Brick: An Urban Paranormal

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Brick: An Urban Paranormal Page 15

by Natavia

  “I know that song. I just can’t remember how,” I replied.

  “She sings it to me in my dreams. She’s soooo beautiful. She walks like a human, but she isn't one. The birds surround her, and she makes the prettiest flowers with her wings. Her soul mate protects what she builds. He’s the king of the sky, and he flies like a bolt of lightning. She shows me images of him. She won’t rest until all twelve planets come together again,” Nabila said.

  “Twelve planets come together again?” I asked.

  “I was dreaming and woke up too soon. The twelve planets together equal one planet called, Lacas. I woke up before I could find out more,” Nabila said.

  “What are the names of the planets?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, but sometimes I feel her spirit through the birds,” Nabila said. I turned her around so that she could face me.

  “Is that woman my mother? Is the man you see my father?” I asked. I used to have those same visions, but I thought they were all dreams.

  It must be true if Nabila saw them too, I thought.

  “I saw a baby’s nest, but I don’t know for sure,” she replied.

  “I was kidnapped,” I said.

  “We don’t know for sure,” she said.

  “I stopped believing in those dreams because I couldn’t connect with them,” I replied.

  “We’ll figure all of this out, but first, you have to make sure Odega and Eagle are secured on Earth,” Nabila said.

  “You’ve been paying attention,” I replied. She cared about their well-being when she didn’t have to.

  “I wish that bitch Casha would disappear. Where is a falling star when I need one?” Nabila replied. I playfully threw her over my shoulder and smacked her round butt. When it jiggled against my face, I smacked it again.

  “Put me down big-ass!” she yelled.

  I tossed her fifteen feet up in the air and caught her.

  “STOP IT!” she laughed.

  Nabila was dizzy when I stood her up on her feet. She fell into my chest, and I wrapped my arm around her.

  “I’m about to be sick,” Nabila said.

  “What’s th—.”

  Thick gooey stuff came out of Nabila’s mouth. It was on my shirt and shorts. I touched it and smelled it. It was an unpleasant odor.

  “You can’t toss me around like a ball after I eat jackass,” she said.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “It’s vomit. We need to shower,” she replied.

  Thirty-minutes later, Nabila was on top of me sound asleep. I rubbed her back as she breathed into the crook of my neck. I figured out the unexplainable feeling I had.

  Is it too soon? I asked myself.


  A few hours later…

  I woke up and looked around for Brick, but he wasn’t in bed. I sat up and pulled the sheet up to cover my naked breasts.

  “I miss waking up to Midas,” Casha said. She stood in the doorway of the guest room wearing one of Brick’s t-shirts.

  Did Brick sneak into his room upstairs while I was sleeping? I thought. I wasn’t supposed to stay at Brick’s home, but I didn’t feel well enough to drive home. I wasn’t comfortable sleeping in a house with a woman he was intimate with. I honestly couldn’t understand her reasoning for being at his house.

  “Why are you standing there?” I replied.

  “To figure out what’s special about you,” she said.

  “You don’t need to figure out what Brick already knows,” I replied.

  “You must have brainwashed him,” Casha said.

  “Brick is not brainwashed. You really are a bird brain,” I replied.

  “And you are a worthless human! What can you offer a creature from another planet? I can see right through you. You know nothing about him,” she said. I climbed out of bed, and walked over to her. She was taller than me by a few inches, and the least bit intimidating.

  “Why are you sleeping alone, Casha?” I asked.

  “You stole him from me,” she seethed.

  “That’s because he didn’t belong to you, to begin with,” I said.

  “He still cares about me, and you know it,” she replied. I pushed her out the door, and slammed it in her face. I pulled a clean dress out of my purse and got dressed. I walked out the room, and headed for the front door.

  “You don’t have to leave,” Brick called out to me when I opened the front door. Casha stood behind him with a smirk on her face. The sight of her sickened me. Brick didn’t understand how disrespectful she was to me.

  “Let her go, so we can fall asleep under the moon like we use to,” Casha said.

  “Not now Casha!” Brick yelled at her.

  “We had a deal, and I’m not backing out. You used her to get your freedom, and you got it. What is she here for?” Casha asked.

  “I didn’t agree to that bullshit!” Brick spat.

  “Did you disagree?” she replied.

  “You are way out of line! I don’t love you anymore, and you know it,” Brick said.

  “You would've left me behind if you didn’t love me. You don’t know what you want. She cooks and cleans for you. It’s natural to care for the help,” Casha said.

  I’m fittin’ to beat this bitch’s ass in a few seconds, I thought.

  I left out of the door. I never thought about killing someone until I met Casha. Brick pulled me away from my truck when I opened the door.

  “I’m coming with you,” he said, and I snatched away from him.

  “I’m staying over Risha’s,” I replied because I didn’t want him to follow me.

  “To be with Shawn?” Brick asked.

  “Shawn doesn't walk around my house naked with his balls swinging while trying to seduce me in front of your face! This is becoming too much for me. I’m not dealing with you until that bitch is either fried or back on her planet. I came here because I thought it was really over between you and Casha, but it doesn't seem that way. I’m sick of hearing the two of you argue. We don’t even argue that much, and I’m the one who is connected to you! How am I supposed to feel comfortable?” I said.

  “So, you’re telling me that I can’t come with you?” Brick asked. Being immortal didn’t stop him from having traits like human men. He wasn’t listening to me. He was only concerned about me being around Shawn.

  “You are the psychic one! Figure it out,” I said.

  “It hasn't been channeling with me,” he replied.

  I was ready to leave, but he pulled me away from my truck again. He snatched my keys away from me, and got inside of the driver’s seat.

  “I can fly home,” I said.

  “Not without me. Beginner fliers have a tendency of falling out of the sky without guidance, so go ahead and fly. I will follow you in case you need me to catch you. I think you should hurry up, and figure out what you want to do because I’m getting impatient,” Brick said. I dragged my feet on my way to the passenger’s side of the truck.

  “Cry baby,” I mumbled when I slammed the door.

  “Lose the attitude, Goddess,” he teased while squeezing my thigh.

  “You are a pain in the ass,” I laughed.

  “You are a pain too. Remind me to buy some ear plugs on our way to your home,” he fired back.

  “You will not ignore this good cussing out,” I replied.

  “We will see about that,” he said.

  “Why did you get out of bed?” I asked.

  “I went to my workshop to study that damn rock again. I also had a lot of other things on my mind,” he replied.

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “That’s not up for discussion,” he said.

  It was a peaceful and quiet ride to my neighborhood. Brick and I were both lost in our thoughts. I took my shoes off when I walked into my apartment. Brick wasn’t too comfortable inside of my small apartment because he was used to a much bigger space. I got comfortable on the couch with a glass of wine. I wanted to follow Brick to the shower so that he could
make love to me. My body felt clammy as I thought about him burying himself inside of me. My clit throbbed, and my nipples ached.

  “Stop it right now. He is punished from the cookie jar for a few days. I’m sick of you betraying me. We are supposed to be a team,” I whispered to my vagina.

  “Stop what?” Brick asked.

  The glass of wine in my hand tipped over, and spilled on the carpet. He stood naked in the middle of my living room. A nun would've got down on her knees to bless all of his long, and thick glory; he was a walking sin.

  “Ummm, I was talking to Betsy,” I said.

  “Who is that?” He asked.

  “One of the birds. I don’t know where she flew off to that quick,” I lied.

  “Terrible liar. Where is your soap?” He asked.

  I went into the hall closet for a bar of soap. I threw the soap at him, and he caught it.

  “Are you still mad at me? This shit is childish,” Brick said.

  “I’ll like you again when Casha goes home,” I replied.

  “I should knock her fucking shower out of the wall,” he mumbled as he walked down the hall.

  “Go ahead, and I won’t cook for you for a month! I’ll give your birds a few laxatives, so they can crap all over your domain or whatever you call it!” I yelled behind him.

  My phone rang inside of my purse, and I answered it without looking at the name.

  “Is this a bad time? I know it’s late, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I have been lying in bed pissed off at myself because I left you at the party,” the voice said.

  “You have the wrong number,” I replied.

  “It’s me, Shawn,” he said.

  “Ohhhhhh, Shawn. I’m sorry I almost forgot ab—I mean I didn’t recognize your voice? Do you have a cold or something?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I think I’m getting one,” he said.

  “That sucks,” I replied as I poured another glass of wine.

  “I acted like a jerk at the party. Can I make it up to you?” He asked.

  “Ummm, I don’t think that would be a good idea. I’m kinda of in the middle of dating. I wanted to tell you, but it wasn’t serious at the time,” I replied.

  “Let me guess. It’s the thug, Midas?” He asked.

  “A thug?” I asked.

  “Yes, a thug! It’s a lot of good, educated men out here, and y'all sisters are always settling for the criminals! The ones with dreadlocks, and tattooed bodies. Did he ever step foot in a college? I don’t mean the kindergarten classes the jails offer their criminals. I’m a very well-educated black man who wants to do more than knock you up, and force you to wait in a food stamp line! I’m your meal ticket out of the roach infested ghetto you call home!” Shawn yelled into the phone.

  “Don’t forget to mention how boring you are, cheese ball. You don’t talk about shit, and honestly, you are not that smart. Playing golf and using big words doesn't make you intelligent. Maybe you sucked one of the professor’s dick while you were in college, and that's why they passed you. Why are you trying to seduce a woman who lives in a roach infested neighborhood, if you are such a great catch? I’ll tell you why! It’s because you are a bitch with a dick, Shawneka. Lose my number jackass!” I yelled into the phone.

  “I’m a lawyer, so I can find Midas’s criminal record. Don’t come looking for this smart brother when he’s locked up. I might just file a protection order against him. After all, I was harassed and feared for my life at the party,” Shawn said before he hung up in my ear. I was ready to call him back, but Brick walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a pack of lunch meat, and a loaf of bread from the fridge.

  “How many sandwiches are you planning to make?” I asked.

  “As many as this loaf allows me to,” Brick replied.

  “Do you know how to make a sandwich?” I asked, and he chuckled.

  “I know a lot of human things. My kind is very observant,” he replied.

  “And selfish,” I said.

  “Do I have what I need to satisfy you?” he asked.

  “I wished for someone like you, and you are here” I replied.

  “I need more than that, Nabila. You wouldn’t shut me out if you thought I was good enough for you,” he said.

  “You are, but what difference does it make if Casha feels the same way about you too?” I asked.

  “I don’t give a fuck how Casha feels about me because I don’t feel the same way about her anymore. You changed that,” he said.

  “You care about me because we connected through intimacy,” I replied. Brick’s body tensed up. I didn’t mean for it come out that way, but it did.

  “Are you saying that I’m only here because we fucked?” he asked with anger dripping from his voice.

  “I didn't mean it that way!” I replied.

  “Did you forget that I can hear your thoughts? You meant what you said,” he said.

  “Why are you making this hard?” I asked.

  “You started it, so own up to it! This is deeper than us becoming partners. I could’ve killed you after I revealed my kind to you. I knew it was something special about you when I first laid eyes on you, but I ignored it because you were a human. I betrayed my brothers, and they don’t know about it. Jonelius offered me their freedom in exchange for you. I told Jonelius he couldn’t have you; connection through intimacy didn’t have shit to do with that. It’s strong, but it ain’t strong enough to risk your freedom for,” Brick said. He snatched his sandwiches off the counter, and headed to my bedroom. I straightened up the living room before I went to my bedroom.

  “What did you do?” I asked Brick.

  “I guess your bed was an antique that came from London too. The shit collapsed when I sat down,” he said. My mattress and box-spring were on the floor.

  “No, it didn’t come from London, but I paid a few thousand dollars for that bed,” I said. My king size bed was probably the most expensive item in my apartment, and Brick ruined it.

  “Why do you only break my furniture?” I asked.

  “Because the quality isn't good. You are paying for the style, and that's it. Why do you humans do that?” he asked.

  “It’s called having great taste. It held my big ass up for a long time with no problems,” I replied.

  “I weigh more than you,” he said.

  I wore a night pajama shirt with nothing on underneath when I climbed into bed. Brick pulled me close to him, and cradled me with one arm. My attitude towards him faded away as I got lost in his embrace. A cool breeze from the ceiling fan swept over me, and hardened my nipples. I kissed Brick’s ear, and a deep groan escaped his lips. I rolled over on top of him, and his hands squeezed my ass. I was wet for him, but he didn’t go any further. He rolled over after he kissed me.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “You said I’m only interested because of intimacy. How about we don’t fuck for a few days. You said it not me,” he said. I was aching badly between my legs, and it was all his fault. I needed him inside of me at all times despite how I felt. It was an urge which I couldn’t deny.

  “Damn it, Brick! You are selfish,” I said, and pushed him. He roared in laughter.

  “I think my intimacy spoiled you a little bit too much, and made you crazy,” he said.

  “It's not all of that,” I lied, and he laughed harder.

  “I literally made you see stars my goddess. I gave you two days of intimacy, and not once did your body reject me. You begged me to pound your spot until you exploded on me. I drilled you into the soil on my planet, and almost split my planet in half. I’m all of that plus more,” he said.

  You damn right you are, and that's why that bird brain Casha followed you to Earth, I thought.

  I rolled over on my side with an ache between my legs. I wanted to cry because of how uncomfortable it was. I wanted him to put me out of my misery, but he refused. The wetness seeped through the sheets as if I urinated on myself. I rushed to the bathroom, and sat in a tub of cold water with my pajamas
on. I rested my head on the tile wall, and closed my eyes. I drifted off into a deep sleep…


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