So Sensitive

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So Sensitive Page 22

by Anne Rainey

  After paying for the cheese, Gracie fol owed Wade back out to the truck, Jonas trailing close behind. Wade lifted her in the air and placed her on the bucket seat, then waited quietly while she scooted to the middle, making room for him to slip in behind the wheel. Wedged between the two men once more, Gracie mul ed over June’s words. Wade put the truck in gear and drove out of the parking lot. She couldn’t help but notice the way his sexy thighs flexed beneath the tight jeans he’d pul ed on that morning as he worked the clutch and gas, his powerful hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. She peeked out of the corner of her eye and realized Jonas was every bit as pensive, every bit as on edge.

  Both men’s demeanors had changed as soon as they’d left the store. In that moment, Gracie could so easily see why they’d decided to become soldiers.

  “So, what did you think?” Gracie asked, desperate to break the tension-fil ed silence.

  Wade gripped the wheel harder. Gracie was very much afraid he’d rip the thing right off the dash if he weren’t careful. “I think I’m going to see what I can find out about Lusk,” he snarled. “I want to look into Matt, too, but I don’t think he’s our guy.”

  Jonas slung an arm over the back of the seat and looked over at Wade. “And we should fil Detective Henderson in, too. Maybe he can do some digging.”

  Wade didn’t reply. Instead he asked, “Are you busy tomorrow, Jonas?”

  Jonas grinned, but it wasn’t a pleasant look in the least. “Free as a bird. What do you need?”

  “After I get Gracie to work, you and I are going to see what else we can find out about George.”

  Jonas winked at her. “You got it, man.”

  Gracie didn’t like the sound of that. What exactly did Wade have planned? “Find out more? What are you planning, Wade?”

  Wade sent her a hard look before turning back to watch the road. Gracie shivered. There hadn’t been any warmth in his eyes. He was cold, lethal, and appeared ready for battle. The transformation startled her.

  “There’s nothing to worry about, baby. Jonas is going to work his magic on the computer. We’re going to see what we can dig up about both guys. I’m going to do a little surveil ance. If George is our guy, we’re going to need to find some proof. Something to connect him to you.”

  Gracie let his words sink in before replying. “I don’t see what you could possibly learn that might prove he’s the guy behind the hit-and-run and the break-in. He’s been pretty clever.”

  “He’s obsessed with you, Gracie,” Wade gritted out. “At the very least he’l have pictures of you. And that hit-and-run was bound to fuck up his car.” He shrugged. “I need something so Henderson can pul the bastard in and ask him some questions.”

  She could see the logic in al that, but it stil bothered her. Wade could be putting himself in danger, and she wouldn’t al ow that. “Why you?

  Shouldn’t we tel the detective about al this and let him do the investigating?”

  Wade reached over and caressed her thigh. Warmth seeped through her jeans, and she relaxed a measure. “Yes, and we wil . First, I want to see what I can learn about this guy. I want something solid.” As he pul ed onto his street, he said, “We don’t want this prick fal ing through the cracks. I want to gather as much evidence as I can.”

  “And if that doesn’t work, we’l just dig a big hole and bury the motherfucker,” Jonas said, his voice a little too serious for her peace of mind.

  Gracie wrapped her arms around her chest. “You’re both so bloodthirsty. It’s freaking me out.”

  “This isn’t about blood,” Wade said, his voice low and al the more powerful for it. “This is about protecting what’s mine.”

  Hearing Wade proclaim that she belonged to him sent a thril through her. Knowing he could get hurt terrified her. If anything happened to him, it’d be like losing the ability to breathe. “I don’t want anyone hurt because of me, Wade. Please, just cal Detective Henderson. Tel him what we learned. Let him do his thing.”

  Wade pul ed up to his home and shut off the engine. He turned in the seat, and their gazes clashed. “You need to have a little faith, Gracie,”

  he whispered. “This is what I do. I’m not going out there half-cocked. Surveil ance. That’s al it is.”

  “Yeah, he’s the levelheaded one,” Jonas said. “I’m the loose cannon in this outfit. Why do you think he wants me steering a wide path around his baby sister?”

  Wade cursed and glared over her head at Jonas. Gracie laughed, letting go of some of the fear that had her stomach in knots. “You’re going to get your comeuppance some day, Jonas.”

  Jonas chuckled. “Hey, if she’s a tal , sexy brunette who goes by the name of Deanna, then I’m al for getting my comeuppance.”

  Wade reached around her and smacked Jonas on the back of the head. “Quit thinking about her, dickhead.”

  “Not a chance, buddy.” Jonas quickly exited the truck and started up the walk, leaving Gracie alone with Wade.

  She turned toward him, scared al over again. “I don’t want you going after George. Please, Wade. We have no idea what he’s capable of.”

  Wade took her face between his palms. “This is what I do, Gracie. Don’t ask me to stop being a private investigator. I can’t do it. Not even for you.”

  She shook her head. “Of course not, Wade. I would never ask that of you. But I’m scared.”

  “I know, sweetheart, but there’s no need. I’l be okay. It’s time to finish this. I want you safe. I want it done.”

  “I want it done, too. And I want you safe. Just remember that when you’re out there tomorrow.”

  “I wil .” He caressed her lower lip with the pad of his thumb. “Besides, knowing you’re waiting for me is enough incentive for any man to use caution.”

  She pushed at his chest, but he didn’t budge. “If you get hurt, I’m making you sleep alone.”

  “Mmm, that’s my Fiery Angel,” he murmured as he brushed his lips over hers. As always, Gracie melted.


  “I don’t like leaving you here unprotected. You have the mace I gave you?” Wade stared at the tal structure with resignation. Two of them. He had things to take care of, and Gracie had a job to get back to. Stil , a sense of foreboding rode him, and he didn’t like it one damn bit.

  “Yes, I have the mace. And your number is on my speed dial. I’l be in an office building ful of people, Wade. Nothing is going to happen to me.”

  He took in the sight of her. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she wore a tight, black skirt and white silk blouse. They’d gone shopping after dinner the night before, and she’d purchased several new things. Like the pretty bra and underwear set. The color matched her eyes. However, she’d refused to wear it with the white blouse, claiming it would show through. Wade had managed to wiggle a promise out of her that she’d wear the pretty satin bits for him tonight.

  Christ, she looked good enough to eat. As his gaze lingered on her breasts, he smiled. “The chain I ordered for your piercings is supposed to be delivered today.”

  She blushed and smoothed a hand over her skirt. “I know.”

  He cupped her chin and lifted her gaze back to his. “You’l wear it for me, won’t you, baby?”


  Her breathless voice turned his dick to granite. Damn, how he wished they were back in bed. He’d woken her early this morning, needing to feel the heat of her surrounding his cock, holding him tight. He’d needed the connection, he realized now. He loved Gracie, and he was scared as hel that she might never feel the same for him.

  It was Wednesday, and this was their first time apart since the shit had hit the fan. Wade was loath to let her out of his sight. Being honest with himself, Wade admitted that it only partly had to do with protection and had more to do with Gracie’s having time alone. Time alone to think about things. To think about him. Would she stil want him around after eight hours apart?

  “I’l be here to pick you up at five and take you to Cherry�
��s. Don’t wait outside; I’l come in and get you.”

  Gracie rol ed her eyes. “We went over al this already, Wade. I’m not stupid, and I don’t plan to take unnecessary risks.”

  He raked a hand down his face and sighed. “I know you’re not. I’m going to worry until we get this bastard, though. I can’t help that, Gracie.”

  “And I’m going to worry about you, so you’d better check in often.”

  He smiled at the demand. Knowing she cared went a long way toward al aying his fears. “I’m just on a fact-finding mission today. Nothing more.”

  As he watched, Gracie took his hand in hers and brought it to her mouth. She placed a gentle kiss to his knuckles before whispering, “Do you have plans for lunch?”

  “No,” he said, his voice hoarse with need.

  “Pick me up at noon, and we’l grab a burger together. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Wade let his gaze travel to her chest. “Maybe we can slip in a quick make-out session afterward.”

  The color in her cheeks darkened. “Maybe.”

  Wade’s control snapped. Leaning down he took her lips, hard, demanding. Claiming her. He knew his attitude was primitive, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Gracie pressed her soft curves against him, fanning the flames. Her lips parted on a sigh. Wade took it as an invitation and sank his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. Their tongues mated. He gripped her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled on her, letting his hunger for her show. Gracie moaned his name. So accepting. So sweet and tempting. The arousal behind the single word yanked Wade back from the edge.

  He cupped the back of her head, both of them gasping for breath. “I need to get you out of this truck,” he growled, “before I forget where we’re at and take you against this seat.”

  Gracie’s emerald gaze snared him. “Tonight you can finish what you started.”

  “With pleasure, angel.”

  Wade opened the door and stepped out, then lifted Gracie to the ground. He waited for her to push her purse up her shoulder, before kissing the tip of her nose. The fact that she was already looking forward to the night to come tamped down some of Wade’s fear. “See you at noon.”

  She nodded and headed toward the entrance. He waited until she was safely inside the building before he got back behind the wheel and slammed the door shut. He took out his cel phone and dialed Jonas.

  “This better be good, Wade.”

  Jonas’s voice was gruff. As if stil asleep? Wade checked his watch. It was ten after eight, but Jonas had always hated mornings. “Where are you?”

  “In bed,” he snarled. “Like most normal people.”

  “Get to the office.”

  “Time to do some digging?” he asked, his voice more alert now.

  “Yeah,” Wade said, as he slid the key into the ignition. The truck roared to life. “I want this shit over with, damn it.”

  “Me too. It about kil ed me seeing Gracie so worried yesterday at the market. This asshole needs to be behind bars.”

  “You’l get no arguments from me. Just remember one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “George Lusk might be a dead end.”

  Jonas snorted. “My gut says he’s our man.” There was a pause, then Jonas added, “By the way, I did a little checking into that other employee. Matt Goodger is twenty-three years old and lives about half an hour from the market. I think we can official y rule him out.”

  Wade wasn’t surprised by the news. “What’d you learn?” “Wel , for one—and this is a biggie—the dude’s not into women. In fact, he’s been with his partner, a guy by the name of Rob El iot, for the last five years. They’re both art students. And from what I could dig up, they pretty much live and breathe the stuff.”

  Wade frowned. “When did you have time to find al this out?”

  “I couldn’t sleep last night. Figured I might as wel do something productive.”

  “Thanks, man,” Wade said. He was damn lucky to have a friend like Jonas.

  “No problem.”

  “See you in a few.” Wade flipped the phone shut and put the truck into gear. He hadn’t said it aloud, but Wade had been feeling the same way about Lusk. Since the moment they’d realized the significance of the dates on the e-mails, Wade had felt like they were closing in on Gracie’s stalker. Unfortunately, stalkers were sneaky little bastards, and they tended to be difficult to keep behind bars. They were careful.

  Finding enough evidence wasn’t always easy. Wade was determined that one way or another, Gracie would be safe. Soon.

  Jonas had spoken the truth the day before. If George Lusk turned out to be their man, but there wasn’t enough evidence to bring charges against him, then they’d just bury the fucker. One of the first things they’d learned from their black ops days: there are plenty of ways to make a man disappear without a trace.

  “Damn, I love my job.”

  Wade rol ed his eyes. “You get way too much joy out of hacking into state computers.”

  “We al have to find our jol ies somewhere.”

  Standing behind Jonas’s chair at the computer, Wade said, “This is why I don’t want you around Deanna. You’re a hairsbreadth away from turning into a sicko.”

  “I take pleasure in my work. What’s wrong with that?”

  Wade smacked him on the back of the head. “Quit messing around and get me the address and license plate number.”

  Jonas jotted something down on a sticky note and held it in the air. “You’re no fun at al .”

  Wade snatched it out of his hand and read the address. “This is close to that market.”

  “Just a few streets away.” Jonas hit a few keys, and the computer screen went black. Standing, he reached for the digital camera on a shelf over the desk. “So, are we going spying?”

  Wade looked at his friend. They’d been together for years, and they’d always had each other’s back. Knowing it was personal for Wade this time around had him admitting, “I’m emotional about this one, Phoenix.”

  “So, I should make sure you don’t shoot the asshole before the police have a crack at him?”

  Wade chuckled. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Jonas let out a long-suffering sigh. “It’s always about the details with you.” He slipped the knife out of the sheath on his belt loop and flipped it into the air, catching it easily. “If it were up to me, we’d do our own interrogation.”

  Wade checked the gun he had strapped into his chest harness. “Gracie had it right when she said you were bloodthirsty.”

  “Hey, she included you on that one.”

  Wade took in Jonas’s appearance. He wore a black T-shirt, old worn jeans, and army boots. Wade had pul ed on a long-sleeved black shirt, jeans, and black work boots. “Christ, check us out, would ya?”

  Jonas gave him the once-over and frowned. “What?”

  “We look like we’re going out on mission rather than doing a little surveil ance work.”

  Jonas tucked the knife back into its sheath and checked the camera’s memory. “Just because we like to be prepared, doesn’t make us bloodthirsty.”

  “No, but it does make us a little different from most folks.”

  Jonas cocked his head to the side and stared at him. “You thinking of taking on safe, easy cases now that you’re with Gracie?”

  The very thought made Wade cringe. “Hel , no. I’m just saying that Gracie has a point. I mean, what woman wouldn’t be a little reluctant to hook up with me? I’m damned possessive. Protective to the point that it’s annoying. And I’m this close to solving Gracie’s stalker problem with a bul et. That’s not normal, not in anyone’s book.”

  Jonas grinned. “And yet she hasn’t told you to go to hel yet.”

  Wade turned and headed toward the door. “ ‘Yet’ being the operative word there,” he muttered.

  He hadn’t intended for Jonas to hear, but apparently he had because he was pul ing him to a stop with a hand on his shoulder. Wade glare
d back at him until he dropped his hand. “Listen, Wade. Gracie seems pretty taken with you. And she doesn’t strike me as the wilting flower type either. She’s put up with a lot over the past few days, and she stil holds her head up high. She’s a tough cookie.”

  Wade thought about Gracie’s dad, the shitty way she’d grown up. Never knowing a mother’s love. Having to take care of a father who didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as her. She was tough, but she was also easily bruised. “She’s beautiful, passionate, and so damn smart it makes my head spin. She’s my Fiery Angel.”

  Jonas narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re in love with her.”

  Shit, had he said al that aloud? Then again, now that it was out in the open, it felt good. “Yeah,” Wade confessed, “I’m in love with her.”

  “Does she know?”

  Wade shook his head. “I didn’t want to spook her. Hel , we haven’t even gotten a chance to go on a real date, Jonas. Everything has been happening so damn fast.”

  Jonas slapped him on the back. “Then I say we get this fucker, so you can take that pretty little thing on a date. The sooner you tel her how you feel, the sooner I can start thinking of my own love life.”

  Wade opened the door and stepped outside. “If you start on your Deanna campaign again, I’l hit you.”

  Jonas threw his hands up in the air and slid past him. “I’m not. It’s just . . . She’s different. I like Deanna. She pretty much hates my guts, though, so there’s real y nothing to talk about.”

  Jonas seemed so sincere, and that surprised Wade more than anything. He’d never seen his friend get serious over a woman before. “She doesn’t hate you,” Wade said, knowing he shouldn’t encourage Jonas, but unable to let the man believe something that simply wasn’t true.

  Wade set the security alarm, then locked the door, and headed for his truck.

  Once on their way, Jonas turned and asked, “How do you know she doesn’t hate me? Has she said something?”

  Wade was waiting for the question to pop up. “No, not in so many words.” He pressed on the gas, anxious to get to Lusk. “Deanna likes to get under your skin. She only does that if she’s attracted to a guy.”


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