Breaking Dawn

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Breaking Dawn Page 23

by Stephenie Meyer

  No, no, Jacob. Not about that. We trust your judgment. Rather, Esme was troubled by the hardships this is putting your pack through. She asked me to speak to you privately about it.

  That took me off guard. Hardships?

  The homeless part, particularly. Shes very upset that you are all so bereft.

  I snorted. Vampire mother henbizarre. Were tough. Tell her not to worry.

  Shed still like to do what she can. I got the impression that Leah prefers not to eat in her wolf form?

  And? I demanded.

  Well, we do have normal human food here, Jacob. Keeping up appearances, and, of course, for Bella. Leah is welcome to anything shed like. All of you are.

  Ill pass that along.

  Leah hates us.


  So try to pass it along in such a way as to make her consider it, if you dont mind.

  Ill do what I can.

  And then theres the matter of clothes.

  I glanced down at the ones I was wearing. Oh yeah. Thanks. It probably wouldnt be good manners to mention how bad they reeked.

  He smiled, just a little. Well, were easily able to help out with any needs there. Alice rarely allows us to wear the same thing twice. Weve got piles of brand-new clothes that are destined for Goodwill, and Id imagine that Leah is fairly close to Esmes size. . . .

  Not sure how shell feel about bloodsucker castoffs. Shes not as practical as I am.

  I trust that you can present the offer in the best possible light. As well as the offer for any other physical object you might need, or transportation, or anything else at all. And showers, too, since you prefer to sleep outdoors. Please dont consider yourselves without the benefits of a home.

  He said the last line softlynot trying to keep quiet this time, but with some kind of real emotion.

  I stared at him for a second, blinking sleepily. Thats, er, nice of you. Tell Esme we appreciate the, uh, thought. But the perimeter cuts through the river in a few places, so we stay pretty clean, thanks.

  If you would pass the offer on, regardless.

  Sure, sure.

  Thank you.

  I turned away from him, only to stop cold when I heard the low, pained cry from inside the house. By the time I looked back, he was already gone.

  What now?

  I followed after him, shuffling like a zombie. Using about the same number of brain cells, too. It didnt feel like I had a choice. Something was wrong. I would go see what it was. There would be nothing I could do. And I would feel worse.

  It seemed inevitable.

  I let myself in again. Bella was panting, curled over the bulge in the center of her body. Rosalie held her while Edward, Carlisle, and Esme all hovered. A flicker of motion caught my eye; Alice was at the top of the stairs, staring down into the room with her hands pressed to her temples. It was weirdlike she was barred from entering somehow.

  Give me a second, Carlisle, Bella panted.

  Bella, the doctor said anxiously, I heard something crack. I need to take a look.

  Pretty surepantit was a rib. Ow. Yep. Right here. She pointed to her left side, careful not to touch.

  It was breaking her bones now.

  I need to take an X-ray. There might be splinters. We dont want it to puncture anything.

  Bella took a deep breath. Okay.

  Rosalie lifted Bella carefully. Edward seemed like he was going to argue, but Rosalie bared her teeth at him and growled, Ive already got her.

  So Bella was stronger now, but the thing was, too. You couldnt starve one without starving the other, and healing worked just the same. No way to win.

  Blondie carried Bella swiftly up the big staircase with Carlisle and Edward right on her heels, none of them taking any notice of me standing dumbstruck in the doorway.

  So they had a blood bank and an X-ray machine? Guess the doc brought his work home with him.

  I was too tired to follow them, too tired to move. I leaned back against the wall and then slid to the ground. The door was still open, and I pointed my nose toward it, grateful for the clean breeze blowing in. I leaned my head against the jamb and listened.

  I could hear the sound of the X-ray machinery upstairs. Or maybe I just assumed thats what it was. And then the lightest of footsteps coming down the stairs. I didnt look to see which vampire it was.

  Do you want a pillow? Alice asked me.

  No, I mumbled. What was with the pushy hospitality? It was creeping me out.

  That doesnt look comfortable, she observed.


  Why dont you move, then?

  Tired. Why arent you upstairs with the rest of them? I shot back.

  Headache, she answered.

  I rolled my head around to look at her.

  Alice was a tiny little thing. Bout the size of one of my arms. She looked even smaller now, sort of hunched in on herself. Her small face was pinched.

  Vampires get headaches?

  Not the normal ones.

  I snorted. Normal vampires.

  So how come youre never with Bella anymore? I asked, making the question an accusation. It hadnt occurred to me before, because my head had been full of other crap, but it was weird that Alice was never around Bella, not since Id been here. Maybe if Alice were by her side, Rosalie wouldnt be. Thought you two were like this. I twisted two of my fingers together.

  Like I saidshe curled up on the tile a few feet from me, wrapping her skinny arms around her skinny kneesheadache.

  Bellas giving you a headache?


  I frowned. Pretty sure I was too tired for riddles. I let my head roll back around toward the fresh air and closed my eyes.

  Not Bella, really, she amended. The fetus.

  Ah, someone else who felt like I did. It was pretty easy to recognize. She said the word grudgingly, the way Edward did.

  I cant see it, she told me, though she might have been talking to herself. For all she knew, I was already gone. I cant see anything about it. Just like you.

  I flinched, and then my teeth ground together. I didnt like being compared to the creature.

  Bella gets in the way. Shes all wrapped around it, so shes blurry. Like bad reception on a TVlike trying to focus your eyes on those fuzzy people jerking around on the screen. Its killing my head to watch her. And I cant see more than a few minutes ahead, anyway. The fetus is too much a part of her future. When she first decided when she knew she wanted it, she blurred right out of my sight. Scared me to death.

  She was quiet for a second, and then she added, I have to admit, its a relief having you close byin spite of the wet-dog smell. Everything goes away. Like having my eyes closed. It numbs the headache.

  Happy to be of service, maam, I mumbled.

  I wonder what it has in common with you why youre the same that way.

  Sudden heat flashed in the center of my bones. I clenched my fists to hold off the tremors.

  I have nothing in common with that life-sucker, I said through my teeth.

  Well, theres something there.

  I didnt answer. The heat was already burning away. I was too dead tired to stay furious.

  You dont mind if I sit here by you, do you? she asked.

  Guess not. Stinks anyway.

  Thanks, she said. This is the best thing for it, I guess, since I cant take aspirin.

  Could you keep it down? Sleeping, here.

  She didnt respond, immediately lapsing into silence. I was out in seconds.

  I was dreaming that I was really thirsty. And there was a big glass of water in front of meall cold, you could see the condensation running down the sides. I grabbed the cup and took a huge gulp, only to find out pretty quick that it wasnt waterit was straight bleach. I choked it back out, spewing it everywhere, and a bunch of it blew out of my nose. It burned. My nose was on fire.

  The pain in my nose woke me up enough to remember where Id fallen asleep. The smell was pretty fierce, considering that my nose wasnt actually inside the house. Ugh. And it was
noisy. Someone was laughing too loud. A familiar laugh, but one that didnt go with the smell. Didnt belong.

  I groaned and opened my eyes. The skies were dull grayit was daytime, but no clue as to when. Maybe close to sunsetit was pretty dark.

  About time, Blondie mumbled from not too far away. The chainsaw impersonation was getting a little tired.

  I rolled over and wrenched myself into a sitting position. In the process, I figured out where the smell was coming from. Someone had stuffed a wide feather pillow under my face. Probably trying to be nice, Id guess. Unless itd been Rosalie.

  Once my face was out of the stinking feathers, I caught other scents. Like bacon and cinnamon, all mixed up with the vampire smell.

  I blinked, taking in the room.

  Things hadnt changed too much, except that now Bella was sitting up in the middle of the sofa, and the IV was gone. Blondie sat at her feet, her head resting against Bellas knees. Still gave me chills to see how casually they touched her, though I guess that was pretty brain-dead, all things considered. Edward was on one side of her, holding her hand. Alice was on the floor, too, like Rosalie. Her face wasnt pinched up now. And it was easy to see whyshed found another painkiller.

  Hey, Jakes coming around! Seth crowed.

  He was sitting on Bellas other side, his arm slung carelessly over her shoulders, an overflowing plate of food on his lap.

  What the hell?

  He came to find you, Edward said while I got to my feet. And Esme convinced him to stay for breakfast.

  Seth took in my expression, and he hurried to explain. Yeah, JakeI was just checking to see if you were okay cause you didnt ever phase back. Leah got worried. I told her you probably just crashed human, but you know how she is. Anyway, they had all this food and, dang,he turned to Edwardman, you can cook.

  Thank you, Edward murmured.

  I inhaled slowly, trying to unclench my teeth. I couldnt take my eyes off Seths arm.

  Bella got cold, Edward said quietly.

  Right. None of my business, anyway. She didnt belong to me.

  Seth heard Edwards comment, looked at my face, and suddenly he needed both hands to eat with. He took his arm off Bella and dug in. I walked over to stand a few feet from the couch, still trying to get my bearings.

  Leah running patrol? I asked Seth. My voice was still thick with sleep.

  Yeah, he said as he chewed. Seth had new clothes on, too. They fit him better than mine fit me. Shes on it. No worries. Shell howl if theres anything. We traded off around midnight. I ran twelve hours. He was proud of that, and it showed in his tone.

  Midnight? Wait a minutewhat time is it now?

  Bout dawn. He glanced toward the window, checking.

  Well, damn. Id slept through the rest of the day and the whole nightdropped the ball. Crap. Sorry about that, Seth. Really. You shoulda kicked me awake.

  Naw, man, you needed some serious sleep. You havent taken a break since when? Night before your last patrol for Sam? Like forty hours? Fifty? Youre not a machine, Jake. Sides, you didnt miss anything at all.

  Nothing at all? I glanced quickly at Bella. Her color was back to the way I remembered it. Pale, but with the rose undertone. Her lips were pink again. Even her hair looked bettershinier. She saw me appraising and gave me a grin.

  Hows the rib? I asked.

  Taped up nice and tight. I dont even feel it.

  I rolled my eyes. I heard Edward grind his teeth together, and I figured her blow-it-off attitude bugged him as much at it bugged me.

  Whats for breakfast? I asked, a little sarcastic. O negative or AB positive?

  She stuck her tongue out at me. Totally herself again. Omelets, she said, but her eyes darted down, and I saw that her cup of blood was wedged between her leg and Edwards.

  Go get some breakfast, Jake, Seth said. Theres a bunch in the kitchen. Youve got to be empty.

  I examined the food in his lap. Looked like half a cheese omelet and the last fourth of a Frisbee-sized cinnamon roll. My stomach growled, but I ignored it.

  Whats Leah having for breakfast? I asked Seth critically.

  Hey, I took food to her before I ate anything, he defended himself. She said shed rather eat roadkill, but I bet she caves. These cinnamon rolls He seemed at a loss for words.

  Ill go hunt with her, then.

  Seth sighed as I turned to leave.

  A moment, Jacob?

  It was Carlisle asking, so when I turned around again, my face was probably less disrespectful than it would have been if anyone else had stopped me.


  Carlisle approached me while Esme drifted off toward the other room. He stopped a few feet away, just a little bit farther away than the normal space between two humans having a conversation. I appreciated him giving me my space.

  Speaking of hunting, he began in a somber tone. Thats going to be an issue for my family. I understand that our previous truce is inoperative at the moment, so I wanted your advice. Will Sam be hunting for us outside of the perimeter youve created? We dont want to take a chance with hurting any of your familyor losing any of ours. If you were in our shoes, how would you proceed?

  I leaned away, a little surprised, when he threw it back at me like that. What would I know about being in a bloodsuckers expensive shoes? But, then again, I did know Sam.

  Its a risk, I said, trying to ignore the other eyes I felt on me and to talk only to him. Sams calmed down some, but Im pretty sure that in his head, the treaty is void. As long as he thinks the tribe, or any other human, is in real danger, hes not going to ask questions first, if you know what I mean. But, with all that, his priority is going to be La Push. There really arent enough of them to keep a decent watch on the people while putting out hunting parties big enough to do much damage. Id bet hes keeping it close to home.

  Carlisle nodded thoughtfully.

  So I guess Id say, go out together, just in case. And probably you should go in the day, cause wed be expecting night. Traditional vampire stuff. Youre fastgo over the mountains and hunt far enough away that theres no chance hed send anyone that far from home.

  And leave Bella behind, unprotected?

  I snorted. What are we, chopped liver?

  Carlisle laughed, and then his face was serious again. Jacob, you cant fight against your brothers.

  My eyes tightened. Im not saying it wouldnt be hard, but if they were really coming to kill herI would be able to stop them.

  Carlisle shook his head, anxious. No, I didnt mean that you would be incapable. But that it would be very wrong. I cant have that on my conscience.

  It wouldnt be on yours, Doc. It would be on mine. And I can take it.

  No, Jacob. We will make sure that our actions dont make that a necessity. He frowned thoughtfully Well go three at a time, he decided after a second. Thats probably the best we can do.

  I dont know, Doc. Dividing down the middle isnt the best strategy.

  Weve got some extra abilities that will even it up. If Edward is one of the three, hell be able to give us a few miles radius of safety.

  We both glanced at Edward. His expression had Carlisle backtracking quickly.

  Im sure there are other ways, too, Carlisle said. Clearly, there was no physical need strong enough to get Edward away from Bella now. Alice, I would imagine you could see which routes would be a mistake?

  The ones that disappear, Alice said, nodding. Easy.

  Edward, who had gone all tense with Carlisles first plan, loosened up. Bella was staring unhappily at Alice, that little crease between her eyes that she got when she was stressed out.

  Okay, then, I said. Thats settled. Ill just be on my way. Seth, Ill expect you back on at dusk, so get a nap in there somewhere, all right?

  Sure, Jake. Ill phase back soon as Im done. Unless . . . he hesitated, looking at Bella. Do you need me?

  Shes got blankets, I snapped at him.

  Im fine, Seth, thanks, Bella said quickly.

  And then Esme flitted back in the room, a big cov
ered dish in her hands. She stopped hesitantly just behind Carlisles elbow, her wide, dark gold eyes on my face. She held the dish out and took a shy step closer.

  Jacob, she said quietly. Her voice wasnt quite so piercing as the others. I know its unappetizing to you, the idea of eating here, where it smells so unpleasant. But I would feel much better if you would take some food with you when you go. I know you cant go home, and thats because of us. Pleaseease some of my remorse. Take something to eat. She held the food out to me, her face all soft and pleading. I dont know how she did it, because she didnt look older than her mid-twenties, and she was bone pale, too, but something about her expression suddenly reminded me of my mom.


  Uh, sure, sure, I mumbled. I guess. Maybe Leahs still hungry or something.


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