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Roosevelt Page 102

by James Macgregor Burns

  Taylor, George W., 264

  Taylor, Maxwell, 393

  Taylor, Myron, 152, 211

  Taylor, Wayne, 455

  Teamsters Union, 521

  Tedder, Arthur W., 319

  Teheran Conference, 389, 400, 401, 405, 406-414, 415, 427, 429, 439, 458, 478, 479, 569, 574, 608, 611

  Teller, Edward, 250

  Tennessee, U.S.S., 162

  Tennessee Valley Authority, 119, 301, 431-432, 510, 528

  Thailand, 20, 135, 158, 160, 175, 201, 218

  Third Army (U.S.), 482

  Third Fleet (U.S.), 540

  36th Division, U.S. Army, 438

  This Is Your War (Childs), 273

  Thomas, Elbert, 532

  Thomas, Norman, 46, 62, 66, 358, 604

  Thompson, Dorothy, 275, 295

  Thompson, Malvina, 59

  Three-Power Pact. See Tripartite Pact

  Thurber, James, 272

  Tientsin, 203

  Tigris River, 406

  Tilsit, 314

  Time, 211, 307, 381, 435

  Time for Decision, The (Wells), 515

  Time for Greatness, A (Agar), 272

  Timor, 202, 209, 444, 486

  Tinian, 486, 487

  Tirpitz (German warship), 327

  Tito, Marshal, 484

  “T.N.T.” See Dilling, Elizabeth

  Tobin, Daniel J., 521

  Tobruk, 76, 235, 236, 369

  Togo, Heihachiro, 225

  Togo, Shigenori, 147, 154, 158

  Tojo, Hideki, 18-19, 135, 146, 154, 158, 217, 379, 496

  Tokyo: bombing of, 224, 445, 486, 558, 588, 599; celebration of the founding of the Japanese Empire, 18-19

  Tolan Committee (House), 332

  TORCH, 285-292, 300, 308, 310-312, 315, 382

  Torpedo Boat (film), 271

  Toulon, 65, 294, 297, 298, 309

  Toyoda, Teijiro, 109, 110, 135, 144, 486

  Trade Agreements Act, 594

  Trade liberalization, 129

  Trade unions. See Labor; Unions Treasury, Department of the, 352, 363, 364, 396, 433, 434

  Trier, 582

  Trieste, 586

  Trinidad, 266, 316

  Tripartite Pact, 16, 20-21, 68, 69, 71, 78, 79, 81, 144, 156

  Tripoli, 285, 326

  Trotsky, Leon, 92

  True, James. 453

  Truk, 444, 485

  Truman, Harry S, 111, 118-119, 427, 504, 505, 506, 509, 525, 532, 562, 581, 595, 602, 605, 612

  Truman Committee, investigates de­fense production, 118-119, 193, 339

  Tsukada, Japanese Army Vice Chief of Staff, 154

  Tsushima, Battle of, 225

  “Tube Alloys” (English code name for atomic project), 251

  Tula, 187, 188

  Tule Lake concentration camp, 267, 421, 464, 466

  Tully, Grace, 8, 60, 122, 125, 163, 164, 199, 200, 201, 253, 254, 255, 292, 299, 432, 447, 448, 450, 456, 475, 530, 594, 600

  Tunis, 297, 298, 326, 329, 330, 403, 416

  Tunisia, 179, 180, 285, 289, 294, 295, 298, 309, 311, 313, 314, 319, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 337, 382, 403

  Turkey, 16, 17, 71, 73, 74, 77, 309, 311, 315, 365, 369, 395, 407, 408, 412, 414

  Turkish straits, 68

  Tuscaloosa, U.S.S., 24, 25

  Tuskegee Institute, 463

  Twentieth Air Force (U.S.), 558

  Twentieth Century-Fox, 272

  U-boats. See Submarine warfare

  Ukraine, 69, 143, 151, 233, 308, 413, 567, 571

  Unconditional surrender, 323, 384, 385, 393, 397, 409, 422, 440-441, 478, 495, 546, 548-549, 559, 582

  Unified command problem, 181-183

  Unions, 54, 55, 454-455, 465. See also AFL-CIO; Amalgamated Clothing Workers; Auto Workers; Brother­hood of Sleeping Car Porters; Labor; Strikes; United Mine Workers

  United Kingdom. See Great Britain

  United Mine Workers, 52, 196, 341

  United Nations: American public opin­ion infavor of, 559; beginnings of, 515; charter, 583; Executive Council, 526, 608; peacekeeping issue, 513, 526; planning for, 429; F.D.R. announces formation of, 582; F.D.R. attempts to promote the establish­ment of, 427-429, 547-548, 560, 565, 566, 604, 611; F.D.R.’s 1944 election victory as referendum for support of, 533; and Russia, 572; Russia re­quests sixteen votes in Assembly, 517, 567; Russia wins two extra votes in Assembly, 567-568, 584; stabilization fund, 514; trusteeships, 592; unanim­ity problem discussed at Yalta, 567; U.S. requests and receives two extra Assembly votes, 568, 584; the veto, 517, 537, 587

  “United Nations” chosen as term to re­place

  “Associated Powers,” 184

  United Nations Relief and Rehabilita­tion

  Administration (UNRRA), 429, 513

  United States. For relations with othernations see names of specific coun­tries

  United States Employment Service, 264-265

  United States Medical Hospital, Bethesda, Md., 448

  U.S. War Aims (Lippmann), 516

  University of Chicago, 251

  University of Virginia, 251

  Urban League, 123

  Urban riots, 466

  Urey, Harold C, 251

  Utah Beach, 474, 475, 477

  Uvalde, Tex., 270

  V-l rocket bombs, 345, 558

  V-12 program, 464

  Vagts, Alfred, 548

  Vallandigham, Clement L., 216

  Valley Forge, 212

  Vance, Ethel, 272

  Vandenberg, Arthur H., 37, 47, 332, 361, 426, 429, 500, 583

  Vanderbilt Mansion, 199-200

  Van Loon, Henrik, 9

  Vargas, Getulió, President of Brazil, 57, 324

  Vatican, 152, 391

  Vera Cruz expedition, 205

  Veterans, postwar education and train­ing of. See GI Bill of Rights

  Vichy France: appeasement of, 296; break with London, 11; breaks diplo­matic relations with U.S., 293; Brit­ish policy to, 65; and cease-fire in Algiers, 294; defeated by British in Syria, 77; defection to Hitler, 12-13; and Indochina, 20, 106, 109; Navy of, 13, 65, 285, 294, 296-297, 298, 309, 481; occupied by Germany, 295; power in North Africa, 285; relations with Germany, 10, 14, 64-65, 69; F.D.R. searches for an American ambassador to, 24; F.D.R.’s policy toward, 286-287; suspicious of Brit­ish imperialistic aims, 290. See also Algiers; Darlan, Jean-François; Laval, Pierre; Morocco; North Africa; Pétain, Henri; TORCH

  Vickery, Howard L., 191, 245

  Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 383, 384

  Victor Hugo (Josephson), 272

  Victory ships. See Shipping

  Vienna, 479, 480, 519, 585, 586

  Vincent, Stenio, President of Haiti, 57

  Vinnitsa, 282

  Vinson, Fred M„ 340, 354, 363, 364, 434

  Virginia Capes, 86

  Vishinsky, Andrei, 565

  Vladivostok, 103, 135, 149, 153, 224, 574

  Vogelkop, 486

  Volga River, 282, 283, 308, 310

  Voroshilov, Kliment Y., 407

  WAAF’s, 460

  WAC’s, 460

  Wage and Hour and Public Contracts

  Division, 460

  Wage control, 259-260, 307, 335, 362, 363. See also Taxation

  Wagner, Robert F., 40, 525, 532

  Waikiki, 488

  Wainwright, Jonathan M., 226

  Wake, U.S.S., 203

  Wake Island, 164, 165, 172, 175, 201, 202 222 223

  Wake island (film), 271 Wales, 358

  Walker, Frank, 40, 65, 503, 504, 505, 506

  Wallace, Henry A., 22, 40, 91, 251, 256, 258, 301, 341, 342, 357, 359, 433, 434, 436, 503, 504, 505, 506, 532, 542, 561, 593

  Wallace committee on tax policy, 256, 257

  Wallonia, proposed new state, 365

  Walsh, David I., 40

  Wang Ching-wei, 82

  War, Department of, 25, 180, 207, 216, 246, 247, 265, 266, 344, 346, 397, 454, 455, 456, 462, 491, 551

  War aims, 128, 129; statement of, 132

  War Cabinet. See Cabinet War crimes, commission to investigate, 395

  War effort, in the U.S. See Production War Industries Board (World War I), 339

  War Labor Board (WLB), 197, 259, 263, 274, 336, 337, 350, 454, 465

  War Manpower Commission, 263, 265, 334, 344, 432, 461

  War Mobilization Committee, 451-452 War Plans Division (U.S. Army), 229

  War Production Board (WPB), 191, 246, 258, 259, 264, 339, 432; Labor

  Production Division, 263

  War Refugee Board, 441, 442

  War Relocation Authority (WRA), 266, 267, 464

  Warm Springs, G., 5, 463, 552, 594, 595, 596, 599, 602, 603, 606

  Warm Springs Foundation, 601

  Warren, Earl, 215, 281, 400

  Warsaw, 536, 565; uprising in, 534-535

  Warsaw Poles. See Polish Committee of National Liberation

  Washington D.C., at war, 459-460, 469-470

  “Washington Merry-Go-Round” (Drew

  Pearson’s column), 398

  Washington Times Herald, 212

  Wasp, U.S.S., 284

  Watson, Edwin (“Pa”), 9, 22, 56, 58, 61, 63, 98, 121, 163, 250, 341, 402, 405, 406, 451, 475, 503, 530, 579-580

  Watson, Mrs. Edwin, 62, 530

  Watts, Los Angeles, 388

  Wave of the Future, The (Lindbergh), 66

  Wavell, Archibald, 74, 75, 76, 78, 182, 186, 203, 205, 221

  WAVES, 460, 469

  Ways and Means Committee (House), 121, 257, 433

  Weapons, invention of new, 345-347

  Webster, Milton, 264

  Wedemeyer, Albert C, 588, 589, 591

  Welfare services, expansion of, 355

  Welles, Sumner, 80, 94, 102, 109, 129, 136, 158, 179, 221, 222, 241, 265, 307, 350, 359, 364, 366, 400, 515

  Werth, Alexander, 283, 399

  West Indies, 451

  West Virginia, U.S.S., 162

  Wheeler, Burton K., 44, 47, 114, 120, 426, 583

  White, Harry Dexter, 514

  White, Theodore, 381

  White, Walter, 123, 124

  White, William Allen, 41, 331, 332

  White, William S., 605

  White House, the: as home and office of F.D.R., 61; as a military com­mand post, 198; as a mirror of F.D.R’.s personality, 58-59; seclusion of, 468; security precautions, 173; simplicity and grace of, 58; in war­time, 173

  White House Correspondents’ Associa­tion dinners, 50-51, 437, 594-595

  White Russia, 567

  “Why We Fight” (film series), 471

  Wickard, Claude, 39

  Wilhelina, Queen of the Netherlands, 253, 300, 592, 593

  Williams, Aubrey, 124, 594

  Willkie, Wendell L.: address of, at New York Herald Tribune Forum, 296; advocates offensive tactics by the Navy, 222; attacked by Barkley, 435; attacks conservative Republicans, 499; and attempt to unseat Fish, 275, 279; author of One World, 358, 512; champion of civil rights, 275, 499, 512; Madame Chiang’s opinion of, 377; and Churchill, 43, 274, 573; and congressional Republicans, 275, 499, 510, 512, 513; considered for com­mittee to study defense organization, 194; considered for post of director of manpower, 274; critic of the ad­ministration, 51, 222, 274-275, 358, 434, 437, 499, 512-513; death of, 513, 573; demands that MacArthur be brought back to unify defense effort, 274; effigy of, hanged, 48; endorses Lend-Lease, 48-49; foe of imperial­ism, 275, 358, 379; former supporters of, back liberal Democrats, 280; founder of Freedom House, 275; leader of the Republican party, 38, 274, 276, 279, 358; loses election, 38; loses party support, 499, 510, 511; meetings with F.D.R., 43, 275, 280, 512; member of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission, 356; in Mos­cow, 283; not informed of plans for North Africa, 283; not offered job as production chief, 274; offered job as arbitrator under the War Labor Board, 274; and party realignment plan, 275-276, 280, 511-512, 513; persuades Republican National Com­mittee to take an international position, 275; relations with F.D.R., 43, 48-49, 60-61, 274-276, 279-280, 500, 511-513, 604; Republican nominee for governor of New York, 275; Re­publican presidential candidate in 1940, 5, 33, 499, 502, 528; as F.D.R.’s personal representative, 276; strong advocate of postwar interna­tional organization, 275, 358, 361, 427, 428, 499, 510, 512; supported by John L. Lewis, 52; trip around the world, 275-276, 279, 358, 499; un­successfully seeks 1944 Republican presidential nomination, 499-500; urges F.D.R. to send wheat to Tur­key, 279; urges a second front, 275, 279, 283; visit to England after elec­tion campaign, 43, 48; warns that F.D.R.’s third term will bring war, 6, 49 Willow Run bomber plant, 268 Wilson, Charles. See Moran, Lord Wilson, Henry Maitland, 479, 519

  Wilson, Woodrow, viii, 4, 50, 130, 174, 197, 274, 281, 343, 357, 359, 361, 386, 426, 427, 428, 435, 534, 550, 604, 605, 607, 608

  Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow, 356

  Wilson (film), 515

  Winant, John G., 73, 163, 234, 238, 504, 537, 561, 579

  Winchell, Walter, 201, 212, 431

  Windsor, Duke and Duchess of, 24 Wisconsin primary, 1944, 499, 510

  Wise, Stephen S., 395, 441

  Wolff, Karl, 585, 587, 596

  Wolfsschanze headquarters, 496

  Women: draft of, into Army, suggested, 461; education of, 464; employment of, 262-263, 334, 355, 460, 461, 462; health aid to, 355; Eleanor Roosevelt as spokesman for, 59; in the services, 262, 460, 469; tendency to vote Democratic, 524

  Women’s Neutrality League, 48

  Wood, Kingsley, 11

  Wood, Robert E., 500

  “Work or fight” bill. See National-service law

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 301, 430

  World Court, 359

  World-security organization. See United Nations

  World War I, 11, 14, 24, 26, 42, 51, 76, 88, 131, 143, 174, 176, 181, 187, 205, 214, 231, 244, 306, 312, 365, 459, 491

  Yale University, 189

  Yalta Conference, 373, 558, 559, 564-580, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588, 590, 591, 592, 608

  Yamamoto, Isoroku, 159, 225, 226

  Yamato (Japanese dreadnought), 225

  Yangtze River, 81

  Yank, 470 Yenan, 542, 576

  “Ying Wo” (Eagle’s Nest) (home of

  Chiang Kai-shek), 82

  Yorktown, U.S.S., 225, 226

  Yoshida, Zengo, 19

  Youth cult, 461

  Yugoslavia, 57, 71-72, 74, 76, 80, 88, 94, 185, 253, 272, 395, 408, 484, 537

  Yunnan, 544

  Yusupov Palace, 568

  Zaharoff, Basil, 200

  Zeman, Z. A. B., 386

  Zhukov, Georgi, 496

  Zion, 397, 578

  Zuikaki (Japanese carrier), 225

  Zurich, 585

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  copyright © 1970 by James MacGregor Burns

  cover design by Mumtaz Mustafa


  This edition published in 2012 by Open Road Integrated Media

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