Killer Dress: A Small Town Cozy Mystery (Shot & Framed Book 1)

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Killer Dress: A Small Town Cozy Mystery (Shot & Framed Book 1) Page 2

by Nancy McGovern

  “Yeah, well, Sharon must feel a little funny, right? She’s two years older and you’re getting married first. I know it’s no big deal but, well, I also know Sharon.”

  The look on Caroline’s face made Dani want to kick herself. Of all the stupid things she could have said! Caroline’s happiness seemed to be replaced with stress.

  “I’m an idiot.” Dani said. “Forget I said anything.”

  “No, no, it’s alright. I actually wanted to talk to you. It’s not just-” Caroline bit off her sentence halfway through as a man walked out of the house. “Martin!”

  Dani sized up her future brother-in-law carefully. He was skinny with dark eyes and a buzz cut. His face was kind, though. He walked confidently, exuding calmness. Even before Caroline introduced them, Dani was guessing his profession - something respectable, and solid, and maybe a teensy bit boring, she thought. An accountant or maybe a banker.

  “This is Martin Smith, Dani, the love of my life,” Caroline said with a little gush. Martin colored, his ears turning pink as he shook Dani’s hand. “Oh, come on, Caro,” he said.

  “I love making him blush,” Caroline giggled. “Alright, alright. Martin works at the Roarke Hospital. He’s an orthopedic surgeon. He just moved here last year.”

  “Wow,” Dani said. “That’s fantastic.”

  “Thank you,” he smiled.

  “So, how did you two meet?” Dani asked.

  “Remember when I broke my hand in that accident?” Caroline asked. “Martin had just moved here then and he’s the one who treated me.”

  “You broke your hand?” Dani gaped at her. “When? How?”

  Martin looked equally surprised. “You don’t know about that?”

  “Oh, well, I guess we really haven’t spoken in a while,” Caroline sighed. “Dani’s been shuttling between countries for the past year. She’s an incredible photographer, you know.”

  “Caroline loves all your work. She was showing me your portfolio,” Martin nodded. “I’ve got to say, I was impressed.”

  “Right…I mean, thanks,” Dani felt suddenly guilty. She had been too busy to stay in touch with Caroline, but Caroline had clearly always kept an eye out for her. She looked up at her sister, wishing she could say something, but Caroline was already speaking to Martin.

  “…and then the caterers told me that salmon wasn’t an option anymore, can you imagine? I said-”

  “So, is dad in the house?” Dani asked, unintentionally interrupting her sister. “I’d like to see him.”

  “You haven’t seen him in a while, have you?” Caroline asked.

  “He visited one christmas. About…” Dani tried to remember exactly how long ago that was, “three years ago, maybe?”

  “Oh, sure, that was the year Sharon and I did a girls trip to Vegas, remember? We invited you, but you said you were busy.”

  “Yeah… well, that’s a busy season for food photography,” Dani said. That wasn’t entirely true. She’d just been avoiding her sisters, as usual, preferring to bury herself in her work.

  “Uh oh,” Martin said playfully. “If I didn’t come home to see my dad for three years, he’d have my head! Will you be ok?”

  “Not our dad,” Caroline smiled. “You’ve seen him. He’s like a cross between a giant teddy bear and an otherworldly ascetic.”

  “So he’s a...yogi-bear?” Martin grinned. “Now that’s a bad joke!”

  “Dodo,” Caroline said, shaking her head.

  Just as they turned to head inside, a car pulled in and shot up the driveway. Caroline stiffened and instinctively stepped forward, trying to shield Martin and Dani. Dani looked on, startled and confused.

  The car was a grey convertible with yellow racing stripes down the center. A redhead with dramatically-blue eyeshadow and yellow stilletos sprang out. It had been years but Dani recognized her instantly.

  Jess and Caroline had been best friends since grade school. Growing up, Dani had been the quiet, artistic sister and Sharon the popular cheerleader, but Caroline had been the rebellious party girl, and Jess had always been her partner in crime. When they were younger and still playing with dollhouses, they had let Dani tag along with them once in awhile. But, once the older girls turned 14, they didn’t want a little kid hanging around anymore and, although Dani had seen Jess come and go, she’d barely talked to her again. It made sense, of course, that Jess would be part of Caroline’s wedding. Dani, as a somewhat-estranged sister, was just an honorary bridesmaid, but as Caroline’s lifelong best friend, Jess was probably the maid of honor. Even over Sharon, who had remained close with Caroline.

  Except…something was wrong. The look on Jessica’s face was hostile.

  “Jess!” Caroline gasped.

  Dani raised an eyebrow. The expressions on her sister’s face had morphed from shock, to embarrassment, to fear.

  “Caro!” Jess stomped across the lawn, leaving stiletto holes in her wake. “You think you can just email me and that’s it?”

  Dani looked at Martin. His jaw was tense and his shoulders stiff as he glared at Jess. A small twitch in his jaw told Dani that he was grinding his teeth.


  “Jess, please don’t make a scene here!” Caroline begged. “Not now.”

  She put an arm on Jess’ shoulder and promptly had it shaken off. Jess’ hair was flying and her hands waving as she talked.

  “I’ll make a scene anywhere I please!” Jess said. “How could you do this, Caroline? We’ve been friends for more than twenty years!”

  “I know we have, which is why-”

  “And now, what, you don’t want me there when you get married?” Jess asked. “What are you, in denial or something? Can’t you see what’s staring you in the face?” She grimaced. “Maybe you can’t. Maybe you’ve just been brainwashed.”

  “Ok, Jess, you need to calm down,” Martin stepped up and tried to put some distance between them.

  “Oh, get outta my way, you pustule!” Jess hissed. “This is between me and Caro.”

  “Caroline doesn’t want to see you right now.”

  “She can speak for herself, can’t she? She can say so herself can’t she?”

  “She did. You just didn’t listen,” Martin said. “Go reread that email and leave us alone.”

  “I can’t believe you wrote that,” Jess snapped at Caroline. Then, turning to Martin, she added, “She probably had you standing over her shoulder and whispering poison into her ear.”

  “Jess, just stop. Please.” Caroline looked as though she was close to tears. “I don’t want you there, okay. And, if you can’t see why, then maybe… maybe it’s best we just take some time apart.”

  “Twenty. Years,” Jess said. “I was always there for you, Caro. Always. When Tommy Hayes broke up with you right before the Spring Fling. When you got a D in Mr. Raleigh’s math class. When your mom left. Even when you broke your hand last year, I was the one who was there to help you. And this is how you repay me?”

  “Jess, please-”

  “You’re hiding something from me,” Jess said. “I know it. I know you. It’s about Leo, isn’t it? You’re hiding-”

  “Jess! Shut up. Just shut up!” Caro shoved her backwards.

  Jess looked down, as though shocked that Caro had dared to touch her. “Fine. If that’s what you really want, then go ahead and ruin your life! See if I care!”

  Martin didn’t say anything. He was just staring Jess down with the look of a man who was ready to protect his turf, if necessary. Jess saw that look and scoffed.

  “Oh, please. You don’t scare anybody, Mr. Tough Guy. I know who you are and I’m not fooled. Even if Caroline is.”

  “Stop it!” Caroline said. Angrily, she moved forward and shoved Jess again. “You’ve made enough trouble already. Can’t you just shut up?!”

  Jess stared at her, open mouthed, then swung her arm in a short, but hurtful, slap.

  The sound of her hand connecting with Caroline’s cheek seemed to echo across the expansiv
e property for a split second. Even the trees seemed to hold their breath. Then, chaos erupted.

  Cursing, Martin pushed forward. Dani, seeing that the situation could spiral out of control, threw herself into the mix. Expertly, she grabbed Jess in a hold that pinned her arms together and dragged her backwards, all the while shouting at Martin to look after Caroline. Jess seemed momentarily stunned at what she’d done and by what was happening and didn’t fight as Dani shoved her into the car.

  “Jess, get out of here right now or I will call the cops,” Dani said. “In fact, Martin may be doing so right now. Let’s avoid that.”

  Jess, still shell shocked, nodded absently. “Yes…but Caro-”

  “I don’t know what’s going on,” Dani said. “If anyone but you had done that to Caro, I’d have ripped her throat out. But I guess you get a pass because you’ve been friends forever. There are clearly issues you need to sort out.”

  Jess’s eyes were tearing up. She nodded.

  “Get out of here, okay? We’ll talk later. Whatever misunderstanding you’ve had with Caro, I’ll help sort it out. But for now, just go!”

  Jess nodded and took a breath. “I’ll call you tonight,” she said to Dani. “There’s stuff you need to know. We need to talk about Caro. I wanted to talk to Sharon, too. I’ve got an audition with Mace and Cage, but maybe we can all meet somewhere afterwards?”

  “I can’t promise anything right now, Jess,” Dani said. “But call me. If you have any doubts about the wedding-”

  Martin stomped up to the car and, in a voice that was brimming with acid, said, “I’ve called the cops. If you aren’t out of here in-”

  “This isn’t your house!” Jess spat at him.

  Dani stepped in between them and slammed the door of the car. “Jess, go!”


  Chapter 3

  Calming Down

  Martin was hugging Caroline, kissing her gently on the forehead in an attempt to calm her as Dani and her father got them all coffee.

  “Well, that sounds like quite a circus!” Harry Hedley marveled. He was a large, stout man with white hair that reached his shoulders and a booming voice that always managed to sound cheerful. He put a hand around Dani’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “Sorry you came home to all this yelling, kiddo.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t come barreling out,” Dani said. “We had a proper catwoman vs. supergirl duel right out there on the lawn!”

  Martin looked a little irritated but Dani’s light hearted crack got a shaky laugh out of Caroline.

  “Naaahhhh. I’m 65 years old and I’ve never been to a wedding without at least a little drama,” Harry shrugged. “I’d be disappointed if Martin and Caro didn’t get their fair share! Caterers messing up, bad weather, wine spilling on dresses… it all makes for good memories.”

  “Did your wedding have a lot of drama too?” Martin grinned.

  Dani and Caroline exchanged looks. They rarely, if ever, talked about their father’s wedding. Any topic which involved their mother was, basically, taboo.

  To their surprise, Harry was cheerful enough when he replied.

  “I got married barefoot and barechested, my wife wearing tiny white shorts and a tank top instead of one of these big, stuffy, expensive dresses these girls insist on today,” Harry said. He looked at Caroline. “No offense, honey. Anyway, it was all about having fun in the moment, not about the putting on airs or trying to force the perfect day.”

  Caroline gave him a look and Harry added, “It was a different time, I suppose.”

  “Yeah, a hippie time!” Dani teased. “I’m surprised you don’t still wear those horrible tie-dye t-shirts.” Turning to Martin, she said, “My dad prides himself on having a collection of shirts so hideous, they’d make Anna Wintour blind if she looked at them directly.”

  Caroline laughed.

  “Maybe I can wear one to your reception, Caro,” Harry joked.

  “If you do, I’ll make sure someone spills wine on it before you walk in the door!” Caro laughed. “I’d honestly prefer you go barefoot and barechested again than bring one of those haneous shirts anywhere within a hundred foot radius of my wedding!”

  “Who’s Anna Wintour?” Martin finally asked, realizing no one was going to explain the joke.

  Dani & Caroline burst out laughing.

  “Nevermind, darling,” Caroline said. “It’s not your thing.”

  Dani relaxed. This was how they worked. Maybe in other families people held each other and cried about sad news or bad memories but, here in the Hedley household, a bit of playful banter smoothed over even the worst of days. Yelling friendly insults was their version of saying, “I love you.”

  Perhaps now they could put the incident with Jess behind them.


  “Come on, Dani.” Caroline stood up. “I’ve got a 2pm appointment with Mona over at the boutique. It’s the final fitting for my dress.” She looked at her father with a smirk. “You know, the stuffy, uber-expensive dress?”

  “OK, OK,” Harry replied, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “You win! I was just joking!”

  “No, you weren’t. But it’s ok.” Caroline smiled and gave her father a wink.

  “My shift starts at 4pm,” Martin said. “I’m going to head home and grab a nap first.” He kissed Caroline gently, squeezing her hand as he did. “Take care, alright?”

  Caroline smiled up at him but Dani could see that her smile was a little shaky. “You, too.”

  “Will you girls be back in time for dinner?” Harry asked. “I’m trying a new dish today. Roasted eggplant with pita bread and tzatziki sauce. How’s that sound?”

  Caroline turned to Dani and saw the pleading look in her eyes. Now that she was home, she’d been looking forward to a greasy hamburger from her favorite diner.

  “Actually, we might be a while, Dad,” Caro said. “You know how it is…busy busy busy! We’ll call you. Bye!”

  “Alright, ladies. I’ll get out a good bottle of wine so we can have a nice glass together later in the evening. I won’t take no for an answer on that one!” Harry gave them both a thumbs up and headed upstairs.


  In the car, Caroline sighed and threw her head back as Dani revved the engine.

  “Uhhh, Dani…I cannot tell you how glad I am that you’re back!”

  “Well, I’m glad to be back,” Dani said. “Though it is a bit overwhelming. And I haven’t even gotten to see Sharon yet.”

  “Yeah, well, you know Sharon,” Caroline shrugged. “This is all such a mess. One maid of honor is too busy, the other was too obnoxious. It’s maddening.”

  “I feel like there’s stuff you aren’t telling me, Caro,” Dani said. “About Jess, that is.”

  “Yeah, well, there’s been some drama, that’s for sure,” Caroline sighed. “But can we please not talk about it today? I’ll tell you soon. I promise. It’s just that my nerves are shot. I’ve got thirty thousand things on my mind and, well, I wanted today to be happy. You’re back and I’m getting my dress. That’s what I want to focus on.”

  “That sounds fair,” Dani said. “I just…I couldn’t believe Jess-”

  “Never mind Jess,” Caroline said. “Please. I don’t even want to think about her right now. OK? I’m instituting a bridal-ban on talking about anything negative from now until midnight. OK? Deal?”

  “Deal,” Dani smiled. Then, unsure if it was part of the deal or not, she quickly asked, “So, where’s Sharon?”

  “Sharon is working, as decent human beings with 9-to-5’s tend to do; unlike me this week…I’m on wedding va-ca!” Caroline smiled. Then, getting serious, “You will see her soon, Dani. She can’t avoid you forever.”

  “I bet she wants to,” Dani sighed. “I don’t know why she’s been acting this way. She was always distant after the…you know…after what happened ten years ago. But lately, for about a year and a half, I feel like she’s been…mad at me.”

  “Mad at you for what?” D
ani asked.

  There was a pause as Caroline seemed to think about the question. But she didn’t answer. Dani wasn’t sure if Caroline didn’t want to answer or just didn’t know what to say.

  “Is she doing well? You know, in general,” Dani continued. A little ashamed, she added, “I know I haven’t really checked up on either of you lately and-”

  “Sharon got promoted to branch manager last year,” Caroline replied, breaking in before Dani could apologize, assuming that’s what she was about to do. “I’d say she’s doing extremely well, actually.”

  “Good. Good. I’m glad,” Dani said truthfully. “I mean, not that I had any doubt. Everyone always knew Sharon was going to do well, right?”

  Caroline laughed. “Boy, you can say that again! Who’s going to be chosen Prom Queen? Sharon, of course. Who’s going to be valedictorian? Sharon, who else? Who’s going to get into both Yale and Harvard? Sharon of the impeccable cheekbones!” There was a fond laugh in her voice and a twinkle in her eye. “I went through a phase where I was so jealous of her. But now, I’m so proud. After the…scandal…if the Hedleys have been accepted in Innocence at all, it’s thanks to Sharon being amazing. We’d have been outcasts otherwise.”

  Dani nodded. “You stayed,” she said. “Even after everything that happened, the three of you chose to stay. I couldn’t bear to. I don’t understand how the three of you did.”

  Caroline gave her a funny look. “This is home, Dani. Where else would we go?”

  Dani sighed. She shrugged. “I don’t know. Since I came back, I’ve felt so disconnected. But, hey, we’re veering back into negative-talk territory. I feel that bridal ban coming on.”

  Caroline laughed. “Fine. Positive thinking! Tell me something nice.”

  “I gave Darwin Scholl a lift today,” Dani said.

  “What? Madboy Scholl?” Caroline smiled.

  “Yep. One and the same,” Dani confirmed. “Actually, he said something about being okay with an antelope? Is that right? I didn’t get it.”


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