You haven’t seen them yet because I gave orders not to be disturbed.”

  Lilly gave him an old-fashioned look. “Staff? Are you some sort of robber baron?”

  “Everyone has servants, Green Eyes.”

  “In England we don’t,” Lilly replied robustly. “Oh my God, this is just too much!” she moaned two seconds later after wolfing down freshly made bread stacked with hummus and olives. “This tastes a million times better than the stuff they gave us at the hotel.”

  Lilly ate as enthusiastically as she did everything else. An hour late
r, stuffed with tabouleh and lamb stew, she sighed, put up her feet on the flagged wall and gazed out to sea.

  Hafiq was catching up on a fortnight’s news. The international papers were full of the usual bombings, riots and economic chaos stories. The local papers reported local issues; more bombings, attacks, kidnappings and the latest moves in the civil war. But his interest was peaked by some commentaries in the Al - Rayam paper.

  “Looks like you’re famous.”

  Someone had dug up a picture of Lilly in front of the Tomb of Ramses in the Valley of the Kings. She was smiling dutifully but Hafiq thought her eyes looked sad.

  “What’s it say?” Lilly asked curiously.

  “It says you vanished at Lake Nassar and are presumed to be inside a crocodile.”

  “Oh my God!” Lilly was horrified.

  “The search was called off a week ago. The rest is all about how Egypt should look after its tourists better and how single women shouldn’t be permitted to travel.”

  “If you don’t want us to come, you shouldn’t advertise your holidays or give us visas,” Lilly said crossly. “And I don’t see how a wedding ring would have stopped that crocodile from having a go at eating me.”

  Privately Hafiq agreed with the editorial but he laughed at the sparkle in her eyes. “I wouldn’t worry about it. We always enjoy it when Egypt has a problem. Makes us feel better about ourselves.”

  Lilly gave him a wide-eyed look of wonder. “Erm, Hafiq, are you telling me that we’re not in Egypt?”

  It hadn’t occurred to him that she wouldn’t know she’d crossed the border. “Green Eyes, this is Sudan.”

  “Sudan, as in Darfur, civil war, mass rape, child soldiers and millions of refugees? That Sudan?” Lilly looked horrified.

  “Darfur is in the west. We’re in Port Sudan. We’re quite far from the war,” Hafiq soothed her.

  “I should phone someone,” Lilly worried.

  “Why? You’ve got no family. Who would you tell?”

  Lilly looked surprised. “Well, I have to tell the tour company for a start. They must be awfully upset. And the British embassy.”


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