by David Garrow
Larry King Live (CNN), 1006
LaSalle Street Project, 665
Lasson, Kenneth, 399
Latimore, Clinton, Jr., 921
Latino Institute, 8–9, 13
Laubach, Frank, 44–45, 47, 57
Lauer, Matt, 957, 1018
Lauzen, Chris, 640, 693, 712
Law of Democracy, The (2001 edition), 752
Lawrence, Mike, 611–12, 617, 619, 621, 623, 626–30, 635
reaction to Obama congressional bid, 667–68
Lazere, Cathy, 166, 170, 179, 180, 536
Leadership for Quality Education, 405, 632, 647
League of Conservation Voters (LCV), 893, 935
League of Women Voters, 511, 577, 602–3, 612, 631
Leahy, Patrick, 976, 986
Leary, Tracy, 572, 573, 576
Lebanon Lutheran Church, 33, 209, 300, 311
Lebed, Fred, 504, 505, 842, 881
LeBreton, David, 889, 898
Lee, Christine, 337, 370, 378, 408, 458
anger at Obama, 398, 401, 402, 422, 423
and antitrust law note, 432
background of, 337
and editing Cook manuscript, 378
and Fried’s “muffin thingees” query, 425
and Law Review divisiveness, 421, 422
and Law Review election of first black president, 387, 391, 393, 394
as Law Review presidency contender, 383, 384, 387
on Perrelli’s managing editor skills, 414
slighting as Law Review masthead editor, 396, 397–98, 402
and Supreme Court Office, 413, 414, 420–21
Lee, Dan, 29, 39, 212, 227, 249, 251, 270
as DCP president, 207, 238–39, 261, 262, 265, 266
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
first impression of Obama, 201
and landfill protest, 274, 307, 308
Obama’s bond with, 236
Lee, Spike, 262
Leff, Deborah, 540, 613, 647, 666
and Joyce Foundation, 508–9, 510, 749, 782
Legal Eagle Awards, 512
Lelyveld, Joseph, 1055
Lemann, Nicholas, 1062
Lemon, Don, 1009, 1014
Lemon, Jan-Michele, 381, 478
Leno, Jay, 925
Leola (film), 366
Leong, Byron, 106
Lessig, Lawrence, 675
Lester, Ron, 679
Let History Judge (Medvedev), 155
“Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (King), 121, 487
Letterman, David, 962
Lev, Sean, 421, 424, 425, 438
Leveen, Lois, 422
Levi, John G., 349, 351, 352, 357, 465
Leviathan (Hobbes), 425
Levin, Carl, 1073
Levin, Daniel, 676, 733, 781, 814
Levine, Stuart, 1003
Levinsohn, Florence Hamlish, 245–46, 406–7
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 228
Lew, Jack, 1061, 1066
Lewinsky, Monica, 618
Lewis, John, 968
Liazos, Ted, 732
Libby, McNeill & Libby, closure of, 206, 266
Lieberman, Joseph, 990, 1077
Lieteau, Michael “Mike,” 539, 544, 575, 651, 662, 809
easy relationship with Obama, 603–5
on Obama’s poker style, 603, 621, 622
Lieteau, Michelle, 603
Lieteau, Tristé, 575, 603, 807
Life magazine, 65–66
Lightford, Kimberly, 638, 658, 683, 768
on Obama’s marital loyalty, 710–11
and Obama’s U.S. Senate bid, 759, 868
Lilydale, 25
Lilydale First Baptist Church, 296
Lincoln, Abraham, 970, 1027, 1060, 1064
Lind, Michael, 613
Linde, Ronald K., 2, 560
Lindenfeld, Tom, 821, 890, 896–98, 910, 933, 938
Ling-Temco-Vought. See LTV (Ling-Temco-Vought) steel mill
Link, Terry, 577, 600, 605, 640, 642, 658, 686
on Obama’s congressional bid, 662
and Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 938, 939
and Obama’s U.S. Senate primary bid, 759, 792, 868
and Ryan amendatory budget vetoes, 766
statewide Democratic influence of, 621
and Wednesday night poker, 603, 621, 651, 710, 732–33, 809, 906, 919, 960
Lippert, Mark, 973, 996, 997
Lipson, Charles, 1069
Little, Kevin, 336
Lizza, Ryan, 980, 1035–36
Lloyd, Richard, 185, 1138n
Lloyd, Yvonne, 30, 39, 40, 201, 238, 267, 310
and concern for Obama’s welfare, 218, 302
as DCP core participant, 212, 217, 268
Dreams From My Father portrayal of, 530
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
and Obama book signing, 527
and Obama’s DCP resignation, 308, 309
lobbying ethics reform, 795, 904, 984–86, 987
Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC), 190–91, 499
“Futures Committee” findings, 591
Local School Councils, 350, 405, 732
Lockhart, William B., 370
Logic of Economic Diversity, The (Fisher), 332
Logic of Scientific Discovery, The (Popper), 332
Loizeau, Pierre-Marie, 532
Lomax, Charles, 463
Lomax, Willie, 284
London Towne Homes, 212, 263, 266, 267, 306
Longhi, Dario, 122
Longworth, Richard, 3, 4, 6, 11, 22, 318
articles on Lumpkin, 14, 284, 303, 559–60
Loop Capital Markets, 622, 664, 736, 820
López, Ian Haney, 447
Lopez-Isa, Lourdes, 424, 428
Lord, Bissell & Brook, 509
Lott, John R., Jr., 581
Lott, Trent, 788, 1056
Loui, Ronald, 74, 75
Lounsberry, Debbie, 595, 596, 806, 912
Love, Alvin, 296, 698
Love, Reggie, 1029, 1057, 1060
Lowden Homes, 39, 256
Lowe, Cassandra, 304
Lowery, Joseph E., 440
Loyola University of Chicago, 638–39, 643
Loyd, Bernard, 404, 496, 546, 675
LTV (Ling-Temco-Vought) steel mill, 38, 207, 309
bankruptcy filing, 233, 234, 236, 238
steelworker layoffs, 206, 213, 216–17, 221
steelworkers contract, 211, 221
Lu, Chris, 427
Luce, Edward, 1054–55
Luechtefeld, Dave, 577, 651–52, 808
Lugar, Richard, 960, 971, 973, 974, 975
Luking, Bill, 675, 687, 746
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 801
Lum, Alan, 97, 98, 99, 536
Lumpkin, Bea, 1–2, 779
Lumpkin, Frank, 1–2, 4, 6, 9, 11–14, 34, 449
at anti-Iraq war rally, 779
banquet honoring, 318
final victory of, 559–60
and International Harvester pickets, 29, 262
and International Harvester settlement, 303
Longworth articles on, 14, 284, 303, 559–60
and pension issue, 37
and pension settlement, 559
and political campaign, 460
on steelworker unemployment, 207–8
as UNO honoree, 240
See also Save Our Jobs Committee (SOJC)
Luster, Lyndell, 854, 889, 906–7, 920
Lutheran churches, 20, 33, 206, 209, 300, 311
Lutheran General Hospital System, 519
Lykes Corporation, 7
Lyle, Freddrenna, 635, 663, 678, 885
Lynch, Hollis R., 161
Lynch, John, 1016
Lynch, Roberta, 10, 11, 12, 13, 318, 481, 824, 832, 842
Lynch, Ulmer D., 557, 558, 561, 562, 564
Lynch-Giddings, Scott, 635, 777
Lynd, Staughton, 7
Lyon, Harvey, 283
Maathai, Wangari, 999
Mabley, Jack, 856
MacArthur, Kelly Jo, 361, 381, 454, 463, 478, 479
MacArthur Foundation
and Career Education Network, 289, 296
and Chicago Annenberg Challenge, 523
and community organization grants, 239–40
“Community Organizing Award” ceremony, 576–77
and DCP grant proposal, 248, 261, 267–68
and DCP grants, 265, 269, 305, 322
and Karanja “genius grant,” 508
and Public Allies grant, 488
MacFarquhar, Larissa, 536–37, 1036
Mack, Kenneth, 339–40, 353, 357, 374, 375, 385
Black Men of Harvard Law School calendar, 436
as Bluebook editor, 397, 398, 430, 444
Chicago visit of, 498
on critics of Obama, 409
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
and Law Review election of black president, 390–91
on Law Review race-consciousness, 384
on Obama’s cool, 428
on Obama’s Law Review experience, 404, 457
on Rao’s Law Review essay, 415
MacKinnon, Catharine, 745
MacLean, Nancy, 847
Macneil, Ian, 332, 333–36, 338–39, 349
characterization of Obama, 357
Contracts exam, 358–59
rebuttal letter to WLA sexism charges, 355–56
Madigan, Lisa, 638, 642, 729, 808
Illinois attorney general candidacy, 722, 727, 740, 753
and Ryan amendatory budget vetoes, 766
Madigan, Michael J., 210, 265, 322, 581, 587, 588, 810
and ABLE leaders, 723
and Blagojevich, 919, 920
and campaign-finance-reform bill, 612, 617–18, 626, 630
Cullerton skit impersonation of, 735
and Democratic attorney general nominee selection, 722
and economic development proposal, 632, 736
Hynes support by, 855, 867, 868, 894
and Illinois primary (2006), 988
and ISBI meeting, 726
and minority-owned firms, 736
and pork-barrel funding, 753
and predatory-loan bill, 733
refusal to support Giannoulias, 996
and Safe Neighborhoods Act, 684
sarcastic dismissal of Obama, 996
and state budget, 919
and state house control, 783
and state pension investment reform, 747
Madison, Jesse, 229
Maffia, Charlotte, 466
Mahmood, Mir Mahboob “Beenu,” 145, 172, 176, 177
as guest at Obama wedding, 478
Hyde Park apartment of, 191, 197, 198
New York apartment of, 190, 214, 276–77
and Sidley & Austin, 276, 348–49
Mahnke, Rob, 497
Mahon, Leo
and CCRC launching, 10, 12, 13–14, 22–23, 24
departure from St. Victor, 238
and jobs rally, 207
as Lumpkin banquet sponsor, 318
and Wisconsin Steel’s closing, 8–9
Mahru, Dan, 418, 419, 625, 1003
Mailer, Norman, 1026, 1078
Malcolm X, 365, 477, 529, 743, 1027
Malloy, Darwin, 160
Malone, James W., 7
Maloney, Ed, 808, 868
Maloof, Elie “Lee,” 869, 870
Management Services of Illinois (MSI), 611–12
Manar, Andy, 734
Manas, Jean, 396, 397, 402
as Law Review presidency contender, 387–88, 389
and Law Review tensions, 413, 421, 423
Manchin, Joe, 1065
Mandela, Nelson, 396, 997
Mangieri, Paul, 988, 989
Manilow, David, 740
Manilow, Lewis, 618, 740, 885
Manilow, Susan, 740
Manners, Akinyi, 615
Manners, Ian, 571, 615
Manning, Dave, 603, 605, 651, 659, 693, 809, 919
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 231
Manu, Samuel Yaw “Kofi,” 112
Mapes, Tim, 741
Maraniss, David, 1061–62
Marchiori, Adelmo, 596, 661
Marcus, Ruth, 1070
Choom Gang and, 91–94, 97, 101, 104, 111
Cook and, 168, 173, 185, 188
decriminalization advocacy, 866
Obama admitted use of, 853, 894
Obama cautions about, 176, 190
Occidental students and, 111, 121, 132
Pakistani crowd and, 190
Punahou students and, 91–93, 94, 101, 102, 529, 536
Marin, Carol, 227, 924, 1031
Marks, Shelley, 121
Markusen, Ann R., 213
Marley, Bob, 144
Marrs, Mike, 607, 793
Marsalis, Wynton, 405
Marshall, Thurgood, 357, 392, 409, 419, 426
Martakis, Nick, 185
Martha’s Vineyard, 947
Martin, Eden, 647, 648, 667, 960
Martin, Jonathan, 1063
Martin, Karla, 375
Martin, Shaun, 397
Martin, Terry, 853
Martinez, Iris, 807
Martinez, Luz, 264
Martinez, Mel, 980, 1034
Martinez, Peter, 22, 198, 264, 287, 303
Martin Luther King Day, 428, 643, 752, 866, 1023
Martins, Mark, 389
Martinson, Connie, 534
Marx, Karl, 426
Marxism and Literature (Williams), 156
Marxist analysis, 123, 154
Maryland Manor, 34, 210
Mason, Jennifer, 635, 636, 639, 805, 819, 960
Massari, Paul, 422
Mastromonaco, Alyssa, 1011, 1027–28
Materials for a Basic Course in Civil Procedure (Field), 332
Mather, Chris, 818, 865–66, 878, 885, 904–5
Matthews, Chris, 939, 940
Matthews, Kgosie, 471
Mattoch, Ian, 95–96, 97, 100, 107
Mauch, Tom, 83
Maule, Albert, 417
Maurer, Darin, 98, 107
May, Ernest, 146
Mayer, Jane, 1063
Mayer Brown (law firm), 475, 681
Mayor’s Office of Employment and Training (MOET), 229, 234, 235, 266, 275
Mazzetti, Mark, 1073
Mboya, Tom, 43, 44, 54, 55, 76
assassination of, 79, 151
McAdams, Dan P., 530
McAdoo, Jack, 89
McAtee, Darin, 419, 439
McAuliffe, Terry, 791
McCabe, Sumie, 51, 53
McCain, John, 795, 967, 976, 981, 989
clash with Obama in U.S. Senate, 984–86, 987
criticism of Obama, 1073
praise for Obama, 981
presidential candidacy (2008), 1020, 1035, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1056
McCain-Feingold Act (2002), 795, 904
McCarthy, Robert, 509
McCaskill, Claire, 1003
McClelland, Ted, 694–95, 703–4, 874–75
McConnell, Michael W., 408, 415, 439, 444, 454
McConnell, Mitch, 1056, 1071
McCormack, Kelli, 105
McCraw, Karen, 287, 295
McCrum, Kelly, 993
McCulloch, Rod, 886, 894–95, 947
McCullough, Nancy, 427–28, 444–45
McDermott, Kevin, 953
McDonald, Lavergne, 36, 37
McDonough, Denis, 1066
McGann, Michael, 571
McKeever, Lester, 733
McKeever, Susan, 736, 814
McKenna, Andrew, Jr., 819
McKinney, Dave, 730
McKinney, Princeton, 473–74
McKinnon, Mark, 1015
McKnight, John, 249, 271, 284, 313, 468, 650
influence on Obama, 281–83, 555, 576–77, 591, 661, 728, 729
and Obama’s law school application letter, 293–94
and Public Allies, 488
on Sheila Jager’s beauty, 282
social analysis, 15, 241–42, 257, 272, 280, 281–82, 321, 432, 441, 524, 555
McLachlin, Chris, 96, 97–98, 99
McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents (1950), 614
McLean, Joe, 784–85, 796, 800, 847, 851, 877
and Obama’s DNC keynote speech, 937
and Obama’s national fund-raising, 906, 910, 922
McNary, William, 539, 731, 732, 855
McNear, Alex, 133, 135–36, 152, 315, 491
as Dreams From My Father composite girlfriend, 531
and Maraniss Obama biography, 1061
Obama’s relationship with, 138, 142, 145, 147, 148–50, 153, 156–59, 162–64, 165, 173, 178
Obama’s retrospective description of, 710
McNeil, Larry, 231
McPhee, Rod, 106
McQueary, Kristen, 760, 996
McWhorter, John, 1002
Medicaid, 692, 800, 1052, 1075
funding of abortion, 561, 714
Medical Apartheid (Washington), 1046
Medicare, 1052, 1059, 1075
Medvedev, Roy, 155
Meeks, James, 809–10, 850
Meet the Press (NBC), 932, 933, 960, 983, 1007–8, 1039, 1070
Mell, Richard, 221, 740, 970
Mello, Breno, 50
Mellow Yellow (Hyde Park restaurant), 740, 837
Mendell, David, 856, 914, 942
critical biography of Obama, 1034
Obama interview, 867
on Obama Iowa performance, 1000
on Obama’s celebrity, 934, 936, 944, 946
and Obama U.S. Senate campaign coverage, 870, 952, 954
prediction of Obama political future, 902
profile of Hull campaign, 878–79
profile of Obama, 878, 954–55, 1034
Mendelow, Peggy, 167, 170, 174–75
Mendelson, Saul, 559, 560, 624
Mendez, Norbie, 88
Messer, Bill, 91
Methodist churches, 206, 698
Metro Broadcasting, Inc. v. FCC (1990), 426
Metropolitan Sanitary District (MSD), 30, 35, 200, 273–74, 275, 305–6, 323
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 684
Meyer, Albert Cardinal, 8
Meyer, Chris, 183, 187
Miceli, Bill, 498
Mier, Rob, 213, 280, 291, 292
Mifflin, Margot, 117, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 134–35, 138
Mikva, Abner, 391–92, 426, 508, 512, 522, 617, 750
and Obama campaign funding, 785, 814, 840
and Obama congressional primary, 664, 689–90, 699, 709
on Obama’s political talent, 914
and Obama’s presidential candidacy decision, 1019–20
and Obama’s U.S. Senate candidacy, 771
Milbank, Dana, 994, 1073
Milhouse, Foster, 17, 19, 210, 249, 290, 318
Millar, Bill, 174
Miller, Al, 244, 623–24
Miller, Andrew, 853
Miller, Arnie, 782
Miller, Cynthia, 571, 578, 606, 610, 635–36, 695, 788, 819
as Hope Center director, 718
departure from Obama campaign staff, 805, 812