Home > Other > MMF BISEXUAL ROMANCE: Phoenix Running > Page 14
MMF BISEXUAL ROMANCE: Phoenix Running Page 14

by Nicole Stewart

  “You will,” Josey murmured confidently. She pulled away with a gasp. “Feel this!” She grabbed Cee-Cee’s hand and laid it over her round belly. Cee-Cee looked at her with wide, surprised eyes.

  “She’s a strong kicker!”

  “Ooh! And, she’s so active. I can’t believe this pregnancy is almost over with. Cee-Cee, I don’t know how I’m going to manage with both of them.” She turned her tired eyes to Baby Joe. In the past Cee-Cee might’ve reminded her that that’s what came along with having two babies so close together and she should’ve used protection, but she didn’t say that this time.

  She pulled Josey’s ponytail and grinned confidently. “I know you can do it. You won’t be alone this time. Brett will be with you in a few months, so stay strong, little mama.”

  Josey giggled, looking relieved. “Thanks. I needed that.”

  At that moment, Gina and a few of Cee-Cee’s coworkers from PR-ISM ambled into the parking lot. Loud laughter accompanied them, and Cee-Cee curiously glanced around the minivan blocking her and Josey from their view. So did Josey.

  “Of course she’s sleeping with him! Bryan, poor idiot, doesn’t even realize he’s pimping out his niece,” Gina said.

  “God, I hope she doesn’t Monica Lewinski him and make our job harder. Fucking interns…”

  Josey and Cee-Cee snagged eyes. The gossipers kept walking, never even noticing the girls standing by Josey’s car. Cee-Cee looked down, trembling with rage. “Say something!” Josey urged.

  Cee-Cee adamantly shook her head. “I’m not going to give them the satisfaction of getting a rise out of me.” Her cellphone buzzed, and she ignored it. She told Josey to pop the trunk so she could toss in Baby Joe’s bags, and then she stalked angrily around to the driver’s side of the car, when she heard someone call her name. Cee-Cee spun around, expecting one of her rat coworkers. “What?” she growled.

  Ashley ran up to her, waving his phone. “I was calling you. I wanted to see you before you left. You can’t go without saying goodbye to me.”

  “I didn’t know you were still here.” As the singer approached, Cee-Cee noticed Gina and crew pause in the parking lot. They acted like they were talking to one another, but she knew they were watching her. She put an extra sass to her sashay as she moved over to him. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. Ashley thoughtlessly put his arms around her waist and stared down into her eyes. His forehead bumped hers, making her smile. “Stop it. People are watching.”

  “When have I ever cared about people watching? I’ve missed you. I couldn’t tell you in front of your family, but it feels like I haven’t seen you guys in forever.” He kissed her lips softly. It was a friendly kiss, she told herself. Cee-Cee had made up her mind not to get intimate with either of the boys again. She couldn’t if she wanted to do her job with integrity. She pushed her hand against his chest and forced Ashley to give her some space.

  “I missed you, too, but my coworkers are already gossiping, saying I’m sleeping with Phoenix. I don’t need the headache.” He nodded understanding.

  “Well, that sucks. Hey, one of the venues cancelled on me for Thursday night next week. Think maybe we can get together? I ran it by Phoenix by text. I’m waiting for him to get back to me.”

  “I really don’t think we should, Ashley. I feel like I gave you guys the wrong impression,” Cee-Cee groaned. “It’s not good for the three of us to be sleeping together. We’re friends. It’ll ruin our friendship.”

  Ashley chuckled. “No, it won’t. Being arses to one another will ruin our friendship, but that fucking wonderful sex thing? Whew! I think it’s the reason I’m falling in love with you.”

  She jabbed him playfully. “Don’t say that!” She pointed a finger threateningly. He grabbed her hand and kissed the tip.

  “You better consider my offer because, honey, I don’t get many off days. I want to spend time with you. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stay nearby. We’ve got other shows to the west, and the commute is getting farther and farther out.”

  “Fine,” Cee-Cee capitulated. She wanted to spend time with them, too. It was nice being able to chat, text or talk on the phone but nothing like being able to lounge around together. She was kidding herself. It would turn into a sex session. Hell, she needed a good lay. After what they had done the other weekend, her body was yearning for more of the raunchy, x-rated stuff of her wet dreams. At the thought, she blushed beet red.

  Ashley read her mind and pulled her into a closer, more intimate kiss that she didn’t resist. His tongue flowed into her mouth and stirred free a moan that she felt all the way to the soles of her feet. Her hands slipped up to the back of his neck to pull him closer. He breathed her name against her lips. She groaned.

  “Mmm, I’m going to have to put up better walls,” she said, breaking free.

  “See you Thursday, love.”

  “Thursday it is.”

  She watched him lope away. When she turned back, Josey was staring at her with a mischievous grin, but Gina and the other PR-ISM staff had continued on their way. Days later, however, word around the watercooler was that Cee-Cee was seeing the rock star, and the rumors about her messing with Phoenix had completely fizzled.

  * * *

  Cee-Cee knocked on Uncle Bryan’s office door. It was open, but she didn’t want to walk in unannounced. “You wanted to see me?”

  He looked up from his computer with his coffee mug halfway to his lips. Bryan’s eyes widened and his smile broadened when he saw her. “Come in, come in! I’m glad you got my email to meet up with you this morning. I was afraid you wouldn’t see it, busy as you are. Have you seen these numbers?”

  Bryan gestured to his computer, and she moved around to his side of the desk to take a peek. He had been keeping up with the number of downloads of the NowIn app for her, which was what filled the screen. Cee-Cee’s jaw dropped when she saw the figures. “Oh, my god,” she whispered. “How did this…”

  “You got Ashley Terrence to use the app. He’s not even our client. How did you manage to do that?”

  “He volunteered. I can’t believe him using it brought in this many downloads! He told me he could do it, but I guess I didn’t fully believe him. Oh, my god!”

  Bryan let out a whoop of excitement. “I told you to shoot for the stars, and you went for the moon, Cora-Lynn. This is fantastic for you! Congratulations, kiddo!”

  “I don’t even know h-how to feel about this. Uncle Bryan, do you think this will give me enough credibility to convince Facebook to buy in? I feel like so much time has passed since the initial email. They may not even be interested anymore.” She wrung her hands, frowning.

  “It’s time to tweak your work and add features that people will have to purchase, which will put money in your pocket and show Facebook this isn’t some free crap they’ll have to stuff with ads to make work for them. Trust me on this, Cee-Cee. Public relations may not be anything like programming and coding, but business is business. It’s time you use that entrepreneurial brain of yours to think big. Why sell if you can make more money keeping it to yourself?”

  Cee-Cee plopped down into the chair in front of his desk. “Because I’m trying to buy a house, Uncle Bryan. Just like I created NowIn, I can create something else for the long tail. Right now, I need a quick short tail to put me where I want to be in life.”

  “I see,” he said thoughtfully. “Whatever you decide, I support you.”

  “Is that all you wanted? Because I’m going to be late for class if I don’t go ahead and shoot out of here.”

  “Not you, late! No!” he teased. Cee-Cee giggled. “Yeah, actually, there is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about before you run. Phoenix Briton.” He swiveled away from his computer to face her.

  Cee-Cee swallowed and fidgeted. “What about him?”

  “Has Gina Lafitte been giving you a hard time about him? I noticed she was shooting you dirty looks at the fundraiser event last weekend, and I see the tension between the two of yo
u whenever you’re in the same room. I know how Gina operates. She’s got her sights set on a promotion, and I’m sure she figures getting in good with Briton will force my hand. Just so you know, your ole Uncle Bryan isn’t so gullible.”

  “I can handle Gina,” Cee-Cee replied. Inwardly, she felt a surge of relief that he hadn’t asked if she was sleeping with the mayor. She wouldn’t have been able to lie.

  “Well, if she gives you any trouble, you come to me. I know it can be tough for you in here, with everybody thinking I show special favoritism towards you. Truth is, I probably do, but that’s based on how well you do the job. Keep up the good work.”

  “I’ll try, Uncle Bryan.”

  She shot out of PR-ISM and sped across town to campus to slide into her first class of the day just as the lecturer was getting started. There was so much to process. Her app’s dramatic uptick in downloads was an encouraging sign. She had to keep the momentum going, and she was sure that as long as Ashley kept using the app, she would keep getting downloads.

  Meanwhile, the situation with Gina was clearly unprofessional; even her notoriously oblivious uncle could see what was happening. As much as she hated confrontation, Cee-Cee would have to find a way to get the woman to stand down. The scene with Ashley in the parking lot at the CTF fundraiser had given the impression Ashley was her love interest, which should hopefully convince Gina that she wasn’t sleeping with Phoenix.

  But the agent’s real motivation for being a bitch-and-a-half was that she wanted a higher ranking in the PR-ISM chain of command, and Cee-Cee couldn’t do anything about that. She clearly wasn’t in the way of Gina getting promoted. Cee-Cee couldn’t puzzle it out. She buckled down and paid attention to her professor.

  With tests looming and projects due, she was getting down to the final months before graduation, and there was so much on her plate that Cee-Cee just hoped she could get through it all intact. To hell with Gina and her bitchery. Life was rough enough without worrying about petty people.

  Chapter 17

  On Thursday night, Phoenix was feeling more at ease about meeting at Ashley’s hotel room, but Ashley wasn’t. “What’s the big deal?” Phoenix asked over the phone.

  “The big deal is my manager has a room right next to mine, and I don’t think you want anyone overhearing us ‘hanging out.’ I think we should meet at your place if it’s more low profile. If it’s not, let’s get a room somewhere else. We do whatever we have to do. I want to spend time with you.”

  Pulling out of her parents’ driveway, Cee-Cee turned the volume higher and the conversation echoed from the speakers of her car. She spoke hands-free. “I’m down to go wherever. Just give me an address so I can put it into my GPS.”

  Phoenix sighed. “Fine. You guys come to my place. It’s out of the way. We should be fine.”

  A half hour later, Cee-Cee and Ashley arrived one right after the other, and Phoenix opened the door with a welcoming smile. He was casually dressed in a shirt that matched his eyes and light-colored pants. “I made h’ors d’oeuvres,” he announced, and Cee-Cee could smell something delicious. She smiled at the idea of the mayor cooking for them. As soon as Ashley entered the house, he pulled Phoenix into a kiss. Cee-Cee dropped her purse and shut the door, locking it.

  She ignored the embracing men and launched into the speech that she had prepared. “I don’t think the three of us should keep this up. It puts me in a tight spot, having to work with Phoenix with half my co-workers thinking I’m sleeping my way to the top.”

  Phoenix broke away from the kiss and stared into Ashley’s eyes, feeling weak and dazed, needy. “I missed you,” Ashley whispered. Phoenix colored, the warm words flowing through him like fire.

  “I missed you, too.” He couldn’t deny the magnetism between them. Standing close only made him want to get closer. Not touching only made him want to be touched. “But you’re not sleeping your way to the top,” he replied to Cee-Cee. He put some distance between them and moved over to the white suede couch.

  She looked like she had lost her train of thought. “What is it about the sight of you two kissing that turns me on?” she muttered to herself, dropping down into his La-Z-boy.

  Phoenix smiled. “What’s not to love about two good-looking men?” Ashley sat on the edge of a barstool by the half-wall that partitioned off the kitchen. He did look exceptionally gorgeous tonight, Phoenix noted. He shook his head to clear his thoughts because Cee-Cee was right. They couldn’t go on like this.

  Ashley had an announcement to make. “The band will be pulling out soon. Once we leave, I don’t know when I’ll get to see you guys again.”

  Cee-Cee looked down at her hands and nodded. “Figured as much.”

  “Then, we all agree?” she continued. “No more sex?”

  “I don’t recall hearing anyone agree to that,” Ashley laughed, throwing Phoenix a mischievous glance.

  “I’m serious, you guys,” Cee-Cee whined unconvincingly.

  Phoenix smiled, the color still high in his cheeks, and said, “Well, if you are serious, then at least let’s go one more round before we call it quits completely.” Cee-Cee wanted to resist, but her usually considerable self-control had been whittled down to pebble size by these two, and the desire to give in to the request made all her reasonable explanations for why they shouldn’t sound hollow.

  * * *

  Ten minutes later, she was stretched out on Phoenix’s king-sized bed, boldly opening her sultry lips. “Give it to me,” she whispered seductively. Ashley leaned over her and eased his rigid cock into her luscious mouth. So much for trying not to sleep together. She hungrily swallowed him down and slowly released him, a moan following the move. Ashley braced his hands on the headboard, humming with pleasure as her silky saliva flowed over his shaft, and she made his cock glisten and stiffen.

  “Motherfucker,” Phoenix swore softly, jealously, watching as Ashley swept her hair back to clear her face. “My turn next…” She moaned greedily, slurping at Ashley’s massive erection, then pulling back to het her tongue dance around the head. The look on his face said it all. His eyes were closed, forehead furrowed. He grunted with the effort to control himself as he stared down at his manhood disappearing into her soft, pink lips.

  “You know what you do to me, Cee-Cee…Ooh, shit!” Ashley growled. He rode her tongue with alluring rolls of his hips that made Phoenix want to throw him on the bed and fuck him. Hard.

  Phoenix wrapped a hand around his own swollen member and stroked himself. “Is it good?” he asked.

  Ashley locked eyes with him before his eyelids fluttered shut with ecstasy. “Fuck, yes!”

  “Fuck me,” Cee-Cee demanded. Arching her back and presenting her sexy body for their delight, Cee-Cee pressed her voluptuous breasts together. Ashley pushed his hard cock into the valley, fucking her jiggling breasts as she emitted little kitten mews and throatier sounds of awe. His rigid tip poked her chin, leaving a glisten of pre-cum that made Phoenix crazy to see. She tilted her face down and gently took Ashley in her mouth for a deep kiss. He growled, grabbing his cock free and beating off against her nipples.

  “Damn, Cee-Cee…” Phoenix moved from the chair to the head of the bed to get closer to the action. It was impossible to remain detached with the erotic scene playing out before him. He stood at the side of the bed next to Cee-Cee with his dick close to her cheek, the heat radiating off it making her squirm. Ashley grabbed it with the hand not on his own dick and stroked them both in unison. Moaning, Phoenix closed his eyes and let his head drop back.

  He couldn’t let them go. He couldn’t stop this. The desire to have Ashley and Cee-Cee in his bed overruled his common sense. He knew they shouldn’t even be in his condo. He had never brought a lover here before, but tell that to his stubborn libido. He needed this.

  He bit his lower lip and winced at the exquisite pleasure when Cee-Cee’s mouth found his tumescent member, offering a tongue-kiss that made his toes curl. “Yes,” he growled. “Ah, yes!” He clutched her
by the hair and worked her face and back and forth as Ashley lowered himself to the inviting V between her legs whose rich aroma promised nirvana.

  “Open up for me,” Ashley whispered against her inner thigh. With a sultry whimper, Cee-Cee’s legs spilled wider. Her clit was engorged, her labia slick with juices, and the opening itself gaped hungrily. Groaning, Phoenix watched Ashley close his mouth over Cee-Cee’s mons, causing her to let out a wanton cry around Phoenix’s cock.

  “Damn, don’t stop. Take it,” Phoenix whispered. “Does it feel good to you? Let him make you feel good. You deserve it. You are so fucking sexy!”

  Ashley growled as he sucked her clit and made her purr, pussy quivering with each swipe of his tongue. He swirled around in circles that made her flutter and tremble. He pressed a thick finger into her entrance and searched for the ridged flesh of her g-spot while he continued to lavish attention on her. All the while, Phoenix caressed her cheek and clasped her chin, drawing her mouth closer. Deeper, he penetrated her orifice, and her throat muscles relaxed to take him in.

  She stared up at him with wide blue eyes swimming with lust. He read longing and surrender. He pulled out and stroked the hard, wet staff over her pert, mauve-pink nipples. He climbed into bed and lay next to her to claim more access to her heavy breasts. “Perfect,” he whispered, sucking and handling each one while Ashley continued to go down on her. Her cries became keening wails for more. Her body writhed and bucked against Ashley’s face as she lost control.

  Phoenix dragged her away from Ashley, pulling her on top of his muscular body to let her ride. She stared down at him and whispered his name breathlessly. Ashley came up behind her, lifted her hair away and sucked her neck. Moaning, she bit her lower lip and threw her head back. Ashley wrapped his fingers around her neck and pressed his throbbing erection against her spine as Phoenix thrust up and into her, and she closed around him like wet silk. Her sheath clearly had its intended effect as he clenched his teeth and steeled his abs to not explode. Her body was so tight, hot and wet that he was scared to let her move. He clutched her hips to still her. “Wait.”


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