Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC

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Undaunted: The Kings of Retribution MC Page 12

by Crystal Daniels

  “Well, your Prez won’t be getting shit, those girls are now under the Kings’ protection.”

  Carlos starts laughing. “You gringos are so fucking stupid, your protection doesn’t mean shit, those girls are as good as gone. You should never underestimate Los Demonios.”

  “Prez, we’ve got company at the front gate,” Reid says coming through the door.

  “Who the fuck is it?” he snaps, completely annoyed by the interruption.

  “Volkov,” Reid replies.

  Turning to Jake I ask, “Why the hell are the Russians here?”

  “Fuck if I know. They sure as fuck didn’t give me a heads up that they were coming. I told Volkov that the club had shit under control.”

  “Well, he obviously doesn’t think so,” I bite out.

  “What you want to do with Carlos?” Gabriel cuts in.

  “I’m not through with the motherfucker. Chain his ass up and leave him down here until I decide I’m done with him.” I then turn and follow Jake out of the basement.



  Walking over to my sister who’s sitting quietly by herself on a sofa reading a book. I notice her briefly looks up to scan the room a few times taking in her new surroundings. I immediately feel guilty for having her thrust into the scary situation of having a man she doesn’t know pick her up and bringing her to the clubhouse around a bunch of strangers. She only did it because she trusts me, and I can tell how freaked out she is as I sit down beside her.

  “Hey,” I nudge her shoulder.

  “Hi,” she sighs, putting down her book and looking up at me. “Bella, what’s going on?” She whispers, glancing in the direction of Gabriel.

  I decided she would be more comfortable if I took her to the room she’ll be using while we stay here. Logan told me on the ride here that Alba will stay in the room next to ours. He said he already had one of the prospects get it ready for her.

  First, I want to stop by the kitchen and grab something to snack on. Standing up, I grab her hand, “Come on, Alba, let’s get some food, then I’ll show you to your room.”

  I lead her past the bar and into the kitchen. I smell the fresh coffee as we walk in. Alba opens the pink box sitting on the table, and grabs a chocolate éclair from it, along with a napkin.

  “Grab me one of those too, would ya?” I ask as I walk over to the cabinets to get some mugs. “You want a cup of coffee?”

  “They happen to have cinnamon creamer?” she asks.

  I rummage through the various flavors on the shelf until I find a Cinnabon flavor. I hold it up to her, getting her stamp of approval with a head bob while she places our donuts on a paper plate.

  Once I’ve finished mixing our coffee, I motion for her to follow me up the stairs. Walking up the stairs I turn right, leading the way down the hall.

  “It’s the last door on the left,” I inform her before finally stopping and opening the door.

  It’s nice inside. Furnished with the basics. A full-size bed, a dresser that has a flat screen TV sitting on top, and a full-size bath of its own. Most of the rooms here I’m told are like this.

  I sit down on the bed, setting the mugs on the nightstand. Alba sits down, joining me on the bed. Before I can even get one bite of my éclair in my mouth, she speaks up.

  “Okay, Bella. Spill.”

  Sighing, I tell her what I’ve been told. “Lee has been seen hangin’ with a biker club that calls themselves Los Demonios. They’re the rival MC the Kings have been having problems with lately. They also happen to be some pretty shady people from what I’ve heard.

  I get up and walk over to the window, opening the curtains to let some light in. I turn, looking back over at my sister who’s still sitting on the bed.

  Alba takes a sip of her coffee, “Okay, Lee hanging with scum like that isn’t anything new, but why do we have to be out here? What about Mom?”

  “I wish I could tell you more, but that’s all I know. I stopped by and saw Mom at work. She kicked Lee out. She said this time it’s permanent.”

  Her mouth gapes open in disbelief. “You’re kidding?”

  I nod my head, confirming what I said to be true.

  “I say good riddance to his sorry ass,” my sister adds.

  I lay back on the bed; my sister doing the same.

  “Are the guys worried that something might happen to us or something?”

  “Yeah, they just want to make sure we stay safe, and they feel the best place to do that is here.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “You really like him, don’t you?” she inquires with a smile.

  I smile. I knew she would be asking eventually.

  “Yeah, I really like him.”

  “Wait!” she shoots up out of the bed and looks down at me. “You’re too relaxed for all this shit that’s going on. Usually, you’re more on edge. What gives?”

  Her eyes go big and her hand covers her mouth, but I can still see the smile underneath.

  “Bella! Did you have sex with Logan?”

  I can’t help the smile that takes over my face and the warmth that fills my body just hearing his name.

  “He took me home last night, after everything that happened.”

  “Okay, back up. What happened last night?” she asks with concern.

  I sigh, knowing I need to tell her, so she knows just how serious all this shit could be.

  I give her the rundown of events from last night that lead me out to the clubhouse. And then when I got jealous seeing the same woman that we ran into at the vintage shop hanging all over Logan at the bar.

  “Please tell me you said something to that skank.”

  “I didn’t last night, but I definitely had my say this morning.” I rub my knuckles that are still sore.

  “Ooh, I feel like I need popcorn for this,” my sister says, tucking her legs under her while holding a pillow to her chest.

  “Not long after arriving back here this morning, that same chick came up to Logan. While I was sitting right there, she proceeds to hang all over him. I wasn’t about to have that shit happen anymore. So, I told the bitch Logan is mine. And I may have broken her nose when I punched her,” I tell her with a smirk on my face.

  “I can’t believe I missed that!” She laughs out.

  I laugh along with her. “Yeah well, my hand hurts like hell, but it was worth it.”

  We both plop back and lay there stretched out on our backs, quiet for a few moments.

  “I’m happy for you, Bella.”

  “It was perfect, Alba. In that moment, everything else melted away. It was like I was high or something. I was completely consumed by him.”

  Before I can get any further into the conversation my phone chimes with an incoming text. I dig it out of my back pocket. Seeing it’s from Mila, I open it.

  Mila: Hey, whatcha been up to? How have you been?

  Me: Not much. I’m good. How are you and Ava?

  Mila: Good! Meet for coffee soon?

  Me: Would love that! Bring Ava too?

  Mila: Great! I will. Gotta go. Call soon!

  Me: Hug Ava for me. Bye!

  Setting my phone on top the dresser, I decided to get Alba’s things unpacked. She gets up and starts to help.

  “That was Mila. I’ve been so wrapped up with my new job and Logan, I haven’t been to visit her and Ava in a while.” Ava is Mila’s daughter and the sweetest little girl. I love spending time with both of them.

  I open the door to the small closet and peer inside to see if there happen to be any hangers. “Well, looks like you’ll have to keep most your things in the drawers for now. I’ll see if Logan can get some things you’ll be needing, like hangers. I’m sorry about all this, Alba,” I say, making my way to the bathroom and placing her makeup bag on the counter.

  “It’s fine, Bella. If I’m with you I can deal with it, but I will need some more of my things from the house before I have to go back to school.”

  “That shouldn’t be a probl
em. I’m sure Logan will get one of the brothers to take us, so we can grab whatever else we need. How about we go downstairs? We can meet some of the other members later, but for now, we can learn the layout out of where everything is. Find out what we can and can’t do around here.”

  Sighing, she gives in and we leave the bedroom, making our way down the stairs.



  My brothers and I make our way up from the basement and head out to greet our unexpected guest.

  I see Bella and her sister coming from upstairs, so I stride in their direction.

  “Hey, babe,” I say pulling her close to me and giving her a kiss. “You get Alba settled in okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is good.”

  “Alright, Angel. I’ve got some shit to do, so if you need anything just let one of the prospects know and they’ll get it for you.”

  “We’re okay. You go do what you need to do.”

  Just then, Lisa steps up next to us. “Why don’t you girls come help me with lunch. I could use the extra help now that we have guests. It will give us a chance to get to know each other.”

  “Cooking is one of our favorite things to do, so we would love to help you,” Bella says to her sincerely.

  “You and I are going to get along just fine then,” Lisa replies with a big smile on her face.

  I watch as Bella and Alba walk off towards the kitchen, then turn to Lisa. “Thanks for including them and making Bella and her sister feel welcome.”

  “Anytime, sweetheart. I like her, Logan. I can tell she’s going to be good for you. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Thanks, Lisa,” I say giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Now, go on and see to your guest,” she says, shooing me away, “Your girl will be fine.”

  I catch up with Jake and Gabriel as they head across our compound’s parking lot towards the gate. I see our prospect, Blake, standing next to a black suburban SUV with blacked out windows. Standing next him is a man in a dark gray suit, I’m assuming he’s the driver.

  Once we reach the man in question, I immediately notice the two guns in his shoulder holster under his suit jacket. I’m also betting he has one strapped to his ankle as well. My observation tells me that this man is more than a driver. These men are no threat to us, but I’ve learned to always be observant. Ready for anything.

  “My name is Victor,” he says in a Russian accent while offering his hand to Jake.

  “Jake,” Prez replies gruffly, accepting Victor’s handshake.

  “Volkov and his son would like to apologize for their unexpected visit, but hope to meet with you so we can dissolve our mutual problem together. This is not how we normally conduct business,” Victor tries to assure him.

  Jake tells the man, “I called Volkov a few days ago out of courtesy, and I don’t too much appreciate him just showing up at my compound unannounced.”

  “We can understand that,” Victor says. “But Mr. Volkov also has a personal reason for this meeting as well, and feels with all that’s going on, it is time for those things to be addressed.”

  I look over at Jake and he has the same confused look on his face as I’m sure I do. What the fuck is he talking about personal reasons? We’ve only been in business with the Russians for about a year, so I don’t know where this shit is leading, but to say I’m not a little bit curious would be a lie.

  “Alright, Victor,” Prez says. “Blake here will show you in. I’ll meet you all inside.”

  Victor nods his head, then my brothers and I follow Jake back into the clubhouse.

  We all walk in and head straight to the bar. Austin sees us approaching and starts pulling out beers. I grab mine, downing almost all of it in one pull.

  Turning to Jake, I say, “ What are you thinking, Prez?”

  “I’m not sure. I don’t take too kindly to them just showing up here like this.”

  “We have shit under control,” Gabriel adds.

  “I agree,” Jakes says. “But I’m going to hear them out. I don’t believe Volkov would show up without cause. He’s always been nothing but respectful in the time we’ve been in business with him. So in return, we will show him the same respect and hear whatever it is they came all this way to say.”

  The clubhouse door opens and in walks Victor, behind him are two other men, I’m assuming is Mr. Volkov and his son. The older man looks to be in his late forties and his son probably early twenties, basically a younger version of his father. Both are wearing similar suits that reek of money.

  The men walk over, stopping in front of us. I notice Jake go deathly still, looking a bit taken aback. I glance over at Gabriel, who also has noticed Jake’s behavior. I wonder what’s gotten into him. He’s always cool and collected.

  Prez offers his hand. “I’m Jake.”

  “Jake, I’m Mr. Volkov. This is my son, Nikolai.”

  There is a collective round of handshakes between us.

  “If it alright with you, Jake, I would like to talk to you in private for a moment,” Volkov asks.

  “Alright, we can go to my office. Nikolai, why don’t have a drink at the bar.”

  I watch as Jake heads towards his office, then turn my attention to Nikolai. “Come on, man. Let’s get a beer.”

  Nikolai and I take a seat at the bar, while the prospect gets us a beer and pours a couple shots. He is the first to speak.

  “My father and I are grateful for your club agreeing to meet with us. I assure you we don’t normally do business this way.”

  I down my shot. “You going to tell me what the hell is going on? Your guy over there,” I say pointing to Victor, who is at the end of the bar talking with Reid, “says this is somewhat of a personal visit?”

  “I’m sorry, Logan. I’m afraid that is for my father to tell.”

  “Alright man, fair enough,” I say blowing out a frustrated breath.

  “How long will you guys be in town?”

  “We’re not quite sure yet. That will depend on how things go today.”

  Now I’m really fucking curious. I’m also fucking tired of these cryptic answers.

  “My family has an estate just a few miles from here, so we will be staying there,” Nikolai tells me.

  I’m about to reply to him when I feel a hand on my arm. Turning, I see Bella.

  “Hey, babe.” I smile, pulling her to stand between my legs. She snuggles into my chest, while I kiss the top of her head.

  “What you are doing, Angel?”

  “We just finished cooking lunch. I wanted to come say hi for a minute.”

  “You can come say hi anytime you want, babe,” I say, forgetting for a minute about the man sitting next to me, I turn back to Nikolai. “Nikolai, this is my girl, Bella.”

  “It’s nice to me you, Nikolai,” she says, offering him her small hand.

  “You too, Myshka, little mouse,” he says.

  I’m just about to ask what the fuck myshka means when Quinn comes up to me.

  “Prez wants to see you, man.”

  “Alright. Thanks, brother.”

  “Well, that’s my cue to get back to the kitchen,” Bella sighs.

  “I’ll see you later, babe.”

  “Okay,” she says, giving me a quick kiss before walking off.

  When I walk into Jake’s office, I notice his whole body is tense.

  “Hey, Prez. Quinn said you wanted to see me?”

  “Yeah, son. Why don’t you come sit down?”

  I stride over, taking the empty seat next to our guest. Nobody is saying a word, and it’s raking on my fucking nerves.

  Clearing his throat, then standing, Volkov turns his chair to face me directly. His odd behavior has my full attention.

  “I suppose there is no easy way to say what I’m about to tell you, so I will start by properly introducing myself. I’m Demetri Alexander Volkov.”

  I tilt my head at him. He looks like he’s waiting for some sort of a reaction, but I have none
. I look over at Jake for some clue, and his eyes are boring holes into me like he’s waiting for a reaction as well.

  Suddenly, I realize he said his name is Demetri. Now my wheels are turning, because my middle name is Demetri. My mother never really talked about who my father was, but she did say she gave me my middle name, Demetri, after him. I take a good look at the man in front of me. He has brown hair with a bit of gray. He’s also about the same height as me, but that’s not what has all the air leaving my body. The man in front of me has one blue eye and one green eye, just like me. I feel like this is some sort of fucked up dream, but no, it’s my fucked-up life. I’m positive the man in front of me, Demetri Alexander Volkov is my father.

  “You’re my father.”

  “Yes, Logan. You are my son.”

  I have a death grip on the arms of my chair, needing to keep myself in check. It’s crazy how many emotions one can feel all at the same time. Confusion, elation, anger. Here I have been wondering my whole life about my father. Always wondering why he left. Did he know about me? Was he dead?

  “I can tell by the looks playing across your face you have many questions. I assure you, I will answer them all.”

  I’m finally able to bring myself to look at him. “How long have you known about me?” I ask because that is possibly the most important question.

  I don’t even know if I’m prepared for his answer. What if he’s always known, and just never wanted anything to do with me. Will I be able to handle that?

  “I become aware of your existence a year ago, son. Had I known about you from the beginning, I would have come for you.”

  “You said you found out a year ago?”

  “Yes,” he replies.

  “You’re contacting our club to do business...”

  “Was my attempt to somehow be close to you,” my father tells me without hesitation.

  “Why wait a whole fucking year to meet me? Why not come as soon as you found out?”

  “I don’t have a good excuse for that. Only that the lies and deception I uncovered in my own family had me wanting to tread cautiously. I did not want to act hastily or do anything that might bring you harm.”


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