Finding Gunnar

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Finding Gunnar Page 16

by Andria Large

  Griffin and Eva are already there when Bowen and Griffin walk in the front door. From the fierce whispers coming from Bowen, and the I-don’t-give-a-fuck look on Gunnar’s face, Griffin would say that Gunnar has already been hitting the bottle today.

  The guy is a fucking mess. Griffin doesn’t know what’s going on with him, but he can’t seem to straighten himself out. He’s got an appointment Monday to see a therapist at the VA. God, he hopes they can help him. Bowen has been so upset and worried over the whole thing. Griffin’s even tried talking him into leaving Gunnar. Yeah, he’s his best friend, but Bowen is his brother, and he doesn’t deserve to have a shitty alcoholic boyfriend. But Bowen won’t leave him. He keeps telling him that this isn’t who Gunnar is. And he’s correct there. This isn’t Gunnar. That's why he’s hoping that this therapist can get him straightened out.

  Eva and Griffin are sitting in the dining room with his dad while his mom puts the finishing touches on dinner in the kitchen. Griffin glances at his dad to find him watching Bowen and Gunnar’s exchange carefully. His parents know Gunnar. They’ve met him a few times over the years that he’s known him. They know that Griffin thinks of him has another brother. They also know about him and Bowen being together.

  His dad stands to greet them. When Bowen sees him coming toward them, he plasters on a smile and leaves Gunnar’s side to hug his dad.

  “Hey, Bowen. Good to see you, Son,” his dad, Colin, says, patting Bowen on the back.

  “Good to see you, too, Dad.”

  Colin then turns to Gunnar and sticks out his hand. “Gunnar, it’s been a while.”

  Gunnar gives his hand a firm shake. “Yes, it has. Thanks for havin’ me.”

  “Absolutely. We’re glad to have you here. How are you doing?”

  Gunnar shrugs. “As good as I can be, I guess.”

  “It’s a difficult time for you, but I know you’re strong enough to get past it.”

  Gunnar presses his lips together and nods. “Thanks.”

  Mary Jane, Griffin and Bowen’s mother, appears in the kitchen doorway with a tray full of sliced turkey. “Oh great! You boys made it just in time.”

  She sets the tray down then goes and gives Bowen a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then she does the same to Gunnar. Something in her face changes ever so slightly when she turns to go back into the kitchen. She stops behind Griffin and plants her hands on his shoulders. She leans down and gives him a kiss on the cheek then whispers in his ear.

  “Gunnar smells strongly of alcohol.”

  She pats his shoulder then walks off into the kitchen. I fucking knew it. This little drinking problem has gotten way out of hand. He couldn’t not drink for one day? Obviously, he doesn’t care about Brown enough to quit on his own, so Griffin is going to have to step in, whether Gunnar likes it or not. And if that means he has to take time off from the shop again and fucking live with him, then so be it.

  “Let me help you, Mary Jane,” Eva says as she gets up from the table and follows her into the kitchen.

  Bowen pulls out the chair across from Griffin and sits down while their dad takes his seat at the head of the table. Gunnar, on the other hand, goes into the kitchen. He comes back with four open beers and hands one to each of them.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” he toasts.

  Being polite, Colin raises his beer in toast and takes a sip. Bowen and Griffin just take big swigs. This is going to be a long night. Griffin looks across the table at Bowen and raises a questioning eyebrow at him. Bowen shakes his head as if to say, “Don’t ask.”

  Eva and Mary Jane return with more food before disappearing into the kitchen a couple more times to bring more stuff out. When they finally sit down, Colin says grace and they all dig in.

  “Everything is so good, Mary Jane,” Gunnar says, pointing to his plate with his fork.

  “Why thank you, Gunnar,” Mary Jane replies proudly.

  “Agreed,” Griffin adds. His mother was always the best cook.

  Gunnar then looks over at Bowen’s plate. “Babe, no turkey? Really?”

  Bowen’s cheeks darken. “Gunnar, you know I’m not a fan of meat.”

  “But it’s Thanksgiving,” he argues, “Do you know what I would have given to have a fuckin' slice of turkey when I was younger?”

  “Watch your language,” Bowen warns, his eyebrow drawing down.

  “Gunnar, don’t worry about what Bowen’s eating, okay?” Griffin chimes in.

  “Seriously? Your mom went through a lot of trouble to make all of this and he can’t even try a piece?”

  “It’s okay, Gunnar, I don’t mind. I know Bowen doesn’t like meat that much,” Mary Jane says reassuringly.

  Bowen looks completely mortified and it fucking pisses Griffin off. He brought Griffin here as his boyfriend, his date, and the guy is fucking acting like a dick and embarrassing him in front of their parents.

  “Ya know, Gunnar, it would have been nice of you to remain sober today,” Griffin muses.

  “What are you talking about? I’m sober.”

  “My ass, you are,” Griffin chuffs.

  “Griffin, not now,” Eva chides.

  “All right, fine, I had a couple drinks before comin' over here. Excuse me for wantin' to calm my nerves from actually being included in a family for the first time in my life,” Gunnar snaps.

  “Oh, don’t give me that shit. You’re plastered; I can see it in your eyes. There’s a difference between taking the edge off and drinkin' so many that I can smell you from here.”

  “Can we please stop arguin' and just eat?” Bowen sighs.

  “Fine. I’m gonna get another drink. Anyone else need a refill?” Gunnar asks as he pushes out of his chair.

  “Don’t you fuckin' dare,” Griffin growls and smacks a hand on the table.

  “Excuse me?” Gunnar replies incredulously.

  “You will not be havin' another drink now, or for the rest of the night.”

  “I’m sorry, when did you become my father? Oh, that’s right, you’re not because I don't have one.”

  Griffin pushes up out of his chair. “That’s it! Outside, now!”

  “Oh, what are you gonna do, kick my ass?” Gunnar goads.

  Bowen curses under his breath and drops his head into his hands.

  “I swear to God, Gunnar, get the fuck out of my parents’ house, right now. Don’t make me come over there and drag you out.”

  Gunnar stares across the table at Griffin for a moment before stomping off toward the front door. Griffin follows. Once outside on the front lawn, Griffin gets in Gunnar’s face.

  “Do you have any idea the pain you are causin’ Bowen right now?” Griffin barks.

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?”

  “You fuckin’ show up drunk to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving? You’re here as Bowen’s boyfriend and you’re makin’ him look like a fool in front of his family!”

  “I’m not drunk!”

  “Stop fuckin’ lying to yourself!”

  “Fuck you, Griffin. What the hell would you know anyway? You have a great fuckin’ life with the perfect little family. You don’t know what it was like for me. All the abuse I suffered. The shit I did overseas. I deserve a little peace. Is that too much to ask?”

  “When it comes at the cost of losin' my best friend and seein' my brother hurt, then yes, it is too much to ask. Dammit, Gunnar, I didn’t bring you back from Germany so you could self-destruct. You have issues you need to deal with, that’s why you’re seeing a therapist on Monday.”

  “So let me have until Monday then,” Gunnar snaps, swaying on his feet.

  “No, you’re done. I’m endin’ this right now. You’re gonna walk into that therapist’s office completely sober and clear-headed on Monday.”

  “You can’t fuckin’ make me do shit,” he spits lividly.

  “Try me, Pal.”

  Griffin watches his body tense and he knows Gunnar's going to charge him. He lets out an irritated noise as he heads
for Griffin. He catches Griffin around the waist and tries to take him to the ground, but he’s drunk, and Griffin’s not. Using his Army training, he maneuvers Gunnar until he has him in a rear naked choke.

  “You fuckin’ dick! Let me go!” Gunnar cries furiously, grabbing at Griffin's arm that's around his neck.

  “Griffin,” Bowen’s voice says from the porch. When Griffin glances up, Bowen gives him a pleading look. Fuck, he hates that his brother looks so lost and helpless. “Don’t hurt him.”

  “I’m not; otherwise, he would’ve been knocked the fuck out the second he charged me.”

  Bowen gives him a nod of acceptance. He’s not the only one watching; his parents and Eva are standing with Bowen on the porch. Gunnar tries to fight him for a minute but gives up quickly. He knows he can’t beat Griffin with the state he’s in. Can he beat Griffin sober? There’s a good change that Griffin would have his ass kicked, but not with Gunnar like this.

  “Are you done?” Griffin asks him quietly.

  He grunts in reply.

  “I’m takin’ you to your house and stayin’ with you until you’re sober. Then I’m still gonna stay until I deem you mentally stable enough to live on your own.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.”

  Griffin lets him out of the choke hold but grabs his arm.

  “I’m gonna take him home. Sorry ya’ll had to witness this. Mom, Dad, I’m sorry about cursin' like that in front of ya’ll and for ruinin' dinner,” Griffin says to his family.

  “It’s okay, Honey,” Mary Jane says with an understanding nod.

  “Bowen, can you take Eva home when she’s ready?”

  “Of course.”


  Griffin drags Gunnar to his truck and gets him into the passenger seat. Gunnar crosses his arms over his chest and glares at Griffin as he walks around the front of the truck to get into the driver’s seat.

  “I really fuckin’ hate you,” Gunnar snarls.

  “Hate me all you want. You’ll be thankin’ me later.”

  “Doubt it.”

  Griffin pulls out of there and makes his way to Gunnar’s house. The ride is silent, filled with tension and the smell of stale alcohol. Shit, his truck is going to need an air freshener after this ride.

  Chapter Nineteen

  GUNNAR WAKES up the next morning with a horrendous hangover. He stumbles downstairs and into the kitchen. The only clean cup he can find is a tall blue plastic one. Whatever, it’ll do. He fills his cup with ice, and then goes to the cabinet that holds all his liquor. Time for his hangover cure - another drink. He opens the cabinet to find it fucking empty. What the fuck?

  Still holding the cup, he starts opening all of the other cabinets to try and find all his booze, slamming them harder and harder as he continues to find nothing. It’s gone. He checks the fridge last and finds that all his beer is gone, too. Annoyance turns into full-blown anger in a flash.

  He spins and launches his cup with ice into the sink. It bounces then shoots back out of the sink, flinging ice everywhere before the bottom rim of the cup catches him right in the eye. Caught completely off guard, he lands on his ass on the kitchen floor, banging the back of his head against the cabinet.

  “FUCK!” he screams furiously.

  His eye throbs in pain, but he welcomes it. He’d rather have physical pain than this emotional pain eating him up inside.

  “What the hell are you doin’ in here?” Griffin asks as he walks into the kitchen.

  “Where's all my alcohol?” Gunnar demands as he gets to his feet.

  “It’s gone, Buddy. I dumped it last night after you passed out.”

  “Are—are you fuckin' kiddin' me?” Gunnar replies dryly.

  He’s gonna kill him.

  “Nope. It’s all gone, so learn to deal with it.”

  “Argh!” he yells through clenched teeth as he balls his fists at his sides. It’s taking everything he’s got right now not to hit him.

  “Listen to yourself, man. You have a drinking problem. As soon as you admit that, the sooner we can move past this and get you healthy again.”

  “I don’t have—“

  “Gunnar, you do. You got hammered before going to my parents’ house last night—on Thanksgiving, mind you. You made me leave my family on a holiday to take you home because you were actin' like an asshole,” he says and he can hear the hurt in his tone.

  Gunnar stares at him for a moment, a million things running through his head. Can he be right? He moves over to the counter where he leans his ass against it and rubs his hand over the scar on his head. Doing that has kinda turned into a habit when he’s agitated, nervous, or upset. Why? He has no idea.

  “I’m also not a fan of how you’re treatin’ my brother. The way you talked to him last night at dinner was my breakin’ point. You’re bein’ a shitty boyfriend, Gunnar. Maybe even worse than Dawson right now.”

  Gunnar’s eyebrows crank down. Ouch. That hurt. “I…I’m strugglin’, Griff."

  “No shit. Bein’ a drunken asshole isn’t the answer.”

  Gunnar nods.

  “Now, are you on board with gettin’ yourself cleaned up? Because if not, this is gonna be a waste of time.”

  “What’s gonna be a waste of time?” Gunnar asks, confused.

  “Me stayin’ here with you until you get yourself fixed to where I can trust you not to drink.”

  “Oh. Yeah, I’m on board. I want to be a better boyfriend for Bowen and a better friend to you,” he murmurs.

  “Good. That’s what I was hopin’ to hear,” Griffin says as he goes to Gunnar and pulls him into a hug. “I love ya, Gunnar. You’re my best friend, my brother, and I hate seein’ you like this.”

  “The things I’m remembering…there’s some horrendous stuff in there,” Gunnar whispers.

  Griffin nods. “I can’t even imagine.” He gives Gunnar a couple good claps on the back before letting him go. “But we’re gonna get through this together. You’re not alone.”

  “Do you think I damaged my relationship with Bowen beyond repair?” Gunnar croaks. The thought of losing him because of the way he’s been acting tears his heart apart.

  “No, I don’t. Bowen knows you’re not yourself right now. Is he hurt? Yes. Are you gonna have to make it up to him? Definitely. But he’s still with you because he believes you can get past this and be the man he knows you are. And he loves you.”

  Gunnar rolls his lips in and bobs his head. “Okay.”

  “I’ve got Eva comin’ over with some stuff for me, like clothes and what not. She should be here any minute. Why don’t you go take a shower, you’ll feel better. I’ll clean up the ice.”

  Without a word of response, Gunnar gives his arm a squeeze in thanks as he walks by him to go upstairs. He walks right into the bathroom and closes himself in. He looks in the mirror above the sink. Shit, he’s getting a black eye where that damn cup hit him. I’ve got to change. Not only for Bowen and Griffin, but also for himself. He’s a better person than the man he’s becoming.

  He takes a shower then goes to his room to get dressed. When he gets downstairs, Griffin has Eva wrapped up in his arms by the front door, a duffle bag sitting at their feet. Griffin is speaking to her quietly. He gives her a kiss when he’s done talking then lets her go. She sees Gunnar and gives him a gentle smile.

  “Hey, Gunnar.”

  “Hi, Eva.”

  “All right. I’m gonna get goin’. You two behave. No fightin’,” she teases in her cute Texan accent.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Gunnar huffs.

  She smiles and says goodbye to them before walking out the front door.

  “I like her,” Gunnar says.

  Griffin’s face splits into a stupid lopsided grin. “I love her.”

  “Are you gonna ask her to marry you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Gunnar smirks. “Good.”


  The next day, Griffin and Gunnar are sittin
g in the living room watching a movie when the doorbell rings. Gunnar shoves to his feet and makes his way to the door. It’s probably Eva coming to hang out with Griffin. He spoke to Bowen that morning and knew he was working all day, so he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make it over. He’s probably still upset with him. Gunnar doesn’t blame him. The way he talked to him at Thanksgiving dinner was unacceptable.

  Opening the door, Gunnar is shocked when he sees Bowen standing on the other side. He smiles, and it takes Gunnar’s breath away. He looks stunning. He’s dressed casually with faded jeans and a vintage style T-shirt which hugs his broad shoulders. Man, he is sexy as hell.

  “Bowen, what are you doing here?” Gunnar asks in surprise.

  “I know I said I was busy, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you and needed to see you.”

  Gunnar never knew words could have such an effect of him. He knows in that instant exactly why he’s totally and completely in love with the man standing in front of him. He grabs him by the back of his neck and pulls him in for a punishing kiss. Bowen’s arms band around his neck as he eagerly kisses him back. Just as Gunnar’s tongue makes its first swipe along Bowen’s, Griffin’s throat clearing reminds him that they’re not alone. He tears away from Bowen and they both turn to find Griffin watching them in amusement.

  “Please do not start fuckin' in front of me.”

  Gunnar rolls his eyes and takes Bowen’s hand so he can pull him into the house. Gunnar shuts the door then leads him into the living room. Sitting on the couch, he yanks Bowen down next to him. He follows easily. Lacing their fingers together, he peers over at the handsome man sitting with him. Bowen smiles softly at him. Gunnar’s heart flutters and his stomach flips. Jesus, he has it bad for this guy.

  “Ya know what? I’ll leave you two alone for a while. I’ll pop in at the shop for a couple hours. Sound good?”

  “Thanks, Griff,” Gunnar says, giving him a grateful smile.

  “Yeah, sounds good. Thanks,” Bowen adds.

  “Okay then.” He pushes to his feet. “I’ll call when I’m on my way back.”


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