Tom Cruise

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Tom Cruise Page 40

by Andrew Morton

  Scientology and

  wedding of

  Holmes, Martin

  Hopkins, Nicky

  Hopkins, Rowan

  Hopper, Dennis

  The Hours

  Howard, Cheryl

  Howard, Ron

  Howell, C. Thomas

  Howell, Jefferson

  Hubbard, Lafayette Ron. See also Scientology, Church of

  books by

  death/afterlife of

  homosexuality beliefs of

  intimidation tactics promoted by

  lawsuits against

  Miscavige, David, and

  Navy service of

  psychiatry beliefs of

  recruiting policies of

  reproductive rituals promoted by

  Study Tech program by

  Hubbard, Mary Sue

  Hubbard, Suzette

  Hughes, Howard

  The Hunger

  Hurley, Ellen

  The Hustler

  Hutton, Timothy

  Huvane, Kevin

  Ingrams, Eugene

  Inside the Actors Studio

  International Dyslexia Association

  The International Herald Tribune

  Interview with the Vampire (film)

  Interview with the Vampire (Rice)

  In Theater

  Ireland, Scientology in


  Isaak, Chris

  Isham, Mark

  Italy, Scientology in

  Jackson, Josh

  Jackson, Michael

  Jaffe, Andrea

  Jamarillo, Lilita

  James, Henry

  Jeffries, Ross

  Jenner, Bruce

  Jensen, Kathleen

  Jentzsch, Yvonne

  Jerry Maguire

  Jerry’s Famous Deli

  Joel, Brandt

  Johansson, Scarlett

  Jolie, Angelina

  Jordan, John

  Jordan, Neil

  Journal for Clinical Investigation

  Junod, Tom

  Kabbalah Centre

  Kael, Pauline

  Kammerbauer, Harald

  Katselas, Milton

  Katzenberg, Jeffrey

  Keitel, Harvey

  Kent, Stephen

  Kid Cruise productions

  Kidman, Antonia

  Kidman, Antony

  Kidman, Janelle

  Kidman, Nicole

  adoption by

  background of

  children of

  Cruise’s courting of/marriage to

  divorce of

  films/stage work by

  infidelity rumors and

  pregnancies of

  remarriage of

  Scientology and

  The Killing of Randy Webster

  Kilmer, Val

  Kimball, Christina “Kumi”

  King, Larry

  King of the Hill

  Kingsley, Pat

  Kisser, Cynthia

  Klein, Chris

  Kohl, Helmut

  Kovic, Ron

  Krishna Venta

  Kubrick, Stanley

  death of

  exploitation by

  L.A. Confidential

  La Cage aux Folles

  LaForte, Fran

  LaForte, Michael

  death of

  LaForte, Sam

  Lane, Diane

  Lansing, Sherry

  The Last Samurai

  Lauer, Matt

  LA Weekly

  Lawrence of Arabia

  Lawrie, Alan

  Lawrie, Irene

  Lawrie, Scott

  Lawson, Mark

  Lebendiger, Gary

  Lebendiger, Jamie

  Lebendiger, Joan

  Lebendiger, Jonathan

  Lebendiger, Leslie

  Lee, Tommy

  Lefkowitz, Bernard


  Lehman, John

  Leibovitz, Annie

  Leigh, Jennifer Jason

  Lennon, John

  Lennon, Yoko

  Leno, Jay

  Leone, Tony

  Levin, Jerry

  Levinson, Barry

  Levy, Norman

  Lewicki, Claire

  Lewis, Bill

  Libby, Scooter


  Lions for Lambs

  Lipton, James

  Little House on the Prairie

  Locklear, Heather

  Lohan, Lindsay

  The London Times

  Long, Shelley

  Lopez, Jennifer

  Loren, Sophia

  Los Angeles Times

  Losin’ It


  Lowe, Chad

  Lowe, Rob

  Luhrmann, Baz

  Lurie, Rod

  Maathai, Wangari

  Macchio, Ralph

  MacGraw, Ali

  MacIntosh, Randy

  Mad Money




  Mamet, David

  Mansfield, Stephanie

  Mapother, Amy (cousin)

  Mapother, Caroline (cousin)

  Mapother, Catherine (grandmother)

  Mapother, Catherine (sister). See Darmody, Catherine Mapother

  Mapother, Dillon

  Mapother, Dillon Henry

  Mapother, Katherine (cousin)

  Mapother, Lee Anne (sister). See DeVette, Lee Anne Mapother

  Mapother, Marian (sister)

  Mapother, Thomas Cruise, II (grandfather)

  Mapother, Thomas Cruise, III (father)

  abandonment by

  abuse/antagonism by

  death of

  divorce of

  drinking by

  remarriage of

  Mapother, Thomas Cruise, IV. See Cruise, Tom

  Mapother, Thomas Cruise (greatgrandfather)

  Mapother, William, II (cousin)

  Mapother, William (uncle)

  Marathon Man

  Marie Claire

  Marinaro, Ed

  Markert, Christian

  Martin, Anthony R.

  The Mask

  Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth

  Maxwell, Nancy


  McCarthy, Jenny

  McCartney, Linda

  McCartney, Paul

  McConaughey, Matthew

  McDowell, Malcolm

  McGillis, Kelly

  McGovern, Elizabeth

  McGrath, Kevin

  McGregor, Eve

  McGregor, Ewan

  McKenzie, Heather

  McPherson, Lisa

  McQuarrie, Chris

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Mendes, Sam

  Mental Health Matters Political Action Committee

  Meyer, Ron


  Miguel, Luis

  Miller, Scott

  Minority Report

  Miscavige, David

  background of

  Cruise’s relationship with

  Gold Base compound and

  international recruiting by

  leadership style of

  rise to power in Scientology of

  Miscavige, Loretta

  Miscavige, Ron

  Miscavige, Shelley

  Mission: Impossible

  Mission: Impossible II

  Mission: Impossible III

  Mithoff, Gelda

  Mithoff, Ray

  Modine, Matthew

  Moore, Demi

  Moore, Julianne

  Morrison, Van

  Morse, Andrea

  Morse, Robert

  Moulin Rouge


  Moxon, Kendrick

  Mullally, Megan

  Murphy, Tim

  Murray, Bill

  My Left Foot

  My Life


  National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

  National Coalition of Human Rights Activists

  National E

  National Mental Health Association

  Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre

  Nepales, Ruben

  Newman, Paul

  car racing and

  Newman, Scott


  Newton, Helmut

  The New Voice

  New York

  New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project

  The New York Times

  Nicholson, Jack

  Nicita, Rick

  Nielsen, Brigitte

  Nighy, Bill



  9 1/2 Weeks

  Nixon, Richard

  “No Child Left Behind”

  Non ti muovere (Don’t Move)

  Northrup, Sara


  O’Brien, Daniel

  Ochs, Meegan

  The Odd Couple

  Odin Productions

  Office of the Deputy Attorney General of the United States

  O’Keefe, Michael

  “Old Time Rock and Roll”

  Olivier, Laurence

  O’Mara, Thomas. See Mapother, Thomas Cruise (great-grandfather)

  O’Neal, Tatum

  One From the Heart

  “On the Wings of Love”

  On War (Clausewitz)

  “Operation Freakout”

  “Operation Snow White”

  Ordinary People

  The Others

  The Outsiders

  Overton, Peter

  Ovitz, Michael

  Pacino, Al

  Packanack Elementary School

  Packer, James

  Packer, Kerry

  Page, Geraldine

  Paige, Rod

  Panic Room


  Pansulla, Steve

  Paper Dolls


  Paramount Studios

  Parker, Trey


  Parman, Sinar

  Pattinson, Michael

  Pellicano, Tony

  Pena, Michael

  Penn, Chris

  Penn, Leo

  Penn, Sean

  marriage of


  Perkins, Elli

  Pesci, Joe

  Pettigrew, Pete

  Pfeiffer, Charles

  Pfeiffer, Comala

  Pfeiffer, Jack

  Pfeiffer, Mary Lee. See South, Mary Lee Mapother

  Phoenix, Joaquin

  Phone Booth

  Pickford, Mary

  Pinchot, Bronson

  Pitt, Brad



  Pollack, Sydney

  Pollock, Tom

  Ponce, Mario

  Portrait of a Lady (film)

  Portrait of a Lady (James)

  Practical Magic

  Precourt, Charlie


  Presley, Lisa Marie

  Press, Skip

  Pressley, Karen

  Prezant, David

  Price, Jack

  Price, Richard

  Prince, Jesse

  “Project Celebrity”

  Proser, Chip

  Puckett, Tommy

  Purification Rundown, Scientology

  Rabi, Isidor Isaac

  Rader, Dotson

  Raging Bull

  Raiders of the Lost Ark

  Rain Man

  Raphael, Frederic

  St. Raphael school

  Rappaport, Jill

  Rathbun, Marty

  Ray, Jim

  Reagan, Nancy

  Redford, Robert

  Redstone, Sumner

  Rehabilitation Project Force, Scientology

  Reibert, Catherine

  Reiner, Rob

  Reitwiesner, William Addams

  Rice, Anne

  Rice, David

  Rich, Shirley

  Richardson, John

  Richardson, Marie

  Richardson, Marilyn

  Riggs, Rebecca

  Rinder, Mike

  Risky Business

  production of

  reception of

  Robards, Jason

  Robbins, Tim

  Robert Hopkins Public School

  Roberts, Julia

  Robertson, Dave “the Rave”

  Robinson, Arnold

  Rodriguez, Jessica Feshbach

  Roe, Bruce

  Roeg, Nicolas

  Rogers, Jim

  Rogers, Miriam “Mimi”

  Cruise’s relationship with

  Scientology practice by

  Rolling Stone

  Romeo and Juliet

  Root, David E.

  Rosemary’s Baby

  Rourke, Mickey

  The Rousters


  Runaway Train

  Ryan, Eileen

  Ryan, Meg

  Sabera Foundation

  Sacred Heart School

  St. Petersburg Times

  Sanchez, Kira

  Sandler, Herman

  Santo, Wendy

  Sara, Mia

  Sarah, Duchess of York

  Sarkin, Jane

  Saturday Night Live

  Sawyer, Diane

  The Scandal of Scientology (Cooper)

  Schamber, Bill

  Schar, Dwight

  Schawlow, Arthur

  Schmall, Craig

  Schnitzler, Arthur

  Schruers, Fred

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Scialfa, Patti

  The Science of Survival (Hubbard)

  Scientific American

  Scientology, Church of. See also Hubbard, Lafayette Ron; Miscavige, David

  auditing within

  celebrities’ special treatment in

  Celebrity Centres of

  celebrity recruitment and

  Clearsound system by

  contracts required by members of

  court rulings regarding

  Cruise, Tom, and

  death beliefs in

  detoxification program in

  FBI raid of

  franchising by

  “Free Stress Test” in

  Gold Base of

  homosexuality beliefs in

  international branches of

  intimidation/propaganda by

  IRS and

  legislative bills introduced by

  political/educational lobbying by

  premise of

  psychiatry/psychology beliefs in

  Rehabilitation Project Force in

  reproductive rituals in

  Sea Org within

  Study Tech in

  Time magazine article on

  Scientology Enhancement Centre

  Scorsese, Martin

  Scott, George C.

  Scott, Ridley

  Scott, Tony

  Sea Org, Scientology

  coup by

  salaries in

  SEALs in

  treatment of

  Seger, Bob

  Selleck, Tom

  Sellers, Peter

  Semel, Terry

  Senif, Pamela

  Sessums, Kevin


  Sevigny, Chloë

  Shales, Tom

  Shapiro, Mark

  Sheedy, Ally

  Sheen, Charlie

  Sheen, Martin

  Shields, Brooke

  Cruise wedding attendance by

  postpartum depression and

  The Shining

  Shriver, Bobby

  Shue, Elisabeth

  Sigel, Mike

  Silcott, Chris

  Silcott, John

  Silcott, Stephanie

  Silence of the Lambs

  Silver, Gerry

  Simon, Neil

  Simpson, Don

  Days of Thunder production by

  substance abuse by

  Top Gun production by

  The Simpsons

  Singer, Bryan

nbsp; 60 Minutes

  Skaaren, Warren


  Slater, Chad

  Sleepless in Seattle

  Sloane-Zelnick, Leslie

  The Slugger’s Wife

  Smith, Jada Pinkett

  Smith, Todd

  Smith, Will

  Snyder, Daniel

  Someone to Watch Over Me

  Sophisticated Ladies

  Soul Train (TV show)

  South, Jack

  South, Mary Lee Mapother (mother)

  cohabitation of Cruise and

  Cruise’s dyslexia and

  devotion of

  divorces/separations of

  remarriage of

  Scientology and

  South Park

  Spain, Scientology in

  Spelling, Aaron

  Spencer, Charles

  Spickler, Miriam. See Rogers, Miriam “Mimi”

  Spickler, Paul

  Spickler, Phil

  Spielberg, Steven

  Minority Report by

  Scientology and

  War of the Worlds by


  Springsteen, Bruce

  Spurlock, Lyman

  Stallone, Jackie

  Stallone, Sylvester

  Stamp, Terence


  Star Wars

  Stauffenberg, Berthold Graf von

  Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk Graf von

  Steinburg, George

  Stern, Howard

  Stevenson, Parker

  Stewart, Douglas Day

  Stewart, Jimmy


  The Sting

  Stone, Matt

  Stone, Oliver

  Stoughton, Ann

  Strauss, Neil

  Streep, Meryl

  Study Tech, Scientology

  Styles, Pennyann


  Sunday Express

  Sun Tzu

  Swayze, Patrick

  Sweeney, John


  Tanen, Ned



  Teen Beat

  Tenser, Karen

  Teresa, Mother

  Tevlin, Cathy

  Thank You for Smoking

  That Extra Half an Inch (Beckham)

  Thelma and Louise

  Thomas, Rob

  Thomson, David

  Thorne, “Baby” Dave

  Thorne, Kim

  Tiger Beat

  Tilse, Michael


  Tin Men

  Tiritilli, Nancy

  Tisch, Steve


  To Die For

  Top Gun

  production of

  reception of

  “Top Guns” (Yonay)

  Towne, Robert

  Townes, Charles

  Travisano, Philip

  Travisano, Vinnie

  Travolta, John

  Cruise’s relationship with

  Scientology recruiting by

  sexuality of

  “Tribute to Heroes”

  The Trip to Bountiful

  Truffaut, Francois

  The Truman Show

  Trumpler, Carol

  2001: A Space Odyssey

  Udall, Jeannine

  United Artists

  Scientology’s associations with

  Universal Studios

  Urban, Keith

  USA Today

  The Usual Suspects

  Us/Us Weekly

  Valley Forge Military Academy

  Van Der Beek, James

  Van Espen, Jean-Claude

  Vanilla Sky

  Vanity Fair

  Van Sant, Gus

  Vergara, Manolo

  Vergara, Sofía

  Scientology and

  Verhoeven, Paul


  Viall, J. Thomas

  Vinhas, Heloisa

  Vitarelli, Joseph

  Voskian, Don


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