Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo

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Jungle Virgins - Two Book Combo Page 5

by Robert Lubrican

  Chapter 2: An Intruder Is Dealt With

  Boy was intently watching the game of life ... and death ... in the huge laboratory that was his home. The bird he was watching appeared to be completely unaware that it was about to become the meal of the almost invisible green snake that was wound around a branch only a foot above its victim. Boy watched interestedly as the snake's head went through a series of subtle, but complicated movements as it evaluated the prey. It was, in Boy's estimation, only a few seconds away from striking when Cheetah came swinging... and screaming... through the canopy.

  The bird flew off just as the snake dropped his head to strike. Boy looked up disgustedly at his father's companion and frowned.

  "Why do you have to be so noisy?" he said in a language that, to this day, has not been recorded or fully analyzed, but which is known to have been understood by a variety of animals in that part of the jungle.

  His disgust flashed to ashes, however, as Cheetah yipped, signed and squealed about the interesting man-thing he'd seen only moments before. Boy understood that this was a "new" man thing, that looked like Boy, or maybe like his mother, he couldn't tell for sure. With a forced breath that came out as a low toned honk, Boy told Cheetah to lead him to the place he had seen this.

  Later, when his mother wanted to know exactly where things had taken place, Boy took her to the place he started from, and then to where he found Penny. Jane estimated, in her own mind, that it was a distance of some two Kilometers or so from where Cheetah found him. Boy covered it in less than ten minutes, which would have been astonishing, had he been running. But there were a whole bunch of trees in the way, as well as a fair sized river, and it was faster to go as Cheetah did, from branch to

  branch, using vines, like his father had taught him.

  He heard the new person before he saw her. Cheetah was sitting on a tree branch up ahead - Cheetah always won their races - and was staring intently down into a clearing and pointing his long, hairy arm. Boy's first thought was that Cheetah had been imagining things. Cheetah had said the man thing was in trouble, and was making the "I need much help quickly" noise.

  But what Boy heard was a female voice moaning, loudly, admittedly, but not as if she were in horrible pain. It was an interesting sound, however, because it did have pain in it, thought not terrible pain. There was also... pleasure.

  "How odd." Thought Tarzan's son of seventeen years.

  But when he got to a place where he could see what was going on in the clearing, he quit thinking about things philosophically and sprang into action.

  He was careful. His foe had a blow gun and the poison in those darts would affect even an animal as big as he was. He opted for using a vine to swing down and appear from above, as it were. If his feet were positioned just right, he would probably break the ribs of the cannibal who was in the process of eating what appeared to be a white woman, like his mother.

  And he was eating her alive!

  * * *

  Penny knew she was done for. When her eyes cleared and she was able to see the... thing... that had captured her, she realized he was some sort of aboriginal native. This man met her full expectations of the dangerous black Africans she had in her stereotype-muddled brain when she accepted this assignment. She knew immediately that she had, in fact, arrived in deepest, darkest, and surely ... most dangerous Africa. He was dressed, if you could call it that, primarily in bird feathers, with bits of fur and bleached bones held to various parts of his body with vines of some sort. More than one of these bones were... human, based on her university biology classes. His appearance was picture post card perfect for that of a cannibal, and she came to the dreadful conclusion that this man was going to kill her.

  Her mind stopped there, lest she sink into that deep place in her mind that was only blackness, a place where many people who are institutionalized live, on a daily basis. She refused to let herself think of what might happen to her body after she died.

  All this flitted through her mind as she took in deep rasping breaths and screamed her lungs out in mindless terror. She jerked on her arms and legs wildly, at the vines that restrained her, spread eagled on the ground. They dug into her soft flesh and she bled.

  Another thing that went through her mind was how, when she'd originally been hired into the firm as a Solicitor, she'd ached to get into court, where the real action was. And, after she'd worked her wiles on the partners, she'd gotten her way. As a Barrister she was ferocious and tenacious, actually quite good at defending the rich clients her firm represented. Many who represented the other side thought long and hard about settling, rather than face her in court. As such, she had come to think of herself as indestructible and free to pursue her plans at her whim.

  Until now.

  Suddenly and violently, she faced one of the people she would happily have represented in a suit of damage, for just such an incident as this, had he enough money to hire her.

  But she was dealing with him as a victim... she was on the wrong side of the table. And she wasn't going anywhere soon.

  Her captor moved from where he had been squatting, watching her writhe and scream. She wished she couldn't see now. Her horrified eyes saw him stand up and saw his hand stroke his very erect knobby and bent phallus. He stepped between her legs and she struggled against her restraints again, causing only more pain and bleeding.

  But when he kneeled, he didn't ravish her with that awful club, as she expected.

  Instead he lowered his mouth to her sex and began to lick and suck at her vulva.

  Malatiku was puzzled. He'd seen the older men of the tribe having sex many times, and he had taken slaves himself. He expected this woman who looked so different to be different. But she tasted like any woman, which surprised him. He lifted his face and examined her milk bags. They were bigger, rounder than the girls in his village had. Maybe they were full of tasty milk. He planned on cutting them off and eating them. He hoped they'd be sweet.

  He sucked hard at each of the strange pink nipples to see if they were sweet.


  The screaming stopped, though, and she moaned. Now there were just wracking sobs. All the slaves sobbed and cried when this was done to them. Maybe she was just like any other woman, except she was albino. He wanted to taste her juices. If he worked on her long enough they would come. Then he could put his seed in her. Then he could feast.

  Penny collapsed, exhausted from her screaming and the sobs that had jerked her body violently. The animal meant to have sex with her, that much was plain. She was so disgusted by the thought that her cherished virginity would be lost to this piece of human shit that she thought she'd rather just die and get it over with.


  He moved to her nipples and she moaned in dismay. Her nipples had always been her weak spot. They were so sensitive she could have an orgasm just by squeezing and mauling them. Her moan was filled with self loathing as the sparks she loved so much shot from her nipples to her groin. Then he stopped and went back to her fanny, which was now beginning to produce moisture, against her will. A tiny place in her mind took the time to be astonished that her body would betray her in these circumstances.

  As his nose dug between her virgin folds, her body betrayed her as it reacted naturally to physical stimulus and began to prepare her for the penis it expected to enter her. Penny felt shame, on a number of levels.

  She was beside herself. Rage battled with lust and shame as, despite her strongest attempts to stop them, her hips lifted off the ground, or tried to. Because she was stretched so tightly she couldn't move them and the agony of unfulfilled passion was added to the mix of conflicting emotions washing over her.

  Then he lifted his painted face and moved up, over her. Now was the time. She lifted her head and cried out "Noooooooooooo!" as she saw his rigid penis only inches away from her pink vulva.

  The head of his penis nudged between her nether lips and, with a cry of dismay she let her head flop back on the leafy forest floor
. There was pain as her cherished maidenhead was stretched...

  And then... nothing!

  Except the whoosh and thud that were somehow involved with the magical disappearance of her rapist. She raised her head again, staring wildly around, but he was gone!

  Was it some demented dream? She tried to rub her eyes.

  She was still staked out tightly.

  A sound to her right caused her to crane her head. She could barely see. There were two men now, her attacker and another man... a white man! They were grappling!

  Suddenly she felt something at her thighs. She looked and screamed at the hairy monster that was now between her legs, its face inches from her wide open sex. It sniffed, and then ran its tongue from her anus to her clitoris. Then it screeched and shook its head wildly, its evil teeth grinning as it hopped up and down, its arms flapping in the air. Penny's over stimulated brain gave up and she slid, almost gratefully, into darkness.

  Her respite didn't last long. All too soon she regained consciousness. She felt something at her left wrist and turned her head. The chimpanzee - she recognized it now - was fiddling with the vines, like it was trying to free her. The sounds of a scuffle caused her to roll her head the other way. Now she could see them better. They had moved into her line of sight. They were about the same height and she realized the white man was young.

  "Help" she croaked inanely. As if he didn't have enough on his plate already.

  The native had a knife, the knife he had cut her clothes off with, and had run down her body in a way that made it crystal clear what he planned to do in the near future.

  The youth had nothing.

  They broke apart and the savage grinned, baring his pointed teeth. He spoke, some gibberish, and the boy answered him in the same tongue. The cannibal rushed, swinging the knife wildly. The boy stepped sideways, stuck out his foot and her assailant went sprawling. With a cry of rage he bounded to his feet and charged again, only to be thrown in what looked for all the world like a Judo movement.

  This time the native came at him more slowly, carefully, the knife weaving a line up, sideways, down. He slashed and the boy kicked him in the face with the bottom of his foot. The native went flying.

  But the boy howled and held his foot up, looking at the bottom of it where the native's sharpened teeth had penetrated the skin. He didn't seem to see her assailant leap to his feet and charge, the knife held low.

  She screamed again and the boy's eyes darted to her. The pragmatic part of her mind realized she had just distracted him further from the danger behind him.

  "Behind you!" she screamed.

  He dove into a roll toward her and came up with his heel touching her ribs, facing the charging rapist.

  What happened then was too fast for her to see, but the grappling pair ended up wrestling right above her. At one point she was afraid they would step on her and she strained frantically at her bonds.

  Suddenly, without warning, there was a rush of hot red liquid that splattered across her stomach and breasts, so hot she gasped. The pair above her froze and there was a horrible groan and the rattle of a man's last breath leaving his body. More blood splashed on her torso and she began screaming again and closed her eyes, afraid to see which man's blood had drenched her. That scream took everything she had and she subsided into quiet, about to begin sobbing.

  It was silent until there was a thud on the ground next to her, the thud of a body flopping tonelessly.

  She cracked one eye open.

  Standing above her, his chest and groin stained bright red, legs spread and head turning, listening, evaluating for danger, was the white boy.

  Penny sobbed with relief and began babbling. He leaned over and pressed one finger against her lips, silencing her. She couldn't stifle her sobs, but she quit yammering and tried to get her breathing under control. She stared up at the naked youth. She found her eyes drawn magnetically to his hanging phallus, long and slim... and dripping thick red drops of blood... onto her.

  Finally he relaxed a little. He stepped away from her and leaned over to examine her attacker's body, as if there were any possibility he might be alive. Then he looked at the knife, now in his hand. He examined it carefully and sniffed, as if not impressed with it, but he didn't toss it away. His eyes fixed on her clothing, cut and torn and scattered about and he went to poke through it.

  Penny had calmed down considerably, and the fact that this jungle man hadn't yet released her from her bonds pushed its way to the surface of her mind.

  "You!" she called "Young man!"

  He ignored her as if she hadn't spoken.

  "Boy!" she yelled again. His head turned toward her. Better. Now she could get him to act. "Come here - come here boy!" she said in exaggeratedly slow and well-pronounced English. "You - must - re - lease - me ... let - me - up!" She pulled at the vines still restraining her to show him what she wanted.

  His head turned away. He saw the briefcase and went to it.

  "No!" she screamed. "Leave that alone! That - not - for - you!" she ended up, again exaggerating her pronunciation. Again he glanced at her. "That - mine. You - no - bother - that."

  He fiddled with the buckle on the case and it fell open.

  "No!" she yelled again. "Stop that. You help me ... now ... here .. help meeee." Her voice dropped off into a whine as he upended the satchel and dumped all her papers on the ground. He pawed through them, lifting one and peering at it, then dropping it to lift another. He looked at the backs of the pages and peered at the squiggly lines written on the fronts. It was obvious he wasn't just reading them. It was quite possible he'd never even seen paper. He picked up a fountain pen and played with it. When it came open he played with it until it got ink on his finger.

  Then, unaccountably, he stuffed everything back into the satchel, including her clothing and threw it beside her body.

  She was crying quietly now as he walked over to stand over her. The blood on his torso had dried somewhat and was now darker. He looked ferocious covered in that dark substance. He stared at her, looking pointedly at her breasts.

  His penis, which had been hanging, moved... jumped, and began lengthening. His eyes raked down to her exposed sex, which was now crusted with her dried juices.

  His cock grew longer and began to stand up.

  Penny moaned and began crying harder.

  "Oh please don't rape me" she cried. "Oh please just let me go. I can't take this."

  She bawled and realized that part of the pain she felt was her bladder, which had been overfull and was now emptying itself without her conscious control, due to her fright. She wept, ashamed that her yellow urine was splashing between her legs, arching up in the air as her muscles eased the strain of keeping it in.

  He stepped back, his eyes going wide. His penis was now fully hard. Without warning he bent over and slashed at the vine holding her left foot. She was so surprised that she didn't even move the leg. When he freed her right foot she reacted, snapping her legs closed and pulling with her arms, moving her body so she could bend them. She began struggling furiously and felt pain in her wrists.

  "No!" said the boy.

  She froze at an English word spoken aloud. He bent over and Penny held stock still as he sawed with the knife, releasing one hand, then the other. He stood back, watching, as if to see what she would do.

  Penny thought to just sit up, stand up and demand that this savage white boy take her immediately back to Leopoldville, where she could regroup for her search. He obviously wasn't Tarzan, and didn't appear to speak a word of English other than "No".

  But she wasn't about to give up and return with her tail between her legs, at which point those lecherous old men would smile and make sympathetic sounds, saying they should have known better than to send a woman to do a man's job.

  When she tried to sit up, however, she found she had no real strength left. She had to roll over and push her body off the ground, one part at a time, her joints aflame as they contracted from being cruelly
stretched. She would later learn that stretching the joints like that made it much easier to butcher the body with the primitive knives the natives had.

  The boy stood and watched the entire time, offering nothing.

  "At least you could help me up you horrible boy" she grumbled as she got up on one knee and began to stand.

  It took her three tries to stand up and when she did she looked like a walking corpse, covered with leaves, twigs and blood. Her legs were wet with her urine.

  Still the boy stood and watched.

  Then, standing, she looked down at the ground and saw the briefcase. It was only a meter away, but that meter was down, and it had just taken her so much work to get up that she dreaded even trying to bend over and pick it up.

  She'd had visions of walking strongly and confidently into the city, leading this savage boy... saving this savage boy, whose parents obviously were piles of bones rotting in the jungle... Those visions faded as she slowly bent and picked up the case, which before had only weighed five or six pounds, but now was somehow filled with lead. When she finally made it back up she looked at her 'savior' and said "I - need - help. You (she pointed at him) must - help - me."


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