Mad Addiction (Crazy Beautiful #2)

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Mad Addiction (Crazy Beautiful #2) Page 11

by Jessica Huizenga

  A week later I’m sitting at work going over some new commercial listings when a knock at my office door startles me. Gemma is standing in the doorway, holding an awkwardly large package.

  “This was just delivered for you.” Her small arms struggle to hold the box as I rush over to help place it on my desk.

  “Thanks, Gemma. Do you know who it’s from?” I scan the box for any indication, wondering what it could be.

  Gemma shakes her head. “No idea, but from the size of it I’m sure it’s gotta be something really great.”

  She smiles before exiting my office, leaving me alone to find out what’s inside. I tear off the brown paper to reveal a white box wrapped with a silver silk bow. I pull the ribbon and open the top, shoving aside the piles of ivory colored tissue paper to reveal a thick, plum colored coat and matching knit hat. A simple white card is folded on top.

  Sunshine -

  When you get home tonight put these on and be ready by six.

  Don’t argue, just do it.

  x R

  P.S. The coat & hat are for you, but the rest is for me ;)

  My heart swells as I pull the hat over my head and reach for the pretty jacket. I pull it out of the box to get a better look, which reveals a black lace bra and matching panties tucked underneath. I chuckle, realizing the meaning of Ryan’s note. The guy is good, I’ll give him that. This surprise is so unexpected and so unlike Ryan that I find myself feeling giddy at the possibility of what he has in store for us tonight. I pile everything into the box, and try to focus back on my work, but am too excited to concentrate.

  At five o’clock I rush home, box in tow, and wait for Ryan to arrive.

  At quarter to six I hear the elevator ding from the hall and hold my breath as Ryan walks through the door. He smiles when he sees me standing in the living room, wearing the coat and hat. “I see you got my present.” He eyes me from head to toe appreciatively.

  I revel in his stare, letting him take it all in. “Yup. I got the box and your note and did exactly what you said.” I smile sweetly, and he immediately knows something is up.

  He puts his things down on the kitchen counter before making his way over to me. “It can’t be that easy, Brooks. It’s never that easy with you.” He smirks, knowing me too well.

  I keep my composure and shrug innocently. “I came home, put on what was in the box, and am here waiting for you. Just like the note said.” He moves to stand in front of me, and I untie the coat’s belt, pulling it open to reveal me in nothing but the lace bra and panties underneath. “See, I can follow directions quite well.”

  I smile seductively as Ryan’s eyes turn a shade darker. His hunger is obvious. He moves his hands to my hips, getting as close as he can with my growing stomach nestled between us. I can already feel how hard he is against my abdomen. “Fuck, Brooks. I’m going to have to tell you what to do more often.”

  His lips move down my neck, causing me to whimper. “You can try, but I can’t promise I’ll always be so willing to listen.”

  His mouth makes its way to my ear. “I’m sure you could be persuaded.”

  As his hands move to cup my lace covered ass, my knees buckle. “I don’t know, Blake. You might have to ask real nice.”

  “Hey Brooks?” he mumbles into my neck.

  “Mmmyeah?” My voice is raw and breathless.

  “Stop talking.” His mouth crashes fiercely down on mine, silencing me anyway.

  Normally I’d want to put up more of a fight, but hell, I’ll do just about anything he says if it means his hands and mouth will continue to raid my body. His right hand moves to cup the back of my neck while his left simultaneously slides down in between my legs. I gasp as soon as I feel his palm rub against my most sensitive part. I grip his shoulders for support as he wastes no time stretching me with two broad fingers.

  Breaking our kiss, Ryan’s lust-filled gaze locks onto mine. “We have to make this quick so I need you to come for me.”

  Not that I could form a coherent thought if I tried, but before I even have a chance to answer his lips are back on mine and his hand moves faster. He tightens his hold on me, and his commanding authority only makes this hotter. I sway my hips into his touch, unable to get enough. The pressure from his hand and the friction of the lace combined with his delicious tongue tangling with mine are enough to make me come apart. I cry out as my entire body goes numb with pleasure before letting my full weight fall in Ryan’s arms.

  He holds me steady, his right hand at my neck, his left still inside me. I lean into him for support, sighing in satisfaction.

  “Come on, Brooks. We don’t want to be late for your surprise.”

  When he slowly glides his hand out of me, I pout in protest. “You mean that wasn’t it?” I ask breathlessly, which makes him chuckle into my hair.

  “Babe, I’d gladly stay here and make you moan my name all night long, but then you’ll never get to see where I plan to take you.”

  He grins, which has my muscles contracting again already, but I relent. I really do want to know where we’re going. “Fine. Just let me put some clothes on.”

  I try to make my way to the bedroom, but he holds onto my hand. He frowns, looking conflicted as he takes another peek under my coat. “Fuck the surprise. We’ll stay here.”

  He moves his hands back toward my chest, but I push him away, finally able to control myself. “Nice try, pal. It’s not every day a woman gets taken out by the Ryan Blake. This is an opportunity I don’t want to miss.”

  I try to pull away just as his phone starts to ring. He pulls it out and looks at the caller id before holding it up. “You’re lucky you’re saved by the bell. Be sure to dress warm and casual.” He grins before giving my ass a light slap while simultaneously picking up the call. “Hey Luc, What’s up?”

  I shake my head and try to hide a smile as I head down the hall to get dressed. I throw on a pair of fleece-lined black leggings and a cream colored knit sweater under my coat. I leave the underwear on, hopeful when we get back I can experience a repeat performance of what just happened in the living room. My legs squeeze together in anticipation. I look at my reflection in the full size closet mirror and run my hand over my stomach. The coat fits comfortably, but is snug enough to really accentuate my rounded midsection. It doesn’t bother me anymore that I seem to grow by the second. I feel like I can finally let go of my anxieties and enjoy the excitement of being pregnant. It might not be exactly how I pictured it happening, but I’m finally going to be a mom. I smile, thinking about Ryan’s enthusiasm over having a son, which reminds me he is probably waiting so we can leave. I head back to the living room, but Ryan’s raised voice makes me freeze before turning the corner at the end of the hall.

  “I don’t give a fuck what she says. I don’t need her money or the fucking strings that come with it.” There’s a pause while I assume Lucas is talking before Ryan continues, “Yeah well she’s fucking nuts if she thinks for one second I’m going to turn my back on Kelley or my son. Hell, they’re more like my family than she is at this point, fake engagement and all.”

  I can’t help but feel a warmth in my chest hearing him think of me as family. I tried not to think of our situation in those terms . . . it felt too weird. I guess I’ve been afraid it would make me feel even worse when it all ends, but maybe there’s hope we can always hold onto a piece of it. Ryan’s right—regardless of our relationship status, this baby will forever keep us connected in some way, and that thought actually reassures me.

  I continue walking the rest of the way into the living room just as Ryan is hanging up. When he notices me, he smiles, not letting on that he just sounded agitated while taking on the phone. “Ready?”

  I nod enthusiastically as he puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the door.


  “Are we there yet?”


  “How about now?”

  “Brooks . . .”

  Kelley sits in the passe
nger seat of my truck and giggles at my warning tone, fully aware she’s annoying the shit out of me. But fuck, I still find it cute as hell she’s so excited. I just hope she likes where I’m taking her. Doing nice, surprising crap is not my style, but I figure if Kelley is going to put up with me it’s the least I can do to try and make her feel special.

  A few minutes later I pull into the entrance of Anderson Park, a big outdoor recreation area a few towns over. As I stop the truck and roll down my window at the ticket booth, Kelley looks at the sign plastered on the side of the small building that has “Date Night Drive-In” printed prominently across the top with tonight’s feature displayed beneath.

  “Oh my god, we’re going to see The Princess Bride?” Kelley practically squeals and wiggles in her seat animatedly. I grin at her enthusiasm and pay the man at the booth. He tells me what radio station to tune into for the audio before directing me where to park. I pull my truck into an empty space in the open field, right in front of the large, white screen, and cut the ignition. When I look over to Kelley she looks like she’s about ready to piss her pants. Or cry. Given her pregnant situation, both are likely.

  “Ooh look! They have hot chocolate and cider doughnuts! Can we get some? Please can we?” Kelley pleads before practically hurling herself out of the truck. I follow suit and have to quicken my pace to keep up with her.

  “Everything looks so magical. Like a winter wonderland.” When we reach the short line at the pavilion serving snacks and drinks a few yards away she finally slows down. Pausing to look out at the entire park, illuminated by lamps and string lights, filling with people, she wraps her arms around her shoulders while crinkling her nose. “Seriously, Ryan. This is the best surprise. Thank you.” She turns to me and her expression has my chest doing all sorts of weird shit.

  I casually shrug. “Don’t mention it.” Our turn is up at the counter and I order two hot chocolates and two doughnuts. We have about a half hour to kill before the movie starts so when I see a small, unoccupied bench off to the left of the pavilion, I motion for us to sit. We eat our food and watch a group of kids playing in the light coating of snow that covers the ground. Even though we’re bundled in warm coats—and Kelley has on her new hat—it’s still cold as fuck so we huddle closer together for warmth.

  Kelley’s light voice finally breaks through our silence. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  I finish my last bite of doughnut and ball up my napkin. “Shoot.”

  “I’ve never been to a drive-in before.”


  She shakes her head. “I didn’t know they have them in the winter either. I thought it was just a summer thing.”

  “Lucky a client happened to tell me about this one then.” All right, I may have asked for a little advice on where to take a girl, but she doesn’t need to know that and think I’m a complete pussy who doesn’t know the first thing about where to take a woman on a date. Even though I am, and I don’t.

  As if reading my mind, the next words out of Kelley’s pretty, point-blank mouth are, “Is this a date?”

  Fuck. Is it?

  “I guess normal engaged people date, right?” I reply casually.

  She laughs out loud. “Blake, we are so not normal people.”

  I grunt in amusement. “Ain’t that the fucking truth.”

  Amidst her dying laughter I feel Kelley shiver. I instinctively put my arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to my chest.

  She grabs onto my waist, snuggling closer. “This is nice.”

  Even though it’s about thirty degrees out, I feel my temperature rise having Kelley pressed against me. It’s actually really fucking nice being with her, so I easily agree, “Yeah, it is.”

  She tilts her head up to me. Something about the way her eyes darken and her mouth parts has me wanting to fuck the hell out of her right here even if small children are present. I’m about to say screw it and do just that when I hear a male voice.


  I don’t miss the hint of frustration that flashes in her eyes at our interruption before she focuses on the guy standing in front of us. His jet black hair is slicked back and he’s wearing an expensive looking long, black coat with leather gloves. I can immediately sense he’s a douche. I mean who the fuck wears goddamn loafers to a drive-in movie when it’s fucking winter? Standing next to him is an average looking woman with short, blond hair pushing a baby stroller. I wouldn’t even know there was a kid in there, buried with all the fucking blankets, if not for hearing a few muffled, cooing sounds.

  “Jake?” Kelley whispers in disbelief. I can hear the surprise in her voice. I quickly recall all the shit she told me about this loser.

  I stand up, pulling Kelley with me. I extend my hand forcefully, drawing Jake’s attention. “Hey, man. Ryan Blake. You know my girl here?” I give her a possessive squeeze, claiming her. The asshat looks distrustfully at me before looking at Kelley to confirm.

  She finally clears her throat. “Yeah, um, Ryan, this is Jake. Jake, this is Ryan.”

  “Her fiancé.” I add, maybe a little too proudly.

  Jake, seemingly unaffected, nods before turning to the woman subtly moving closer to him. “This is Carmen, my wife. Car, this is Kelley, an old friend. And this little guy is our son, Michael.” He motions to the stroller before doing the same to Kelley’s stomach. “I don’t want to be presumptuous, but looks like you’re expecting your own?” When Kelley nods he adds in a douchey, enthusiastic, “Congratulations.”

  I can feel Kelley tense beside me as she manages to reply, “Yeah, thanks. You too.” The cocky bastard doesn’t even seem to realize how uncomfortable this is—he just stands there smiling like a tool.

  “I tell ya, you never know how much you can love someone until you have a kid. I’m just lucky I found this lady to bless me with such a gift.” He puts his arm around his wife—who, I notice, stiffens at his touch—and he looks blissfully at their stroller. It takes everything in me not to punch this dickhole in the fucking throat. Not only does he have the balls to talk about Kelley as if they barely knew each other, but then he flaunts his family right in front of her? As if the shit they went through wouldn’t have any affect on her. Fuck this.

  I’m about to let loose on him when the giant projection screen lights up and people begin hurrying back to their cars. I feel Kelley squeeze my hand and her sad fucking eyes silently plead with me to let it go. The prick is lucky as fuck. I simply offer a curt, “We better get going,” before getting us as far the fuck away from them as possible.

  I lead Kelley to the passenger side of my truck but pin her back against it before opening the door, caging her in.

  “Talk to me, Brooks.”

  She lets out a sigh. “That was just fucking weird. I’m sorry we ran into him.” She keeps her eyes down so I put my right hand under her chin, forcing her to look at me.

  “I’m not. In fact I’m fucking glad we did.” She stares at me, confused. “Now I know firsthand what an asshole he is and can sleep like a friggin’ baby tonight knowing you didn’t give birth to his evil spawn.” That makes the smallest hint of a smile slip past her lips, but her eyes remain hurt. It guts me up that some jackass she should just forget about put it there. “I might have my own stupid shit going on, but I would never treat you like he just did. Ever, Brooks, do you hear me?”

  She nods under my sincere stare, but sticks out her bottom lip in a sad pout. I want to kiss it—kiss all her pain away—but don’t. Yeah, as if life was that fucking simple.

  “Come on,” I reach behind her to pull open the passenger door. I quickly adjust the seat so it’s pushed all the way back and reach over to put my keys in the ignition, starting the radio. Then I climb in, pulling Kelley to sit between my legs. It’s a little cramped so I have to wrap my arms around her midsection. She lays her head back on my chest as the lights go out and the movie’s opening scene flashes on the screen. I feel her relax into my arms as we get sucked into a world of pirates, prin
cesses, and true love.

  It’s entertaining enough, but what a bunch of garbage.


  Twenty-four Weeks


  I slam my phone down on the kitchen counter and mutter a few more choice curse words, startling Ryan who looks at me questioningly.

  “My parents are coming.”

  He looks like he’s ready to burst out laughing, but my death stare has him keeping his shit together. He smartly opts to try and comfort me. “You met my mother, remember? Nothing could be worse than that experience.”

  I lean on the stool next to him, facing the opposite direction. He instinctively rubs small circles on my lower back. “You don’t get it, Ry. Your mom might be a bitch, but my parents are nice. Like, too nice. It’s awful.”

  “Wow, nice parents. Yeah, I can see how that must be fucking terrible.”

  Sarcastic bastard. “It is!” I glare at him over my shoulder before dropping my head. I want to be mad at him for making fun of me but his hands are massaging all the right spots on my aching back. I have to stifle a moan. I swivel around to face him, needing to focus on how best to explain Lila and Hal Brooks.

  “You know how your mom ignored you growing up?” He nods, his jaw tensing like it always does at the mention of his mother. “My parents were the polar opposite. They believed in ‘hands on’ parenting and got super involved in every aspect of my life. That was fine when I was three, but as I got older it was terrible. They’re so disgustingly open sometimes it’s embarrassing.”


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