Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  “Yes, and you are also my mate. This is very real, and it does not have to frighten you so much.”

  “Jesus Christ, are you sure about Mark?” Dillon asked. Because he was a paranoid fuck, he pulled away from the comforting hug against Rowan’s warm chest to start looking around the dark woods. Of course he didn’t see anything. It was still dark, and there was rainwater falling in his eyes.

  “Very sure,” Rowan replied, and he kissed the top of Dillon’s head. “Which is why we must get you out of here. Back to the cabin.”

  Dillon nodded. Even if he chose to pretend that none of this was real, he couldn’t ignore the weather. It was freezing rain, and he didn’t want to be out here in it, no matter how warm Rowan’s chest was.

  Because he was still a little wobbly on his legs, he allowed Rowan to help him up and walk with him back to the cabin. He had to lean on the other man quite a bit just to make sure that walking was even a possibility.

  When they got back, Dillon was grateful for central heating, and electric lights. The first thing he wanted was a warm bath to get rid of all the chills that were rushing through him, but then he realized that Rowan had stayed naked during the cold walk back. He’d grabbed his clothes, which were now a sopping mess on the floor in the corner, but he was even worse off than Dillon was compared to anything else.

  “Uh, did you want to come into the shower with me? Warm up?” Dillon asked.

  Rowan stared at him as though he honestly had not expected the offer. “I would like that, but I do not want you believing that we have to do anything simply because we’re mates.”

  “And I’m going to want to know the exact rules of how that happens later on, but right now I really am only offering to warm up. You already saw me naked, so it’s not like one more time would hurt anything so long as we just keep our hands to ourselves.”

  Rowan nodded, and he followed Dillon into the bathroom.

  When his uncle had refurnished the place, he made sure to do two main things to it before he deemed it fit for camping, or living in a rural area for a couple of weekends out of the year. The first thing was that there had to be a killer barbecue that could be used to cook all the meat he hunted, and the second thing was that the cabin had to have an amazing bathroom for his wife to have her hot soaks in.

  He’d been devastated when she died, and Dillon wished his uncle hadn’t gone so shortly after she did, but the bathroom was still a dream to use. Once he stepped inside of it, he forgot that he was out in the middle of the woods and that the nearest city was a two-hour drive away.

  The shower was big enough to fit five people inside, and it had multiple showerheads in it as well. No bathtub because Dillon’s uncle been planning a Jacuzzi that never got finished after the death of his wife, but it was still modern black tile and gleaming surfaces.

  Rowan looked around as though he was impressed enough, but he was more concerned with the shower itself. “It’s big,” he said, and that was all he said.

  When he’d been explaining his situation, where he’d come from and how he made it here, in this time, Rowan had mentioned something about still being able to listen to people on a subconscious level as they spoke to each other.

  He would’ve heard about modern things like this, but how often had he been able to use them in the year that he’d been awake.

  Dillon was crazy. He already believed the man. But how could he not after seeing that wolf?

  Dillon had to keep those things to himself. He just needed time to process all of this. That was all. Everything was going to be better once he just had a minute to think.

  They both stepped behind the glass doors, and the shower sprayed hot water hard over the both of their bodies. Dillon moaned, but then quickly shut his mouth when he realized what he’d done.

  “I already said that I would not touch you if you didn’t want me to,” Rowan said. “You can tease me all you wish, I gave you my word that I would do nothing, and I will do nothing.”

  “I wasn’t trying to—” Dillon started, but then cut himself off. “Never mind.”

  They washed themselves, and Dillon really regretted offering to use the shower with Rowan at the same time because the man just never had a moment when he didn’t look gorgeous as all hell.

  He had hot water drops trickling down his face and chest, and his cock was half-hard. It was difficult to not notice it considering how big Rowan was. It was just there, but he did his best to not stare.

  Fuck. Okay, he had to put his mind to other things. What was he going to ask the man when they got out of here? For starters, he was curious about whether or not he was going to turn into a werewolf. Rowan hadn’t bitten or scratched him, but now Dillon was painfully aware of the fact that he’d been stupid and allowed himself to be fucked without a condom. Could sperm transfer a werewolf gene, or disease, whatever it was?

  Rowan could also shift any time he wanted, regardless of the full moon, but would he become dangerous on the full moon? Or did he just enjoy eating meat a lot more than other people?

  “You have questions,” Rowan said. “You might as well ask them.”

  “That’s your mind reading thing working on me, right?” Dillon asked, mortified.

  He chanced to look up at Rowan when the man nodded. His long hair was plastered to his neck. “Yes. I will teach you how to control it, and I want you to remember that I can only hear thoughts that are particularly loud at the time.”

  “Right,” Dillon said, and then he wiped his face with his hand, getting rid of an itch that hadn’t been there before he’d spoken his questions out loud.

  Rowan smiled at him. “I am only dangerous to people who threaten me.”

  “You have to be careful about that,” Dillon said. “You could end up in jail or something if you go around trying to avenge me or yourself every time someone insults you.”

  “I kept my hands to myself when your former lover did not, didn’t I?” Rowan asked.

  He had a point there. It seemed that at least Dillon wasn’t going to have to start worrying about whether or not his werewolf boyfriend could handle a little bit of anger or not.

  “You will not turn into a werewolf either. I have to bite or scratch you, and you have to bleed from it in order for the venom to take. Also, I know you have been thinking it, but I cannot give you any diseases either.”

  “That’s…convenient,” Dillon replied.

  Rowan laughed. “But true. If you were a luna werewolf, pregnancy would still be a possibility, however.”

  “Good thing I’m not a girl then.”

  Rowan made a noise in the back of his throat that Dillon wasn’t sure what to make of, but he was still busy thinking about how all of this could be possible, and almost no one knowing about it, that he decided to just let it go.

  “This is going to take some getting used to,” Dillon said.

  Rowan’s hand reached for him, and his fingers curled gently around the back of Dillon’s neck. It was a comforting gesture, and there was more of that tingling sensation that came with the touch.

  Not to mention the warmth that flooded through his body and seemed to be pooling down into his cock.

  Why did Rowan have to look so perfect that Dillon had to have the twenty-four hour erection?

  “You don’t have much time,” Rowan said, and he didn’t seem particularly happy about that.

  “Because of Mark?”

  “Yes,” Rowan said. “My plan was to just…be with you, but as a human. It’s my own fault that he knows what I am and thinks you’re a supporter. If you want me to leave after this, never see you again, you can have a normal life. I would make sure you were safe, and because you’re not a luna werewolf, the breaking of our mating bond won’t hurt you so much that there’s a risk of death.”


  “Not for you,” Rowan assured. “It will hurt. I’m told that it does feel like pain, but it won’t kill you. It won’t kill either of us.”

  The thought of b
eing without Rowan actually brought an ache to Dillon’s chest that did feel painful. “Fuck. It hurts just thinking about it.”

  “The pain is nothing to bear if you want a normal life.”

  Dillon looked away from Rowan’s soaking wet chest so he could stare into his glowing eyes. Christ, as if he’d thought that was the light before. “How not normal are we talking here? Could I still go and see my family? My parents and sister? Could I still write and live in the city?”

  “I’m not entirely certain about city life,” Rowan admitted. “But from my understanding, writing is something done away from normal workplaces. You could still do that, and I would never cut you out of your family’s life. You would have to be careful with them, however. Some hunters have honor. Most do not. So long as they know nothing about what I am, they should remain safe.”

  “Never tell anyone about the fact that I’m with a werewolf. Got it,” he said.

  “You know that you do not have to ask me for permission for things,” Rowan said.

  “I get it, but I want to be as prepared as possible. I need to know what’s safe to do and what isn’t if we’re going to make this work.”

  Rowan seemed to glow a little at that statement, and that was when Dillon really took a look at him and noted that he was actually glowing, and it wasn’t a trick of the light in the steam.

  He wasn’t surprised.

  “You would be willing to be with me?” Rowan asked. “Even knowing all of this?”

  “I want to…It’s too soon to make any real commitments, but I want to give this a try,” Dillon said. “I really hope that’s the right thing to say and to want, but I want it.”

  Rowan cupped his face and kissed him. He did it so quickly that Dillon didn’t even see it coming.

  God it felt good. The man’s soft lips and tongue were amazing, and Dillon was no longer just half-hard. His cock was throbbing, and the heat of the shower wasn’t making him feel that much better.

  They were having sex again before they got out of this shower. Dillon could see that now, and he didn’t mind it at all. In fact, he wanted it.

  Rowan stopped the kiss after Dillon’s head started to swim, but he put his body closer, until Dillon could feel the length of the man’s cock, which was hard and pressing against his belly.

  “I won’t disappoint you,” Rowan said.

  Chapter Six

  Rowan considered himself the luckiest wolf on the planet that his mate was still willing to give this a chance. He’d been as honest and open as he could be whereas before he’d been planning on hiding, and despite the dangers, Dillon had said all right.

  Then they made love in the shower, which was also an excellent way for Rowan to feel better about the entire thing. It was difficult to feel anything less than thrilled when his mate was clutching to his shoulders, one leg propped up and curled around Rowan’s hip while they thrust their cocks together.

  Still, Rowan slept light that night as Dillon breathed easy, half on top of his chest, heart rate slow and peaceful. Rowan was used to paying attention to things while he slept, and he’d spent thousands of years sleeping, so he did not require much more sleep now that he was awake.

  When he woke up, two hours before his mate did, the sun was still down in the sky, and there were no noises of anything sinister happening outside, but he still paid attention for any sounds that didn’t belong until Dillon did finally wake up.

  His mate’s beautiful eyes opened partway, still heavy with sleep, but Dillon still smiled at him when he looked up and saw that he was there.

  “Guess I didn’t dream any of that,” he said.

  “No,” Rowan replied, and he lazily allowed his fingertips to trail up and down the length of Dillon’s spine.

  They were both hard. Not unusual in the morning, but Rowan was still pleasantly surprised when Dillon pulled the covers back off of Rowan’s waist, and then moved down his naked body to take his cock in his mouth.

  “Oh, yes,” Rowan moaned. He himself was feeling relaxed this morning, and after the hard romp they’d had the night before, he was more than happy with the idea of taking his time right now as he gently carded his fingers through Dillon’s dark blond hair.

  Dillon took his time, moving his mouth up and down, and though this was only the third time that Dillon had done this to him, already he was better skilled to be able to sink his lips down the shaft of Rowan’s cock much farther than yesterday. He only needed to use one hand to grip and stroke the place that his mouth could not reach.

  “You liked that?” Dillon asked, and he quickly put his mouth back onto Rowan’s erection.

  “Yes, don’t stop,” Rowan said. Dillon did something better than that as he started to hum around Rowan’s dick, and the vibrations that he felt rocking through him damn near made him come.

  He gripped the bedsheets tightly as he moaned and arched into Dillon’s warm mouth. Rowan looked down at his mate, but just the sight of the man’s head bobbing up and down went straight to his balls, making them tighten up almost all the way into his body.

  He had to look away if he was going to keep any control over himself.

  “No, look at me,” Dillon said.

  Rowan did as he was told, and his mate had a smile on his face that Rowan could only describe as being wolfish. Strange, considering Rowan was the wolf between them.

  “Don’t take your eyes off of me,” Dillon commanded.

  “I did not realize you were an exhibitionist,” Rowan replied.

  “I think I’m only that if I’m showing you my privates,” Dillon replied.

  “Well, I do have a wonderful view of your ass,” Rowan teased.

  Dillon put his mouth back down around his cock, sucking him deep inside and squeezing him tight for his poor taste in humor.

  Or maybe this was Dillon’s way of showing that he liked his humor?

  Rowan’s claws came out, and he didn’t mean for it to happen, but he started to tear at the bedsheets beneath him as his pleasure rose up and his cock swelled in Dillon’s mouth. The man did not pull away or show any signs of stopping, however, and that was an even bigger turn-on than anything else. It allowed him to come easily down Dillon’s throat, and as Dillon swallowed him, throat and tongue and cheeks working, Rowan’s orgasm was milked from him.

  He moaned and thrust into Dillon’s mouth, gripping the man’s hair now as he couldn’t contain himself anymore. No more slow and steady, not when he was coming like this. Rowan thrust hard and deep, fucking Dillon’s mouth until there was nothing left for him to give and he’d spilled every drop.

  His cock remained hard, however, and he released Dillon’s head as he sighed and sank back down onto the mattress.

  Dillon’s head came up, and he slowly crawled up Rowan’s body to lie with him. “Wow, you damn near killed me, there.”

  Rowan’s heart seized up, and he gripped Dillon’s shoulders tight as he stared down at the man. “Did I truly? I’m sorry, are you hurt?”

  Dillon shook his head, and there was a soft smile on his face that Rowan didn’t fully understand until he spoke. “Didn’t mean that literally. Sorry. But I didn’t mind it either. You can be as rough as you want the next time if that’s how you get when you’re trying to get off.”

  Rowan sighed. “Please do not scare me like that again,” he replied. “But if you liked it, I will have to keep it in mind.”

  “Mmm, just so long as you know that, while I’m not against having my back scratched when we’re having sex, that I don’t think I want your werewolf claws coming out onto my skin.”

  Rowan looked down and realized that Dillon was touching the long slash marks that Rowan had made into the white bedsheets.

  “Do not worry,” Rowan said. “Bedsheets are one thing, but your skin is entirely different. I would no sooner scratch that than I would destroy a work of art.”

  Dillon blushed, and he wet his lips before looking away. “You’re really big on giving compliments.”

you are clearly not used to receiving them.”

  “I get compliments. Just not super romantic ones like that.”

  “Do you like it?” Rowan asked.

  He was somewhat surprised that Dillon had to even think about it. “Yeah. I’d say I do. I mean, I’m pretty sure you’re not just saying that stuff because you want to get in my pants or anything.”

  “Which, at the moment, you are not currently wearing any,” Rowan replied, and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning.

  “No, I’m not,” Dillon replied, and he reached for the tube of lube, which was miraculously still on the bed after their encounter last night, and he opened it with his thumb before putting some of it into his own hand.

  “I want you inside of me,” Rowan said.

  Dillon abruptly stopped and looked at him. “Are you sure? I mean, you don’t seem like the type who’s done it like this before?”

  “Have you ever taken the top position?”

  “No,” Dillon admitted, and some more of that wonderful red spread across his cheeks.

  “Perfect,” Rowan replied. “Then I will be your first.”

  Dillon grinned. “You’re all about having firsts with me, aren’t you?”

  “My wolf is somewhat demanding of it. He and I are of the same mind, and we want to have you to ourselves as much as possible. Without, of course, being like…”

  “Like Mark?” Dillon asked, finishing what Rowan couldn’t.

  “Yes,” Rowan said. “I never want you to have to worry for your freedom.”

  “I don’t,” Dillon said, and those were the best words that Rowan could have heard coming from his mouth.

  He allowed Dillon to prepare him, to stretch his hole to something more suitable for Dillon’s size and length. He wasn’t as big as Rowan was, but he was hardly small, either.

  Rowan was going to have to relearn some things in this new world if he was going to keep his mate. Dillon offered him a chance, he did not offer any promises, and if Rowan wanted any promises, then he was going to have to show his mate that he was not a possessive wolf.

  Dillon pressed the head of his cock against Rowan’s stretched pucker, and he took his time inserting it inside of the tight space.


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