Not Broken-The Happily Ever After

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Not Broken-The Happily Ever After Page 36

by Meka James

  She turned, smiling, as she wiggled out of her pants. “I’d still wear yours.”


  She walked over, straddling me as she climbed onto the bed. “Because they’re yours.”

  I slid my arms around her waist, letting my hands move down to grab her ass. “Oh, that makes perfect sense.”

  “It does.”

  She leaned forward, forcing us back until I was again laying down. Her head rested on my chest. She picked up one of my locs and twirled it around her fingers. I moved my hands up, slipping them under her shirt so I could feel her skin.

  “You saved me too.”

  “No, baby. You saved yourself.”

  I felt her shake her head. “No. You did. The day this all started, at my session with Dr. Carr she’d asked me if I was happy just being content with my life. It was right after she’d told me you went to see her. Entertaining the idea of a relationship on any level, well, you know I was opposed to it. I was alive, Malcolm, but I wasn’t really living. I didn’t want to feel. I didn’t want to let anyone get close again. I didn’t want anyone to know just how bad things really were and how much I was faking my way through life.”

  I leaned up to kiss the top of her head. My fingers continued to draw circles across her silky flesh.

  “You and your determination to have this with me, it was the life preserver I didn’t know I needed. I was drowning in my own head. In all the things I’d felt so guilty about. I was drowning in the fear. True to your word, off the deep end and all, you’ve stayed. So yes, you helped save me too. I love you, Malcolm.”

  Her words penetrated me. They took hold and filled me with a warming sense of humility. Loving Ginger came as natural to me as breathing. I never considered something so simple and out of my control could have such an impact. I only ever wanted her to experience unconditional love, and I could die a happy man knowing I’ve been able to give her that.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Chapter 59


  The house was alive with activity. Shawn was eating up the attention he was getting from Malcolm’s nieces. His nephews were arguing over who got to play on his Playstation next. Cooking for a large group had me a little out of my comfort zone, but per Frankel family code, new house meant you hosted the holidays. So, they were all here for Thanksgiving, and the whole clan would also be back for Christmas before we fell into the rotation.

  “Malcolm tells me you got several offers on your house.”

  I looked over at Momma D, who was pulling her delicious smelling red velvet cupcakes from the oven. “Yes, but I’ve not decided which to counter just yet. I have til Monday to decide.”

  It’d only been on the market for about two weeks before I got four offers. I’d been surprised things happened so fast. I’d decided to sell it furnished if the buyers wanted the stuff. Otherwise, I’d do an estate sell. The only thing I’d kept had been Seth’s piano. It’d been moved into storage until I figured out what to do with it. The idea of selling it felt wrong, and I’d been worried Malcolm would be upset with me over that, but he wasn’t.

  “Once it’s sold, that’ll be the last piece to close out that chapter of your life?”

  I looked over at Mal, who sat on the floor while his youngest niece braided his dreads. I shook my head. “I don’t know if that chapter will ever be complete, but a much happier one is being written.”

  She gave me a hug. “I can understand that.”

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Macy said.

  From the greetings, I could tell my parents had arrived, with Dorian in tow. They all came in carrying dishes, even though I’d told Mom she didn’t need to cook. I should have known she wouldn’t listen.

  “Glad you came, Dorian.”

  “Of course. I moved here to be closer to family, so I guess it means I need to actually spend some time with everyone.”

  “Yes, well, glad you could pencil us in. There’s wine if we get to be too much for you.”

  Mal walked over, stepped up behind me, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Smelling good. When do we eat?”

  “Soon. And the bows are a good look for you.”

  Just as I said it, Macy snapped a picture with her phone. “Blackmail for later.”

  He flipped his hair over his shoulders in dramatic fashion. “Psh, blackmail? I look fabulous bows and all.”

  This is how holidays should be; good times with family. If only the nerves in the pit of my stomach would go away. They only intensified when Malcolm would get close to me, or hell, even look in my direction. I picked up my wine glass and took a sip. I could get through this.

  Dinner ready. Mom and Momma D helped me get the dining room all set for its inaugural use. I looked around the table. A sense of happy bliss filled me seeing it packed with all of his family. It’d been awhile since all his siblings were together. It was crazy and noisy, but everyone was laughing and having a great time. I knew Mom and Dad wouldn’t miss out, but Dorian’s acceptance of the invitation shocked me. Her pleasant behavior was even more shocking. She and Macy were even managing to be civil to each other. That was something to truly be thankful for.

  Malcolm reached over and took ahold of my hand. “You okay?”

  I nodded and gave a weak smile. The look he gave told me he wasn’t sure if he believed me or not. Damn nerves. I’d thought this through. It had been all I could think about for the last few days, but now I felt sick to my stomach. I took a deep breath before finishing off the wine in my glass.

  “What’s going on with you? You’ve been acting kind of off all day.”

  Macy looked over at us when she heard his comment. “I’m sure trying to organize all this wasn’t easy, and I don’t recall you doing anything other than sneaking tastes.”

  Malcolm flipped her the bird. Momma D looked over, frowning at both of them. They both pointed to each other, trying to put the blame on the other one. They’d never change, not that I wanted them to.

  Malcolm and Macy gave me a strange look when I pushed my chair back and stood. My stomach did flips. I hated being center of attention.

  “Excuse me. I just need a moment.”

  The chatter died down, and all eyes were on me. Shit this was a bad idea.

  “I, um, I wanted to say thank you for coming. It really means a lot that you guys are all here to share the first holiday with us in the new house.” I played with the ring on my finger, taking it on and off. Twirling it around. I could do this. “With you all here, this seems like as good a time as any to let you all know that Malcolm and I are getting married.” I transferred the ring from my right hand to the left, before stealing a nervous glance at Malcolm.

  A flurry of questions and congrats rang out. Malcolm and I continued to stare at each other. I gave a shrug. He laughed.

  “I can’t believe you kept this secret from me. When did he ask you?” Macy asked.

  He continued to look at me as he answered Macy’s question. “I didn’t.”

  The excited talks turned to confused murmurs.

  “I don’t understand. What’s happening?” This time it was Mom who spoke.

  Malcolm stood, reaching out for my left hand. His thumb ran across the ring he’d given me months ago. Everyone else faded away. Their questions went unanswered. In that moment, there was only us.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  I nodded. “When a girl knows what she wants, she goes for it.”

  “This is so sudden., am I ready for this step?”

  I frowned, suddenly worried I’d just made a huge fool of myself. That was until a huge smile spread across his face. He slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. His lips covered mine, and I was lost in him until I heard a long drawn-out “ew” from one of his nieces. Everyone started laughing, and claps rang out.

  “So, that’s a yes then?”

  “Hell yeah. Are we hopping a plane to Ve
gas later?”

  “Hell no, you’re not,” Macy answered for me.

  “I think we’d have to go into witness protection if we tried.”

  “Sounds like it,” he agreed.

  Everyone got up to give us hugs and congratulations. Dorian stood and came over to me. She stood there for a moment and I hoped she wouldn’t ruin this. To my surprise, she hugged me.

  “I’m happy for you. You deserve this.”

  Hearing her say those words made me emotional. “Look at you, still finding ways to make me cry.”

  “It’s what I do best.”

  She pulled away, and it almost looked as if she was close to tears herself. All the nerves faded away.

  When I sat back down, Mal reached over to take my hand, and brought it up to his lips.

  “We can go ring shopping whenever you want.”

  “Why? I have a ring.” I glanced down at the infinity ring he’d given me. It looked at home on my left hand.

  “Really? You don’t want something different? A traditional engagement ring?”

  I shook my head. “This one’s perfect. The words you said to me when you gave it to me. The deep meaning behind those words. Why would I want something else?”

  He kissed the top of the ring. “Long as you’re happy.”

  “Always, long as I’m with you.”

  There wasn’t any more over-thinking or second-guessing of my choices. Being with Malcolm, agreeing to this relationship, was the best decision I could’ve made, even if I hadn’t known it at the time. He was everything I’d ever wanted.



  The bridal march music started, and the guests all stood. Hearing it sent my stomach into a freefall. Any second now I’d lay eyes on my one and only. The doors opened in near slow motion, but there she stood. Ginger. My Ginger. An absolute vision of beauty. I’d not seen the dress. Macy wouldn’t allow it. As Ginger walked toward me, smiling the whole way, I drank in the sight of her.

  The vintage lace dress hugged her body to perfection. Simple, and elegant, letting her beauty shine through. The beaded belt around her waist was the only embellishment. She’d opted for a hat veil, which added to the overall vintage look. My eyes went to her lips. Bright red lipstick. Damn she was a vision to behold. How in the hell did I get so lucky? This woman was about to become my wife.

  She and Collin reached me. I let out a slow breath. So close. Ginger turned to give her bouquet of flowers to Macy.

  Collin placed her hands in mine. “Take good care of her.”

  I nodded, locking eyes with my soon to be wife. “I plan to.”

  Collin gave me a pat on the shoulder before going to join Sandy on the front bench. He put his arm around her because she was already in tears.

  I stepped forward, and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Damn, woman. You can’t spring something like this on me.”

  She laughed and stepped back, mouthing at me to behave in the process. The officiant started the ceremony. A lot of what he said went unheard, with all my focus and concentration on the woman in front of me. What I did hear, it was time for the vows.

  Ginger took my hands and stepped closer. She looked up at me and smiled. “Malcolm. You have been everything I’ve wanted but stopped believing I could have. There’s so much I want to say, but finding the words to convey…” she paused. I saw the emotion on her face. A single tear rolled down her cheek, and I reached up to wipe it away. “Today, I get to do something I’ve dreamed about since I was fourteen. To become your wife. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of our days. You are my knight in shining armor. My prince charming. My happily ever after.” She smiled at me through the tears.

  Reaching out to cup her face, I leaned down and kissed her. She gave a squeal of surprise but wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. In the distance, I could hear applause and laughter. Closer, I could hear the officiant clearing his throat, trying to get our attention. I pulled away, Ginger covered her mouth with her hand, still smiling just as bright.

  “Sorry. Sorry. Guess I jumped the gun there.”

  The officiant held his fingers up in a pinched fashion while nodding. “Just a little bit.”

  “Got it. I gotta say a few vows or something.”

  Ginger reached up, and using her thumb, she wiped off what I guessed to be traces of lipstick from my lips. She then stepped back, but the smile never left her face. We managed to get through the rest of the ceremony. I said my vows, slid the ring on her finger, and finally made Ginger my wife. After what felt like way too many pictures, we climbed into the limo and headed to the after party.


  When we arrived at the Botanical Gardens, the wedding planner led us to the reception hall. We stood outside the double doors, listening to the announcer.

  “Are you ready for this, Mrs. Frankel?”

  Ginger looked up at me, wearing the most beautiful smile. “More than ready, Mr. Frankel.”

  The double doors open. “Please join me in welcoming to the floor Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Frankel,” the DJ announced.

  Holding our joint hands up in the air, my wife and I danced our way into the reception hall under the sound of cheers and applause from our friends and family. I pulled my beautiful Ginger into my arms then planted a deep kiss on her, drawing more cheers from the crowd.

  “All right, ladies and gentleman, time for the bride and groom to have their first dance.”

  The selection for our first dance was something Ginger allowed me to pick. When “Time of Your Life” by Pitbull came thumping through the speakers, she laughed.

  I stepped back, holding out my hand. “Come on, baby, this is a party.”

  Ginger took my hand, smiling the entire time as we started our dance. The smile never left her face as she let the music take over and had no problem shaking her sexy ass. Some slow love song wasn’t our style. There was so much to enjoy and be thankful for, and I wanted that represented in the song. Our song.

  Others joined us on the floor, taking part in our celebration. Ginger stepped closer, sliding her arms around my neck. Our movements slowed.

  “I should have expected something like this from you.”

  “It fits. This is the best time of my life.” I leaned down to kiss her. “Well, for now, until I can get you out of this dress and have the hotel guests complaining about the noise.”

  She kissed me again. “Is that so?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. You cut me off for a month. You should be glad I didn’t do you in the limo.”

  Her head fell back as she gave a hard laugh. “Bring it on, Mr. Frankel.”

  “You do remember what happened last time you issued me a challenge right?”

  A coy smile and a nod was the only answer she gave, but it was enough.

  “Do we really have to do the rest of the stuff?”

  “Yes, dear husband, we do.”

  The next song started, and as I was about to protest, Collin came over. “You mind if I have a dance?”

  “Not at all.”

  I relinquished my bride to her father and went to sit at the table reserved for us. Macy came and sat down next to me.

  “She looks so happy.”

  “I know.”

  “I can’t believe you’re the reason for it.”

  I cut my eyes over at her and smiled when I saw her laughing. I put my arm around her shoulders. “You better not embarrass me in your speech.”

  “I make no promises.”



  I gave Macy a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to go keep better company.”

  Ginger made her way to our table. She nodded toward Dorian on the way, running her fingers over the brooch pinned to her dress. In the limo ride over, she explained to me what it was. A family heirloom that Ginger always loved, but Dorian, being the oldest daughter, had received it on her wedding day. Gi
nger had been surprised when Dorian gave it to her, and had teared up in the limo as she told me. Their relationship had always been rocky, so I knew how much it meant to Ginger that they had gotten to a better place.

  “Have I told you today that I love you?”

  She looked thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe, but I can stand to hear it again.”

  “I’ll say it as much as you need. I love you, today, tomorrow, and always.”

  Looking down at our rings, she linked her left hand with mine. She’d remained insistent that she didn’t want another ring, so I’d only gotten her a simple diamond band to go with the infinity ring. She’d had my band made so that it matched. The infinity symbol was inlaid with diamonds within the platinum band.

  “I love you, too. For infinity.”

  The End

  Other titles

  Thank you for purchasing my book. I truly appreciate your support and I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope that you’ll spend a little more of your time and leave a review.

  Malcolm and Calida have an extended Happily Ever After in The Lists

  Want the whole story? Start with

  Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale

  **please note this book tackles dark themes that may be upsetting to readers.**

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  Until next time


  Other titles by Meka

  Anything Once

  Being Neighborly

  Being Hospitable

  Being Cordial


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