Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Capturing the Wolf God's Attention [The Werewolves of Willow Lake 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 11

by Marcy Jacks

  “Come here,” Dillon said, and he opened his arms to Rowan.

  “We’ll need this first,” Rowan said, and he took the bottle of lubricant from Dillon’s hand. He was clearly just as eager to get this show on the road.

  “There’s something I want to do to you first,” Dillon said. “Please, come here.”

  Dillon did a little mental happy dance when Rowan did as he was told, but at first the werewolf tried to put their bodies together. Dillon had to explain to him that he wanted Rowan to stay on his knees, but also climb up a little higher.

  “Around my shoulders. Can you do that?” Dillon asked.

  Rowan looked confused, but he nodded and did as he was told. All the confusion that Dillon could sense coming from him completely vanished once he realized just what this position was doing. Rowan’s heavy cock was right in front of Dillon’s mouth, and it was easy enough to just lean forward, wet his lips, and put them around the head of Rowan’s dick.

  He moaned when just that part was in his mouth, and then he pulled back. “I’m never going to get tired of the taste of you,” he said.

  “Flatterer,” Rowan said, smiling as he held on to the back of Dillon’s head and gently pushed his cock back into Dillon’s mouth.

  Dillon held on to Rowan’s thighs. He could feel the pulsing of the man’s heartbeat with every throb in his cock, and he wanted to make it pulse faster.

  This was supposed to be happily-ever-after, celebrate-by-fucking-like-bunnies sex, and Dillon wanted to make sure it was as good as it could possibly be.

  “Mmm,” Rowan said, and though his erection was rock solid, the man was being surprisingly gentle with Dillon as he held on to the back of Dillon’s head and thrust his cock back and forth.

  Dillon ran his hands up and down Rowan’s thighs. He played with the man’s tight balls and he moaned every time Rowan thrust forward.

  That’s it, baby, fuck my mouth, he thought.

  “I am,” Rowan said.

  Dillon abruptly stopped what he was doing to look up at the other man, and there must have been a whole lot of confusion on his face because Rowan actually laughed at him when he looked down.

  “You think too loudly, is all. You’ll get used to it soon, don’t worry.”

  His lover, his werewolf mate, could read his thoughts if Dillon wasn’t careful. His first thought was that something like that might be a bad thing, but then he realized he could have a whole lot of fun with it as well.

  He winked up at his lover as he bobbed his mouth back and forth, as far as he could go without choking himself, and the entire time, he put all sorts of fun images inside of his head.

  He imagined himself tied up, on the bed, with his hands above his head and a bar between his legs, keeping them spread for Rowan to see.

  Rowan’s eyes widened, and that was how Dillon knew that his mental projection had made it to the other man.

  “Would you like me to tie you up like that?” Rowan asked.

  Dillon had never been tied up like that, and he only knew about the position because of the books he’d been buying for research purposes.

  He hadn’t bothered to ever ask Mark to do any of those things to him, which he was really grateful for, now that he knew what sort of man Mark had been.

  Dillon nodded just slightly, enough so that Rowan could see it, and just thinking about himself in those positions was making his cock ache. It felt heavy and full, and he desperately wanted to be touched because now he was actually starting to feel like he was in real pain.

  “I have you,” Rowan said, and as he thrust forward with his hips, he reached behind himself and curled his fingers around Dillon’s erect shaft, stroking his dick from root to tip.

  Dillon moaned around Rowan’s cock, and now they really seemed to have something happening here. Rowan was thrusting hard and fast into Dillon’s mouth while he stroked Dillon’s cock with his hand.

  This was great. This was the best sort of thing that Dillon had ever done with anyone, ever.

  He thrust his hips hard into Rowan’s hand, and his balls were starting to go tight, as if he was about to have another orgasm already, but then Rowan abruptly pulled away from him, removing his hand before getting to his feet, also taking away his cock, which Dillon had been enjoying.

  “What are you doing?” Dillon asked, and he was breathless from the things he’d just been doing with his mouth.

  “Not yet. You are not coming yet,” Rowan said.


  “You have already had your orgasm in the truck,” Rowan replied, and he reached for the tube of lube. “I don’t want you coming yet until I’ve put my cock inside you. I want you to fuck yourself on me. I want you to ride me like you’ve never been with anyone before in your life, and then you may have all the orgasms you want.”

  “Is this a werewolf possessive thing?” Dillon asked, but he was starting to get pretty damn excited as Rowan lifted one of his legs and thrust two fingers into Dillon’s pucker.

  He was still a little ready from the last time they had been together, which had been earlier that day, so he wouldn’t need as much preparation as he usually would. Just a lot of lube.

  Dillon still moaned when Rowan thrust his fingers back and forth, imitating the act of sex, and soon the pleasurable burn was there, satisfying all of Dillon without actually touching his prostate.

  “I just want you to be mine, and I want to be yours.”

  “I am yours,” Dillon said. “I wouldn’t be here if I had any doubts about you.”

  Rowan’s gold eyes stayed on him for a few seconds. They were soft, and Dillon realized just how much he trusted the man above him. “It’s so crazy,” he said, and he reached up and touched Rowan’s shoulder. “We barely know each other, but I’ve never been this in love with anyone before in my life. I really want to be with no one other than you, and it’s only been a little over a day since we’ve met.”

  “That’s not that uncommon at all for werewolves,” Rowan said. “When we find our mates, we know what we want.”

  “Good to know,” Dillon replied. “Now hurry up and put your cock inside me.”

  Rowan grinned at him, and the sight of his white fangs was a turn-on as the man gently pulled his fingers out of Dillon’s entrance.

  Dillon exhaled long and deep when they were gone from him, but then Rowan proved how strong he was one more time when he reached for Dillon, grabbed him by the hips, and pulled him up.

  “Whoa,” Dillon said, heart pounding as he grabbed on to Rowan’s shoulders with the new position.

  “I told you that I want you to ride me,” Rowan said, lips ghosting over Dillon’s throat, his warm breath completely driving Dillon out of his mind.

  “How could I forget?” Dillon said.

  He planted his knees onto the small mattress and lifted himself up just enough so that he could reach beneath himself and find Rowan’s heavy cock.

  His fingers could barely touch as they circled around the swollen shaft. It got Dillon’s blood humming with the anticipation of it, that was for sure.

  Rowan kissed the side of Dillon’s mouth, his jaw, and his cheek. “I love you,” he said.

  Dillon shivered when he pushed the head of Rowan’s thick cock against his stretched pucker, and then started pushing down. “Love you, too,” he grunted, letting his body slide down and swallow up Rowan’s erection.

  Rowan kept a grip so tight on Dillon’s ass that there was no doubt in his mind that he was going to have finger-shaped bruises there later on, but with Rowan’s cock pushing inside of him, pressing against Dillon’s prostate, and Dillon’s own impatient shaft pushing up against Rowan’s stomach, he was already moaning and forgetting about any other small discomfort that was happening around him now.

  “That’s it,” Dillon moaned, and then he started to move.

  The only sounds he could focus on were the slapping of his and Rowan’s flesh together and the hard breathing and heavy gasps that they made with each thrust
and push and pull of their hips. Rowan’s body was warm, and Dillon wanted to sink into it, into this feeling and never move from there.

  He squeezed his asshole tight around Rowan’s shaft so that Rowan grit his teeth together and threw back his head, exposing his neck.

  Dillon was overcome with the inexplicable urge to kiss and lick at that spot.

  A throaty chuckle left Rowan’s throat when Dillon did that.

  They didn’t stop moving together, but Dillon had to know what that was about. “What is it?” he asked.

  Rowan wet his lips before looking at him, and his eyes were gold again. Not the natural gold that he always had, but the sharper, brighter, more animal-like gold that came whenever his wolf was close to the surface. “Bearing my neck is a sign of submission. It means that I trust you, and am willing to bet my life on that trust. I am yours.”

  “Is that part of mating, too?” Dillon asked.

  “Yes,” Rowan said.

  Dillon stopped moving his hips, and when Rowan frowned in confusion over that, Dillon tilted his head back, showing his throat.

  Rowan laughed, a happy and joyous sound. “You spoil me,” he said.

  “I’ll spoil you a lot more later on, just you wait,” Dillon said, and his heart didn’t kick up when Rowan put his face closer to Dillon’s throat.

  He realized that it was a good thing for that once Rowan’s nose came in and started sniffing at his Adam’s apple. It meant that he really did trust the other man, and it wasn’t something Dillon was just saying to himself because he wanted to believe he was making the right choice here. He trusted his mate.

  Rowan continued to sniff and lick, and even scrape his teeth across Dillon’s throat. He moaned as he did so, as though it gave him real physical pleasure to be doing this. “Mine,” he said.

  Yeah, Dillon liked the sound of that. “Definitely,” he replied.

  Rowan’s fingers started gripping Dillon’s hips and ass hard one more time, and then they started to move again.

  It didn’t take long for either of them to become desperate again as orgasm was within reach. Dillon bounced hard and fast in Rowan’s lap, but Rowan was doing his part as he pushed Dillon’s body up and down, back and forth, with his hands. The sound of their flesh slapping together was damn near obscene, but it all felt too damn good to stop.

  It was pathetic how fast Dillon came, but he held on to Rowan’s shoulders, clutching the other man tight as his balls seized up and warm cum began spurting from his cock and onto Rowan’s perfect set of abs.

  Rowan seemed to lose all control after that as he pushed Dillon back down onto the nest of clothes that he’d made and then groaned low and deep as he thrust back and forth hard and fast.

  “Do it, come inside me. You’re almost there,” Dillon said, kissing and biting on Rowan’s ear while he stroked the man’s hair.

  Rowan only groaned at those words, and then a warm wetness was flooding inside of Dillon’s body and against his prostate. He tightened his legs around Rowan’s hips and sighed as he felt himself being consumed by it.

  “That’s what I want,” Dillon said.

  Rowan didn’t immediately stop thrusting into him. The man was milking himself until there was nothing left, and then he collapsed with a heavy sigh onto Dillon’s chest.

  The man himself was heavy, but he was also warm, and not uncomfortable to be using as a blanket, so Dillon didn’t push him off or make a fuss. He just smiled as he continued to stroke his fingertips up and down the expanse of Rowan’s back, feeling each bump in his spine.

  “You know,” Dillon said after a few minutes. “I think I have to be one of the luckiest guys on the planet to have somehow managed to land you for a boyfriend.”

  “I am more than that, love,” Rowan said, though he kept his face hidden in the crook of Dillon’s neck. “I’m your mate.”

  “Yeah,” Dillon said, and he kissed the top of Rowan’s head. “Definitely.”

  Things were definitely going to change, but Dillon was lucky to have found the man of his dreams, a guy who was insanely gorgeous, thought Dillon looked pretty good, too, and was good enough that he wanted to make sure that Dillon was kept safe and didn’t have to give up a lot just so they could be together.

  Dillon could live without the city. He didn’t mind giving up that crowded, noisy place anyway.

  “I’m really not looking forward to cleaning that bedroom,” Dillon said, realizing that that particular chore would be entirely on him.

  Rowan laughed at him.

  Chapter Twelve

  That was likely the greatest night of Dillon’s life, and he didn’t just think that because it involved a lot of sex and he was basically honeymooning with his fabulous new mate. That was part of the reason why he thought it was the best night of his life, but it was more than that.

  Dillon had a mate, and the world didn’t seem so wide open and lonely anymore. It was all that cliché stuff he read and sometimes even wrote about whenever he was doing a romance novel, and it didn’t go away after the first two weeks, or even the first two months.

  It was never going to go away because it was real, and he and Rowan were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

  “How do you feel about meeting my parents tomorrow?” Dillon asked.

  “Honestly? Like I’m about to face an army of hunters,” Rowan replied, and Dillon laughed at him.

  He and Rowan were packing up their things. They were no longer in the cabin. Because it was a family cabin, it only made sense that other members of the family would eventually want to use it. Dillon and Rowan couldn’t make a home out of the place, no matter how much they wanted to, but Rowan and his brothers had a decent amount of money for a bunch of old werewolves who’d spent thousands of years sleeping in a cave somewhere.

  Likely it had something to do with when Rowan mentioned that Edward could find gold, and Rowan and Dillon did go out and find enough to make themselves a pair of matching rings.

  Rowan had no identification, so whatever money he came across he gave to Dillon, and they bought a house in Willow Lake with it.

  Not only was Edward talented at finding gold, but because of the combined powers of all three brothers, they didn’t need any heavy equipment to get at it. Really, Edward sometimes just put his palm flat on the ground and the little flakes of gold, some of which were so small that Dillon could hardly see them, came right into the hands of all three brothers. It wasn’t even just gold either. Silver came up an awful lot into the mix, which they tried their best to avoid touching with their bare hands, along with a bunch of other things that Dillon hadn’t even known could be found around here.

  Brishen washed off the gold with his water powers, Edward separated the gold and silver and copper into their own separate piles, and Alistair melted everything together in their own separate lumps while Rowan counted it all up.

  “This was how my brothers and I gathered our fortunes when we were lads,” Rowan said, some of his old, unknown accent coming through.

  Rowan had told him not to bother trying to figure out specifically what accent it was. He said the original language was likely long dead.

  Because the brothers were getting along so well now, and they wanted to form a pack of their own, they took to mining for gold together again. Dillon often joked that they were the cleanest gold miners he’d ever seen, just because none of them did any actual digging.

  Dillon’s parents were going to be at the cabin tomorrow morning, and even though there was literally a fifteen-minute drive between the cabin and Dillon and Rowan’s new house, they had insisted that their son and his new fiancé stay with them.

  Dillon was embarrassed by that, but Rowan understood. “You’re their pup. They want you with them one final time before they release you to me.”

  “This isn’t like back in your time, though,” Dillon said. “Dowries aren’t going to be exchanged.”

  “The instinct is the same no matter which time we’re in,” Rowan a
rgued, and he pulled Dillon closer for one last embrace. He pressed his perfect chest up against Dillon’s back.

  Dillon was still trying to get used to the fact that his lover was insanely hot. Sometimes it threw him off a little that Rowan could be even remotely attracted to him, but other times he went with the flow. It was better that way.

  “What are you thinking?” Rowan asked.

  Dillon smiled and touched Rowan’s hands. “I’m thinking that you’re too handsome for both of our collective goods.”

  Rowan chuckled, and he nuzzled his nose just against the spot beneath Dillon’s ear. “You know that’s not what I meant.”

  “I’m worried about them,” Dillon admitted. “Is it bad that I’m kind of glad my sister couldn’t get the time off of school to come down?”

  That was what he felt the worst about. Being glad that his sister was too busy to meet his werewolf lover. No one in his family knew what Rowan was, and that was the way it was going to stay, but even though Dillon knew on a logical level that they would stay safe if they just continued to not know about it, emotionally, he was something of a wreck about letting his parents meet Rowan for the first time.

  Meanwhile, he was the one asking Rowan if he was nervous about it. He really did make no sense sometimes.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Rowan said. “You know I will understand.”

  “I know you will, but I want you to meet them. I’m not going to cut them out of my life and I’m not going to give you up either. This is going to happen eventually, and sometimes I really wish you would just be angry with me for being this paranoid.”

  Rowan took Dillon by the shoulders and turned him around, making it so that they had to face each other. “Hey, look at me. There is nothing about the safety of your family that would make me angry with you. You’re worried, that’s normal. Every werewolf goes through this when they have to tell their new lovers about what they are.”

  “There’s always risk,” Dillon said, nodding as he quoted the words he’d been told again and again as they’d prepared for when this day came.


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