Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults

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Wickedly Twisted: Fairy Tales for Adults Page 11

by Davis, Lia;

  “Don’t even blame this on him. If you hadn’t put that stupid curse into effect in the first place, it wouldn’t have happened. Now you have to figure out a way to fix this. Bring him back.”

  James was vaguely aware of the words the two fairies were saying, all his thoughts were focused on his missing heart. Nothing mattered but that he was gone. He hadn’t even had a chance to say goodbye, or even to tell him how much he loved him.

  James stumbled to his feet and jumped into the water, swam quickly to the land and pulled himself out of the water. He stalked toward the quickly backing away fairy. “You will bring him back or send me to him. I can’t live without him. You’ve taken my heart and soul, and I need them back,” James demanded.

  Tink flew backwards in her fear and before anyone could do anything, the croc leapt out of the water and swallowed the little fairy. Everyone cheered as the crocodile smiled.

  “At least she’s out of way for a while. Little bitch had better have learned her place by the time she regenerates,” Smitty called out with satisfaction ringing in his words.

  “How do we fix this?” James pleaded with the old fairy. “You have to be able to undo this, to bring him back. Please tell me you can.”

  “I don’t know how to, I’m sorry. It’s beyond my abilities.” The fairy turned and started to fly away before stopping and facing James once again. “He came back for love. He didn’t know if you loved him but he came back anyway.”

  “Yes, but Tink said this curse was forever. How do we combat forever?” James whispered brokenly.

  “Peter Pan is banished forever, you’re right. What about Peter Hook? Do you love the man enough to give him your name? To spend the rest of your days tied to him, to save Neverland and all of us?”

  James didn’t even hesitate, “I’d give my life for him, my name is without a doubt his. Whatever is needed, I will give it up for him.”

  “Then let it be so Peter Pan may never live here again, never step foot on this island. Peter Hook is welcome and will always be.”

  “But how does he get here?” James asked incredulously.

  The fairy smiled, “Isn’t it obvious? Second star to the right and straight on till morning.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was the longest night of James’s life as he paced the small confines of his cabin. Sleep was impossible, all he could think about was Peter. Did he know he could come back as his husband? Did he know how much he loved him? The thoughts kept whirling in his head over and over, all the would of, should ofs slowly driving him insane.

  “James, are you okay?” Smitty asked as he and Louka stood in the doorway watching him pace.

  “Aye, just can’t sleep. Time is crawling once again.”

  “The crew is worried, none of them will sleep or leave the ship to go home until they know if he’s back,” Louka said with a tentative smile.

  “They are a loyal crew, that’s for sure. Tell them I bid them to rest, morning will come and bring with it what it may,” James replied tiredly.

  The two men nodded and left James to his pacing.

  “The infamous Captain Hook being nice to his crew, I must have been gone longer than I realized,” a soft voice called out.

  James froze and turned slowly to face the voice he half expected to be a figment of his imagination. “You’re really here?”

  “I am. It took all night, but I’m back and this time for good.” Peter lunged for James and pulled him into a tight hug. “I told you I’d never leave again. By your side is the only place I ever want to be.”

  “How did you know?” James whispered as he pulled Peter in for a deep kiss, not giving him a chance to reply.

  Peter laughed as he came up for air. “A certain fairy told me of my new name. I rushed back as soon as the stars came out.”

  “Then you will do it? You’ve accepted my name?”

  “I don’t think I’ve been properly asked yet,” Peter said with a wink.

  James laughed and dropped to one knee, “Will you marry me and live the rest of our lives here in Neverland?”

  Peter pretended to think about it for a second, “Before I answer, where’s my ring?”

  James stood, pulled peter close and growled, “I’ll give you your ring. You sure enjoyed it the first time around.”

  “Yes, of course I’ll marry you. But I want my fairy tale wedding. A guy has to have standards, you know.”

  “Oh, we’ll have your fairy tale wedding, complete with pirates, Indians, mermaids and kids, and then we will have a wickedly twisted fairy tale wedding night. I’ve yet to show you my chest of toys, after all.”

  About the Author

  Hi, I'm Sheri Lyn. I live in Florida with the love of my life, my dog Koda a Corgi/Dwarf Chow mix. I love living here and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.

  I just started my journey into the indie book world. I have books in several genres in the works. I’m an avid reader who kept dreaming of a story that wanted to be told and that's where my first book was born.

  When I'm not reading or proofing, I'm at the evil day job where my sanity is tested on a daily basis. My sarcastic quips can provide a much-needed break until I can return home to Koda and books, my two joys.

  Please visit my website to keep up with my books and to sign up for my newsletter for excerpts, giveaways and fun.


  Twitter - @sherilynauthor

  To Steal a Prince’s Heart

  Cassidy K. O’Connor


  “Father, why must you go? There are plenty of young men in the village who can serve,” I plead with him as I squeeze his hand with my trembling ones.

  “My dearest Robin, you know Prince John has ordered all able bodied men over the age of sixteen to go. Refusing his command is akin to signing my own death warrant.” His large, warm hand cups my cheek, his thumb rubbing the tears away.

  “And fighting in the Crusades with King Richard isn’t? If all the men leave, who will protect us? Surely Prince John can be persuaded to leave a few of you behind? We can’t lose every man in the village!”

  Mother wraps her arm around my shoulders, trying to comfort me. “We are strong, capable women. I have no doubt we’ll be safe while they are gone.”

  “How can you be so calm about this? It isn’t fair! Just because we are a lower class we should have to sacrifice everyone we love? What about the king’s son, Prince Marion? He is sixteen now, does he have to go and serve as well?”

  “You know good and well the king’s heir can’t be put into harm’s way. It’s my duty to my king and country to go. I promise to be safe and return as fast as possible.” Father pulls his bow and quiver off and hands them to me. “I know I promised to show you how to use these one day but alas, time has run out. Fear not, I was taught by one of the greatest archers in the land, Friar Tuck. I’ve written to him and asked he come here and watch out for you all. He’s agreed to teach you how to use this so you can hunt and protect yourself. He’s a good man who will do right by this village.” His large arms swallow me into a tight hug. I miss him already.

  “You are a beautiful young lady. When I return I’m afraid I won’t recognize the woman you will become. Take care of each other and be safe.”

  He walks out the door and I can’t contain my emotions any longer. Mother holds out her arms as I collapse against her. “It’s all right, my love. Your father is the strongest man I know, he’ll return to us soon.”

  Chapter One

  One Year Later

  “When your father finds out I’m helping you with this crazy scheme, he’ll never forgive me.” Friar Tuck rubs his sweaty brow again.

  “You know as well as I do we can’t keep going like this. Children are starving and Sheriff Nottingham continues to raise our taxes. I don’t know how much longer we can hold out.” My father’s bow firmly gripped in my hand gives me confidence that we will succeed. “You fulfilled your promise to my father, you taught me how to use
this. If you want to stop giving us aide from this point on, we wouldn’t blame you.”

  I look to the other girls around me, everyone nodding in agreement. I feel their strength and resolve and know we are making the right decision.

  “Robin, you know I will help you all till there is no breath left in my body. I joined the clergy because I was tired of being a soldier, always the one causing harm. Prince John has gone too far and I will stand by you all and protect this village till your fathers, brothers, and husbands return.”

  “Then it is settled, tonight we’ll don our disguises and see what treasures we can relieve the gentry of. Everyone knows their part and what to do if you are captured?”

  Scarlet stands as she pulls her hood up to cover her head. “I am Will Scarlet, no one can capture me. My speed and agility will be too great for them,” her gravelly, fake voice sounds perfect. “I’m not so sure about Joan, though; if she doesn’t stop tugging on her bindings everyone will hear us coming.”

  “It’s not my fault your breasts are tiny. You try binding these watermelons and see how comfortable you are. And it’s Little John not Joan, remember?” With another big yank, she let’s out a growl of frustration.

  I can’t help sympathizing with my best friend, we have both always been rather large chested. Normally this is a good thing, not very useful when you are trying to look like a guy though. Unfortunately for her, she looks the most believable in her costume. By the age of fifteen, she reached almost six feet tall and was stronger than most of the men in our village, thus the irony of choosing to call herself Little John.

  My mother hands me something hairy, “Your face is too soft, anyone can tell you are a beautiful girl. I want you to wear this anytime you are in costume.”

  “Ugh, what is it?” I hold the gross object away from me.

  “It’s hair from the goats, I made you a beard and mustache. Don’t look so grossed out, a few of the girls got them from their mothers, too, so you won’t be alone.” I shudder at the idea of sticking this to my face. She grabs my shoulder and squeezes. “Please, Robin, what you are doing is dangerous and could have deadly consequences. Please promise me you will wear this and protect your identity at all times!” Her voice rises an octave higher with each word.

  “I promise. Now let’s go have dinner, Robin and her merry band of men need their strength for the night ahead.”

  Chapter Two

  “Remember ladies, er, gentlemen, as soon as the job is done, you scatter to the rendezvous point then we’ll head home together as heroes. Any last words, fearless leader?” Will Scarlet looks to me as she jumps down from the rock she was standing on to address the group.

  I jump up and look out to a sea of scared but determined faces. “If anything should happen to any of us, know that I am proud of what we have accomplished so far. We were a scared bunch of girls on the brink of starvation. We learned to hunt, to fight and starting now we will not be slaves to anyone else’s generosity. Tonight we take back our rights as humans.” Tears burn my eyes, we are risking everything but it’s worth it to feed our village. I have helped comfort the last starving child in our village; held the last child while they begged for food.

  One of the younger boys whistles, gaining our attention. “That’s our cue, riders are coming.” I jump down from the rock I was standing on and silently pat myself on the back for having the idea to let them be scouts. “This is it, gentlemen, tonight we feast.” My palms sweaty, I rub them vigorously against my trousers. I didn’t expect to be so nervous.

  The ground beneath our feet starts to rumble long before we see the horses and carriage coming down the lane. As the conveyance approaches the large tree we placed across the path, I bite my lip and hold my breath in anticipation and nervousness. The servants climb down to clear the path. I feel a little bad scaring them, they are slaves of the classes just as we are. The first arrow slices through the air, landing with a thud in the tree trunk. In rapid succession, more arrows pierce the tree and the carriage.

  “My Lord, we’re under attack. Stay in your carriage.” The coachman stands by the carriage door, trying to block it.

  I give him credit, the well dressed fop climbs down, demanding to see who has the nerve to rob him. His face pales instantly as we surround them, holding arrows at the ready.

  “Good evening, My Lord. You look like you have money to spare, how about sharing with the rest of us?” Will Scarlett has just enough cockiness in her voice to cause a few of the men to snicker.

  “Ruffians, the lot of you! I’ll have your heads for this. Leave now and I promise not to take out your families, too.” His face is almost as purple as the expensive hat and matching jacket he is wearing. It’s a little flamboyant to me but the aristocracy have enough money and power to not care what anyone thinks.

  Little John’s arrow shakes as she moves toward the pompous ass and presses the tip against his throat. “You dare to threaten us? Give us everything you have and we’ll spare your life.” Goosebumps run down my arms, fear for Joan has me questioning if I need to step in and calm her.

  His face pales, he obviously believes her as he reaches into his coat and pulls out his purse. The coins jingling is music to our ears. Some of the men lead the Lord and servants to the carriage and tie them to the wheel.

  As planned, we scatter and head for the meet up. I can’t wipe the smile from my face. The anticipation of seeing our mothers’ faces when we show them our earnings makes it clear to me we are doing the right thing.

  Chapter Three

  It’s been six months and we have honed our raiding skills. We move to different areas and attack at different times of day. We’ve gotten the attention of Sheriff Nottingham, which is never a good thing. On the other hand, our families are thriving and no one has gone to sleep with hunger pains in weeks.

  I slide the last arrow into my quiver as Will Scarlet runs up excitedly. “Robin, have you heard about Prince John’s archery contest? The purse is huge! You have to enter, we could eat for months.”

  “That’s a lovely idea but there is no way we can enter. It’s one thing to have a couple of people see us, but hundreds? They will surely see through our costumes, it's just not worth the risk.” Part of me wants to enter just to prove how many men I can beat. The more mature side of myself is scared to be up close and personal with the sheriff and prince while we are wanted people.

  “If we win, we can take a break from raiding for a while and let the dust settle with the sheriff.”

  I glance over to Friar Tuck, “Do you think I could win? I am not taking a chance unless you think I can do it.”

  “I think your skills are second only to me. I have heard Prince Marion is quite good but I doubt he can best you.” I could feel the weight of his heavy sigh. “I think you have to do this, raiding is getting dangerous with the sheriff on your trail and I’m not sure how we’ll make the next tax payment if you slow down. I’m sad to say in my old age I can’t go in your place, and I wish more than anything that I could. You can win this and if you do it, I know God will be on your side.”

  “I guess it’s settled then, I’m going to enter the contest. Scarlet, can you send your brother into town and have him add my name to the list? I’d rather not risk any more exposure than necessary.” Excitement courses through my body. As long as I don’t let anyone get too close, I should be able to pull it off.

  “Of course, Robin, I’ll send him right away.” She turns to go then looks back, “This is going to be epic, you are going to be a hero.”

  “No pressure, right?” She shrugs and gives me an angelic look. “Can you also let the others know it’s time to go? I want to go out even further so we’ll need to ride a good portion of the day.”

  She nods before taking off at a jog. Since she started wearing pants, I don’t think she walks anywhere. She is going to hate giving up that freedom when her husband returns home.

  “How about it, Friar, one more prayer before we leave?”

Chapter Four

  The day of the contest finally arrives, nerves like I’ve never felt tingle through my body. This is by far the boldest move I’ve made so far. After signing in, I get directed to a tent to wait. Will Scarlet signed up as well, I’m relieved to have her by my side as we enter the den of wolves. Heads turn, the other archers taking our measure. I’ve learned confidence is key in selling the costume. For good measure, I spit on the floor before nodding at the largest man in the room. He nods in return, and out of the corner of my eye I see Will’s shoulders droop slightly in relief.

  “Would you gentlemen like a pint before we start?” The servant in livery of the king’s home holds out mugs to us.

  “No, thank you, we need to stay sharp if we want to win this.” Some of the grizzlier looking guys laugh at us. I know they think we’re weak, I look forward to seeing their faces when we knock them out of the contest.

  Everyone’s attention is drawn to the flap at the rear of the tent. Moans and curses are heard throughout. A beautiful boy with raven hair and jade green eyes enters and sits in the nearest chair. More liveried servants enter and stand around him. My gut twists, this must be Prince Marion. Few people outside of the castle have seen him. Since the king left, his brother, Prince John, has been keeping him sequestered. He said it’s for his safety, I think it’s so he can terrorize the kingdom without his interference.

  “I didn’t see his name on the list. This may not be as easy as we thought it was going to be.” Out of habit, Will’s hand goes to her mouth to nibble her nail.


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