Finding Gunnar

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Finding Gunnar Page 11

by Andria Large

  Bowen purses his lips and nods, fighting off a smile. “How do you know?”

  “I just do. Is that considered rememberin’?”

  “I’m going to say yes.” Bowen grins.

  Gunnar’s lips split into a huge smile and his eyes light up. “Ha! Hey, Griff! Did you hear that? I remembered that I don’t like holding hands in public,” he exclaims as he trots after his best friend.

  Bowen’s heart flutters as he watches him go. He doesn’t know if Gunnar is ready for any kind of relationship. He’s got too much other stuff to focus on, and being in a relationship isn’t one of them. Bowen, on the other hand, would love to be in a relationship with him again.

  He walks out the front door, closing it behind him. Griffin locks it and they all pile into his truck. Gunnar and Bowen sit in the back. After buckling his seat belt, Gunnar slaps his hand down on Bowen’s thigh and gives it a squeeze. Bowen glances over at him, and Gunnar sends him a sultry smile and a wink. Bowen grins and shakes his head. He loves that Gunnar's so fucking happy; it does crazy things to his emotions.

  It takes fifteen minutes to get to the bar. Once Griffin parks, they all get out and head for the entrance. Griffin and Eva walk ahead of Gunnar and Bowen as they make their way farther into the establishment. They pass the section where the rodeo takes place and move toward the center where there is a large bar, dance floor, tables, and food stands. There is a band already playing good music.

  “Let’s get some food,” Griffin calls over the music.

  They all agree and walk over to the barbecue stand. After placing their orders, Griffin sends Eva to find them a table. She finds one and sits while the guys wait for the food.

  Since Bowen is not fan of red meat, he opts for barbecue chicken, but only because there was no salad or anything vegetarian on the menu. Once his order is up, he takes his tray and goes to sit with Eva. Gunnar and Griffin sit a couple minutes later with their trays. Gunnar has a giant burger, and Bowen can’t help but wrinkle his nose at it.

  Of course, Gunnar catches him. “Hey, don’t be givin’ my food dirty looks. It didn’t do anythin’ to you.”

  “It looks gross.” Bowen grimaces.

  Gunnar glares at him while he picks up his monster burger and takes a giant bite out of it. Bleh. Makes Bowen wanna gag. Griffin and Eva laugh. Bowen diverts his eyes, unable to look at him any longer without throwing the hell up.

  “What’s the matter, Babe? You don’t like my meat?” Gunnar chuckles.

  Bowen barks out a laugh. “Shut up.”

  Gunnar laughs and nudges Bowen’s side with his elbow.

  After they are all finished eating, they find a spot at the bar and order some drinks. Bowen is leaning with his back against the bar, sipping his beer. Gunnar is standing a couple feet in front of him talking about how he wants to see the rodeo, when this super cute, total country-girl sidles up next to him and places her hand along the small of his back. Gunnar blinks in surprise as he turns toward her. He smiles brightly when he sees her face. A rock forms in the pit of Bowen’s stomach. No doubt, he finds her attractive, and who knows what she’s going to proposition him with. It’s gonna fucking sting if he takes her up on whatever she’s offering. Not like he has any obligation to Bowen; they’re technically not together.

  “Hey there, sexy,” she purrs.

  “Hi,” he replies.

  Bowen watches as his gaze dips down to her ample cleavage. Bowen clenches his teeth to fight off the urge to tell her to get lost. He pushes his glasses up his nose and takes a long pull from his beer bottle as he wills Gunnar with his mind to give her the boot.

  “Do you wanna come dance with me, Darlin’?” she asks in her sweet southern drawl.

  “I uh…I don’t really…” he stammers as he glances at Griffin, obviously not remembering if he can dance or not. Griffin gives him a non-committal shrug.

  His eyes then flick to Bowen’s and he does his best to keep his expression neutral. Gunnar has to make this decision on his own. Bowen has no say over what he chooses to do, even if it will hurt like hell if he goes off to dances with her.

  “It’s not hard, I can show you,” she says, placing her other hand on his stomach.

  Gunnar shakes his head. “Thanks for the offer, Sweetheart, but I’m here with my friends. I’m not gonna leave them hangin’.”

  Bowen turns his back to Gunnar, blows out a sigh of relief before downing the rest of his beer, and orders another one.

  She pouts and turns to press her body a little more against his. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to change your mind?”

  “I’m sure,” he replies, giving her a regretful smile.

  She sulks away and Gunnar watches her go for a moment. Yeah, he may find her attractive, but he’s still standing here, and that means something to Bowen. He feels a hand on his lower back and turns to find Gunnar standing next to him.

  “Hey, you okay?” he asks quietly.

  Bowen nods. “Yeah, fine, why?” He tries to play off the fact that he was scared out of his mind that Gunnar was going to walk away with that girl.

  Gunnar searches his eyes for a second. “You looked worried.”

  Bowen shrugs.

  “You don’t have to be worried.”

  Bowen’s eyebrows shoot up. “I don’t?”

  “Fuck no,” Gunnar scoffs then leans in to whisper in his ear. “I don’t want anyone but you, Bowen.”

  Bowen blinks at him then moves away so they’re not so close. Gunnar gives him a small lopsided grin and gives his bicep a squeeze. That’s the most PDA that Bowen’s gonna get and he knows it, so to him that means the world.

  Bowen smiles softly and nods. “Same here.”

  “Duh. No way you would want anyone other than me,” Gunnar chuffs and plucks at the shoulder of his T-shirt.

  Bowen laughs. “You arrogant bastard.”

  Gunnar gives him a shit-eating grin and downs the rest of his beer. Bowen glances over Gunnar’s shoulder to find Griffin smiling at him. His brother sends him a wink.

  “Let’s go get in line for the rodeo,” Gunnar chirps and takes off through the crowd.

  Bowen, Griffin, and Eva laugh and follow him. They get in the line that’s already started and talk about random things while they wait. When they are able to go in, Gunnar races to get a seat on the bleachers right up front. Bowen sits down next to him, and Gunnar smiles at him and slaps his knee.

  “This is exciting,” he gushes.

  “Mmm hmm,” Bowen agrees, fighting the urge to kiss the fucking shit out of him.

  The announcer calls for everyone to stand and remove their hats for the National Anthem. Bowen feels Gunnar stiffen next to him as he hesitantly stands and slowly pulls off his hat. When he glances at him, he looks flustered as he runs his hand over the side of his head where the scar is. Bowen sighs and leans in close to him.

  “It’s okay,” he whispers.

  Gunnar shakes his head. “I feel like everyone is starin’ at me,” he hisses.

  Bowen takes a look around to find that no one is paying him any mind. “They’re not. Everyone is lookin’ at the flag.”

  Just as the song is ending, Bowen hears a little kid’s voice from directly behind them say loudly, “Mommy, what’s wrong with that guy’s head?”

  Fucking kids. The boy’s mother shushes him, but it’s too late. Gunnar already heard it and immediately shoves his hat back on his head, even though the anthem isn’t over. Once it ends and everyone is seated, Bowen turns slightly to see that the little boy, who is probably about three or four years old, is staring at the side of Gunnar’s head curiously. His mother on the other hand looks mortified.

  “Hey Buddy,” Bowen says. When the kid looks at him, he continues. “He’s a soldier. He got a really bad boo-boo on his head and now has a scar from it.”

  The kid’s eyes widen. “Ooooh,” he says in understanding then goes and shoves his foot in his mouth. “Can I touch it?”

  “Andrew!” His mother
squawks. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” she says, visible upset.

  Bowen glances at Gunnar to see that he's watching him, a small smile playing across his lips. He then removes his hat and tilts his head toward the kid.

  “Go on. Touch it,” he says.

  Andrew reaches toward Gunnar and just before he touches the scar, Gunnar turns and barks, snapping his teeth at the little boy. The kid jumps in surprise before bursting out laughing, along with everyone else.

  Gunnar laughs. “Go ahead. I’ll let you touch it this time.”

  He tilts his head toward him again. Andrew laughs, and when he reaches out again, Gunnar growls, making him snatch his hand back with a playful scream. The little boy reaches out once more, this time pretty much smacking Gunnar’s head.

  “Heeeeyyyyyy,” Gunnar drawls and turns around to mean-mug Andrew. “I said touch it, not beat me up.”

  Andrew is screaming laughing at this point and has everyone around him joining in with his laughter. His mother places her hand on Gunnar’s shoulder and thanks him for his service and for being so understanding and wonderful to her son, actually making Gunnar blush.

  “Anytime,” he rasps and sends Andrew a wink before turning around and placing his hat back on his head.

  He reaches over and gives Bowen’s knee a squeeze. “Thank you,” he whispers.

  “You’re welcome,” Bowen replies quietly.

  Chapter Twelve

  “WOOO, THAT was fun!” Gunnar exclaims as they walk out of the rodeo.

  It wasn’t a long show, but it had bull riding, barrel racing, and some calf roping. The bull riding was intense. He was on the edge of his seat the entire time.

  They’re walking back to the bar when he hears, “Holy shit, Gunnar, is that you?!”

  Gunnar turns toward the voice to see three guys sitting off to his left around a small high-top table.

  “It is you!” The one guy laughs and hops down from his stool and comes to give Gunnar a man hug; the clasp hands, bump shoulder kind. “You’ve lost some weight man. I almost didn’t recognize you. Where have you been?”

  Gunnar blinks at him when they separate, unsure of what to say or do. He has no idea who this guy is, even though he seems to know him very well.

  “Gunnar, you all right, dude?” he asks, his smile fading.

  “I-I’m sorry, who are you?” Gunnar asks, swallowing hard. This fucking sucks. He feels like such an asshole right now.

  “What?” the guy asks incredulously, jerking his chin back.

  “I…uh…I lost my memory about two months ago, so I don’t remember who you are.” Gunnar winces.

  The guy stares at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Dude, shut up. You think you’re so funny.”

  “I’m not jokin’. I have no idea who you are.” Gunnar frowns.

  His laughter dies. “Dude, quit fuckin’ with me.”

  “I’m not.”

  He narrows his eyes at Gunnar. “Don’t play games with me, motherfucker.”

  Gunnar throws a hand up in exasperation. “Why would I play games with you?”

  “Because that’s what you do. I’m not in the mood right now, so just cut it out.”

  “Hey man, he's not jokin’ around, he really did lose his memory,” Bowen says, stepping up next to Gunnar.

  “No one fuckin’ asked you, four eyes,” he says and gives Bowen a one-handed shove to he shoulder.

  Gunnar is on him in a flash, gripping him up by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t fuckin’ touch him,” he snaps in his face.

  The guy takes a swing and catches Gunnar on the left side of the head, knocking his hat off. Momentarily stunned, Gunnar lets the guy go and puts his hand to his head, scared that the guy might have done damage to that side of his head. Griffin comes flying in from seemingly nowhere and socks the guy right in the jaw, knocking him the fuck out. The guy’s friends jump to their feet, but Griffin turns to face them.

  “Don’t fuckin’ try anythin’!” he barks and points at them.

  Bowen rushes to Gunnar’s side, grabbing his shoulders and ducking his head to catch Gunnar’s gaze. “Hey. Hey, you’re okay.”

  “I’m not bleedin’, am I?” Gunnar asks shakily.

  “No. You're fine.”

  Of course, a crowd has now formed around them, making Gunnar uneasy.

  “Where’s my hat?” he rasps, looking around the floor.

  Bowen finds it first and picks it up, handing it to him. Gunnar roughly shoves it on his head. He glances at the other two guys that were with the first guy to find them watching him, their eyes wide in shock. Guess they saw his scar and realized he wasn’t lying.

  “Let’s go,” Griffin murmurs to Bowen and Gunnar before turning and holding out his hand for Eva. She steps through the crowd to take his hand. She looks shaken as he pulls her in and tucks her under his arm. He then turns to the guy’s friends. “Make sure you tell Eddie that he’s a fuckin’ douchebag.”

  They both nod, still looking shocked. Griffin leads Eva toward the exit. Bowen puts his arm around Gunnar’s shoulders and does the same. The car ride back is quiet, and Gunnar can feel the anger pouring off of Griffin. When they get back to the house, Griffin goes right to the fridge to grab a beer. He cracks it open and downs it. Gunnar and Bowen go and sit on the couch.

  “Gunnar, are you okay?” Griffin asks, coming to sit on the coffee table in front of him.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay. I just got worried that he split open my scar or something.”

  “Nah, you’re good. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

  “Who was he?”

  Griffin sighs. “Remember me tellin’ you about your other ‘friends’ that you would go out and drink with?”


  “That was them.”

  Gunnar frowns hard. “Oh.”


  “Are you okay?” Gunnar asks Griffin.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’m gonna put some ice on my hand then get some special attention from my girl. Right, Honeybuns?” He smiles and winks at Eva.

  She cocks an eyebrow at him. “Mmm, we’ll see.”

  “I guess I should get going then,” Bowen murmurs.

  “What? No, don’t leave. Spend the night with me,” Gunnar says, taking his hand.

  “Oh. Really?” Bowen replies, looking slightly shocked.

  “Yeah, really,” Gunnar responds with a crooked smile before leaning in to give him a peck on the lips. “I still owe you from earlier,” he whispers, his lips brushing Bowen’s.

  Bowen shudders and his eyes flutter closed. Yeah, he wants me.

  “Take it to the bedroom, love birds,” Griffin drawls dryly.

  “With pleasure,” Gunnar growls.

  Gunnar takes Bowen’s hand and stands, pulling Bowen with him. He tugs Bowen along with him down the hallway to his bedroom. He closes them in and locks the door. He turns to find Bowen sitting on the end of the bed looking like he’s deep in thought.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks, sitting down next to Bowen.

  “Is this thing with us going somewhere? Or are we just messing around for the time being?”

  “Do you want it to go somewhere?”

  His gaze flicks to Gunnar’s. “I've wanted you back ever since we broke up, so yeah, I do.”

  Gunnar purses his lips and nods. “I feel like whatever is between us has history. I feel like I know you and we've been here before."

  "We have," Bowen agrees.

  "I don't remember details, but I have feelin's for you. Deep feelin's that could only come from before I lost my memory."

  "We were...are..."

  Gunnar nods. "I know, I feel it." He pats his chest. "I have tons of shit to work through right now, though. Do you think you can handle all of it? I’d like to know someone besides Griffin will have my back when I need them.”

  A small smile curls one side of his sexy mouth. “I think I can handle that.”

  “Good. So, shall we mak
e it official?” Gunnar grins.

  Bowen’s eyes darken and his lids drop to half-mast. “Hell fuckin' yes, we should.”

  Gunnar grabs his face and crushes his lips to Bowen’s. Bowen wraps his arms around him and maneuvers him so that Gunnar is straddling his lap. He ravages his mouth, pulling a moan from Gunnar. Bowen’s hands find Gunnar’s ass and palms both cheeks so he can tug him closer. Gunnar feels Bowen’s erection rub against his, and it makes his heart race in anticipation.

  Gunnar pulls back from the kiss to suck in much needed air. “Fuck me, Bowen.”

  Bowen growls deep in his throat as he turns and pushes Gunnar onto the bed with his back against the sheets. He quickly discards Gunnar’s clothes then gets rid of his own, lightly tossing his glasses on the bedside table. Man, he’s stunning naked.

  “Move to the middle of the bed,” Bowen commands.

  He does as he’s told and lies down in the middle of the bed on his back. Bowen crawls over him until his knees are on either side of his chest.

  “Suck my cock.”

  Again, Gunnar follows orders and lifts his head so that he can take Bowen’s cock into his mouth. Bowen hisses and places a hand at the back of his head to help support him. He rocks his hips in time with the bobbing of Gunnar’s head. He glides his hands up Bowen’s thighs to his rigid stomach. Bowen moans, dropping his chin to his chest, closing his eyes. Gunnar takes his time sucking him, going slowly to make sure he feels everything he’s doing to him. When Bowen finally has enough, he backs his hips away until his dick pops out of Gunnar’s mouth.

  “Tell me you have lube and condoms,” Bowen says.

  Gunnar points to the bedside table. “I stole some from Griffin.”

  Bowen chuckles as he pulls what they need from the drawer. He tosses a condom on Gunnar’s chest as he shuffles over to position himself between his spread legs. He pours lube in his hand then smoothes it over Gunnar’s cock and asshole. Gunnar moans and grabs the backs of his knees, pulling his legs up to his chest.

  Bowen grins. “You little slut, you.”

  Gunnar huffs out a laugh that gets cut short when Bowen pushes a digit inside of him. “You turn me into a slut.”

  Bowen leans in close nips at his bottom lip, as he fucks him with his finger. “Mmm, I always did,” he purrs before crushing his lips to Gunnar’s.


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