Breaking Dawn

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Breaking Dawn Page 59

by Stephenie Meyer

  No broken law, Aro repeated. However, does it follow then that there is no danger? No. He shook his head gently. That is a separate issue.

  The only response was the tightening of already stretched nerves, and Maggie, at the fringes of our band of fighters, shaking her head with slow anger.

  Aro paced thoughtfully, looking as if he floated rather than touched the ground with his feet. I noticed every pass took him closer to the protection of his guard.

  She is unique utterly, impossibly unique. Such a waste it would be, to destroy something so lovely. Especially when we could learn so much . . . He sighed, as if unwilling to go on. But there is danger, danger that cannot simply be ignored.

  No one answered his assertion. It was dead silent as he continued in a monologue that sounded as if he spoke it for himself only.

  How ironic it is that as the humans advance, as their faith in science grows and controls their world, the more free we are from discovery. Yet, as we become ever more uninhibited by their disbelief in the supernatural, they become strong enough in their technologies that, if they wished, they could actually pose a threat to us, even destroy some of us.

  For thousands and thousands of years, our secrecy has been more a matter of convenience, of ease, than of actual safety. This last raw, angry century has given birth to weapons of such power that they endanger even immortals. Now our status as mere myth in truth protects us from these weak creatures we hunt.

  This amazing childhe lifted his hand palm down as if to rest it on Renesmee, though he was forty yards from her now, almost within the Volturi formation againif we could but know her potentialknow with absolute certainty that she could always remain shrouded within the obscurity that protects us. But we know nothing of what she will become! Her own parents are plagued by fears of her future. We cannot know what she will grow to be. He paused, looking first at our witnesses, and then, meaningfully, at his own. His voice gave a good imitation of sounding torn by his words.

  Still looking at his own witnesses, he spoke again. Only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. The unknown is a vulnerability.

  Caiuss smile widened viciously.

  Youre reaching, Aro, Carlisle said in a bleak voice.

  Peace, friend. Aro smiled, his face as kind, his voice as gentle, as ever. Let us not be hasty. Let us look at this from every side.

  May I offer a side to be considered? Garrett petitioned in a level tone, taking another step forward.

  Nomad, Aro said, nodding in permission.

  Garretts chin lifted. His eyes focused on the huddled mass at the end of the meadow, and he spoke directly to the Volturi witnesses.

  I came here at Carlisles request, as the others, to witness, he said. That is certainly no longer necessary, with regard to the child. We all see what she is.

  I stayed to witness something else. You. He jabbed his finger toward the wary vampires. Two of you I knowMakenna, Charlesand I can see that many of you others are also wanderers, roamers like myself. Answering to none. Think carefully on what I tell you now.

  These ancient ones did not come here for justice as they told you. We suspected as much, and now it has been proved. They came, misled, but with a valid excuse for their action. Witness now as they seek flimsy excuses to continue their true mission. Witness them struggle to find a justification for their true purposeto destroy this family here. He gestured toward Carlisle and Tanya.

  The Volturi come to erase what they perceive as the competition. Perhaps, like me, you look at this clans golden eyes and marvel. They are difficult to understand, its true. But the ancient ones look and see something besides their strange choice. They see power.

  I have witnessed the bonds within this familyI say family and not coven. These strange golden-eyed ones deny their very natures. But in return have they found something worth even more, perhaps, than mere gratification of desire? Ive made a little study of them in my time here, and it seems to me that intrinsic to this intense family bindingthat which makes them possible at allis the peaceful character of this life of sacrifice. There is no aggression here like we all saw in the large southern clans that grew and diminished so quickly in their wild feuds. There is no thought for domination. And Aro knows this better than I do.

  I watched Aros face as Garretts words condemned him, waiting tensely for some response. But Aros face was only politely amused, as if waiting for a tantrum-throwing child to realize that no one was paying attention to his histrionics.

  Carlisle assured us all, when he told us what was coming, that he did not call us here to fight. These witnessesGarrett pointed to Siobhan and Liamagreed to give evidence, to slow the Volturi advance with their presence so that Carlisle would get the chance to present his case.

  But some of us wonderedhis eyes flashed to Eleazars faceif Carlisle having truth on his side would be enough to stop the so-called justice. Are the Volturi here to protect the safety of our secrecy, or to protect their own power? Did they come to destroy an illegal creation, or a way of life? Could they be satisfied when the danger turned out to be no more than a misunderstanding? Or would they push the issue without the excuse of justice?

  We have the answer to all these questions. We heard it in Aros lying wordswe have one with a gift of knowing such things for certainand we see it now in Caiuss eager smile. Their guard is just a mindless weapon, a tool in their masters quest for domination.

  So now there are more questions, questions that you must answer. Who rules you, nomads? Do you answer to someones will besides your own? Are you free to choose your path, or will the Volturi decide how you will live?

  I came to witness. I stay to fight. The Volturi care nothing for the death of the child. They seek the death of our free will.

  He turned, then, to face the ancients. So come, I say! Lets hear no more lying rationalizations. Be honest in your intents as we will be honest in ours. We will defend our freedom. You will or will not attack it. Choose now, and let these witnesses see the true issue debated here.

  Once more he looked to the Volturi witnesses, his eyes probing each face. The power of his words was evident in their expressions. You might consider joining us. If you think the Volturi will let you live to tell this tale, you are mistaken. We may all be destroyedhe shruggedbut then again, maybe not. Perhaps we are on more equal footing than they know. Perhaps the Volturi have finally met their match. I promise you this, thoughif we fall, so do you.

  He ended his heated speech by stepping back to Kates side and then sliding forward in a half-crouch, prepared for the onslaught.

  Aro smiled. A very pretty speech, my revolutionary friend.

  Garrett remained poised for attack. Revolutionary? he growled. Who am I revolting against, might I ask? Are you my king? Do you wish me to call you master, too, like your sycophantic guard?

  Peace, Garrett, Aro said tolerantly. I meant only to refer to your time of birth. Still a patriot, I see.

  Garrett glared back furiously.

  Let us ask our witnesses, Aro suggested. Let us hear their thoughts before we make our decision. Tell us, friendsand he turned his back casually on us, moving a few yards toward his mass of nervous observers hovering even closer now to the edge of the forestwhat do you think of all this? I can assure you the child is not what we feared. Do we take the risk and let the child live? Do we put our world in jeopardy to preserve their family intact? Or does earnest Garrett have the right of it? Will you join them in a fight against our sudden quest for dominion?

  The witnesses met his gaze with careful faces. One, a small black-haired woman, looked briefly at the dark blond male at her side.

  Are those our only choices? she asked suddenly, gaze flashing back to Aro. Agree with you, or fight against you?

  Of course not, most charming Makenna, Aro said, appearing horrified that anyone could come to that conclusion. You may go in peace, of course, as Amun did, even if you disagree with the councils decision.

  Makenna looked at her mates face again, and he nod
ded minutely.

  We did not come here for a fight. She paused, exhaled, then said, We came here to witness. And our witness is that this condemned family is innocent. Everything that Garrett claimed is the truth.

  Ah, Aro said sadly. Im sorry you see us in that way. But such is the nature of our work.

  It is not what I see, but what I feel, Makennas maize-haired mate spoke in a high, nervous voice. He glanced at Garrett. Garrett said they have ways of knowing lies. I, too, know when I am hearing the truth, and when I am not. With frightened eyes he moved closer to his mate, waiting for Aros reaction.

  Do not fear us, friend Charles. No doubt the patriot truly believes what he says, Aro chuckled lightly, and Charless eyes narrowed.

  That is our witness, Makenna said. Were leaving now.

  She and Charles backed away slowly, not turning before they were lost from view in the trees. One other stranger began to retreat the same way, then three more darted after him.

  I evaluated the thirty-seven vampires that stayed. A few of them appeared just too confused to make the decision. But the majority of them seemed only too aware of the direction this confrontation had taken. I guessed that they were giving up a head start in favor of knowing exactly who would be chasing after them.

  I was sure Aro saw the same thing I did. He turned away, walking back to his guard with a measured pace. He stopped in front of them and addressed them in a clear voice.

  We are outnumbered, dearest ones, he said. We can expect no outside help. Should we leave this question undecided to save ourselves?

  No, master, they whispered in unison.

  Is the protection of our world worth perhaps the loss of some of our number?

  Yes, they breathed. We are not afraid.

  Aro smiled and turned to his black-clad companions.

  Brothers, Aro said somberly, there is much to consider here.

  Let us counsel, Caius said eagerly.

  Let us counsel, Marcus repeated in an uninterested tone.

  Aro turned his back to us again, facing the other ancients. They joined hands to form a black-shrouded triangle.

  As soon as Aros attention was engaged in the silent counsel, two more of their witnesses disappeared silently into the forest. I hoped, for their sakes, that they were fast.

  This was it. Carefully, I loosened Renesmees arms from my neck.

  You remember what I told you?

  Tears welled in her eyes, but she nodded. I love you, she whispered.

  Edward was watching us now, his topaz eyes wide. Jacob stared at us from the corner of his big dark eye.

  I love you, too, I said, and then I touched her locket. More than my own life. I kissed her forehead.

  Jacob whined uneasily.

  I stretched up on my toes and whispered into his ear. Wait until theyre totally distracted, then run with her. Get as far from this place as you possibly can. When youve gone as far as you can on foot, she has what you need to get you in the air.

  Edwards and Jacobs faces were almost identical masks of horror, despite the fact that one of them was an animal.

  Renesmee reached for Edward, and he took her in his arms. They hugged each other tightly.

  This is what you kept from me? he whispered over her head.

  From Aro, I breathed.


  I nodded.

  His face twisted with understanding and pain. Had that been the expression on my face when Id finally put together Alices clues?

  Jacob was growling quietly, a low rasp that was as even and unbroken as a purr. His hackles were stiff and his teeth exposed.

  Edward kissed Renesmees forehead and both her cheeks, then he lifted her to Jacobs shoulder. She scrambled agilely onto his back, pulling herself into place with handfuls of his fur, and fit herself easily into the dip between his massive shoulder blades.

  Jacob turned to me, his expressive eyes full of agony, the rumbling growl still grating through his chest.

  Youre the only one we could ever trust her with, I murmured to him. If you didnt love her so much, I could never bear this. I know you can protect her, Jacob.

  He whined again, and dipped his head to butt it against my shoulder.

  I know, I whispered. I love you, too, Jake. Youll always be my best man.

  A tear the size of a baseball rolled into the russet fur beneath his eye.

  Edward leaned his head against the same shoulder where hed placed Renesmee. Goodbye, Jacob, my brother my son.

  The others were not oblivious to the farewell scene. Their eyes were locked on the silent black triangle, but I could tell they were listening.

  Is there no hope, then? Carlisle whispered. There was no fear in his voice. Just determination and acceptance.

  There is absolutely hope, I murmured back. It could be true, I told myself. I only know my own fate.

  Edward took my hand. He knew that he was included. When I said my fate, there was no question that I meant the two of us. We were just halves of the whole.

  Esmes breath was ragged behind me. She moved past us, touching our faces as she passed, to stand beside Carlisle and hold his hand.

  Suddenly, we were surrounded by murmured goodbyes and I love yous.

  If we live through this, Garrett whispered to Kate, Ill follow you anywhere, woman.

  Now he tells me, she muttered.

  Rosalie and Emmett kissed quickly but passionately.

  Tia caressed Benjamins face. He smiled back cheerfully, catching her hand and holding it against his cheek.

  I didnt see all the expressions of love and pain. I was distracted by a sudden fluttering pressure against the outside of my shield. I couldnt tell where it came from, but it felt like it was directed at the edges of our group, Siobhan and Liam particularly. The pressure did no damage, and then it was gone.

  There was no change in the silent, still forms of the counseling ancients. But perhaps there was some signal Id missed.

  Get ready, I whispered to the others. Its starting.

  38. POWER

  Chelsea is trying to break our bindings, Edward whispered. But she cant find them. She cant feel us here. . . . His eyes cut to me. Are you doing that?

  I smiled grimly at him. I am all over this.

  Edward lurched away from me suddenly, his hand reaching out toward Carlisle. At the same time, I felt a much sharper jab against the shield where it wrapped protectively around Carlisles light. It wasnt painful, but it wasnt pleasant, either.

  Carlisle? Are you all right? Edward gasped frantically.

  Yes. Why?

  Jane, Edward answered.

  The moment that he said her name, a dozen pointed attacks hit in a second, stabbing all over the elastic shield, aimed at twelve different bright spots. I flexed, making sure the shield was undamaged. It didnt seem like Jane had been able to pierce it. I glanced around quickly; everyone was fine.

  Incredible, Edward said.

  Why arent they waiting for the decision? Tanya hissed.

  Normal procedure, Edward answered brusquely. They usually incapacitate those on trial so they cant escape.

  I looked across at Jane, who was staring at our group with furious disbelief. I was pretty sure that, besides me, shed never seen anyone remain standing through her fiery assault.

  It probably wasnt very mature. But I figured it would take Aro about half a second to guessif he hadnt alreadythat my shield was more powerful than Edward had known; I already had a big target on my forehead and there was really no point in trying to keep the extent of what I could do a secret. So I grinned a huge, smug smile right at Jane.

  Her eyes narrowed, and I felt another stab of pressure, this time directed at me.

  I pulled my lips wider, showing my teeth.

  Jane let out a high-pitched scream of a snarl. Everyone jumped, even the disciplined guard. Everyone but the ancients, who didnt so much as look up from their conference. Her twin caught her arm as she crouched to spring.

  The Romanians started chuckling w
ith dark anticipation.

  I told you this was our time, Vladimir said to Stefan.

  Just look at the witchs face, Stefan chortled.

  Alec patted his sisters shoulder soothingly, then tucked her under his arm. He turned his face to us, perfectly smooth, completely angelic.

  I waited for some pressure, some sign of his attack, but I felt nothing. He continued to stare in our direction, his pretty face composed. Was he attacking? Was he getting through my shield? Was I the only one who could still see him? I clutched at Edwards hand.

  Are you okay? I choked out.

  Yes, he whispered.

  Is Alec trying?

  Edward nodded. His gift is slower than Janes. It creeps. It will touch us in a few seconds.

  I saw it then, when I had a clue of what to look for.

  A strange clear haze was oozing across the snow, nearly invisible against the white. It reminded me of a miragea slight warping of the view, a hint of a shimmer. I pushed my shield out from Carlisle and the rest of the front line, afraid to have the slinking mist too close when it hit. What if it stole right through my intangible protection? Should we run?


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