by David Garrow
Ginsburg, Bob, 21, 35
Giorango, Michael “Jaws,” 988–89, 990
Glazer, Nathan, 403
Glendon, Mary Ann, 352–53, 358, 425, 426, 1179n
Glick, Doug, 273, 285, 298, 321
Gluba, Bill, 1001
Goeldner, Virginia Dunham, 52
Goldberg, David, 378, 383, 386, 387, 388, 390, 395, 408
and Law Review Articles Office, 396, 412, 413, 439
and new Law Review president, 442
and Obama congressional primary bid, 700
Goldberg, Jeffrey, 1066
Goldberg v. Kelly (1970), 334
Golden, Michael, 817
Golden Gate neighborhood, 30, 212, 266
Goldman, Ronald, 544
Goldsmith, Stephen, 617
Goldyn, Lawrence, 113, 127, 133, 137
Golf Channel, 1074
Gomes, Peter J., 286–87
Gonzales, Alberto, 968
Gonzales, Mary, 9–15, 16, 22, 265, 284, 311, 323
and “Future of Organizing” panel, 501
and Gamaliel training event, 264, 287
and IAF training event, 230–31
marriage to Greg Galluzzo, 9–10
and public education problems, 405
and UNO founding, 10–12
Good Morning America (ABC), 935, 1032, 1040
Goosby, Constance, 553–54, 557
Gordon (Chicago restaurant), 463–64
Gore, Al, 613, 717, 721, 724, 775, 1000, 1022
Gore, Gabriel, 487, 488
Gore, Tipper, 1022
Gorman, John, 885, 968
Goss, Kent, 138
Gottheimer, Josh, 936, 937
Goudie, Chuck, 982
Governors State University (GSU), 205
Grace Baptist Church, 255
Graf, Arnie, 231, 232, 233, 246, 285, 1064
Graf, Martha, 232
Graham, Cleonia, 225
Graham, Lindsey, 1033, 1034
Graham, Patricia A., 509, 510–11, 522, 551, 570, 667, 715–16
Grammy Awards, 980, 986
Granfield, Robert, 329, 330, 383, 424
Granholm, Jennifer, 928
Gration, Scott, 996–97
Grauman, Tom, 128, 133, 135, 137
Gray, William H., 286
Greater Roseland Association (GRO), 27–28
Green, Eric, 382
Green, Joe, 676
Green, Paul, 693
Greenberg, David, 537
Greene, Bob, 654
Greenfield, Jeff, 939, 1074–75
Greenpeace, 274, 275
Gregorian, Vartan, 509, 570–71
Gregory, Dick, 125–26, 711
Gregory, Wilton, Bishop, 223
Gridiron Club dinner, 962–63, 987
Griffin, Jean Latz, 243
Griffin, John Howard, 66
Griffin, Nadyne, 39, 221, 238, 256, 297
Grimshaw, Bill, 291, 293, 516
Grimshaw, Jacky, 291, 467, 488, 494
and campaign finance reform, 588
and Center for Neighborhood Technology, 495
and “Future of Organizing” panel, 501
and Mayor Washington administration, 35, 250
on “O’Bama” candidacy, 471
and Public Allies, 508
Griswold, Erwin N., 395, 398, 399, 402, 414–15, 432
criticism of Yu, 379
critique of each Law Review article, 368
dislike of Ayres article, 436
on Law Record critique of Law Review, 444
and Law Review November issue, 429
on Obama Law Review presidency, 439
and Obama’s Law Review successor, 442
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 95
Gross, Adam, 497
Gross, Dave, 559, 596, 742, 867
Gross, Stuart, 95
Gruber, Andrew, 718, 726–27, 788, 801, 846, 911
Grunwald, Michael, 1066
Guantánamo Bay detention camp, 864, 972, 1001
Obama pledge to close, 1051
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (film), 85
gun control, 580, 632, 638–39, 643, 677, 684–92, 701, 806, 923
and Chicago violence, 988, 1074
and Obama missed state Senate vote, 687–90, 691, 694, 707, 796, 861, 895
Obama’s frustration over, 1074
Obama state Senate bills, 727, 730, 749, 820
passage of bill with felony provision, 711, 712, 714
Guneratne, Arjun, 245
Guthrie, Carlton, 509, 638, 747, 749–50
Gutierrez, Luis, 221
Guzman, Mike, 396, 437, 438
Guzzo, Frank, 38
Haas, Greetje de, 228
Hagberg, Gordon, 45
Haile, Rebecca, 384, 386, 387, 388, 396, 397–98
Haine, Bill, 811, 861, 868, 881
Haine, Marc, 88, 90
Hairston, Leslie, 650–51, 663, 669, 677, 707, 816, 959, 989
Hajra, Dodie, 430
Hale, Dan, 96, 98, 106–7, 536
Hales Franciscan High School, 663, 821, 927
Hall, Jack, 54, 69
Hallett, Anne, 249, 265, 280, 283, 295, 303, 322, 372
and Chicago Annenberg Challenge, 523, 524
and Palmer congressional campaign, 517
and urban school reform network, 509–11
and Wieboldt Foundation, 239, 242
Hallett, Stanley, 283, 284
Halperin, Mark, 1066–67
Halpern, Charles, 661
and think tank proposal, 613, 625, 632–33
Halvorson, Debbie, 577, 593–94, 598, 628, 640, 642, 767, 868
Hamburger University, 417
Hamid, Wahid, 139, 142, 145, 218
Long Island apartment, 164, 402
in Los Angeles, 150, 153
marriage of, 171, 214–15
in New York, 164, 174, 177, 190, 214
at Obama wedding, 478
at Occidental, 115, 120, 122–23, 128
Hamilton, Charles V., 160–61
Hamlish, Tammy, 228, 229, 245–46
Hance, Andrea, 841
Handy, Myra, 632
Hankins, Willard, Jr., 115
Hannig, Gary, 617–18, 619, 628–29, 630
Hannity, Sean, 956, 1030
Hannity & Colmes (Fox News), 956, 1030
Hansen, Joe, 88, 92, 93, 104
Hansen, Larry, 584, 611
Hansen, Sandra, 78, 492–93
Haraszti, Miklos, 155
Hardiman, Janis. See Robinson, Janis Hardiman
Hardy, Thomas, 525
Harkin, Tom, 755, 986, 995, 999, 1000
Harmon, Don, 904, 917
Harper, Frank “Hill,” 336, 375, 376, 391, 435
Harper, George J., 3–4
Harris, Fredrick, 1062
Harris, Irving, 618
Harris, John, 1063
Harris, Monica, 384, 444–45, 456
Harris, Ray, 589, 600, 605, 712, 832, 837, 907, 962
on Palmer’s political skills, 518, 545
Harris, Sarah-Etta, 128, 129, 130–31
Harstad, Paul, 800, 802
and focus group, 923
hiring of, 755, 756, 758–59
and polls, 760–66, 771, 772, 774, 775, 835, 836, 838, 840, 846, 849, 862–63, 871–72, 885, 890–91, 912, 913, 948
recommendations for U.S. Senate primary, 786, 794, 798, 804
Hart, Brett, 488, 546, 548, 576
Hart, Gary, 172
Hart, Henry M., Jr., 424
Hart, Janice, 553
Hartman, Hermene, 535, 723, 769–70, 1058
Hartog-Levin, Fay, 781, 814
Hartzler, Joseph, 822
Harvard Board of Overseers, 458
Harvard Business School, 7, 404
Harvard Civil Rights—Civil Liberties Law Review, 347, 357–58, 374
Harvard Crimson, 353, 372, 393, 409, 411, 942
Harvard Law Record, 356, 372, 394, 427, 442–43, 455
Harvard Law Review
affirmative action, 359–60, 383, 385, 389, 396–97, 403, 427, 428, 442, 445, 457
annual banquets, 407–9, 456
bagels and muffins controversy, 420, 424–25, 430, 445, 456
black editors, 353, 374, 383, 384, 386–88, 389, 397–98
Bluebook, 369, 395–99, 430, 437, 444
editing process, 368–70
editorial disagreement, 421–23, 437, 438–39, 444–45
election of president, 386–90
elitism of members, 424–25
Ellen as Obama presidency successor, 442
faculty tenure articles, 413
final issue June (1990–91), 412–16
gender breakdown of editors, 419–20
individual case comments, 378–79
Law Record critique of, 443–44
Obama as first African American president, 384, 390–95, 410, 436, 437–39, 454, 457, 528, 592, 694, 704, 708, 763–64, 772, 863, 875, 880, 921
Obama-colleagues relations, 378, 398, 401, 402, 422, 423–24, 425, 427
and political correctness, 437
roundtable on, 372–74
satiric Revue issues, 407–8, 456
selection of officers, 395–98
and student protests, 426–27
Supreme Court Office, 412, 413–14, 420–21, 426, 429
Tribe essay, 376–77, 379
women editors, 353, 427, 443, 444–45
writing competition, 357–60, 419–20
Yu as first Asian American president, 353, 360, 377–78
Harvard Law Review Association, 430
Harvard Law School, 285, 286, 295, 327–458
Administrative Law course, 370, 381
affirmative action, 354, 359–60, 383, 385, 387, 389, 396–99, 403
Ames Moot Court, 348, 354–55
black alumni reunion, 718
black faculty, 328, 337, 339, 354, 391, 393–94, 404, 411, 487
Black Men of Harvard Law School calendar, 436–37
black students, 328, 329–30, 336–37, 339–40, 351, 375, 404, 456
“Celebration of Black Alumni” event, 974, 975
Civil Procedure course, 332, 334–35, 339, 349, 358, 359
Civil Society seminar, 425–26, 432
Clark as new dean, 353–54, 371–72
clerkship candidates, 375, 457
commencement, 457–58
Constitutional Law course, 370–71, 381
Contracts course, 332, 333–35, 338–39, 355–56, 358, 359
Corporations course, 370, 381
Criminal Law course, 333, 334, 339–40, 342, 349, 354, 455
diversity of class of 1991, 327–28, 331
diversity of faculty, 328, 409–11, 413, 426–27, 434–35, 436, 446, 455–56
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 536–37
Evidence course, 382–83
exams, 349, 354, 415–16
faculty tenure, 413
Federal Courts course, 424, 435
first-year courses, 330–31
gay students, 375, 410
graduating class law firm prospects, 330, 457
Jurisprudence course, 382–83, 400, 447
Law and Political Economy course, 383
Law School Council, 356–57
Legal Methods course, 330, 348, 354, 359
Legal Profession course, 435–36
Local Government Law course, 382, 399–400, 415–16
magna cum laude degree, 457
Michelle Robinson’s degree from, 329–30, 361, 363, 365, 366, 381, 481, 746
Obama on value of attending, 401, 746
Obama’s choice of, 304, 309, 310, 318, 321, 350–51, 360–61, 363, 446, 457, 458, 481, 727
Obama’s retrospective assessment of, 456
Obamas’ wedding guests from, 478
Obama U.S. Senate campaign fund-raising at, 854
Property Law course, 352–53, 358
Race, Racism, and American Law course, 441–42, 487
Reinventing Democracy course, 447–48, 457
Section III “Obamanometer” contest, 341, 342
sexism charges, 355–56
Socratic method, 333, 399
Taxation course, 382, 415
third-year classes, 424, 425–26
Three Speech newsletter, 338, 340, 342, 353
Torts course, 333, 334, 342–44, 348, 349, 354, 370
tuition, 330
women faculty, 411, 412
Yearbook, 366, 456
Harvard Law School Coalition for Civil Rights, 434–35
Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, 366, 445
Harvard-Radcliffe Alumni/ae Against Apartheid (HRAAA), 434–35
Harvard University
affirmative action, 403–4
Kennedy School of Government, 425–26
Obama Sr. doctoral studies at, 55–60, 77, 152, 285, 321
Saguaro Seminar, 592
Harwell, Carol
and Obama’s confrontation with Hendon, 768
and Obama’s congressional defeat, 708, 709
and Obama’s foreign car, 572
and Obama state Senate campaign, 527, 539, 540, 546–48, 551, 552, 557, 610
as Obama wedding guest, 478, 479
opposition to Obama congressional bid, 662
on Palmer’s petitions, 557–58, 560
professionalism of, 564
and Project VOTE!, 473, 475, 477, 480, 494, 527
Hasegawa, Ed, 46
Hastert, Dennis, 911, 925
Havel, Václav, 412
Ann Dunham’s death in, 549
Dunham family move to, 50–51
Maya Soetoro wedding in, 861
mixed ethnicities in, 67–68, 88, 103, 120, 245, 278
Obama’s birth in, 50, 52, 53, 1059
Obama’s Christmas visit tradition, 122, 180, 294, 374, 379–80, 381, 382–83, 435, 618, 641, 685–88, 689, 723, 789, 861, 963, 1016, 1019–23, 1051
Obama’s identification with, 116, 120, 122, 181, 189, 932, 933, 935, 994
Obama’s idyllic childhood in, 57, 63, 103–4, 534, 933
Obama Sr. return visit to, 79–81, 152
term for grandmother, 87
See also Punahou School; University of Hawaii
Hawaii Civil Rights Congress (HCRC), 70
Hawaii Five-O (TV program), 101
Hawaii Peace Rally Committee, 54
Hawes, Sonya, 814, 952
Hawker, Linda, 599
Hawkins, Larry, 31
Hawkinson, Carl, 592, 594, 599, 605–6, 617–18
as Judiciary Committee chairman, 586, 641, 653, 787–88
and Juvenile Justice Reform Act, 626
and sports-referee-assault bill, 653–54
and tax abatement “enterprise zones,” 722
Hay, Lisa, 335, 338, 339, 340, 356, 385, 387
and Bluebook renegotiation, 430
and Harvard Law Record, 397
as Law Review treasurer, 395, 396, 419, 420, 928
on Obama’s Law Review banquet speech, 409, 928
Hayden, Michael, 1071–72
Hayek, Friedrich, 1049
Hayes, Charles “Charlie,” 250, 318, 472, 504, 645, 660, 678, 702
Hayes, Clarence “Squeaky,” 37, 200
Haymarket Group, 289, 303
Haynes, Dion, 524
Haywood, Cheryl, 968
Haywood, George W., 968
Hazen, Tom, 836
Head Start, 634
Healey, Robert, 289
Health and Human Services Committee (state Senate), 787, 800, 807
health care
Bernardin Amendment, 764, 765, 783
discriminatory pricing, 810
Hull campaign on, 834
Illinois bill, 783–84, 801, 915–18
Massachusetts plan, 992
and Obama presidential action, 1052
and Obama presidential campaign, 1025
r system, 776, 916–17, 932
as U.S. Senate campaign issue, 923, 932
See also Affordable Care Act; FamilyCare; KidCare; universal health care, 1066, 1075
Health Care Justice Act (Ill.), 783–84, 801, 915–18, 919
Health Care Surrogate Act (Ill.), 649
Healy, Win, 84, 106
Heard, Beverly, 505, 516, 525, 538
Hebing, Brad, 93
Hebing, Mark “Hebs”
and Choom Gang, 91, 92, 93, 105
Obama friendship, 74–75, 81, 88, 95, 103, 104, 106
Heckelman, Dave, 605–6, 609
Heflin, Mark, 88
Hefner, Christie, 806, 814
Hefty, Mabel, 74–75, 80
Hegewisch, 23, 33, 36, 209, 240, 300, 311
Hegewisch News, 36, 300, 307, 310
Heilemann, John, 1060, 1066–67
Heinen, Steven, 356, 358, 1020–21
Heintz, Stephen, 613, 661, 740–41
Heisenberg, Werner, 377
Helm, Beverly, 683, 692, 806, 808–9
Helm, Eddie Winfred “Doc,” 683
Helms, Jesse, 428–29
Hemingway, Ernest, 177
Hendon, Rickey, 306, 559, 562, 619, 628, 653, 655, 657, 868
antipathy toward Obama, 598–99, 600, 604, 606, 658, 660, 710, 767, 768, 808
challenge to Pate Philip power play, 729
and Democratic politics, 745
and Obama and Trotter congressional bid, 670, 683
Obama’s physical confrontation with, 767–68, 769
and redistricting, 735, 739
on Ryan’s children’s services veto, 766
support for Obama U.S. Senate campaign, 889
Hendren, Carter, 617, 618, 624, 626, 629, 630
Hendro, Widiyanto, 72
Heninger, Sim, 111, 120, 121, 138, 175
Hennessey, Lisa Shachtman, 167, 170
Henry, David, 60
Henry, Mike, 818, 879, 884, 896
Herbert, Bob, 922–23, 1006, 1007
Herrmannsfeld, Paul, 178
Herrnstein, Richard J., 506–7
Hershenov, Eileen, 183, 184, 187
Hertzer, Lisa, 348, 354
Hess, Fred (G. Alfred), 249, 265–66, 283, 316, 716
Chicago Panel, 243, 303–4
on Chicago schools dropout rate, 235, 242
and Chicago teachers strike, 205, 279, 280
and Palmer congressional campaign, 517
Hester, Bethann, 490, 496
Hewitt, Mary Jane, 114
Higa, Clyde and Teri, 94, 95
Higgins, George, 426
Higgins, Susan, 360, 391, 419
Higgins, Tracy, 389–90
“Higgins, William” (ghost employee) 636, 819
Higher Education Operations Through Pell Grant Expansion (HOPE) Act, 969–70
Higher Education Reauthorization Act, 186
Hildebrand, Steve, 1000, 1008, 1011, 1013–14
Hill, David, 336, 337, 375, 391, 424, 436
Hill, Johnny, 290
Hilsman, Roger, 161
Himmelfarb, Susan, 849