Beg for Mercy - kindle edition v3

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Beg for Mercy - kindle edition v3 Page 6

by Shannon Dermott

  “Not until we talk,” he said still smiling. “And could you please use words I don’t need a reference guide to comprehend.”

  I wanted to wipe the smile of his face more than anything in the world. Right now I could have cared less how good looking he was.

  “I have absolutely nothing to say to you. Can’t you get that,” I said moving closer tempted to point and jam my finger in his chest.

  “It’s about Friday,” he said no longer smiling sounding serious.

  Childishly, I wanted to plug my fingers in my ear and sing la la la to myself like a little child but I resisted. “You are a..,” I began.

  He cut me off and said, “Forget the big words. I’m not dumb but I’m not a walking dictionary either.”

  “Bastard,” I cried out.

  “Seeing that my mother’s dead and I live with my father that word is hardly appropriate,” he said with a smirk.

  His reference to his departed mother almost made me feel sorry for him, almost. This time I moved and I did point my finger as I lowered to his face. “Get out now,” I said slowly enouncing ever word with calm venom. His utter determination to stay, infuriated me.

  “I will just after we clear something up,” he said.

  I spun on my heels prepared to go hold open the door until he walked out of it when I lost my balance and fell across his lap. Wide eyes and humiliated, I watched as his head began to descend to mine as if he would possibly try to kiss me again. His grin widened as my frown deepened.

  The sound of the front door opening with my mom calling out my name had me stunned into silence. The hand I had balled up to punch Flynn now rested with one finger on his lips to silence him.

  We didn’t breathe as my mom came into view past the wall that partial hit us. She had grocery bags in her hand which was so déjà vu back to that incident with Paul. I reiterated in my head the knowledge that this could not be happening. I could hear the rules and lectures spill out her mouth if she saw me in this compromising position. If he and I had just been talking it would have been no big deal. But our current position looked bad.

  With determined strides, my mom headed straight for the kitchen. When I was certain she was going to stay in there to put away the groceries, I got to my feet as silently as I could.

  I wagged a finger at Flynn to follow me. With my other hand, I continued to silence him with the one finger to my lips. Like a good dog, he got up without word. I wondered how many times he’d had to flee a girl’s house. Answering my own question I figured probably plenty because he didn’t protest leaving me this time.

  I pulled open the door grateful for the television noise from the family room to dampen the sound. He left and I closed the door before he could possibly whisper anything to me. I leaned back on the door framed closing my eyes realizing just how close that had been to disaster. I wouldn’t have gotten into trouble for having a boy over. But it hadn’t looked good at all with me on Flynn’s lap. So I used the situation as an excuse to get him to leave.

  “Mercy, there you are. Why are you leaning on the door?” my mom asked coming out of the kitchen.

  I breathed in deeply trying to think fast. “Oh, I heard your call. I thought you had stuff in the car you needed my help with.”

  “No, I’ve put everything away. Least I could do since you do all the cooking,” she said with a wink.

  I gave her a quick chuckle that ended in a sigh.

  “It smells wonderful. When will it be ready?” she asked.

  “Soon, I just need a minute to make the sauce.” I moved off the door and quickly into the kitchen to finish up.

  We sat in the quasi dining room which was a small area off the kitchen. When I was about to turn the conversation ever so slightly to allude to my questions about the succubus that lived inside me, she dropped a bomb on me.

  On a swallow she said, “There is a man I’ve want you to meet.”

  Not getting it at first, I said, “Who?”

  “Mercy, I think I’m in love.”

  I nearly choked. Since when did she date let alone find time to fall in love. It hardly seemed fair either. Did everyone have someone but me, I wanted to cry out.

  “I know it may seem weird or sudden,” she said. “But we’ve been dating for a several months. I couldn’t introduce you until I was sure things were serious.”

  There were a lot of words that I wanted to shout maybe even scream, but I kept those words tight against my chest for fear I might spill everything I was going through.

  “I didn’t tell you because I wanted to be sure before I brought any man into your life.”

  Well, at least that answered one question and also made me settle a bit.

  “So he and his son will join us for dinner on Thursday.”

  He had a son. Oh, the questions I had. “Is he human?” I blurted out curtly.

  She looked at me as she drank from her wine glass. She raised her eyebrows to my tone I was sure. Frankly, I was a bit pissed that she was happy and I wasn’t. Maybe that seemed unfair, but she is the one that put restrictions on my dating life. She could teach me what I needed to know. But she hadn’t.

  She seemed to be mulling the question over in her head as she swirled the wine glass ever so gently around in a circle. When the glass stopped moving she said calmly. “He’s one of us.”

  “He’s a succubus.” I blurted out. I was astonished not expecting this answer at all.

  “No, he’s incubus. That’s the male name for what we are. They are our counterparts.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked. Maybe this conversation will makes its way back to my agenda.

  “They’re the same for the most part but called a different name,” she said openly.

  I should have stuck to this line of topic, but I didn’t. Instead I asked, “How did you meet him?”

  Still looking at me as if I wasn’t quite asking the right questions she replied, “At the hospital.”

  I could have asked more but found myself pondering the remarkable turn of events. We ate some more in silence. I knew she could feel the tension in the air between us.

  She finally broke it, “What’s going on Mercy?”

  “Truth,” I countered. I kept my gaze on here.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Well let the flood gates open. “It seems royally unfair that everyone around me is dating.”

  “Honey,” she started. Her voice was patronizing I felt.

  I rolled my eyes. “When are you going to teach me how to control that side of me?” There, I’d said it.

  She paused again and I waited for the excuse to come. When it did, it wasn’t well thought out. She just said, “The timing isn’t right.”

  “Yeah, perfect excuse to keep your daughter in line,” I said.

  “That’s not fair,” she said.

  I stood. “Yeah, you’re exactly right. It’s not fair.”

  I left the table and went to my room. Tucking my headphones connected to my ipod in my ear, I turned on my playlist lying on my bed with my hands folded under my head. I was tempted to call Maggie but she’d gone with her parents to her uncle’s house for a birthday party. I didn’t want to bother her. Paul was working. So I lay thinking about any other options I had. Looking at my chair, I thought about him. I could have called him as he seemed so willing to be there for me. But whatever we had was to new for me to dump on him. But curiosity spurred me to action in a small way. I decided to take a chance. I texted Luke a single word. “Hi.”

  Instantly I got a reply. It read “Hi back”.

  I close my eyes because I knew I’d just opened the door to something I’ve wanted a very long time.

  Chapter Nine

  spurious (adj.) false but designed to seem plausible

  Walking into school Monday morning should have been as unmemorable as every Monday. Funny how in everything can change in one weekend. I walked through the front doors of the school with Maggie who sported her new boyfriend’s jacket as if it we
re a badge of honor. Yes, it was official they were the real deal. I on the other hand still carried Luke’s jacket over my arm conflicted as to what to do.

  The extent of our texting had ended with his reply to me. I hadn’t had the nerve to say anything more. I smiled at the thought. I hadn’t yet deleted the conversation from my phone. The possibilities had warmed and sated me the rest of my Sunday.

  My smile faded when I was instantly accosted by Nina Summers, well not exactly. She stared at me with hateful eyes as she shook her head talking to her friends, Kathy and Amanda. They turned and starred at me too before turning back to her as if consoling her.

  I took a deep breath as I should have expected that. Nina was Luke’s ex-girlfriend. The pretty brunette’s eyes appeared red and damp. I knew along with the whole school they’d only broken up a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t really thought too much about it until now because I hadn’t known either of them that well. Based on her scorn, apparently she’d assumed they would get back together. I looked down at the jacket I carried. Rumors must have spread about me wearing it at the game.

  Crap, I didn’t need this. Frankly I should give her his jacket and encourage him to get back with her. I hope she hadn’t confronted Luke and confirmed he was interested in me. Her eyes were still pinned on me because I could feel the burn in the back of my head. It was obvious she’d gotten that very message.

  “Did you see that?” Maggie said after we’d turned the corner down the hall to our lockers.

  “Let’s not talk about it,” I said while dialing the combination on my locker. Once the hatefully thing opened, I shoved Luke’s jacket inside. I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble today. Gossip was already spreading rampant without me adding fuel to it.

  “I’m just saying you’d think she owned him or something,” Maggie said not leaving it alone.

  “Think about how you would feel if Brent dumped you and a few weeks later he replaced you with a freshman.”

  Her face snapped back to mine. “That’s not funny,” she said with her eyes twisted in an evil stare.

  “So, now you understand,” I said, peering back at her with my books in hand.

  “Ok, you made your point,” she said, her face morphing back into a grin.

  Holding my books, I leaned my back on my now closed locker as Maggie added a fresh coat of lip gloss using her locker mirror. I saw the group of boys as they rounded the same corner we had minutes ago.

  “Hey,” I said grabbing her attention. “I need to talk to Ms. Hutchinson before class.” I said rapidly as the boys approached. “I’ll see you at lunch.”

  Making my get away, I headed away from the oncoming group of friends in the opposite direction. That meant I would have to walk in the wrong direction all the way to the cafeteria and back to get to my first period. It was worth it though. It may have been cowardly, but I wasn’t ready to deal with Flynn or even Luke just yet. They both were with Brent and were headed in our direction. It was clear they were planning to stop and at least say hi.

  Turning the corner on the opposite end of the hall heading towards the cafeteria, I turned back slightly. Brent had indeed stopped at Maggie’s locker. I moved my eyes to see that Flynn was looking in my general direction as Maggie pointed. He hadn’t found me yet. Luke however had. His eyes burned on mine. I moved quickly to avoid reading what I thought I saw in them, regret.

  Regret could mean a lot of things. Did he regret giving me his jacket? That act had started all this mess. Or was it because of my obvious retreat? I quickened my steps because I had a long way to go in order not to be late for class. I tried not to think anymore about Luke.

  Thankfully Nina and I didn’t share a single class. So although there was talk and I was certain there was, I breezed through my morning classes with no more incidents. Our paths didn’t even cross in the hallway.

  Lunch, however, proved most interesting. Clouds hung heavy with rain. Fat drops poured down on the courtyard making eating outside impossible. Instead we sat at our favorite inside lunch table. Its perch was perfectly centered against the wall of windows that faced the quad. Sitting with my backs to the quad I had an effective view of the entire lunchroom from all vantage points.

  Talking about the project that was assigned in English class, Maggie was in full banter when Brent sat next to her. The Elite normally sat caddy corner at the far end of the rectangular shaped cafeteria against that wall. This sudden appearance of him settling in at our table had a more than a few heads turning to take in this change.

  “Maggie,” Brent said then nodding at me, “Mercy.”

  “Hey,” I said just as Luke slid into the seat next to me. Shyly I turned and gave him a smile. Surprisingly I wasn’t going to be a third wheel today. With his bright eyes on me, well he smiled back.

  “Hi,” I said to him ignoring Maggie’s vibrant conversation that easily changed focus from me to Brent. That’s Maggie for you.

  “Hey,” Luke said back to me. Brent however not fully engrossed with Maggie yet, gave us a look before he focused back on her. That look was telling like he was gauging my reaction to Luke. Maggie was all teeth with her humongous grin. I knew she secretly hoped Brent would share lunch with her. Even though they were together, I guess lunch hadn’t been a topic of their conversations. She laughed and talked to Brent as if they’d been friends forever. I envied her for the gift of gab. I wasn’t sure what to say next to Luke. Thankfully he took the lead.

  “How was the rest of your weekend?” he asked with a hidden smile. The only day I hadn’t seen him was Sunday, but I grabbed at the opportunity to share the story of my unexpected visitor.

  “Well, interesting,” I said, “Until Flynn showed up uninvited at my house yesterday.” I added the last part with a polite smile, that anyone could have discerned my displeasure from. I didn’t speak loudly. I didn’t want to involve Maggie and Brent with this conversation. I kept my attention focused on Luke when the devil himself saddled up to our table with Amanda in toe.

  Flynn sat as if he’d been sitting at our table all year long. Unfortunately for me his chosen seat was next to Maggie nearly directly across from me. Amanda stood for a few moments reluctant to join our table, but eventually sat next to him. She didn’t go willingly as she threw a glance back at her friends who stood in an aggrieved stance. Glancing up at them, I looked to see Kathy and Nina unsure what to do.

  Nina, great, I thought. Flynn and Nina at our table made my stomach roll. I looked down at my half eaten lunch. The turkey club sandwich with crispy bacon had looked extremely good when I selected it, but now it looked dried up.

  Jay strolled up to our table and stated the obvious, “New table today?” and sat down making room between Flynn and I on my other side without getting an answer. Kathy and Nina, now having no other choice, sat as well.

  Conversation erupted with Jay in the lead talking about the upcoming football game this Friday. Besides raging scandals, the away game was a huge topic around school. Our team was ranked high and this game was an important one for football fans. From what I gathered through the looming conversation, it was going to be another tough one.

  Picking at my sandwich trying to get my appetite back, I avoided Nina’s glances my way as if my life depended on it. I truly felt bad for her. At least at first I did. Things went south quickly the moment she chimed in.

  “So I heard about the party I missed on Friday,” she said to no one in particular. Nina hadn’t said it loud but her words had been heard because the entire table fell silent. I suddenly found extreme interest in my sandwich lifting the top hoping that would be the end of her comments.

  As soon as I looked up from the invading silence she spoke again. “I wonder how Mercy went from kissing Flynn to being Luke’s girlfriend, I mean they are best friends,” she said spuriously.

  Bile shot up in my throat. I almost made it out of my seat but Luke’s hand landed on my arm and he said two words softly, “Don’t go,” before he turned his attention to Nina.
“Nina, don’t start,” he said to her. She looked at him with pleading eyes but his were hard and devoid of emotion. I tentatively sat but hadn’t made any commitments on staying.

  I don’t know why but I found myself looking at Flynn. He was grinning. He reminded me of a Cheshire cat full of mischief. I couldn’t believe he was enjoying this. But based on what I knew of him now, I shouldn’t be surprised. “Now Nina, don’t cast stones as I remember correctly you tried to kiss me last weekend at Brent’s house,” Flynn said with satisfaction.

  Nina went pale and Amanda rounded on her. With the attention no longer focused on me, I decided to make my escape. I mouthed to Maggie that I was headed to the bathroom. Shockingly she too excused herself. For once I was surprised she hadn’t dumped me for Brent. Luke gave me a hesitant smile as the shouts were becoming deafening as two friends who wouldn’t be for long fought verbally over a boy who was hardly worth it. He’d saved me in a way, but Flynn enjoyed the pain of friends fighting over him way too much.

  “Well, Nina won’t be bothering you anymore,” Maggie said as we exited the lunchroom.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” I said. “The spurious crap she saying people will believe.” Nina didn’t look like she’d given up but rather her attention was elsewhere at the moment. If she lost her friend, I was certain her anger would focus on me as an easy target.

  “Flynn is into you, Eme. I think he sees you as some sort of challenge,” Maggie said. I wondered at that very thing but wouldn’t have spoken it aloud. Paul had made a comment about that. Thinking of him, I wondered where he’d been at lunch. He and Amber were conspicuously absent. Alone in the bathroom, Maggie and I peered into the mirror fixing the light application of makeup we wore. It didn’t amount to much but a little on the eyes and a little on the lips.

  “Flynn’s into anything that moves,” I said countering her comment.

  “I can’t disagree on that, but Brent said something.” Maggie stopped and stood straight. I too stopped, totally engrossed in her next words. I turned to her though in the next second wondering why she was discussing me with Brent. When did they have time to talk? That alone still stuck me as unbelievable that they carried on conversations between kissing.


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