Schism (Gateway Series Book 4)

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Schism (Gateway Series Book 4) Page 18

by Brian Dorsey

  “Got it,” responded Meadow as he slid three metal vials into a pouch on his vest.

  “Good.” Mori pulled a decryption device from her vest and attached it to the data station. She pressed decrypt and download.

  DECRYPT FAILED flashed on the screen.

  “Shit,” cursed Mori as she pressed the decrypt button again.


  “Damn it.” Mori turned toward Katalya and Meadow. “You two head back. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Shouldn’t we inform Stone we have the serum?” asked Katalya.

  Mori glanced toward Meadow and then back to her sister. “No.”


  “Orders from the Shirt-Wearers. No one else is to know.”

  Mori saw the confusion on her sister’s face and walked over to her. “It’s okay, c’uwé,” she replied, placing her hands on Katalya’s cheeks. “Our people will use this to make sure the Humani and the Xen pay for what they have done.”


  Mori tightened her grasp on Katalya’s face. “If you trust me, you’ll keep quiet. I can explain all of this later.”

  Katalya nodded in agreement.

  “Good. Now get out of here.”

  As Katalya and Meadow rushed from the lab, Mori turned back toward the data station.

  “You’re gonna give me that data one way or another,” she said as she slammed the butt of her rifle against the panel lock.

  Chapter 15

  Martin gripped the rail of the ladderway and leapt to the next floor below. She let out at groan as pain tore through her leg. Exhaling heavily, she leveled her rifle to the door in front of her. “Status?”

  ‘We moved down another level and are coming up on the opposite side,” replied Stone. ‘Command has issued a recall. We’re losing the station and the ships are taking a lot of damage. We’ll check the two labs in this section then we need to make our way back to the dropship.’

  ‘We entered the first lab. Nothing so far,’ answered Mori. ‘You just need to check the other one.’

  Martin pushed the door open.

  She saw movement and swung her rifle toward a row of data stations.

  “You!” she shouted as she saw Mori shoving a data card inside her vest.

  Mori spun around, her green eyes wide with surprise.

  “I thought you hadn’t found anything?” asked Martin, still holding her rifle on Mori. “What do you have there?”

  Mori slowly turned toward Martin. “It would have to be you.” She paused, noticing Martin’s wound. “Where’s daddy?”

  Martin tightened her grip on her rifle. “I’m gonna ask one more time. What are you doing?”

  “None of your business,” replied Mori as she stepped to her left, exposing the pistol she held in her right hand.

  “Akota cooking up something you don’t want us dirty Humani to know about?”

  “I follow orders…just like you.”

  “Not you Akota; you assholes do what you want,” replied Martin as she positioned her body to react if Mori acted. “So what’s in it for you?”

  “I’m serving my people. That’s all you need to know.”

  “How ‘bout I just tell the Marshal and let him sort it out?”

  Martin saw the muscles in Mori’s right hand tense as she placed her other trigger finger to her lips. “Shhh.”

  “You duplicitous bitch, the cat’s out of the bag now. How ‘bout you give me that data card?”

  “How ‘bout you come and get it?”

  Martin slid her finger into the trigger guard. Her gaze locked onto Mori’s. Whether Mori was following orders or not, she was still betraying Stone. Martin took a slow, deep breath.

  Their time had come.

  Martin saw a flash of black and spun her rifle to her right. She pulled the trigger but her enemy’s right boot deflected her rifle while the left crashed into Martin’s jaw.

  Martin tumbled backwards as the soldier landed next to her.

  She looked up to see a female warrior with shoulder-length raven hair. The soldier held a sword in each hand, her brilliant green eyes radiating confidence and rage.

  “You,” said the green-eyed warrior, Sierra, a smile forming on her already bloodied mouth.

  Martin swung her leg toward the warrior’s knee but Sierra blocked her attack and drove a sword toward her with a grunt.

  Martin rolled to her left and leapt to her feet just in time to block Sierra’s right foot.

  Grabbing her attacker’s leg, Martin crashed her boot into Sierra’s torso.

  As Sierra stumbled backwards, Martin drew her sword.

  Martin’s mouth curled into a smile when she saw Mori level her rifle in the background behind Sierra.


  Martin fell to one knee as the crack of Mori’s rifle echoed through the room, letting out a groan as pain shot through her already injured thigh.

  She looked up toward Sierra as Mori turned and rushed from the room.

  Sierra turned back toward Martin, her head tilted in confusion. “That’s interesting.”

  Martin let out a growl. “Fucking traitorous bitch.”

  “The Akota can wait,” said Sierra, extending her swords to her side. “You’re the prize.”

  “Prize?” Martin pushed herself to her feet with a grimace. “Astra Varus missing something that she thinks I have?” As she was challenging Sierra, she glanced toward the passageway where Mori had escaped, her stomach tight with rage.

  Sierra’s face burned red. “You’re gonna wish I’d killed you when the ProConsul gets her hands on you, traitor.”

  “Astra Varus can go fuck herself.”

  Sierra rushed forward, swords slashing.

  Martin blocked Sierra’s right sword and brought her right arm up to block the other blade before shifting her weight and slamming her fist into Sierra’s jaw.

  As Sierra twisted away from the blow, she slashed downward with the sword in her left hand.

  Martin groaned as the blade passed over her forearm, cutting a gash deep into the flesh.

  The two warriors faced each other again.

  Martin shifted her weight and her face tightened as pain shot through her left leg.

  Sierra glanced toward the blood soaking Martin’s pants. “Looks like you’re figuring out just how trustworthy the Ters are.”

  “Ah, they’re not too bad,” quipped Martin, “other than being undisciplined, superstitious savages.” She glanced back toward the passageway. “But that bitch…” Her gaze returned to Sierra, Martin pulled a coagulate injector from her vest and slammed into her thigh just above the wound.

  Sierra nodded, waiting to allow Martin to slow the bleeding. “Why do all the good opponents come to me injured?” huffed Sierra. “This might have been a challenge.”

  “I’ll try not to bore you.”

  Sierra’s expression tightened. “You ready?”

  Martin rushed forward as Sierra leapt into the air.

  Martin slashed her sword as Sierra’s boot crashed into her head, knocking her to the deck.

  Dazed, Martin rose to her feet and looked across to Sierra.

  A gash in Sierra’s sleeve showed a small band of blood begin to form around the torn fabric.

  Sierra lunged toward Martin.

  Martin blocked each slash and jab but was forced backwards as Sierra pressed her attack. Martin retreated until her back hit a cabinet and she shifted her weight, sliding under Sierra’s arm and pivoting to land a boot to the back of her leg.

  Sierra fell to one knee but spun around to block Martin’s sword as she drove it downward. Pushing forward, Martin drove Sierra’s right arm backwards over the cabinet, forcing her to drop her sword. She stepped back and cocked her sword over her head but as she slashed downward, pain exploded in her leg as Sierra landed a blow to her wound and pushed upward, slashing at Martin as she curled away from the blade.

  Martin’s body spasmed as she let out a groan and dropped h
er sword. Glancing downward, she saw the flesh on her right side opened up.

  With a grunt she rose to her feet just as Sierra swung at her. Stepping inside the arc of Sierra’s blade, Martin grabbed her enemy’s arm and landed a blow to Sierra’s jaw while sweeping her leg.

  Martin twisted Sierra’s body as they fell so they hit the ground with Martin on top of her and her arm locked around her neck. Locking her legs around Sierra’s waist, Martin struggled against the pain as she tightened her grip.

  Martin felt Sierra’s muscles tighten and she tried to squeeze tighter as Sierra pushed herself onto her hands and knees. Sierra’s hand gripped hers and began to pull. Feeling her hold begin to slip, she released her right hand and quickly pulled a knife from belt and drove into Sierra’s back.

  Sierra let out a growl and pushed herself to her feet as Martin pulled the blade from Sierra’s back and drove it toward her chest.

  As Martin drove the blade downward, Sierra grabbed her arm.

  Martin tightened her body as Sierra leaned forward and sent Martin flying over her shoulder.

  She hit the ground with a thud and slowly pushed herself to her knees.

  Martin drew her pistol and fired but was too late as a kick from Sierra directed the barrel away. Sierra followed with a blow to Martin’s temple. Recovering, Martin blocked a knee from Sierra and dove between her opponents legs. Pushing upward, she took Sierra off her feet but stumbled as pain from her side and leg tore through her body. Both fell forward, Martin twisting her body to drive her shoulder into Sierra’s chest as they hit the ground.

  Rising up, Martin landed two quick blows to Sierra’s ribs before her opponent swung her left leg upward and around her neck. Martin tensed her muscles to resist but the pain and Sierra’s strength were too much for her and she fell backwards.

  Sierra locked Martin’s right arm between her legs. Martin grunted against the pain as Sierra increased the pressure and ligaments began to strain. A loud snap was drown out by Martin’s groan as tendons and ligaments tore and snapped.

  Martin used the release of the pressure on her arm to roll forward and slam her left fist into Sierra’s forehead. Sierra’s head bounced off the deck but she recovered and blocked Martin’s next strike.

  A boot to her jaw sent Martin backwards. She rose to her feet, dazed.

  Panting from exertion and pain, she looked toward Sierra as her opponent pulled a knife from her vest.

  At that moment, Martin realized four of Sierra’s troops had entered the room and were watching.

  She wasn’t getting away.

  Martin thought back to the last time she had fought someone better than her. The Phelian

  on that muddy, cold planet so long ago. The Phel warrior was confident too.—and aggressive. Martin raised her uninjured arm toward her opponent. “Come on,” she said, motioning Sierra onward.

  Sierra rushed forward.

  Martin blocked the blade in Sierra’s right hand but her body curled in agony as Sierra’s left hand landed on her injured side. Before Martin could react, Sierra cupped the back of her head and pulled down hard as she brought her knee up, crashing into Martin’s face.

  Martin staggered backwards and fell to one knee, her vision blurred. She looked up, tasting blood from her broken nose as it poured down her face. “Come on!” she yelled, spitting blood.

  “You’re tough enough,” replied Sierra. “Too bad you weren’t good enough.”

  Sierra picked up one of her swords and walked up to Martin. “I need you alive…but I guess you still won’t give up as long as you are conscious, so I’m gonna have to—”

  Martin leapt upward, in one motion driving the knife she had hidden in her right hand into the inside of Sierra’s right thigh and snatching the sword from her hand. Martin torqued her body and snapped her waist, letting out a scream of pain and anger as she slashed downward across Sierra’s body.

  Sierra turned away but the blade still found flesh, slicing open her right arm to the bone.

  The sound of movement drew Martin’s attention.

  Sierra’s troops had their rifles leveled on her.

  “No!” shouted Sierra as she rose to her feet. “She will be taken alive…and by me!”

  Sierra looked down at the knife still protruding from her thigh then up at Martin. “I really wish I could just rip you apart.”

  “You’re gonna have to if you want to take me,” grunted Martin.

  “You’re right,” replied Sierra, as she drew her pistol and fired a round into Martin’s right leg.

  Martin fell to the ground, dropping the sword.

  Letting out a heavy breath and a grunt, she grabbed the sword and rose up to her knees.

  “You’re a fucking warhorse,” said Sierra. “I’ll give you that.”

  Another round tore into Martin’s shoulder, toppling her.

  As she looked up toward the overhead, Martin saw Sierra come into view standing over her.

  Sierra knelt over Martin, pulling the sword from her hand. Martin saw blood soaking Sierra’s arm.

  “It’s been fun,” said Sierra as she grabbed Martin’s jaw and squeezed slightly. “But not as much fun as you’re going to have with the ProConsul.”

  “Just one request,” coughed Martin through her blood filled mouth.

  Sierra leaned in close. “What is it?”

  “Kill that Ter bitch.”

  Sierra smiled and rose to her feet. “Don’t worry,” she replied. “I’m going to kill them all,” she added before turning to her men. “Bag her up.”


  Stone paced back and forth as he waited for Mori and Martin.

  “Martin, come in,” spoke Shara into his comms circuit.

  No reply.

  “The colonel was right behind us, added Sergeant Meadow.”

  “Then where are they?” Stone felt tense; something was wrong.

  ‘Alpha Delta, this is Alpha Bravo,’ all dropships away except command unit. ‘Charlie Uniform, mark status?’

  Stone grumbled as he activated his comms circuit. “Five mikes.”

  ‘Marshal,’ replied Yellow Star’s commanding officer breaking comms doctrine, ‘This is Eagleheart. I can give you two.’

  Stone let out a frustrated grunt. “Where the fuck are—” Stone paused as Shara and the others raised their rifles toward the sound of footsteps rushing down the passageway.

  Stone held his breath as the footsteps grew louder.

  Brilliant green eyes met his.

  “Sister!” shouted Katalya as she rushed to embrace Mori.

  Mori looked over her sister’s shoulder at Stone but turned away.

  “Did you see Martin?” he asked.

  Mori stepped away from her sister but didn’t’ reply.

  ‘Marshal,’ cracked Eagleheart’s voice over the circuit. ‘You have to leave now.’

  “I just need—”

  “She’s gone,” interrupted Mori.

  Stone’s heart stopped.


  “I had to come back through the upper level. That’s where I saw her.”

  “No,” he replied.

  “I saw her.”

  Stone gripped his rifle tightly “Where was she?”

  “There’s Elite Guard and those fucking Dog Soldiers everywhere,” said Mori. “I barely made it back.”

  “We can’t leave her. I can’t—”

  Mori placed her hand firmly against Stone’s cheek. “She’d dead. There’s nothing to go back for.”

  Stone brushed Mori’s hand away. “I left her for dead once. I won’t do it again.”

  He stepped toward the passageway but felt resistance as Mori grabbed his sleeve.

  “You can’t go back, Magakisca,” she said softly.

  ‘Charlie Uniform, this is Dropship 1A Pilot. I’ve been ordered to leave.’

  Stone looked toward Mori, then Shara. “Leave.”

  “We’re not leaving you, sir,” replied Shara.

  “And I’m not lea
ving her.”

  Mori shoved Stone. “She’s fucking dead! That doesn’t mean we all have to die.”

  Stone turned again toward the passageway but was blocked by Sergeant Meadow.

  “Move sergeant,” warned Stone.

  Meadow glanced toward Mori, then back to Stone. “Uncle, I—”

  Stone stepped into Meadow, locking his leg behind the Akota’s and driving him to the ground.

  Stone’s gaze snapped back toward Mori. “I’m not—” A sharp pain in his shoulder caused Stone to turn around.

  “Sorry, sir,” replied Shara, holding three neuro empty neuro-injectors. “I want to go after her too but you’re too important.”

  “No. Don’t…” Stone’s vision blurred and he collapsed into Shara’s arms. “No. No,” he stammered as he fought the effects of the drugs. “I…I won’t…not again…” His head grew heavier and his consciousness faded.


  “Let’s get him on the ship and out of here,” ordered Mori.

  As the others began to climb up the access ladder, Mori turned toward Shara, who was carrying Stone. “Thank you, sergeant.”

  “Don’t fucking thank me,” grumbled Shara. “We can’t go back for her, no matter how much any of us want to. We would all end up dead.” Shara paused. “But you don’t have to look so fucking happy about it.”


  Martin let out a moan as two Dog Soldiers slammed her onto the medical table onboard the Humani frigate. She closed her eyes as spasms of pain rolled over her body.

  After a heavy breath, she opened her eyes to see Sierra standing over her.

  Sierra’s wounded arm was wrapped in a compression bandage, her sleeve soaked in blood.

  “Just stopped the bleeding,” ordered Sierra. “Let her bathe in the pain.”

  A scream escaped Martin’s lungs as Sierra plunged her finger into the mangled flesh of her left thigh. “Fucking bitch,” she cursed.

  “Looks like one of mine got a taste,” said Sierra as she held her blood soaked finger to her face. After examining it, Sierra slid her finger into her mouth, sucking it clean of Martin’s blood. Licking a smudge of blood from her lips, she looked down at Martin. “Tastes like defeat.”

  “You’d better hope Astra Varus kills me, bitch,” grunted Martin. “If she doesn’t I’m gonna hunt you down and gut you.”


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