Lip Lock

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Lip Lock Page 6

by Susanna Carr

  “I’ll be back.” Curtis dove in for a kiss. Molly automatically turned her head to the side. Curtis’s mouth landed on the corner of her lips.

  That was too close for Kyle’s comfort. He wanted to bat the guy away like a pesky insect. Smash him into the wall.

  “Try not to miss me,” Curtis said to Molly.

  “I’ll do my best,” she replied with a bright smile.

  Curtis made another attempt, but Molly was too fast and his mouth landed her ear. “She’s such a tease,” Curtis explained with a laugh.

  Kyle made some noncommittal sound and nod. He watched Curtis go to the competition with a sense of good riddance.

  But his mind went into overdrive as he understood something essential about the woman he craved. Molly Connors was a liar, not a tease. She lied with her mouth, not with her body.

  She couldn’t help it. She would smile and lie with Curtis, but reel back from the most innocent touch.

  Or was she like that with every guy?

  “Do you like games?” Molly asked suddenly.

  Kyle turned and gave her a look. “Depends on who I’m playing with.”

  She swiped her tongue against her lips. His chest squeezed tight as he watched. “I meant computer games.”

  “I’m looking at the screen all day. It’s not my idea of recreation.”

  “What is?”

  He knew his grin was wolfish and he didn’t bother to hide it.

  Molly pressed her lips together. “Maybe I better not know.”

  “I’m sure your imagination is wilder than my experiences.”

  She scoffed at the idea. “I seriously doubt that.”

  “But then that’s the best combination.”

  “What is?”

  He looked at her mouth intently. “When imagination meets experience.”

  She swallowed heavily.

  He slowly reached up and pressed his thumb against the corner of her mouth. Her skin was smooth and warm. Molly parted her lips and tilted her head toward his thumb.

  There was nothing he wanted more right now than to dip his finger into her mouth and watch her close her lips around his thumb. Lick the tip, swirl her tongue against his skin before she drew him in.

  No. Now was not a good time. He wanted privacy so he could act on the promise.

  Kyle gently brushed his thumb against her lip, as if he was removing Curtis’s branding.

  Molly frowned and drew back.

  “Pizza sauce,” he lied.

  “Oh.” She dazedly covered her mouth with her fingers.

  He looked into her eyes, wanting to know what she was feeling, wanting, but she shielded any message with the slow shutter of her eyelashes.

  Smart move.

  “Um…” She looked around the room. “You didn’t get any pizza,” Molly breathlessly announced. “Let me go get you some.” She jumped up and headed for the boxes, as if demons were after her.

  Smart girl.

  Why wasn’t Kyle leaving? Molly wondered as she nervously chewed her bottom lip. He’d stayed long enough to be considered sociable. He could leave anytime he wanted.

  As it was, she was running out of avoidance tactics. She had gone into manic hostess mode and talked to everyone—not an easy task when some of the guys had no social graces and talked primarily about Star Wars and Halo, both of which she knew little about.

  She flitted here and there, making sure everyone had something to eat and drink. The pizza was long gone and Kyle was still here, his eyes smoldering with a dark, sensual promise that she was about one minute away from accepting.

  She had to stay away from him. She needed to keep her job, not give him one. Remember?

  The only option left was to sidle next to her “boyfriend” and give him a French kiss.

  Curtis. She glared at the man’s back. Married! She couldn’t believe he didn’t mention that detail. Jerk.

  But Curtis was having way too much fun with the new status. The guy had a warped sense of humor. The rays from his computer screen must have baked his brain.

  She took a quick glance and saw that Kyle was playing Xbox with some other players. From the sounds of it, he was winning. Annihilating the competition. Why wasn’t she surprised?

  But it meant that Kyle was going to be occupied for a while. Guys got that way. Must be all that testosterone. Must be wearing.

  Then again, maybe not. The only person who seemed to be fading fast was her. She plopped down on the extra large bean bag and closed her eyes. Why wasn’t everyone leaving? She was ready for sleep.

  And she was most definitely spending the night at Ashton Image Works. On this bag, if she could get it. If she didn’t have to move, even better. She wondered what would work as a blanket…

  A shadow descended on her. The bag dipped at her side. She didn’t need to open her eyes to know who sat down next to her. Her nerve endings were already going berserk.

  “Who’s winning,” she asked, not opening her eyes.

  “I am,” Kyle said.

  “Surprise, surprise. So why aren’t you playing?”

  “It was getting repetitious.”

  She felt the corner of her mouth lift up. Only Kyle Ashton would find winning boring.

  “You should head home,” he whispered in her ear. He was so close that her skin tingled. “Go to bed.”

  Will you tuck me in? The question bubbled on her tongue and she quickly pressed her mouth closed.

  “Do you need a ride?” he asked softly.

  “No!” Her eyes popped open. She tried to erase the image of Kyle’s sports car pulling up next to her DIY truck. “I got that covered. But thanks.”

  Amusement danced in his light green eyes. “You don’t want me to know where you live?”

  How did one answer that without offending? One didn’t. “Do you want me to know where you live?”

  “Don’t you already?”

  “Yes, okay,” she admitted. “I know your address—addresses—but it’s not like you want me to drop by and say hi.”

  “Why not?”

  Did she have to spell it out? “Because I’m your receptionist.”

  “What’s wrong with being my receptionist?”

  “Nothing!” Terrific. Now he thought she was complaining. “It’s the best job I’ve ever had.”

  “Aw.” Kyle groaned and looked away. “And here I thought you were different from all the other yes-men I’ve met tonight.”

  “I’m not just saying that.” Sheesh, tell the truth and where did it get her?

  “Sure you are. What other jobs have you had?”

  That was dangerous territory. “Go look at my resumé.”

  “Come on, Molly.” He said it so seductively that Molly’s toes curled. “Tell me the ones that didn’t make it on your resumé.”

  Oh, he was good, but nothing would induce her to share that information. “It doesn’t matter. Ashton ImageWorks offers the best pay and medical insurance. I’m here to stay.”

  “There’s not much advancement in being an executive assistant’s assistant.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “We really need to work on that title.”

  “I’ll get right on it.” He smiled and Molly felt her heart do a flip.

  “I’m not looking to advance,” she said in a nervous rush. What she said was true. It was the main reason Sara hired her. Her boss didn’t want to train someone every year.

  A cynical smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. “Everyone is looking to get ahead.”

  “Not me.”

  His gaze connected with hers. “Even you.”

  “The only thing I want to get ahead on is my bills.” She froze as the words left her mouth.

  What had she said? Her mind frantically scanned her words. She shouldn’t have said anything about the bills. Or the benefits. It totally went against the “trust fund baby” image.

  Okay, bills. People could think she had an outrageous Nordstrom’s bill. But the benefits? She winced. No heiress worried
about insurance premiums!

  “Wow.” Molly stood up abruptly. “I had no idea it was this late. I should go.”

  Kyle moved to get up. “I can still give you a ride.”

  “I’m good,” she said as she hurried away. No telling what she’d say as the throaty purr of a sports car lulled her to sleep. “But thanks.”

  It was Saturday afternoon when Kyle walked into the kitchen and almost collided into the head of security.

  “Timothy?” Kyle asked as his friend jumped away from the door with amazing reflexes. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going on a weekend getaway with Jan. No, Cindy. Marsha?”


  “Right.” Kyle headed for the refrigerator. “What happened?”

  “Why do you think I’m here?” Timothy made a face. “Because someone is trying to steal our idea before it’s patented. I am going to take him down and then I’ll go on vacation.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Kyle said as he reached into the refrigerator and retrieved an ice cold water bottle.

  “Yeah, I do.” His friend’s tone took on an edge. “My sweat, blood, and tears built this place as much as yours did.”

  “True.” Was that why he was the unnamed insider for the tell-all book? Was he not given enough credit for the sacrifices he made? Did he not receive enough credit?

  “When was the last time you went on vacation?” Timothy asked. “It’s been a while.”

  “I go to one of my weekend homes to relax.”

  “Yeah?” His friend folded his arms across his chest. “And when was the last time you went to one?”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “If you are trying to prove that you are better at finding a balance between work and life, then consider yourself the winner.”

  “Not quite.” Timothy rested his hip against the kitchen counter. “After all, I’m here on a Saturday when I should be getting laid at a romantic bed and breakfast. Have you heard that most of the working population doesn’t come to work on the weekends?”

  “It’s a myth,” Kyle said as he drank the water.

  “Yeah, it must be.” He thumbed toward the door. “I even saw Molly wandering around here today.”

  Water spurted from Kyle’s mouth. “Molly? Molly Connors?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t she an hourly?”

  “Don’t worry. Her overtime won’t break the bank.” But what was she doing here?

  “Since when do receptionists work while the office is officially closed?”

  “Since that receptionist is working hard to be Sara’s assistant,” Kyle informed him.

  “Ah.” Timothy nodded with understanding.

  “And since when have you been so suspicious?”

  His friend smiled. “Since my weekend of nonstop sex was interrupted by suspicious activity.”

  Kyle groaned. “Am I going to be hearing about your lost weekend for the rest of my life?”

  “No, only until I finally get my weekend of sex. Then you get to hear about that.”

  “I can’t wait,” Kyle said dryly.

  “But it turns out it was a good thing I postponed.”

  Timothy was glad he delayed a wild weekend? It had to be something freaking amazing. “And that would be because?”

  “I got someone talking, and he wants to tell you everything he knows.”

  Kyle’s water bottle hit the counter with a thud. “No. Way.” There were actually people in this world who saw wrongdoings and didn’t want to get into the action? Couldn’t be true. “What does he want in return?”


  Kyle clenched his jaw. “I should have known.”

  Timothy watched and waited quietly.

  “Why should I forgive someone who made a profit off of me?” Kyle asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Timothy shrugged. “No one said you had to.”

  “So I don’t have to forgive you, either?”

  His friend’s head went up as if he sniffed danger. “What are you talking about?”

  “I know that you’re the unnamed insider for that tell-all book.” Saying it out loud made it sting more.

  Timothy took a step back. “How did you know?”

  “So it’s true?” Kyle’s voice hitched in his throat.

  “Yeah.” Timothy dipped his head. “It’s true.”

  Was that a sign of regret? For doing it, or for getting caught? “Why did you betray me?”

  “I didn’t mean to. I thought I was protecting you.” Timothy looked to the side as he remembered. “I was telling this author about what we did and how we made it against all odds. But he gave it a different slant.”

  How different, Kyle wondered.

  “I’m sorry, Kyle. I thought I had this punk eating out of my hands…” Timothy looked at his outstretched palms and shook his head.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was trying to fix it on my own. I was working on a way for Legal to block the sale of the book.”

  “You know, for the head of security, you really need to be more cynical and suspicious.”

  “I’m working on it,” Timothy said with a wry smile. “It’s not like I pursued the job. I kind of fell into it. Just like Sara became your assistant and Glenn became the financial officer when he can’t figure out the spreadsheet program on his computer.”

  Kyle nodded as he considered what Timothy had said. Should he believe him? Did he make a mistake and was trying to fix it before he found out? It was possible.

  It was also possible that Timothy could put a twist on the facts Kyle had. For all he knew, his friend could even be behind stealing the blueprint.

  Kyle froze and the insidious idea took hold. He heard the plastic water bottle crinkle under his tight grasp.

  No. That couldn’t be right. It didn’t make sense. Timothy wouldn’t steal from his own company. Destroy something that was built with his sweat, tears, and blood.

  Unless the deal was amazing.

  But what could top what he already had? What could be better?

  Great. Kyle took a deep breath and reined in his runaway emotions. He had just crossed over to full-blown paranoia. He needed to back off. Regroup. Maybe take a vacation. Get laid.

  “So, who wants to talk?” Kyle asked, his voice dropping into a low growl.

  Timothy frowned at the sudden change of subject but quickly followed Kyle’s train of thought. “Brian Velazquez from R&D.”

  Brian? Anger roared through him. He was just playing Xbox with him yesterday. And the guy was in on the theft? Brian was going to learn the true meaning of annihilation.

  “Who’s the buyer?”

  “He says he doesn’t know.”

  “Sure he does.” Bitterness filled Kyle that he could taste. “Sue him for millions on breaking the non-disclosure agreement and he’ll remember.”

  “Brian wants a meeting with you. He says as far as he can tell, there’s a web of traitors.”

  “Of course he says that!” Kyle caught himself yelling and struggled to control his temper. “How much does he want for every name?”

  “As far as I can tell, Brian hasn’t done anything wrong other than trust the wrong guy,” Timothy argued. “He knows something weird is going on and he’s showing his loyalty to you.”

  “Then he should give us the names.” Kyle wanted to storm out of the kitchen, find Brian, and shake the information out of him.

  “He wants protection. Security.”

  The very things Kyle wanted but no one could offer. Why should he guarantee something he could never have? Kyle rubbed his face with his hands. He had to keep his emotions out of it and stop taking it personally.

  And he wasn’t going to have any sense of security if he didn’t get some answers. Whether he liked it or not, he had to play the game.

  “Fine,” Kyle said suddenly. He grabbed the water bottle and threw it in the recycling bin. “Brian has immunity. And he’s got my protection.”

  Timothy’s eyebrows rose
from the sudden capitulation. “Even if he’s dirty?”

  “Yep.” Kyle marched to the kitchen door. “The price is too great if we lose the idea.”

  “You won’t regret it,” Timothy promised.

  Kyle hit the door with more force than necessary and it swung open wildly. “I already do.”

  Molly stretched her legs and banged her bare foot against the desk leg.

  Ow! She curled her legs up and grabbed her throbbing toes. Okay, whose bright idea was it to sleep under a desk?

  Oh, right. Brian and Curtis. Supposedly geniuses. Molly rolled her eyes. They must have been talking about some sort of L-shaped desk. Definitely not U-shaped.

  Molly shifted onto her back and stared at the underside of her desk. She was feeling a bit claustrophobic, but at least she was warm. And safe. Maybe too safe.

  The security guards crawled all over the building throughout every hour. She barely got to sleep last night with one guard after another waking her up and asking to see her ID.

  Brian and Curtis forgot to mention that, too. Hmm…She hoped they weren’t making this all up.

  But even if this was verboten, it was better than the very cold truck. And how did she manage to park in a crime-ridden street each and every night?

  Molly rolled out from under her desk. The overhead security lights were set low so she had to squint at the clock. It was only midnight? Sheesh. Was she going to have a good night’s sleep ever again?

  Or how about a home-cooked meal? Molly sat up and stretched her back. She’d had the hardworking beta tester guys order Chinese on their petty account tonight. The food had been so good. The scent alone made her want to dive face first into the fried rice.

  Molly stood up and looked around. Well, what was she going to do? She wasn’t going to lie under her desk wide awake. Since she was wearing sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt, she could roam the halls, but she didn’t feel like explaining her appearance to every security guard.

  There was nothing to do in her inbox. The problem with being at the office all day long was that she was all caught up. She could work on some of Sara’s stuff.

  Molly glanced past the glass door and wrinkled her nose. Nah. But she could explore the executive suite.

  She got up, clipped on her ID badge, and headed for the glass security door. Once she stepped inside she considered where to go first. She’d been everywhere on this executive floor and explored most of the offices.


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