Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides)

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Big Bear Blunder: BBW Werebear Shapeshifter Suspense Romance (Sweetwater Brides) Page 9

by Anya Nowlan

  “Everett!” Sara squealed, panic rising in her throat.

  Suddenly, one of the wolves closest to the door was yanked back, his claws leaving marks on the floor as he disappeared into the dark hall. Roars echoed through the building as two massive grizzly bears stomped into the room. Each chose a wolf and pounced, tearing and ripping until the walls were covered in crimson spatter. Only two wolves remained, one of them Keith.

  The wolf next to Keith looked around the room, scattered with bodies and painted red. With a little whimper, he backed out of the room and ran for the exit. Keith snarled, barking after the deserter. The two grizzlies, done with their opponents, backed away, giving Everett and Keith some space. Sara could see bloody, matted spots on the animals’ coats.

  Everett was on all fours, growling and ready to charge. His paw shot out, missing Keith’s muzzle by inches as the wolf danced away and quickly circled behind Everett. Keith jumped on Everett’s back, digging in his claws. Everett howled, getting up on his back paws in an effort to shake Keith off.

  The wolf managed to hold on.

  Everett lumbered backwards, slamming into the wall behind him. Keith was crushed between the wall and the bear, yelping. When Everett stepped forwards, Keith fell into a pile on the floor. Amazingly, he still wasn’t ready to give up.

  With some struggle, Keith’s wolf got back on its feet, lunging at Everett. The grizzly’s huge paw made contact with Keith in midair. Deep gashes split across the wolf’s head as he hit the floor with a thud.

  This time he didn’t get back up.

  The bears shifted back to their human form, revealing that it had been Evan and Ethan that had come to Everett’s aid.

  “We’re fine!” Evan called out, making it obvious that they hadn’t come alone.

  Everett rushed to Sara, who was in a ball on the couch, covered with blood.

  “Sara! Are you hurt?” he asked, feverishly scanning her body with his eyes for injuries.

  “I’m fine, it’s not my blood…” Sara said, looking down at herself.

  Large scratch marks stretched across her arms and chest – cowboy jerk’s parting gift.

  “Well, I guess some of it is mine, but most of it is cowboy jerk’s,” she amended, feeling detached from it all.

  “The who and the what now?” Everett asked, clearly thinking she was rambling.

  Sara pointed to the brown wolf lying in a pool of his blood near the couch.

  “That was what I called him before I killed him,” she said, both horrified and slightly proud of her actions.

  It was either her life or the wolf’s, there was no question about that, and at the end of the day, she was the one left standing.

  Told you you’d live to regret it, Sara thought, turning her eyes from the wolf’s body.

  “Let’s get her out of here,” Ethan’s voice came from the other side of the room.

  Everett scooped Sara up, carrying her out.

  “I’m fine to walk, you know,” she protested softly.

  “I know. I just need to hold you,” Everett said, his voice heavy with emotion and his breath still ragged.

  Sara couldn’t argue with that.

  There were more men waiting outside. Sara recognized Zeke, but the other two she didn’t know.

  “This is Aaron and this is Jameson, members of the clan,” Everett quickly explained, gesturing towards the men.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Sara. Everett turned into quite a jerk when you went missing,” Aaron noted with a grin.

  “Glad to see you’re alright,” Jameson said, giving her a nod.

  “She took down a wolf all by herself. I’d say she’s more than alright,” Evan commented, prompting surprised and evaluating eyes to roam across Sara.

  “Everything good out here?” Everett asked, sensing Sara was uncomfortable with the attention and trying to divert it to other matters.

  “Caught some stragglers, nothing to write home about,” Zeke shrugged.

  “I better get her checked out at the hospital,” Everett said, carrying Sara toward his car.

  No one objected.

  Sara was placed on the passenger side of Everett’s pickup. She sighed deeply as the engine roared to life and the mill disappeared into a dot in their rearview mirror. If she never saw that place again, it would be too soon.

  “Sara, I know you’ve been through a lot, but there’s something I need to say,” Everett started, glancing at Sara.

  “Okay,” Sara responded after a short pause, unsure of where this was going.

  Her mind was still going a mile a minute, reeling from the events that had unfurled.

  “When I lost you, everything became clear. I want you in my life and not just for a while. I want you here all the time,” he went on, glancing at her. “You are my mate and I refuse to let you leave without a fight. I know you’re used to being on your own, so am I… But I think this thing we have is worth it; it’s worth a real shot. Sara, I love you,” Everett said, the car suddenly coming to a stop at the curb of the road.

  Sara looked at the man who had just risked his life for her and couldn’t hold back the tears that started streaming down her face. No one had ever touched her heart and soul the way he had and the electricity between them was undeniable.

  She loved the highway, sure, loved the freedom, answering only to herself. But did she love it more than Everett?

  The answer that immediately came to Sara’s mind was no.

  Sara threw her arms around Everett, ignoring the pain when her scratches made contact with his body and clothes. Having him close filled her with a kind of calm that told her she would always be safe with him around.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, the words more true than any she had ever spoken. “You won’t have to fight anymore, I’ll stay,” she continued before Everett’s mouth crushed against hers.


  Sara lowered herself down with the grace of a baby giraffe.

  Her large belly made even the most mundane of tasks an uncomfortable struggle. The room she was in was still unfinished, tools scattered on the ground and the furniture covered in plastic.

  Sara landed in the chair with a thud.

  Everett jumped up from inspecting something on the floor.

  “Baby, I think you should be at home, resting,” he said, rushing over to Sara.

  “I’m pregnant, not ill,” Sara responded with an eye-roll. “I want to see how everything is going. We’re set to start hauling next month,” she continued, her gaze roaming around the room.

  “We’ll be ready, don’t worry,” Everett said, kneeling down in front of Sara and placing his big hands on her stomach.

  “And all the timber suppliers we talked to are still on board?” Sara asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

  She’d never had a business of her own before. Even though she knew the trucking industry inside and out, it was still a daunting undertaking. And now, with the pregnancy, she’d had to let most of the work fall on Everett.

  He laughed.

  “Calm down, everything is going to be fine,” Everett said reassuringly. “All you have to worry about is taking care of yourself,” he added, planting a kiss on Sara’s cheek.

  Footsteps drew near as Ethan and Jennifer appeared in the doorway.

  “I’m almost done in the other room, want to take a look?” Ethan asked Everett, prompting him to stand up and follow his brother out.

  Jennifer took the seat next to Sara.

  “How are you doing?”

  “Oh, you know. Like I’m about to pop,” Sara noted with a wry smile.

  “I know the feeling all too well,” Jennifer giggled.

  “And you had two of them in there!” Sara exclaimed, staring at Jennifer.

  “Well, there you go. You only have to push out one. Easy-peasy,” Jennifer winked, patting Sara on the shoulder.

  Ethan and Everett walked back into the room, discussing different finishing options for wood.

Okay, we’ll pick this up tomorrow. I’ve got to get home and cook this one some dinner before she gets cranky,” Everett said, giving Sara a pointed look.

  “Hey, eating for two here,” Sara protested, hands on her belly.

  “Okay, okay, come on. Let’s go,” Everett smiled, extending a hand and pulling Sara up from the chair.

  Jennifer wrapped Sara in a quick hug.

  “We still on for lunch tomorrow?” she asked as she was pulling away.

  “You betcha,” Sara confirmed, taking Everett’s arm.

  They all walked out together, Jennifer and Ethan getting into their car and Sara climbing into Everett’s pickup. It was chilly outside and Everett turned up the heat as soon as they were in the car.

  Sara was lost in thought for most of the drive home. How drastically her life had changed over the past year. It used to be just her and her truck, and now she was part of a huge bear family with another member on the way.

  To think how different everything could have been, if Keith’s plans hadn’t been interrupted.

  The wolf pack suffered a devastating loss the day Sara was kidnapped and they were yet to recover. It was rare to see a Clearpond member out and about around town now. And when you did spot one, they looked like they had their tail between their legs even in human form. While the wind had definitely been let out of their sails, Sara was sure they hadn’t seen the last of the Clearponds.

  Everett pulled up to his cabin, or more precisely, their cabin.

  Learning to share had been tricky at first, but they’d figured it out. It was all about compromise and effective communication.

  Resolving conflicts with hot, sweaty sex didn’t hurt, either.

  Sara plopped down on the couch as Everett went to work in the kitchen. After a while, the smell of tomato and garlic filled the air.

  “That smells familiar,” Sara said, feeling nostalgic.

  “Spaghetti Bolognese. The first dish I ever cooked for you,” Everett said, coming to sit down on the couch next to Sara. “The sauce needs to simmer a bit,” he said, pulling her into his shoulder.

  “Have you given more thought to the name?” Sara asked, patting her belly.

  “We could continue with the E theme,” Everett offered. “You know, Evan, Ethan…”

  “Eduardo?” Sara interjected with a laugh. “Did you ever think this is where you’d end up? Starting another business, a baby on the way?” Sara suddenly asked.

  “Not until I met you,” Everett said, kissing the top of her head before heading back into the kitchen.

  Sara settled in, absently running her hand over her belly, and after a while, Everett reappeared with plates of food.

  “I think I finally might be a match for you in the eating department,” Sara noted before chowing down. “If I happen to fall, I’m in serious danger of rolling away,” she added with a sigh.

  “You are absolutely beautiful,” Everett said, placing a hand on her ever-growing stomach.

  “Yeah, right,” Sara snorted. “I’m a balloon!”

  Everett set his plate down, prompting Sara to do the same.

  “You will always be the sexiest woman I have ever seen,” he said, pulling Sara close.

  He brushed her hair behind her ear, pulling Sara’s face close to his.

  Sara licked her lips in anticipation, the crackle of electricity between them still as strong as the first day they met.

  Everett pressed his lips softly against hers. Without even thinking about it, Sara edged closer, wrapping herself in the warmth rolling off Everett’s body.

  Their kiss deepened, steaming plates of pasta forgotten on the table.

  “I can reheat it later,” Everett said, tearing himself away for a second and scooping Sara up into his arms.

  Even now it caused him no difficulty. Sara was pretty sure she’d really need to get a grizzly bear appetite and maintain it for a couple of years before it ever became a problem.

  “Where are you taking me?” Sara demanded with a laugh.

  “To the bedroom, of course,” Everett chuckled nonchalantly.

  “You know, that is how we got ourselves into this in the first place,” Sara said, glancing at her tummy.

  Heat was already spreading out across her body, well aware of the things Everett could do to her.

  “I remember,” he said with a sly smile as the bedroom door slammed shut behind them.

  Also by Anya Nowlan & Rory Dale

  Did you miss the first two books in this series? Check them out here:

  Big Bear Problems, Book 1

  Big Bear Trouble, Book 2

  Join Anya’s newsletter to be the first one to hear about new releases, catch sneak peeks and receive advanced reader’s copies if you want to read the books before anyone else does!

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  Join Rory’s mailing list and be the first to find out when the fourth book is out!

  Newsletter Signup Form – Rory

  Don’t miss the excerpt of the fourth book in the series, Big Bad Wolf, on the next page!

  Big Bad Wolf Excerpt

  The rest of the day turned out to be pretty uneventful, until about five in the evening. A loud rumble turned Rachel’s attention to the street out front. She caught a glimpse of something that looked like the back of a motorcycle, coming to a stop near the store.

  I’ve never seen a motorcycle around here before, Rachel thought, her interest piqued.

  Heavy footfalls approached the door. The bell jingled and Rachel’s eyes fixed on the entrance. A man she had never seen before stepped in, halting in the doorframe to glance around the store.

  He was almost as tall as Everett, with dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes. After marveling at his chiseled jaw and high cheekbones, Rachel’s gaze was drawn to his arms. Intricate, colorful designs shot out from under the sleeves of his navy t-shirt, reaching all the way down to his gloved hands. The stranger ran his hand through his hair, muscles flexing and making the pictures come alive.

  Rachel glanced at Alice, who was staring at the man in unabashed, slack-jawed awe. Rachel squared her shoulders and cleared her throat, hoping to look a little more professional than the small woman beside her.

  Who are you and where have you been all my life?

  The man walked over to Rachel, his face breaking out in a dangerous smile.

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  Newsletter Signup Form – Rory

  Want More?

  Bear My Baby

  Bear My Baby is a full-size novel and the first of a 4-book series, Shifter Squad Six.

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/>   Strong, scorching-hot werebear Alphas and their sassy, curvy mates - could it get any steamier?!

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  Wanting Her Bear - Book 2

  Saving Her Bear - Book 3

  Needing Her Bear - Book 4

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