Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3)

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Ready, Willing and Abel (Passion in Paradise: The Men of the McKinnon Sisters Book 3) Page 17

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Running a hand down his face, Abel took a deep breath before focusing his attention on the skittish woman standing across the room from him. Patience looked more scared and vulnerable than he ever remembered seeing her and it broke his heart. “Baby, come sit down and let’s discuss this,” he suggested, gesturing toward the leather sofa against the wall. “We’ll make a plan,” he promised. “You like a good plan,” he reminded her gently.

  That was true, she thought to herself as she watched him amble over to the couch and sit down, patting the cushion beside him. Swallowing hard, she wondered if this was what the flippin’ fly felt like after the spider had extended the invitation to visit his web. Slowly trudging toward him, she murmured, “I’m willing to talk about a plan with you, but you should know that since I woke up this morning I’ve already made and dismissed two other so-called plans.”

  Abel waited until she’d curled into the seat beside him to ask, “Mind sharing what those plans were?”

  Patience shot him an anxious look. “Promise you won’t get pissed?”

  Abel recognized that guilty look on her face. Whatever she’d schemed to do, she wasn’t very proud of it. Still, he knew better than to make promises he wasn’t sure he could keep. “I promise to try and maintain control of my temper.”

  Patience raised one eyebrow at him.

  “Hey,” Abel remarked with a shrug, “I don’t want to lie to you.”

  “Okay,” Patience muttered. “Well, my first plan involved climbing on top of the café’s roof and jumping to what would hopefully be a quick demise. That was after I did a dozen pregnancy tests to confirm what I already knew in my gut.”

  “What stopped you from following through on that plan?” Abel asked, trying to school his face into a neutral mask. It was hard to do with his twitching lips.

  “After some quick math, I realized that the fall might not kill me, but Honor surely would if I ruined that new landscaping she just got paid off. And she’d make it hurt a whole lot more than the fall would.”

  Abel couldn’t help his laugh. Mostly because, she was right. Honor would have a fit if those precious bushes and flowers got disturbed. “Okay, I’m glad you had the foresight to think ahead there, babe. Good work,” he praised, stretching out his arm along the back of the sofa.

  “Yeah,” Patience grunted softly, picking at the hem of her shirt.

  “Okay, what was the other plan that you discarded, Patience?” Abel asked, frowning as he watched the color fade from her face.

  “This is the one you’ll be angry about,” Patience acknowledged softly. “But you should know that I don’t think I could have gone through with it, Abel. Even as unhappy as I am, I don’t think I could have done it.”

  Abel’s gut clenched and he stiffened. God help him, but he knew what she’d thought about – however briefly it had been. “Start talking, Patience,” he ordered through gritted teeth.

  “You already know what I’m talking about,” she said huskily, looking up into his darkened face. “I can tell just by lookin’ at you.”

  “You thought of abortin’ my baby,” Abel ground out, his jaw tense as his angry eyes found hers. Our baby.” Logically, he knew it was her body and she had the right to decide what happened to it, but emotionally? Emotionally, he wanted to put his fist through a wall. “It’s not happening, Patience. I won’t let you be that fucking selfish. You don’t want my kid, fine! I do, though, and I’ll fight you with everything I have to prevent you from terminating my child.”

  Patience stared at him with hurt eyes. “I’m not selfish. I already knew I wasn’t going to go through with my plans. Zeke and Honor….”

  “Zeke?! What the fuck does Zeke have to do with my son or daughter? Are you saying he knew about my child before I did?” Abel shouted, his irate voice echoing off the walls.

  Patience flinched. And then she got mad.

  Really mad.

  “Stop fuckin’ yelling at me, you son of a bitch! Yeah, Zeke knew! So did Honor. If I’d had time, I’d have told Harmony and Patience, too! They’re my family and some of the best people I know. I had to talk to somebody before I found a cliff and jumped off it! Don’t you get it? You might be thrilled to be a parent, Abel; that’s your right. This may be the best news that you’ve ever heard, but for me….no! Not just no, but HELL, NO!” she screamed though her tears.

  “Patience….,” Abel began, his face softening.

  “Don’t you dare try to be nice now, Abel. I get that you may be over-the-fuckin’-moon thrilled about this, but I’m not. I thought about doing something about it without consulting you. I know how wrong it is and I’m glad I didn’t. But, for the love of God, man, can’t you try to see it from my side. We’re not even a couple. We’re just two people that had too much to drink, screwed, and made a kid!” she yelled furiously. “That doesn’t exactly make either of us a poster couple for parenthood!”

  “It was a lot more than screwing, Patience, and you know it,” Abel retorted hotly. “You felt something that night and no matter how many times you deny it, I know it was there!”

  “Abel,” Patience bit out, “it’s a cold, hard fact that most days I barely tolerate your existence. How exactly do you expect us to co-parent a kid?”

  “Well, it would be a great start if you’d be a peach and stop lying to me and yourself. You wanted me that night, woman. You’ve wanted me every single moment since, too. And I wanted you every bit as much. If you quit being so goddamn stubborn, then you’d see that I want more from you than a quick lay. I want you. Period. The fact that you’re givin’ me a baby is a huge bonus, but I wanted to be with you before that child was ever a thought in your mind.”

  “Really? Does Angie know that? Prior to about thirty minutes ago, it looked like you two were havin’ a hell of a lot of fun getting reacquainted - up close and real personal like,” she spat, darting to her feet. “Or was it just a trick of my crazy, pregnant mind that she was grindin’ herself all over you for the last couple of weeks?”

  “Jealous, Hellion?” Abel asked condescendingly.

  Canting her head to the side, Patience studied the man currently determined to needle her into committing a felony. “If I were you, Abel, I’d be real careful right about now. I have it on pretty good authority that I could kill you right now in cold blood and claim a hormonally induced homicidal tendency and get off on the murder charge scot-free. Pregnant women everywhere would celebrate and hold me up as their new example.”

  Abel tried not to smile at that image and instead concentrated on steering them back toward the point of their conversation. “We’re getting’ off topic here, Hellion.”

  “Yeah, we are,” Patience agreed, stomping toward him and jamming her index finger into his chest. “Look here, I’m not proud of what I very briefly contemplated doing. I hate it, but for a few minutes this morning, I gave serious consideration to havin’ an abortion. I can’t change the thoughts that went through my mind. I was scared. Hell, I’m still terrified. But I know now that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t terminate a kid that never got any say in how they got created. It was me that was stupid. Me and you. The kid….the kid is innocent. And after I realized that, I knew I wanted to keep it.”

  “Of course we’re keeping it, woman,” Abel growled. “It’s our baby. A part of both of us. Any decision that gets made regarding this child ought to be made by both of us.”

  Throwing up a hand, Patience shook her head. “Hold your horses there, partner. You need to get one thing clear in your head. This is my body. Ultimately, the way I handle this pregnancy is my call. You’re just a spectator here. I’m the one that’s gonna be doing the heavy lifting. We are not pregnant, Abel. I am. There isn’t an ‘us’ in this equation. There’s a ‘you’, and there’s a ‘me’.”

  Abel laughed. “Yeah, you go right on believing that shit,” he invited through his deep chuckles. “As long as you understand, that’s what it is. Utter bullshit. We’re in this together, Hellion. From here on out, you
’ve got a partner in crime.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s hitching a ride in my womb, asshole,” she groused.

  “I wasn’t talking about the baby, Patience,” she heard Abel return patiently, a faint smile playing at his lips again. Seriously, she was gonna wipe that grin off with a baseball bat if he didn’t quit it. Taking a deep breath, she ran both her hands through her head, her nails lightly scraping her scalp. “Okay, listen, I’ve done what I came here to do. I’ve lowered the boom. Dropped the bomb. Torpedoed your boat….”

  “I think I get it, Hellion,” Abel replied dryly, his handsome face still wreathed in smiles.

  “I will say this overjoyed happiness isn’t the reaction I expected to get when I walked in here,” she admitted, a little agitated that he’d been able to surprise her with his response to her unexpected announcement.

  “What reaction did you think you’d get?” Abel asked curiously.

  “You know, the three D’s - disbelief, despair, desolation. What I like to call the normal reactions,” Patience elaborated.

  “Sorry to disappoint,” Abel replied though he clearly wasn’t sorry in the least.

  Patience snorted before dropping her butt back to the sofa and looking around Abel’s office as she tried to get her thoughts under control. “Seriously, you never even asked if the kid was yours, Abel,” she noted, offering him a sidelong look.

  “You’re joking right?” Abel asked, choking on his laughter. “Patience, before a month ago, you hadn’t been touched since the last time I touched you. A woman that’s that careful with her body isn’t going to suddenly allow just anybody to touch it. You’re mine, baby doll. You might not wanna admit it, but you’ve always been only mine.”

  Rolling her eyes, Patience clenched her jaw. “Nice to know you’re still a conceited son of a goat, Abel.”

  “A goat?” Abel queried, cocking one eyebrow heavenward.

  “A goat sounds more obnoxious than a bitch,” Patience explained with a shrug of her shoulders.

  “True enough,” Abel agreed with a slight nod. Turning his head, he looked at the woman beside him. “So, what other crappy reactions did you think I’d have?”

  “I dunno,” Patience muttered. “Part of me thought you’d accuse me of purposefully getting pregnant. I mean, I didn’t. Believe me,” she declared with a shudder.

  “Mind if I ask what did happen? You started this whole thing by reminding me that you’d been shot. Where were you going with that?” he questioned inquisitively.

  “It was getting shot that put us in this spot,” Patience replied tiredly, lifting one hand to rub her neck and frowning when Abel batted her hand away and began massaging her tense muscles himself.

  “Explain,” he demanded softly while his fingers kneaded the tight knots in her neck.

  Nearly moaning his name when his magical fingers were able to work out one of the stress spots in her neck, Patience had to force herself to focus on his voice. “It’s a really simple explanation when you think about it. When I got shot, Dr. Daniels put me on a strong antibiotic. The antibiotic weakened the strength of my birth control pills rendering them useless in the face of your super swimmers.”

  “Super swimmers,” Abel echoed. “Now, that’s something a man likes to hear,” he teased against the shell of her ear.

  Tensing again, Patience huffed. “Trust me, it wasn’t a compliment. If I could have figured out a way to drown those little bastards, I would have.”

  “I believe you, darlin’,” Abel consoled, moving his hands to her shoulders and squeezing gently. Hearing Patience’s answering groan of pleasure, he knew she was tense everywhere. Using his thumbs to work the knots out of her shoulder blades, he continued. “The simple fact is that my swimmers did get into your very fertile pool. We’re gonna need to put the animosity aside and concentrate on the fact that we’re….I mean, you’re,” he corrected hastily, “having a baby. Our baby.”

  Patience sagged against the couch as his remark struck a chord with her. “I know,” she answered glumly. “Like I told you earlier, I’ve got an appointment scheduled with Dr. Daniels for tomorrow at three. I’ll be able to tell you more after that.”

  “You won’t have to tell me anything. I’ll be there,” Abel replied easily, releasing her shoulders when he was satisfied he’d helped her muscles all he could.

  “What? Abel, no,” Patience denied, automatically shaking her head as she shifted to look at him. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Patience, this is our kid. You just can’t cut me out of stuff like this. I want to be a part of the process. There’s no way I’m gonna be willing to be a casual observer here.”

  “You already WERE a part of the process, you pain in the ass. Your part is what put us here to begin with,” she said with a pointed look at his crotch.

  “I’m going,” Abel proclaimed in his intimidating attorney tone.

  Patience was not swayed.

  “You are not,” she retorted.

  “I am,” he persevered.

  “You aren’t,” she hissed.

  “Patience, this isn’t something I’m willing to compromise on. Chances are that you’ll hear the heartbeat tomorrow. Dr. Daniels might even do an ultrasound. Would you really want to take away seeing the first image of our baby?” he asked, his voice conveying his hurt.

  “Shit,” Patience cursed, looking away from him.

  “Well?” Abel prodded, poking her gently in the side.

  “No, okay! No, I wouldn’t want you to miss something like that,” she admitted reluctantly. “You can go,” she added in a voice that made it clear the words were being torn from her lips.

  “Thank you,” Abel returned gratefully, reaching for her hand and squeezing.

  “Don’t thank me yet. There are conditions,” Patience warned quickly, staring at him with serious eyes.

  “Name them,” Abel replied eagerly.

  “First, we drive separately. After this appointment, I doubt very much that I’ll want you anywhere near me and I want to be able to make a quick getaway,” she informed him, acutely aware that after this appointment somebody might have to tie her down to keep her from jumping off the café’s roof.

  “Agreed. Next?” Abel pushed.

  “Second, you will remain at my head during any and all procedures. This appointment will not be an all access pass to viewing my lady bits. Got it?” she inquired sternly.

  “Got it,” he affirmed with a ready nod. “Next?”

  “Third – and this is a deal breaker – there will be no belly touching without my express permission. My stomach is not a good luck charm. Rub it without permission and I will rip your arm out of its socket and beat you with it.”

  “You have my word of honor. No belly touching without express consent of the belly’s owner,” Abel conceded magnanimously. “That it?”

  “Just one more thing,” Patience returned evenly. “And this is more of a favor, really. I need you to give me the rest of today and tonight to get my head on straight,” she requested anxiously.

  “What do you mean, Patience?” Abel virtually barked. “You left me with the impression that you’d decided to have our child. If you’re still on the fence about that, then….”

  “No!” she interrupted, holding up one hand. “You don’t understand. That’s been decided. I’m keeping the baby, Abel. My mind is made up on that. But the rest of it… all these decisions that I know you want us to make about the baby and the future… I need a night. One Abel-free night to just work it all though in my head. That’s what I’m asking for. Please?” she asked, dropping her gaze to her clasped hands on her lap. “I need this.”

  She could feel Abel’s grey eyes on her, considering her request. She knew he was nervous about letting her have too much time alone… scared she’d do something that she’d never be able to undo. But she’d meant what she told him. She was having this baby. She just needed… time. Time to come to grips with the curveball life had thrown her. Time to veg out wi
th her sisters and eat junk food while she whined about the changes that were going to take over her life. Time to make her peace with a new reality that she’d never imagined facing. Not with him. Hell, not with anybody.

  “Okay,” he acquiesced softly. “I don’t like it, but I can understand why you need it. I’ll see you tomorrow at the doctor’s appointment and we’ll go from there if that’s what you want.”

  “That’s what I want, Abel,” Patience assured him, slowly standing. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow,” Abel confirmed.

  Then, Patience McKinnon did what any self-respecting woman in position would do.

  She ran like hell.

  Chapter Eleven

  Nearly thirty hours later, Patience decided that she should have just kept right on running. Far, fast and without EVER looking back. But, no, she’d kept her word and been exactly where she’d said she’d be when she’d said she’d be there.

  She wanted to kick her own ass for being so steadfastly honest.

  Because nothing – and she meant nothing – was working out in her favor. Karma had kicked her ass and the Almighty was laughing at her misery.

  She just knew it.

  Yanking her keys from the ignition, she glared at the rabbit’s foot she had attached to the key chain. A good look charm, her ass. If anything, the damn totem was mocking her. Climbing out of her car, she slung her bag over her shoulder and trudged toward the entrance to the café, each footstep carrying her closer to safety. Abel wouldn’t dare cross the threshold of her sanctuary. At least, not right now. He was an asshole, but he wasn’t an idiot.

  Opening the glass door, Patience glanced up and silently cursed the bell hanging above her head, announcing her arrival. Nodding stiffly to where Diego Fuentes and her brother-in-law, Jake sat at the back corner booth talking quietly, she made a beeline for the door into the café’s kitchen.


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