Evil Origins: A Horror & Dark Fantasy Collection

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Evil Origins: A Horror & Dark Fantasy Collection Page 82

by J. Thorn

  I won’t begrudge your decision to follow every reality show this season if you don’t insult my efforts by insinuating I have time to burn that you don’t.


  ACLU Press Release 06-10-09. 10 2009 June. 2010 .

  Building Blocks For Youth. n.d. 2010 .

  Center for Disease Control. n.d. 2010 .

  CNN. 14 March 2003. 2010 .

  Crackberry.com. n.d. 2010 .

  Dictionary.com. n.d. 2010 .

  Downing, Skip. On Course. 2010. .

  Evans, Rob. Workshop Presentation 2000.

  Evans, Robert. "Why a School Doesn't Run -- or Change -- Like a Business." n.d. NAIS.org. 2010 .

  Farrell, Till. The Christian Nation Myth. n.d. 2010 .

  Ferris, Timothy. The Four Hour Workweek. Crown Archetype, 2009.

  Franken, Al. "Saturday Night Live." n.d.

  Goldman, Emma. Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty. 1917. 2010 .

  Hoffman, Kenneth. Eugene Register-Guard. 1991. 2010 .

  Hu, Winnie. NYTimes Online. 4 April 2009. 2010 .

  "Interview wiith Howard Zinn." 1998. Revolutionary Worker Magazine. 2010 .

  It's Bad For Ya. Dir. George Carlin. Perf. George Carlin. 2009.

  Jefferson, Thomas. The Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers. n.d. 2010 .

  Killion , Kevin. Illinoisloop.org - Buzzwords. 2010. 2010 .

  Klosterman, Chuck. Eating the Dinosaur. New York: Scribner, 2009.

  Kohn, Alfie. Punished by Rewards. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1995.

  Kopkowski, Cynthia. National Education Association. April 2008. 2010 .

  Las Casas, Bartolome. A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies Or, a faithful NARRATIVE OF THE Horrid and Unexampled Massacres, Butcheries, and all manner of Cruelties, ... the time of its first Discovery by them. 2006.

  Maher, Bill. Bill Maher. n.d. 2010 .

  Old-Time.com. n.d. 2010 .

  Rebels & Redcoats: How Britain Lost America. Dir. PBS. 2005.

  Roeben, Scott. Dribbleglass. 2006. 2010 .

  Stones, Rolling. "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Let it Bleed. By Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. 1969.

  Strong, Richard, Harvey Silver and Amy Robinsion. "What Motivates Students." 1995. Thoughtful Education. 2010 .

  Talk Origins Archive. n.d. 2010 .

  The Charlotte Observer. n.d. 2007 .

  The Incredibles. Dir. Brad Bird. 2004.

  The United States Constitution. n.d. 2010 .

  The United States Declaration of Indpedence. n.d. 2010 .

  Treaty of Tripoli. n.d. 2010 .

  Wikipedia. 2010. .

  Wolff, Daniel. EdWeek.org - EduSpeak. n.d. 2010 .

  Write or Wrong Blog. 18 December 2009. 2010 .

  Zinn, Howard. Howard Zinn. n.d. 2010 .

  Other works from J. Thorn

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this title, you'll love J. Thorn's new twist on a classic theme. Find out why readers that enjoy the edgy horror of Stephen King are discovering The Hidden Evil.

  Praise for The Hidden Evil Trilogy...

  "Best one yet - chilling, horrific. There were aspects of this story that reminded me somewhat of The Shining...a sort of creeping horror that was very effective."

  K. Sozaeva, Amazon Vine Voice, Top 500 Reviewer

  "...grabs you by the throat and does not let go. Incredibly graphic it had me screwing my face up in horror at many of the scenes, yet eagerly clicking for the next page just to see what would happen next."

  Bernadette Davies, Amazon reviewer

  "...Preta's Realm is a fine example of character building done right. Mr. Thorn does an excellent job of crafting the characters and making sure that you can identify with them. He does a better job than some of the heavy hitters in the horror realm, actually."

  Bryan Hall, Author of Containment Room Seven

  Preta's Realm: The Haunting (Book 1 of The Hidden Evil Trilogy)

  Drew works hard, pays his taxes, and loves his family. But when a visit from the spirit of his deceased grandfather coincides with the violent murder of two co-workers, Drew falls into a desperate spiral of delusion and betrayal until he finally faces the demons of the past, which threaten to drag him deeper into Preta's Realm.

  Demons Within: Unholy Fire (Book 2 of The Hidden Evil Trilogy)

  Ravna thought his ordeal with the hungry ghost was over. However, when a road trip takes him on an unexpected detour, Preta resurfaces, threatening to tear apart Ravna and his new love. Ravna must again battle the hidden evil, though he now faces a choice that could destroy everything, including the Demons Within.

  Eternal: Blood Curse (Book 3 of The Hidden Evil Trilogy)

  Doug believes Ravna has the power to defeat the hungry ghost once and for all. But he soon realizes that the final battle with the malevolent creature has yet to begin. Doug must combine forces with another Hunter in a race against demons and apparitions, hoping he isn't already too late. If they cannot close the portal in time, Gaki will call forth the hidden evil and the darkness shall be Eternal.

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this title, you'll love Reversion: The Inevitable Horror (The Portal Arcane Series - Book I). Find out why readers that enjoy the creeping doom of Stephen King's Langoliers are diving into the engaging world of the Portal Arcane series.

  Praise for the Portal Arcane Series...

  "This is a great start for what promises to be an engaging, intense series."

  Scott Nicholson, Author of the #1 Amazon Best Selling Horror Novel, The Home

  "It's all about the journey, about the creeping horror of individual moments, the long wait, the brief moments of terror, and then more waiting. It was... a fascinating read, and I will definitely be interested in following this series.."

  K. Sozaeva, Amazon Vine Voice, Top 500 Reviewer

  Reversion: The Inevitable Horror (The Portal Arcane Series - Book I)

  With a noose around his neck, Samuel arrives in a forest littered with caution tape and artifacts of the deceased. He struggles to regain his memory while fending off a pack of wolves and the mysterious visitors who seem to know more about this dying world than he does. Major, Kole, and Mara, new companions also trapped in the strange locality, realize they must outrun the ominous cloud eating away at reality. As their world collapses upon itself, Samuel must find a way to escape the Reversion.

  The Law of Three: A New Wasteland (The Portal Arcane Series - Book II)

  The Reversion plucks Samuel from
a dying world and drops him into another, a decaying desert wasteland of darkness and peril. As his memories return, Samuel finds himself in another cycle of destruction, and he leads newcomers Jack and Lindsay towards redemption in the mountain stronghold of the mysterious one known as Deva. Finally, as the locality collapses behind him, Samuel realizes his only escape from the Reversion will be putting his faith in The Law of Three.

  The Portal Arcane Series - Book III - COMING IN EARLY 2014

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this title, you'll love The Seventh Seal. Find out why The Seventh Seal, is a best-selling, post-apocalyptic, dark fantasy thriller that has placed in the Amazon Kindle Top 100 Paid Best Seller lists in four different genre categories!

  The Seventh Seal

  John Burgoyne awakens from a Halloween party, with a hangover and a dead cell phone, on the first day of the End of Days. He's desperate, on the run, and fighting for his life. After a violent coup, the Father, the figurehead of the Holy Covenant and the commander of a new military order, pursues John through the post-apocalyptic wreckage of Cleveland, Ohio, in search of the hidden knowledge he believes John holds. Burgoyne escapes and aligns with the resistance until Father orchestrates a final showdown.

  In the words of author Vicki Keire, author of Worlds Burn Through...

  "...an edge-of-your seat apocalyptic adventure full of twists and turns. I couldn't put it down!"

  * * *

  If you enjoyed The Seventh Seal, you have to read the novella sequel, Man's Ruin.

  Man's Ruin - A Dark Fantasy Novella (The Seventh Seal Sequel #1)

  A band of revolutionaries fights for survival in the urban decay of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, thirty years after the First Cleansing brought an end to civilization. Their enigmatic and seasoned patriarch, John Burgoyne, protects the clan until a man on horseback delivers an ominous message. John decides to lead his tribe on a grueling march down the treacherous highway stretching from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, unaware of the forces aligning against them. When the clan faces a major decision on the road, John will be forced to do whatever is necessary to ensure their survival.

  In the words of reviewer, Gordie, on Amazon.com...

  "I started this in the morning and had it finished by lunchtime as I could not put it down..."

  * * *

  If you like tight and fast-paced short stories, you'll love J. Thorn's horror and dark fantasy collection, Voices from Beyond: Volume 1 as well as The Hunt and Tunnel.

  About the Author

  J. Thorn believes in the imaginative power of the horror novel and the escape from reality it provides. He knows that embracing the entire spectrum of human emotion, even its dark realms, makes for a more meaningful and authentic life.

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  Official Website



  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Reversion: The Inevitable Horror (The Portal Arcane Series - Book I)

  Preta's Realm: The Haunting (Book 1 of The Hidden Evil Trilogy)

  The Seventh Seal

  Voices from Beyond: Volume 1 (A Horror/Dark Fantasy Short Story Collection)

  Raising Zombies - Family Life in the Modern Age (A Collection of Humorous Essays)




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