Brick: An Urban Paranormal

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by Natavia


  An Urban Paranormal

  By Natavia

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright 2017 Natavia Stewart.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  Throw your wishes on a Star.

  You do not know what it will bring back,

  A new life , a new friend or a new love…



  “H ey, baby,” I said to my boyfriend when he walked into my apartment. I prepared his favorite dinner. I had on a purple sexy lingerie set which was his favorite color on me. I spent my whole check on getting my hair, nails, and feet done. I also had my makeup professionally done too because I wanted to look good for him. It’s been a while since we saw each other. He sat down at the table across from me, but he didn’t seem like himself. He was quiet, and he could barely look at me.

  “I just think we should go our separate ways,” Rod finally said to me.

  “What did I do wrong?” I asked.

  “I’m just not attracted to you anymore. My homeboys think I can do better, so Dave hooked me up with his cousin. I’ve been kicking it with her for about two months now. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how. I’m going to miss your cooking though,” he said.

  Rod was handsome, and at first, I thought I was out of his league because of his handsome, rugged, model look. He stood at six-foot-one and weighed one-hundred and eighty pounds. His skin was the color of sand, and he had a pair of sexy eyes. He saw me walking to my car from class one day, and he pulled over next to me. He asked for my number, and from that day forward we were inseparable. We were together for three years before he started cheating on me.

  He continued to scarf down the food I made after he admitted that he was not attracted to me, and he was cheating on me.

  “Get your broke ass out of my house before I get one of those thugs outside to take your car. Get your bitch-ass up!” I yelled at him, and he jumped from the table.

  “I can’t finish my food?” he asked.

  I picked up a plate and threw it at his head. He held his face as blood dripped from his nose. He called me a bitch before he rushed out of my apartment. I left the mess on the table and the floor that night. I went into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. I lifted up my window to let the spring air come in. A falling star caught my eye, and I remember my mother told me to make a wish whenever I saw one. After I made my wish, I took a sip out of my wine bottle.

  “Who am I kidding? I’m supposed to be alone,” I said to myself.

  A pretty white bird flew to my window and landed on my window sill. It was an exotic looking bird. It reminded me of a peacock except for it was all white and had gold looking eyes on its feathers.

  “I must've drunk too much wine,” I said.

  “I don’t have any food for you, and it’s too late for you to be out. Go on home. Do you have an owner? I know you do. You are too pretty,” I said to the bird as if it could talk back. Maybe I was drunk, but it felt like it understood me. Tears fell from my eyes because I was alone. I had no family and barely any friends. All I had was Rod, and he dumped me because he found someone more attractive.

  “I always wanted to fly, but I’m afraid of heights,” I said to the bird. It stood in the window like a statue. I tried to touch it, but it flew away. I finished the bottle of wine and got ready for bed. I had a class early in the morning, but I wanted to lay in bed and be depressed. Rod sent me a text telling me he was sorry, and he didn’t mean to hurt me. I never responded. I have officially given up on love, and all I wanted to do was live my life. My first heart break happened when I was a little girl. I lost my family, and I’ve been moved around in the foster system so much I couldn’t wait until I went to college. I just wanted my pain to go away.

  I made that stupid wish, but it will never come true. Nothing ever comes true for me; I thought before I dozed off.


  Two years later…

  I sat in my domain preparing for a battle against another world, a world that was miles away from my planet. My name is Midas but on my planet, planet Vada they called me Brick. One of the soldiers knocked on my door.

  “What do you want?” I called out.

  “Sorry, to disturb you but your father and the troops are ready to fly out,” my friend Eagle said to me.

  “Tell them they can fly out. I’m my own man. I know the way and the next time try not to knock on my door so hard. I have a hangover,” I said, and he chuckled.

  “You had fun on Earth last night?” he asked.

  “It’s always a pleasure. One day when you are not busy you should come to the city I have a house in,” I said.

  “Me and humans don’t get along,” he chuckled. My wings spread and stretched across the room. I had big and black shiny wings. My body turned to stone as I was preparing myself for battle. My long locs hung down my back with a golden cast to hold them in place.

  “Tell me something Brick, why do you like Earth so much when your life up in the sky is much more peaceful?” Eagle asked me.

  “It’s interesting. Don’t you think I get tired of the same life every day?” I asked, but he didn’t respond. I walked past him and down the brick hallway that led to the meeting room where my kingdom held their meetings. My father looked at me with a scowl after I walked into the room.

  “We will attack from the opposite side of where their army is waiting for us. They think we are coming from the North end, but we will go to the South end,” my father spoke. He was the leader of our army, and we fought when our kingdom felt threatened. The reason for the war was because the king didn’t want to share our water supply with the other dying planets. I didn’t want to fight because I was tired of fighting, although I was born to battle. What I became in war mode was bigger than three men together. I stood over eight feet when I was on my planet. I resembled an average human man when I was on Earth. Eagle stood next to me with a blank expression. He didn’t want to fight in the war neither. Neither one of us did because it was the same battle. I enjoyed the many deaths against my own kind when I was a younger soldier. I thought it would make me superior to the others who were like me. It took thousands of deaths for me to realize all they wanted was to survive. They wanted to move to our planet for a better home, but our king was against it. I no longer wanted to be apart of my kingdom, and I needed a permanent way out.

  “All the King does is sit on his ass all day and eat meat and fruit,” Eagle fussed.

  “Come to Earth. You and Odega can both stay in my domain. I have a lot of bedrooms,” I said.

  “I have to decline that offer,” Eagle said, and I shook my head.

  “You are missing out on a lot of pussy,” I replied. My father walked over to Eagle and me after he finished talking about the war plan. Eagle walked away because he knew my father wasn’t happy. My father wanted me to be more obedient towards our king, but I refused to.

  “You are an embarrassment, Brick! This army is going to go down the soil because of you! Look, at you! You can barely keep your eyes opened,” he fussed and I chuckled.

  “I apologize for not being a servant like you father. We need our own kingdom. There are other planets around here that we can migrate to and you chose to stay here and fo
llow that son-of-bitch’s orders,” I said and his eyes glowed.

  “He will cut your wings off if he hears you speaking that way!” My father yelled at me.

  “And I will sink my teeth into his neck,” I replied. My father flew out of our Kingdom and into the sky. His army followed behind him. Me and Eagle were the only two left behind.

  “Where is Odega?” I asked Eagle.

  “He’s in the prison tower. He didn’t obey your father’s commands earlier. Odega doesn’t want to fight anymore, and neither do I, but we don’t have a choice,” Eagle replied.

  “We will soon. I’ll find a way. How bad is his punishment?” I asked.

  “He has to hold a thousand pounds of bricks on his back while standing up. He has to do it for four days. His wing will be cut off if he drops one brick,” Eagle said.

  “The punishments are getting worse. The king is killing his own kingdom. Odega is still a juvenile!” I said in frustration.

  “We are just pawns to this kingdom, and we can’t escape it,” Eagle replied.

  “It will change soon,” I replied.

  I stood on the ledge of our brick kingdom that resembled an old modern church and spread my wings. I was the only gargoyle of my kind. A lot of the gargoyles feared me and a few challenged me until I killed them. The tribal markings that covered my body and wings glowed. My rare breed intimidated the enemies we battled against. I knew I didn’t belong to, Vada, so where did I belong?

  I flew through the sky like a bolt of lightning as a swarm of gargoyles approached our army. I went in for the kill, by crushing their necks with my bare hands.

  Why am I doing this? I thought as ten gargoyles from another kingdom approached me.



  ey, girl are you ready for tonight?” Risha asked me when she knocked on my office door.

  I had a lot of work to do, and I had to stay at work late. I worked at a lawyer’s office as a secretary. I was twenty-three-years-old and just graduated from college with my Bachelor’s degree in Legal Studies. I wanted to be an Immigration and Customs inspector, but it wasn’t any jobs left in that career. I was stuck with a student loans and worked making only fourteen-dollars an hour. I worked overtime that I barely got paid for. I worked for a small family law firm. It was only a few of us, so I always had a shit load of work on my desk. They expected a lot from me but didn’t want to give me more money. I would’ve gone to jail for kicking Mr. Epstein’s simple-ass, but I needed my job.

  “I have to stay at work late,” I said.

  “Bitch, you are crazy! See, I will politely tell their uppity asses to go to hell,” Risha said.

  Risha was a part-time janitor who came in when the office was ready to close. She was around my age, and when I started the job, she and I clicked immediately. Risha wore her hair in crazy styles, and she popped her gum as loud as she wanted to. Her long stiletto nails were always busy, but I loved her style. Risha was very attractive; she reminded me of a lighter version of Melanie Fiona. I used to wear long stiletto nails, but I had to get them cut down because Mrs. Epstein said it wasn’t professional. They were painted a natural color, but she had a problem with everything I did. Maybe it was because I was a black woman and her husband secretly liked black women. I wasn’t her husband’s type. I was a size eighteen, and I had a small pouch in my stomach. I’m a chubby girl, but I stayed hipped to the latest fashions, and my weaves were always done nicely. Mr. Epstein had more than one mistress. Every Thursday I sent flowers to their jobs from his secret account or set up spa days for them. I was his secretary at his firm, and for his personal life. I was sick of it all!

  “Oh trust me. I am when I can afford to. I’m giving everyone in here my brown ass to kiss after I find another job. I’m going to make sure I don’t wear panties that day because I want them to see it all,” I said, and Risha chuckled.

  “Let me finish cleaning up, and please don’t leave any crumbs around your desk. This old building gets mice, and I hate having to set mouse traps,” she said.

  “I won’t,” I laughed. I got back to work after she left my office. I wanted to party with her, but my schedule sucked. I rushed through my work praying that I finish in time to hang out with Risha. A twenty-three-year-old without a social life was overkill.

  It was almost midnight when I finished. I was so angry that I wanted to destroy the whole building. I logged off my computer and grabbed my purse. The club was over at three o'clock, and I had a few hours left to party. All I needed was a few drinks to celebrate my miserable life. I locked up the small building and headed to my car. I pulled out a can of pepper spray from my purse. A lot of homeless people and drug addicts hung out at the park across the street from the office at night. I was afraid of them because they reminded me of zombies. I walked to my beat up Altima that I hated more than I hated my job. It barely got me from A to B. Sometimes I had to park it at Walmart, and catch a cab from there to work because some days it didn’t want to go that far. I couldn’t afford to catch the cab to work from my home. I opened my driver’s side door and all of a sudden something fell from out the sky and landed on my car. It smashed my car flat like a pancake. I screamed and almost crapped myself when I saw a large creature that looked like a man with long hair, and big black wings sprawled out on the ground. The drawings in his wings glowed, and it flickered reminding me of a lightning bug. I fell to the ground, and everything around me turned black...

  I woke up and looked around at my surroundings. I was in an old building with leaking ceilings which smelled of mildew. My skirt was damp, and my weave was wet. I was more pissed off about my weave being wet because I hated doing my hair. I couldn’t remember how I got to where I was at. I couldn’t find my purse, so I panicked.

  “One of those damn crack heads must’ve knocked me upside of my head and took my purse!” I said out loud.

  “Are you looking for this?” a deep voice asked me.

  “Who is there?” I asked. I heard something drop behind me, and it landed by my heels. When I turned around, it was that creature again.

  “Oh God, I wasn’t dreaming,” I said as I backed away from it.

  This is what I get for staying at work late. Freaks really do come out at night, I thought.

  I stared at the muscled and giant size thing. It had wings and a gold silk wrap around its waist. His complexion was the color of gray bricks and his teeth were sharp. His long locks hung by his waist and they looked like they were made of cement. I looked into its face, and it was strikingly handsome. I thought maybe I was going crazy or maybe it was because I haven't had sex in a few years. His jawline was strong, and his eyes bored into mine. The weird drawings on his body lit up again, and it almost blinded me.

  “I’m not trying to hurt you,” he said.

  And it speaks English. Lord save me unless this is an angel from heaven because a crack head really did kill me, I thought.

  “You are not dead, Nabila,” he said.

  “You know my name?” I asked.

  “I know everything about you,” he replied.

  “Are you my guardian angel or something?” I asked.

  “Yes, if that makes you feel any better,” he replied. He picked me up, and I slapped him. My fingers cracked and tears fell from my eyes. I couldn’t move my fingers, and the pain soared through my body.

  “The coast is clear so now I can fly,” he said.

  He held on to me as he flew through a window. I tried to scream, but my sounds were muffled against his big solid chest. I didn’t know where he was taking me, but I know I saw an airplane next to me. I was ready to faint again because I was scared of heights. He flew me inside of an old church that was on the deserted side of town. He dropped me on the floor along with my purse.

  “Please just let me go home,” I cried holding my hand. His body slowly started changing, and his wings disappeared. He took the form of a human. He stood around six-foot-five and had skin the color of an almond. His locs draped down his
muscled body, and he had the nicest set of lips. He had slanted eyes and a small goatee which gave him a rugged look. The markings that glowed in his wings turned into tattoos. I almost collapsed, but he caught me and lowered me to the floor. I sat between his legs as he examined my hand.

  “Your fingers are broken,” he said. He held onto my hand as his hand lit up. I didn’t know what he was doing until the pain went away, and I could move my fingers.

  “Your parents never told you not to fight a brick wall?” he asked when he helped me off the floor.

  “What are you?” I asked, and he smirked.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. My planet is beyond the ordinary. There are rules on my planet that I must follow. We shall kill any creature who does know of our existence. Nobody is supposed to see my kind, and live to tell about it,” he said.


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