Dragonfire--A Dark Kings Novel

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Dragonfire--A Dark Kings Novel Page 31

by Donna Grant

  “We need to get back to Dreagan,” V said.

  “Go,” Roman urged them. “Sabina and I will make it out.”

  V let out a loud snort, his lips twisting. “Seriously? You think I’m going to leave you two? Give me some credit.”

  “V’s right,” Eilish said. “Besides, I can’t let this feeling go that what’s written here is important.”

  Ulrik glanced irritably at the wall. “It doesna matter if we can no’ read it.”

  “It’s too much to memorize,” Eilish mumbled.

  Sabina released Roman’s hand and walked to the other wall. She was curious to see if Rhi was able to read hers. When she got there, the woman was staring wide-eyed at the stone, her face pale and her hands trembling.

  “Rhi?” she called softly, not wanting to startle her.

  The Light Fae stumbled back a step. She was breathing heavily, her gaze unfocused.

  Suddenly, everyone else joined Sabina. It was Ulrik who calmly walked to Rhi and took her by the shoulders. He tried to make her look at him, but the Fae’s attention was on the wall.

  “Rhi?” Ulrik asked. “Can you hear me?”

  Roman walked to the wall and looked at the place where Rhi was staring. “There’s nothing here, so she’s no’ reading anything.”

  “Rhi,” Ulrik repeated, giving her a little shake.

  V made his way to her and grabbed Rhi’s arm, spinning her away from the wall. Everyone held his or her breath, waiting to see what Rhi would do.

  “Rhi?” V frowned as he looked down at Rhi.

  She inhaled swiftly and issued a quick nod. “I’m here.”

  “I beg to differ,” Ulrik said.

  Rhi shifted to face everyone and smiled, but it was forced. “This place gives me the creeps, and I’ve been in a lot of creepy places. This one takes the cake.”

  Sabina didn’t know Rhi, but she was as worried as the others. The Fae wasn’t acting her normal, sassy, confident self.

  Rhi was rattled. Deeply.

  “Do you see writing?” Sabina asked, pointing at the wall.

  Rhi swallowed, but she purposefully didn’t look at the rock. “Yeah. Don’t you?”

  Everyone shook their heads.

  Rhi shrugged. “It’s Fae, but that’s all I know. I can’t read it. At times, I think it’s Dark, and then it’s Light. All very confusing. Let’s go.”

  Roman stepped in front of Rhi when she made to walk away. “What are you no’ telling us?”

  “Nothing. I simply don’t like this place,” Rhi answered.

  V made an indistinct sound. “None of us does.”

  “One wall Fae, one Druid,” Eilish said. “It’s significant. We could probably find out all we wanted from these walls. If we could read them.”

  Sabina noticed that Roman, V, and Ulrik all jerked their heads in the same direction in unison.

  “Did you—?” Ulrik began.

  V quickly replied, “Aye.”

  “Move!” Roman bellowed.

  As one, the three Kings shifted. Before Sabina knew what was going on, she was clutched in Roman’s paw. He flew straight up. She looked down, expecting to be overcome with fear. And she was, but it wasn’t nearly as terrible as before.

  Until she saw the magma roiling viciously, the molten pool and river gurgling and bubbling right before there was an explosion that caused magma to shoot up. After the first, others began in quick succession.

  Then there was a loud crack coming from the glacier. A heartbeat later, a huge section slid off, slamming into the pool and busting apart the rock that held it.

  It was a domino effect. One thing hit another, then that hit something else. By the time Roman had landed on the outcropping, she saw one of the stone walls topple. In the next instant, they were flying through the mountain. V was leading them, busting through the narrow tunnel with his magic and powerful dragon body.

  The trip that had taken her and Roman hours to make, took seconds to reach the surface. They burst out into the open to a sky drenched in darkness and snow.

  Sabina was glad Camlo wasn’t in the mountain because their escape came seconds before the mountain shot a cloud of ash heavenward into the night sky while lava flowed down the mountainside, melting the thick snow.

  She clung to Roman’s hand, burying her face near one of his long talons. The wind rushed over her, but she didn’t feel the cold—and she knew who was responsible for that.

  Just to be safe, she kept her eyes closed and thought of anything but the fact that she was thousands of miles in the air. Yet she couldn’t pass up the chance to see dragons flying again, not after witnessing them in her vision of the past.

  With a quick peek, she saw V on Roman’s left, his sword clutched in his claw, while Ulrik, with Eilish on his back, flew on Roman’s right. Sabina assumed that Rhi had left another way because the Kings wouldn’t have abandoned her.

  It wasn’t long before Sabina was drifting off to sleep. She was mentally and physically—and spiritually—exhausted. She had to admit that it was a peaceful experience. There was nothing but the sound of wind and the beating of dragon wings.

  She didn’t know how long she slept before she felt a direction change, which woke her. The dragons dipped from a cloud in unison to pass over a striking piece of land with vast mountains. Her eyes remained on the horizon, so she was able to enjoy the ride.

  And then, to her surprise, more dragons joined them. Yellow, emerald green, red, amber, bronze, deep blue, black, jade green, burnt orange, white, claret, turquoise, dark purple, ivory, gray, hunter green, steel, teal, orange, and many others that she couldn’t make out in the night.

  But there was no mistaking the gold dragon.

  She couldn’t get enough of the magnificent creatures. And to think that, at one time, there were hundreds of thousands of dragons. Millions of them.

  All too soon, their flight came to an end as one by one, the other dragons peeled off and started flying to certain sections of the land. Roman, V, Ulrik, and a few other dragons made their way to a mountain.

  Sabina spotted the opening in the stone. As they drew closer, a shape took form. It was Rhi standing outside as the gold dragon swooped in first. Sabina had thought he wouldn’t make it, but the opening was much larger than she originally thought.

  Ulrik went through next. She and Roman were after him. No sooner had they come to a halt within the mountain than V landed behind them. Sabina stopped trying to see the other dragons as she found herself in a section of mountain that had dragons carved and painted all over the walls in various sizes.

  “It’s a tribute to the ones we’ve lost,” came a deep brogue behind her.

  Sabina turned and found herself staring into pitch black eyes. The man was tall with wavy blond hair, a black suit with gold dragon head cufflinks, and an intense look about him. Along with a vibe that demanded that everyone near him recognize who was in charge.

  “You’re the gold dragon,” she said.

  He bowed his head. “Constantine. And you must be Sabina Gabor. I want to personally thank you and your brother for your help.”

  Holy crap. This was Con? The King of Dragon Kings. She leaned to the side against Roman, who had shifted into human form, Then, in a whisper, she asked, “Do I curtsy?”

  Con’s lips twitched.

  Roman smiled at her and shook his head. “He’s our King. No’ yours, lass.”

  She looked into Roman’s sea green eyes then glanced around at the others who stood bare-chested and shoeless in pants before she returned her gaze to Con. “I saw them,” she said.

  “Who?” Con asked with a frown.

  Sabina searched for V. He had yet to let go of his sword, and he was watching her. “There were about a dozen of them. The copper scales were difficult to see in the moonlight, but they were truly a splendid sight. There were others, in the distance, but the group I saw was the closest. Their roars, loud—”

  “And long,” V said with a sad smile. “That was their call to m
e. You saw them?” he asked in shock.

  She shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable now that everyone was watching her. “Ana, my ancestor, told me that I come from a long line of powerful women with the Sight. I’m the first who can see the past, not the future.”

  “And you spoke to her?” Con asked, stunned.

  Roman nodded, smiling down at her as he wrapped an arm around her. “Sabina has learned some interesting things.”

  “Hell, we all have,” Ulrik stated.

  “Then it’s the perfect time to hear it all,” Con said. “Dorian has just returned from New York. Get your woman something to eat while we wait for the others to gather.”

  Sabina beamed. She was Roman’s woman.

  “Welcome to Dreagan, lass. It’s your future, if you’ll have it,” Roman told her.

  She faced him, shock going through her. “What?”

  “A dragon knows his mate.”

  Her heart nearly burst from her chest she was so excited. “Me?”

  Roman laughed and pulled her against him as others walked past. “Aye. That includes your brother, as well. There are many animals on Dreagan. No one will ever bother him here. I promise you that.”

  “He won’t leave his animals at home.”

  Roman shrugged. “Then we bring them. We have sixty thousand acres. There’s room.”

  Could this really be happening? She’d never felt … well, any of this. The love, the excitement, the danger, the adventure. It was a heady experience.

  “Think on it.”

  She shook her head and rose up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck. “I don’t need to. Just promise that we can have a hot spring.”

  Roman’s eyes darkened. “Oh, aye. That we will have.”

  Sabina could barely comprehend everything. Her heart was so full that it was nearly bursting. She’d never imagined that she would find a love as pure and deep as what she felt for Roman. Or that she would want to embrace the Sight.

  But she had a purpose now besides just taking care of Camlo. She was going to help the Dragon Kings fight against the Others.

  And they were going to win!

  Because love always won.


  Three days later …

  Sabina ran her hands over the tops of the chairs in the kitchen as she listened to Camlo talk to the animals through the open window.

  Eilish was using her finger rings to bring the animals to Dreagan, and Camlo proudly told everyone who would listen that the creatures were excited about it. Hell, even the mangy dog was coming with them.

  Camlo didn’t seem to care that they were leaving their home behind. He was too overjoyed about getting to have his animals and being around other Dragon Kings. Sabina hadn’t realized how hard it would be to leave behind everything she’d known.

  She came to her worktable and touched the half-finished necklace she’d been working on. Then, before her very eyes, wires rose up, twining around themselves in a beautiful dance. They moved fluidly, easily, as a shape began to form. Within moments, a pale blue dragon necklace that would drape beautifully around her neck lay before her.

  “I was wondering when I’d get to see your gift,” she said with a smile.

  Roman came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “No one said you had to stop making your jewelry. It’s something you’re verra good at.”

  She leaned her head back against his shoulder and covered his hands with hers. “That’s true.”

  “And if you doona want to move to Dreagan now, you doona have to.”

  Sabina turned to face him, grinning. “Oh, I’m coming.”

  He didn’t smile. “I’ve bought this place. You can return anytime you want. This is your home. I doona want you to think that you’re leaving forever.”

  And this was one of the many reasons she loved him. Instead of trying to tell him through words, though, Sabina brought his head down for a kiss.

  “Again?” Camlo exclaimed in horror as he entered the house. He let out a loud sigh and turned around and stomped off.

  Sabina laughed as she buried her head against Roman’s chest.

  He held her for a long moment. “We have to get back soon.”

  “I know.” She looked up at him, and seeing his frown, she rolled her eyes. “I’m perfectly fine with not being able to see the mating ceremony. I understand that it’s only for the Kings and their mates.”

  It had been her decision to wait for their ceremony. Not that she had any doubts, but she wanted to give herself and Camlo some time to adjust to things. They were taking a big step. But nowhere in her heart did she doubt that she was supposed to be with anyone but Roman.

  Knowing that she could return eased her tremendously. In two hours, their lives were packed and already waiting for them at Dreagan.

  When she walked outside to join Eilish, Roman, and Camlo, her brother was excitedly jumping up and down, waiting to teleport to Dreagan. And a few seconds later, that’s exactly where they were.

  Ulrik was waiting for them, and together, he and Eilish took Camlo to see the animals. Roman put his arm around Sabina as they walked up the stairs to the room they would share. Camlo had chosen to stay in a small cottage on the property to be close to the animals—a dwelling that hadn’t been there until he asked for it.

  Sabina didn’t know who’d crafted it, but she would be forever grateful. Already, she felt a part of the large family at Dreagan. And everyone had eagerly taken in Camlo and his array of pets.

  “Tell me again why Eilish and Ulrik aren’t doing the ceremony now?” she asked.

  Roman closed the door to their room behind him as he went to change into the kilt—which, she had to admit, made him look even sexier. “With everything that happened to them, Ulrik and Eilish decided to hold off. But, I know that Ulrik has something special planned for her.” Roman looked up. “Doona tell Eilish.”

  Sabina sat in the chair near the fireplace and smiled. “My lips are sealed. By the way, can I say that I love the kilt? Can you wear that all the time?”

  Roman paused in buckling his sporran. He grinned when he saw her staring. “If it makes you look at me like that, then I certainly will, lass.”

  Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought she’d marry a Highlander, much less a Dragon King. “Can I at least see the others as they come down?”

  “Aye,” he replied as he raked his hand through his hair then held out his hand to her. “Ready?”

  Was she ever. She’d heard all about the ceremony from the other mates, including that Con gave each of them special gifts. It was a personal touch that she hadn’t expected from the King of Dragon Kings, but somehow, it seemed to fit the enigmatic leader.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she found Eilish and went to stand beside her. Roman gave Sabina a quick kiss before he caught up with Ulrik and they disappeared into the solarium where the hidden door into the mountain was.

  “I’m glad I’m not here alone,” Eilish said with a grin.

  Sabina felt the same. “Do you wish you were with them?”

  “We both will be soon.”

  That was so true. Sabina let the conversation drop as Gianna descended the stairs. Her magnificent, long, red hair was left free, and it swayed against the fitted, sleeveless gunmetal blue sequin gown she wore. The neck dipped into a V in the front and the back, but it was the large octagonal gem the exact color of her dress—and Sebastian’s scales—at Gianna’s throat that Sabina couldn’t take her eyes off.

  It had to be the gift Con gave her.

  Gianna touched the necklace and gave them a wink before she went into the solarium.

  Next was Esther, who had arrived just the day before from the Isle of Eigg where her brother, Henry, remained. Esther’s brown locks were swept softly away from her face and held up with pearl pins. Sabina immediately noticed the earrings that hung delicately in the wispy strands of her hair. How Con found a mother of pearl shade that matched Nikolai, Sabina didn’t ev
en want to know.

  Then she forgot about it as she took in the simple but elegant spaghetti-strapped gossamer gown Esther wore with its plunging V neckline. Sabina smiled when she saw that the dress was held up in back by thin straps, but it was the sweeping train that she really loved.

  They waved at Esther as she made her way toward the solarium. Both Sabina’s and Eilish’s heads whipped back to the top of the stairs where Con escorted Alexandra down the stairs.

  The coral gown was a stunner, but then again, it would be for an heiress like Alexandra. The sleeveless, high-neck gown was covered with pearls in various shades of coral accented heavily around the waist and thinning out as they worked up toward the neck. Those same pearls thinned out as they reached her hips.

  The voluptuous folds of the gown hid the daring slit over her left leg until she walked. Then you got to see a peak of sheer coral lace with pearls sewn in.

  “Check out the shoes,” Eilish whispered.

  Sabina had just seen the stilettos the exact shade of the dress. Her gaze lifted to Alexandra’s face to see her blond curls pulled gracefully away from her face in a half updo that had several curls falling alongside her cheeks.

  At first, Sabina didn’t see the jewelry. Then she spotted the sunstone gem on Alexandra’s right hand. It was a beautiful, large, round stone set in a narrow, beveled, rose gold band.

  Con gave Sabina and Eilish a nod as he and Alexandra passed them. And then the procession was finished. Sabina sighed.

  “Are you ready?” Eilish asked.

  Sabina frowned. “For what?”

  Eilish rolled her eyes. “We might not be able to go to the ceremony, but there is a party afterward we can attend.”

  “Oh, God.” Why hadn’t Sabina thought of that? Why hadn’t Roman said anything?

  “Calm down,” Eilish said with a chuckle. “I told Roman I’d take care of you.”

  Sabina stared wide-eyed at her. “Are you insane? I don’t have anything. And there’s no time to shop.”

  “Really?” Eilish asked, propped her right hand on her hip and waved the fingers of her left hand. “I am a Druid.”

  “I’m going to need a lot of help.”


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