Among Wolves

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Among Wolves Page 5

by GA Hauser

  "It's not safe here." Roman set his fork and knife on the plate, indicating, he too, was finished.

  "I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself."

  "Yeah." Roman didn't express any emotion. "I saw the twelve-gauge by your bed."

  Charlie sat up in alarm. "Huh? You got the shotgun out?"

  Butch tried not to fume. "Why were you in my bedroom?"

  "Why not?" Roman rested his elbows on the table, leaning forward in a challenge.

  "You need me. Now more than ever. You know that." Butch slouched in the chair. "I know you two! I know. I know what happens when you go frolicking out there in the snow…ya always turn. Am I right? Charlie? Ya turn back to human and someone's gotta go get ya. Right?"

  Charlie rubbed his face in what appeared to be resignation.

  Butch stood up and began stacking the empty plates. Charlie reached out his hand to stop him.

  Charlie said, "I got it. Go make sure the boys are doin' their job."

  Butch left the plates and walked around the table. He moved closer to Roman and leaned on the handsome man's shoulder, pressing his mouth to his ear to whisper. "You know I'm right. You two got no one ta help ya but me."

  Roman didn't reply or move.

  Butch closed his eyes and brushed his lips against Roman's hair, then headed to the front door and his coat and boots. Once he was ready, he glanced back but neither man had budged, still sitting at the table.

  Butch opened the front door and left, seeing the driveway had been completely cleared of snow and the day workers were bringing manure out of the stable with wheelbarrows. He adjusted his cowboy hat and had no intention of going to Vernon's on his own. It was a six hour drive to Heber, and he wanted to be with his two men.


  "He's right." Charlie stood and took the empty dishes to the sink.

  Roman still felt the sweet caress on his hair, the scent of Butch lingered. "It's only a week. And with that strange man with the sword hanging around here, I don't want Butch involved."

  "Only a week?" Charlie laughed sarcastically as he rinsed and loaded the dishes into the washer. "You know what can happen in one day? Come on, Roman. He's fine. So what if he has the shotgun handy. Wouldn't you with two wolves to deal with?"

  Roman stood and brought more dishes to Charlie to load in the washer. "Oh? Really? So it's okay if he shoots one of us? Are you kidding me?"

  "So? What are you goin' to do about it?"

  "I took the rounds. Don't tell him his gun is empty."

  Charlie gave Roman a look of frustration and finished rinsing the dishes as Roman scrubbed the pan in the sink.

  "Charlie, you can't kill a ghost with a shotgun."

  "A ghost? You don't know what it is…Will you call Nick? We need to figure out where the hell that cult has gone." Charlie dried his hands and finished clearing the table.

  "I will. He'll ask why. You know that." Roman set the pan into the drying rack and wiped his hands on a towel.

  "Ya have to know. We have to know." Charlie cleaned the table and counters, then said, "Let me go out there and make sure them chores are done."

  "Get rid of the ashes from that goat."

  Roman got a nod in reply and Charlie headed to the living room. Once Charlie had left the house, Roman picked up his cell phone and scrolled through the numbers. He stared out of the back window, at the view and the horses grazing, and put the phone to his ear.

  "Hey, Roman. What's up?"

  "Nick…I need your help." Roman pushed the curtain back on the window and watched Charlie and Butch using shovels to disperse the smoldering ashes, mixing it with snow and dirt.


  "Does the department still have a file on that cult we dealt with in two years ago in Heber?"

  "Probably. Why?"

  Inhaling a deep breath, Roman said, "Uh…I was thinking of writing a novel about it." Silence was his answer. "Nick?"

  "Are you shitting me?"

  "Um…" Yes? "I am considering it. Research. Not fiction."

  "Sure, Burk. Ya wanna tell me what's really going on now?"

  "No." Roman rubbed his face tiredly.

  "Fine. I'll see if I can dig it up and email it to you."

  "Thanks. Like soon?"

  "Man! It's Saturday!"

  "I know. But you're always in the fucking office."

  "I'm not now. Why can't you get it?"

  "Fine. Is it still in the current files? Or archived?" Roman turned away from the window when Charlie left his field of vision.

  "Since it's a cold case it's archived. But we don't purge those files for decades. That was only two years ago…Roman? Are you and Charlie dealing with it again?"


  "Roman? Tell me."

  "Uh…I'm not sure. Just weird dreams."

  "You're a shitty liar."

  "Nick, I can't tell you anything. You'll get me pulled from my shift."

  "Damn straight! I don't need a fucking wolf or crow in the office."

  Roman dropped down to sit on a chair at the table. He ran his hand over his hair and said, "Yes. All right? Yes."

  "Jesus, Roman! I can't believe it. Has it been happening this whole time?"

  "No. Last night. On the drive home…I just made it to my place and…"


  Roman couldn't say it. It was as if he had a terrible disease.

  "And?" Nick asked again, louder. "You changed? Into what?"

  "…a wolf. Just for a little while."

  "Oh, just for a little while," Nick mocked, "Well, then…You can't come in! You got that? You're on leave until we can get this figured out."

  "I knew you'd do that!" Roman balled his fist.

  "Burk, no way. You hear me? Not only am I not letting you into the office until we figure it out, I'm sending someone there to watch over you."

  "Don't you fucking dare." Roman began to get furious.

  "Are you kidding me? A crazed wolf-man running around in Washoe County?"

  "Nick! I'm fine! Charlie and Butch are both here." Roman felt pain in his gut and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

  "Tough! I'm not having one of my agents responsible for anything that fucked up. You hear me?"

  Pain hit Roman hard. He held his stomach and doubled over.

  "Roman? I'll call Phil Dean. He's one of the few agents that can handle you."

  Roman cringed in pain and battled the change but he knew what was coming. He managed to say, "Don't. I'll be in Heber for the holidays. So don't." He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth the agony was becoming so intense.

  "Then I'll have Phil meet you. I assume you are going to Vernon's ranch for Christmas?"

  Roman swallowed hard and tried to answer.


  "Yeah. I'll call ya…get the info. Bye."


  He hung up and the phone dropped out of his hand. Roman fell to his knees and screamed in anguish.

  Chapter 5

  Charlie perked up. He spun around to the house and sprinted to the front door.

  "Charlie?" Butch yelled from inside the barn where they were cleaning stalls. "What happened?"

  Charlie opened the door of his home and stopped short. A huge black wolf was standing by the hearth, and when Charlie entered the room, the fur on its neck stood on end and it snarled.

  "Goddamn it!" Charlie shut the door behind him. "Roman, this cannot keep happenin'. What the hell triggered it?"

  The door opened behind him, hitting Charlie in the back. "Charlie?"

  "Butch, stay out. Give me a minute."

  "Oh no. He at it again?"

  "Please." Charlie tried to close the door.

  The door shut and he could hear Butch's muttering as he walked away.

  Charlie took a deep breath, trying to keep his own stress level low so he didn't do the same thing. The wolf spun around and began growling at something inside the kitchen.

  "Roman?" Charlie walked softly towards the big wolf. "Calm down.
I'm here."

  When the wolf darted out of Charlie's sight, as if it was on the attack, Charlie hurried to see what was going on. The big wolf was snapping its fangs at the back door, clawing the wood and biting at air.

  "Roman! Cut it out!" Charlie felt his heart race and with it a sense of pain in his stomach. Trying to keep himself from morphing into another form, he leaned on the wall in the kitchen and slid down to sit on the wood flooring. Limp, trying to stop the internal war.

  Roman pawed at the door, sniffed under it, and made strange whining sounds.

  "Git the fuck over here, ya stupid dog." Charlie rubbed his stomach and felt the pain slowly letting up.

  The big wolf perked up its ears and looked at him with its luminous green eyes.

  "Come 'ere." Charlie reached out his hand, wishing to hell this wasn't happening again.

  Roman padded over, his nails making clicking sounds on the hardwood. He dropped down and put his head on Charlie's lap, blowing out a low exhale through his long snout and licking his own nose.

  Charlie caressed the thick soft fur and closed his eyes. "You really need anger management classes, Roman. Yer a fuckin' hot head, and it's goin' to be the end of ya."

  A whimper sound came from the big canine, and then he curled up in a ball.

  Charlie covered his ears and closed his eyes, hating the sight of the shape-changing. It was horrific in his opinion.

  "Gaaad! Auugh!" Roman's human voice began to emerge from the whelps.

  He fell down on Charlie's lap and gasped for air.

  Charlie opened his eyes to see Roman, coated in perspiration, panting to gain his breath. Charlie caressed his black hair and shook his head. "Do I even want to know?"

  "That man." Roman closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. "He was here."

  "That man?" Charlie asked. "The one with the sword?"

  Roman nodded, still recuperating, lying naked with his head on Charlie's lap.


  Charlie heard Butch's voice.

  "Any wolves here? Charlie?"

  "In here, Butch." Charlie looked around for Roman's clothing. It was in a line on the floor where Roman had shed it when he became a wolf.

  A moment later Butch was standing at the threshold of the room, looking down at them. "Jesus Christ. Roman, can't you control it at all?"

  "Don't start on him, Butch. He's exhausted." Charlie caressed Roman's neck and shoulders.

  Butch gathered up the clothing and crouched down beside them. "What did it? Huh? Was it me?"

  Roman shook his head, still looking spent. "No."

  Charlie nudged Roman, wanting him to get dressed since it was cold, even inside their home. "Butch, why don't you get a fire going in the hearth? Roman's startin' to shiver."

  "What am I? The new fire starter?"

  Charlie glanced up at Butch curiously. "Okay. Never mind. I'll do it."

  "I'm fine." Roman, looking pale, reached for his clothing, getting dressed.

  Charlie stood up and caught Butch staring at Roman. He nudged Butch. "You've seen him naked. Put your tongue back in your mouth."

  "Huh?" Butch blushed and met Charlie's gaze.

  "Charlie, leave him alone." Roman attempted to stand and reached out for something to steady him, as if he were dizzy.

  Both men went for him, holding him up.

  "I got it." Roman shook off their grip and stepped into his briefs and jeans.

  Using a soft voice, Butch asked, "You want me to light a fire, Roman?"

  "No." Roman put his shirt back on.

  "What triggered it?" Charlie asked as Roman sat down to put on his socks.

  "Fucking Nick." Roman shook his head. "I'm out on leave."

  "It's for the best, Roman." Butch stepped closer, rubbing Roman's back.

  Charlie knew Butch was interested in sex with them…with him? But they had excluded Butch from any type of intimate contact. He and Roman were a couple, not two thirds of a threesome.

  Charlie had always been conventional in his tastes, and even allowing Butch to witness his and Roman's coupling or letting Butch jerk off in the room, was not ideally what Charlie wanted.

  Once Roman was dressed, he sat down at the dining room table, as if to recuperate. "Is there leftover coffee?"

  "I'll see." Butch headed to the kitchen counter.

  Charlie crouched down in front of Roman's knees. "That man? With the sword…he was in our house?"

  "Yes." Roman glanced over at Butch who poured him a cup of coffee from the carafe.

  "Did he say anything to you?"

  "He did." Roman stopped talking when Butch brought him a cup of black coffee. "Thanks, Butch."

  "It's the last of the pot. If it's too bitter I can make a fresh one."

  "This is fine." Roman sipped it.

  Charlie looked up at Butch. "The boys all done?"

  "Close. They're just puttin' down fresh hay and fillin' the feeders."

  "Why don't you call Vernon and tell him yer goin' to head up there…soon."

  Butch's expression changed to annoyance. "I'm goin' with you. I don't want to drive the whole way alone. Why can't I wait until you two go?"

  "Charlie," Roman said, holding the cup in both hands. "It's fine."

  "Well, at least call 'em and see if they want us to bring anythin'."

  "Okay." Butch went for the phone in the kitchen.

  "Can ya give us a minute?" Charlie asked.

  Butch picked up the cordless phone and left the room, appearing irritated.

  Once Charlie heard him talking on the phone he gave Roman his attention. "What did the guy say?"

  "Something about being an alpha." Roman drank more coffee. "I have no idea what he meant."

  "An alpha?" Charlie stood and pulled a chair close to Roman, sitting down beside him so they could whisper. "An alpha wolf?"

  "No. An alpha-bet!" Roman nearly grew enraged but Charlie could see him biting back his anger. "Yes. I assume so."

  The cup shook in Roman's hand. Charlie touched it to steady it. "Callin' you one or tellin' you he was one?"

  "I don't know. I just wanted him out." Roman finished the tepid coffee and set the cup down beside him at the table.

  "Jesus, Roman. I am at a loss on how to deal with this again."

  "I need to get to the computer. I can access the one at work from home. Nick said the file from our case is in the archives." Roman went to stand.

  Charlie did and reached for him to make sure he was not going to stumble.

  Roman jerked his arm away indignantly, then said, "Sorry."

  "Yer a proud man, Roman Burk. But ya gotta stop lettin' this get to ya or we'll be puttin' you into a dog carrier."

  Roman didn't take the bait, and left the room.

  Charlie picked up his empty cup and rinsed it, then cleaned the coffee pot and dumped the old grounds into the trash. He dried his hands and stared outside, trying to figure out a way to rid this thing, once and for all.


  "Butch! So nice to hear from you!"

  "Hi, Sherlane." Butch was always shy when it came to Vernon's two daughters, Suzie and Sherlane. "You back from college?"

  "Yes, both Suz and I are out for our winter break. Are you boys coming for Christmas? Dad said we should expect you."

  "Yeah. We want to spend it with you. Yer our family." Butch looked up when Roman moved by him down the hall, headed to the den.

  "I'm so thrilled. Suzie has a new boyfriend, but I don't. I'm too busy. Are you seeing someone, Butch?"

  "Naw. Not yet." He relocated so he could see Roman, who sat down at his desk and booted up his computer.

  "I don't know why a handsome eligible bachelor like you is still single. You'd be a catch for any gal."

  Roman caught Butch's gaze and then began typing on the computer.

  "Anyway," Butch wasn't about to tell Sherlane he was gay. Yes, the family seemed to accept Charlie loving Roman, but…he didn't want anyone to know about him. "So, does it matter when we arr

  "Nope. Hal and JP know you're coming. They're excited to have you back staying with them, and I've already put clean sheets on the bed for Roman and Charlie in Charlie's old cabin."

  Butch didn't know how to tell her he'd prefer staying with Charlie and Roman, so he didn't. "Good. Great. I do miss y'all."

  "We miss you too. It's so nice you are all coming. I thought for sure we'd see you sooner than two years. But time goes quick, doesn't it, Butch?"

  "It does. Feels like only yesterday I was workin' as a wrangler on yer daddy's ranch." Butch stared at Roman's profile as he read the computer screen, tapping keys, moving the mouse.

  "We were just discussing that crazy time. You know. When Roman and Charlie…changed."

  "I know. Hard to believe. But, well, we all saw it."

  "Have they been good since they got fixed?"

  "Fixed?" Butch thought about neutering a dog for some reason.

  "You know. When they were made right. The curse was lifted."

  "Oh. Yeah. They're fine." He wasn't about to be the one to tell them. Not with Roman hearing every word he said.

  "Phew!" She laughed. "Daddy will be happy to hear that."

  "Ha. Yeah." Butch didn't smile. "So we'll see ya, probably either Friday night or real early on Saturday."

  "Oh, come in earlier than that. That will only give us a few days."

  Butch cupped the phone to speak to Roman. "Sherlane wants us there for a few extra days. When did you wanna go?"

  Roman, not looking at Butch, said, "You go now. We'll be there at the end of next week."

  Butch spoke to Sherlane, "I'll see if we can get up there Thursday. Okay?"

  "Okay, Butch. Everyone is really excited to see you all again."

  "Us too. Oh, Charlie wants to know what y'all need. Can we bring anything? Booze? Food?"

  "You know Mom, she cooks for an army. So no food. I suppose you can bring something you like to drink."

  "Okay. Thanks, Sherlane. See ya soon."

  "Bye, Butch. Have a safe drive."

  He hung up and stared at Roman. "Whatcha doin'?" Butch walked behind him, seeing the computer screen was filled with text files.

  "Trying to figure out where the location was in Salt Lake City when we located that cult."

  Butch still held the phone and tried to read the print over Roman's shoulder. "You should have the location written down. You ATF agents don't miss a thing." He leaned down and sniffed Roman's hair.


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