The Vampire's Pet: Part One: Prince of the City

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The Vampire's Pet: Part One: Prince of the City Page 8

by S. E. Lund

  “Aww, isn’t that sweet, Kier?” the man said. “She doesn’t want to forget you.” He smiles evilly at me.

  “She should, even if she doesn’t want to,” Kier said, his voice resigned. “If I can’t be free, I don’t want her part of our world. She should be made to forget me and that vampires exist.”

  “If you can arrange the funds, I’ll comply,” the vampire replied. Then he motioned to a guard who sat Kier up and took the hood off his head. The man cut the ties that bound Kier’s hands so he was free. He rubbed them and I could see the red marks where the ties bit into Kier’s skin. There was some blood on his face, and his eye was swollen almost shut. He was still handsome, despite the bruise flowering under his eye.

  “Are you okay?” I asked softly for I did worry about him, even though I was afraid.

  “I’m fine,” he replied, and his expression softened. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve done longer time before. Someone will rescue me.”

  I nodded, and bit my bottom lip, feeling all emotional all of a sudden. “I don’t want to forget you,” I said truthfully, for I didn't. I wanted to remember him. He was the scariest and most exciting thing that ever happened to me. “Don’t make me forget you. I want to remember you. I want to remember all this.”

  Kier shook his head. “If you remember, you might become involved again in our world. It’s best for you to escape now, while you can. I’m telling you the truth, Calla. This world will kill you, eventually. You'll either be dead or vampire. There is no other option unless you forget.”

  I frowned, for as much as I was glad to be going back to the cottage, I felt a heaviness in my chest at the thought of never seeing Kier again. I didn't want to forget him – what happened between us. Our kiss…


  He shook his head. “It’s for your own good. This is your chance, Calla. You have to take it. Now, no more arguing.”

  I said nothing, sadness enveloping me that I’d forget him. If I could at least remember, it would be something exciting I could think of when I was living my very ordinary and boring life back in Portland. Instead, I’d go back to my dreary life, back to my dreary school, and I'd never know what happened and what might have happened, if Kier hadn’t been put back into hibernation.

  Despite everything, my mind went to what might have happened – maybe Kier and I would have become lovers. He’d be the one to take my virginity. He’d take me on a trip to Montreal and I’d get to see the vampire world.

  Somehow, it seemed so much more appealing than going back to my safe world in Oregon.

  Then I remember Chelsea.

  “You’ll let Chelsea go too, right?” My heart rate increased.

  “Sorry,” the man replied, shaking his head. “No can do. I’ve claimed her as booty.”

  “I’ll pay you to let her go,” Kier said. “I’ll pay nicely.”

  “She’s too sweet,” the man replied, his arms crossed. “I already claimed her. She’s mine. Sorry.”

  I panicked, glancing from the man to Kier and back again, desperate to convince him to let her go.

  “Please, no,” I pleaded. “You have to let her go. She’s my best friend and—.”

  “She’s mine, now,” the man said, taking the chair and placing it back at the table. “She’s coming with me to Montreal. I’m flying Kier there as well, since his brother’s putting him in the family crypt.”

  “What makes you think you can get me there without any of my people stopping you?” Kier offered. I hoped he was right but all I could think of was that Chelsea was being taken by this vampire to Montreal and I’d be sent back to Oregon with my mind wiped clear of memories.

  “Your people don’t even know you’re alive.”

  Kier frowned at that. I couldn't let them take Chelsea to Montreal. I had to go with them so I could try to save her.

  “Let me come with you,” I pleaded once more to Kier, desperate to be allowed to go with them. “Take me there and let me stay with Chelsea. I don’t want her to be alone.”

  Kier frowned. “No, Calla, you don’t understand. She’ll be his pet. If you’re there, you must be under someone’s protection and I won’t be there to protect you. You won’t be safe.”

  “Neither will Chelsea. Let me go with her.” I turned to Gerard. “Take me with you. I’ll be your servant or something. Anything. I don’t want to forget and I don’t want Chelsea to be alone.”

  Gerard glanced between us like he was deciding.

  I turned to Kier but he shook his head. “I’ll pay you extra not to take her with you.”

  “No, please!” I pleaded. “Anything. Let me go with you.”

  Gerard held out his hands, pleadingly, a grin on his face. “How can I turn down such a lovely young woman?” He turned to me. “You can be a servant. You’ll help around the house, cook, clean. Don’t go looking for any help from Kier. He’s going to be nothing more than a dried-out piece of rawhide in a few weeks. You’ll answer to me.”

  “I’ll pay you extra to keep her intact,” Kier said and I wondered what he means by intact. Did he mean my virginity? I turned to him, frowning.

  “Don’t let anyone even touch her,” Kier said once more, his voice low. “I’ve claimed her and my claim is legitimate.”

  “You know the rules. If you can’t protect her, the claim will be invalidated.”

  “I also know that I can transfer her care to someone else who accepts it. I’ll transfer her care to you along with all the funds in my bank account. Calla told me that you can transfer money from one bank to another with a touch of a key on the keyboard.”

  Gerard smiled, his arms crossed. “My, my, my,” he said. “You really like this girl.”

  “I want her cared for as if I was returning soon. I may not be, but I want her parents compelled and I want her to be safe. She should get a proper education and be looked after according to tradition.”

  Gerard nodded, seemingly accepting Kier's terms. “You need to wake the other one,” he said, gesturing with his head to Chelsea who still lies sleeping on the other couch. “She’ll need to eat and shower before we leave.”

  Kier struggled up and went over to Chelsea, grimacing, his face contorted in pain. He finally knelt beside her and touched her face.

  “Chelsea,” he said in a soft voice. “It’s time to wake up.”

  She blinked and startled, then jerked upright, her expression one of total shock.

  “What happened?” she gasped, glancing around. “Where are we?”

  “Shh,” Kier said, and took her face in his hands. “You’re fine. You’re not at all upset. You’re with Gerard now as his pet. You think it’s going to be great fun and are not upset. Your parents will be happy to know you’re going away to school in Montreal. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  She nodded, her expression blank. Then, she smiled. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  “Put something in about obeying me,” Gerard said and I made a face at him, rolling my eyes.

  “Do you have to compel human women to obey you?” I can't help saying in a disgusted voice.

  “Of course,” Gerard replied. “It makes it easier. Everyone wants a well-trained pet.”

  “Unbelievable,” I muttered and turned to Kier, who raised his eyebrows.

  “Calla, you’re going to have to be well-behaved with Gerard, who will now be your master. Do I have to compel you as well?”

  I shook my head quickly, not wanting to be compelled at all.

  “No,” I replied, chastened. “Of course not. I’ll behave. I promise.”

  “Compel her too,” Gerard said, waving in my direction. “I don’t want any problems.”

  “I’ll pay you more—.”

  “No,” Gerard insisted. “Compel her to be obedient. I can’t promise anything unless you do.”

  “All right,” Kier said and came to my side. He sat beside me and took my face in his hands, looking in my eyes, his expression very serious and stern. Since
Gerard was standing behind him, he couldn't see Kier’s face when Kier raised his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Now, Calla,” he said, his voice firm. “You’re to obey Gerard. No disobedience. He is not going to touch you or drink your blood or give you to anyone else, so you must obey him until I return. Do you understand?”

  I didn't feel compelled, but I thought he intended me to pretend, so I didn't hesitate.

  “I understand,” I said, keeping my voice flat.

  “Good girl,” he said and smiled briefly. “No disobedience. Watch out for Chelsea and look after her. I hope I’ll be able to see you again, and I’m so sorry this happened. I never meant for any of this to take place.”

  I heard the regret in his voice.

  “I know,” I said softly and at that moment, what I wanted most was to kiss him once before we go, so I did. I leaned closer to him and I didn't care if Gerard or Chelsea were watching. I kissed Kier on the mouth, and as I closed my eyes, I saw that his were wide open in surprise.

  When the kiss ended, he pulled back and stroked my cheek.

  "Sweet Calla. How sorry I am that I ever met you, and yet, how glad as well. Thank you for everything. I'll do everything in my power to get both you and Chelsea back home safe."

  "I know," I said, tears in my eyes despite everything.


  We drove through the deserted streets to a highway bordering the ocean. I’d been shot, the silver bullet preventing me from fighting back. I was losing blood, my strength seeping out of me with each passing moment. My hands were shackled behind my back and I couldn’t move. A sign beside the road read Wakonda Beach State Airport. Soon, the vehicle left Waldport city limits and drove on the deserted road.

  Helpless, I lay in silence and glanced out the window. The moon was almost setting by the time we reached the airport a couple of miles outside of town. It cast an eerie light over the runway and hangar.

  "Here we are," Gerard said. "I have a private plane from your brother. We'll fly to Montreal and he'll deal with you. I don't want any resistance on the trip or our deal will be off."

  I nodded. "I won't fight you. Neither will Calla or Chelsea. Isn't that right?"

  I turned to them and both Chelsea and Calla nodded. Calla had understood my intent when I didn’t compel her completely. She would pretend to be under my control, and would remain that way as long as she was obedient and didn’t show any resistance. If she did, I’d have to compel her in truth. I wanted to afford her as much freedom as possible.

  We drove up to the building and the soldiers dragged the three of us out of the vehicles, before loading us unceremoniously into a small airplane. I was unfamiliar with the design, and marveled that the technology had improved so much that mortals could actually fly. Of course, there had been zeppelins in use before I had been imprisoned, but not this kind of machine.

  There wasn’t much room, and so Calla and I were seated together in one row and Chelsea was placed in the row behind us.

  "My hands hurt," Calla said quietly. "Can I have them moved to the front?"

  Gerard looked at her closely, then nodded. He gestured to one of the soldiers, who came to Calla and removed the old restraints, allowing her to rub her wrists. She placed them in front of her and he put new restraints.

  The men who held us had special weapons armed with silver bullets. Gerard loaded his weapon, holding up each bullet, the smooth metal catching the light of the moon as he clicked it into the weapon’s magazine clip.

  “This is insurance," he said, eyeing me with a slight grin on his lips. "When the time comes, you cooperate or I’ll have to put another one of these inside of you."

  I said nothing in reply. I was still bleeding, a dark stain spreading out from the bullet wounds in my chest. I seemed became weaker by the moment, and was barely able to hold myself up. Finally, I slumped in my seat. My eyes closed tightly as a wave of pain swept through me.

  “You’re really bleeding,” Calla said in shock. “I didn’t think vampires could bleed. I thought you said vampires are undying. Can you die?”

  “Damn hard to kill us,” I managed between teeth gritted from pain. “Silver weakens us, prevents us from healing. Beheading kills us as does the sunlight and fire. I won’t die, but I’ll wish I could. I’ll be too weak to do anything until I get more blood.”

  “Keep quiet,” Gerard said. He knocked me on the side of the head with the muzzle of his weapon. I blinked, the pain almost blinding.

  “He’s bleeding,” Calla said in protest.

  “He’s fine,” Gerard replied. “Just weakened. I don’t want any resistance. He doesn't need to reveal all our secrets to you.” He pointed the weapon at Calla. “Now, keep your mouth shut or I’ll shut it for you.” He held up a roll of duct tape and looked at Calla pointedly.

  “I won’t fight,” she said and leaned back in her seat.

  Finally, I felt the vehicle move. It left the building and we drove to a long strip of pavement before rolling with increasing speed until I felt the airplane lift off softly, rising up into the night sky. I watched out the window beside me and wondered if I’d survive the flight.


  Just over two hours later, we arrived at the small private airport outside of Denver. The guards moved us to a larger jet, and we were separated by several rows of seats so we couldn’t talk to each other. This flight took hours – I had no way of knowing how long, but I knew that the trip from Denver to Montreal had to take at least five hours, depending on the route we took and how many times we stopped.

  When it started to get light, Gerard threw a hood over Kier’s head and roughly pushed him down. The blinds on the windows were all closed so no light could get in. I sat two rows behind Kier, and as much as I wanted to check on him to see how he was, I couldn't, not wanting to anger the guards or Gerard.

  Before we landed, after a stop in some unknown airport along the route, hours had passed and I needed to use the bathroom terribly.

  "Can I use the restroom?" I asked Gerard when he passed, on his way to check on Kier.

  Gerard frowned, but nodded, admitting me to the washroom, cutting the ties that bound my wrists. I took a quick pee and then stared at my face in the mirror as I washed my hands. I looked a mess, my eyes bloodshot, my hair a mess, a bruise on my cheek.

  "Thank you," I said when I left the toilet.

  He said nothing, and fastened fresh zip ties around my wrists once more.

  I went back to my seat, glancing at Kier on my way past.

  "Are you okay?" I whispered.

  He didn’t answer but I saw his head move up and down briefly.

  "Go back to your seat," Gerard said, his voice gruff.

  I did, resigned to being unable to do anything but comply.

  We landed at a small airport somewhere outside of Montreal. The plane taxied into a hanger and once we were fully inside and the hangar doors closed, the guards hauled Kier off the plane. Chelsea and I followed, walking beside each other.

  She met my eyes and gave me a smile. "Are you okay?" she whispered.

  "No talking," a guard said and shoved Chelsea.

  We said nothing more after that.

  The three of us were loaded into a limousine with darkened windows. Kier was thrown in and sprawled on the seat, while Chelsea and I sat across from him on the bench seat facing him.

  He still had his hood on, his arms zip-tied behind his back. Blood stained his shirt and jacket.

  We drove in silence through the streets. Dawn had just come and I was able to watch the city as we drove through it. There appeared to be two parts: one modern, with new buildings and roads like you'd see in any city in North America and a second city, this one old, with cobblestone streets and old gothic buildings.

  We finally arrived at a huge mansion in the hills, surrounded by thick trees and high wrought iron fences with barbed wire and security cameras. We stopped at a gate, and then when the gate opened, we drove through to the front entrance of the huge house.
Red brick, Victorian style, with quaint shuttered windows, it was impressive. The guards picked Kier up roughly and dragged him up the stairs to the entryway and through huge double doors. There was a huge vaulted ceiling in the entryway, marble floors and a wide staircase leading to the second floor. It was just about the biggest house I had ever been in. We were greeted by another thuggish-looking vampire who spoke to the others, and then glanced at me.

  “Who the fuck is she?”

  “His pet,” Gerard said. “She’s marked. By all rights, I had to bring her along.”

  “The Master didn’t say Kier had a pet.”

  “Rules are rules,” Gerard said with a shrug. "He was the prince."

  "Not anymore."

  While Kier lay bleeding on the floor, his face mushed against the marble, I listened to the vampires debate the rules about pets and whether Evan would be angry.

  “When’s he scheduled to arrive?” Gerard asked.

  “Tonight,” the other thug said. I named him “moustache” because of the neatly trimmed moustache on his upper lip. I named the third vampire Baldy because he had a shaved head. They all dressed in a similar manner, in black, with jeans and black windbreakers, as if they were ATF or FBI.

  They turned to look at me with what felt like anger. I realized I was a complication for which they hadn’t planned.

  Moustache seemed to be the superior, for he strode over to me and stood before me with his hands on his hips.

  “What’s your name, cherie?” he said in a voice that sounded tolerant, if a bit frustrated.

  “Calla,” I said, my throat dry from fear. “Calla Franklin.”

  “Who are you?” he said, gesturing to Chelsea.

  "Chelsea McDonald."

  "Kier has two pets? My, he worked fast…"

  “She’s mine,” Gerard said with a shrug. “I’ve already claimed her as a spoil.”

  With that, Moustache left us, leaving through a side door. Baldy motioned to two vampires, who took hold of Kier under his arms and began to drag him towards the back of the house. One of the other men escorted Chelsea. I walked between them and Gerard.


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