The Wolf's Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 2)

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The Wolf's Hunt: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Goddess's Harem Book 2) Page 17

by Lila Jean

Odin sat in the chair, already waiting, while Venus stood on one side of the throne, her delicate and beautiful features twisted into a cruel smirk. On the other side of the throne was another god, his body brimming with familiar red light, and Tina knew this had to be Ares, though he looked even more handsome in person. His hair was swept to one side, perhaps four inches long and styled to look windswept and flawless, the thin beard around his jaw inviting if not for the look of sheer lust on his face.

  All three gods’ eyes burned with white light, which meant she would need to tread carefully, since she was speaking to the gods themselves. Tina wondered if their hosts would ever get to live life with the gods inside of them, but based on what Odin had told her, she supposed not. They were here for a singular purpose, to bring Damara home, and the hosts would die when the deed was done or when Odin declared that they had to go home.

  Resolute, Tina lifted her chin pridefully, determined that she would send the gods packing. Somehow. She balled her hand into a fist. They would fail. No one would decide her fate but her. The kings had tried to control her back when she’d first awoken, and now gods were coming from another world to do it again. She hadn’t allowed it back then, and she wouldn’t allow it now, either.

  “Welcome, young human,” Odin said, his voice booming unnaturally in the massive space. “You arrived in record time. I admit, I am impressed.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a slight bow of her chin. “This is important to me.”

  “Your guests must wait outside.” Odin gestured to the princes behind her with a lazy wave of his muscled arm. Behind her, she could feel the mood shift as each of her men tensed with defiance.

  “Not a chance.” Anthony snarled and stepped possessively in front of Tina, the muscles in his arms flexing as he prepared to throw down.

  “Anthony, stop,” Tina said softly, trying to reassure her wolf. She gently pushed him aside and stepped once more before Odin. “They’re staying, All Father. I see no harm in them being with us.” She caught his eye, issuing a silent challenge with the subtle tilt of her mouth.

  She doubted many refused him anything, and while it was a risk to flat out deny him of something, he had said this was a test to prove her worth, her courage, and her tenacity. Standing up to him was the first step.

  “You would dare defy the All Father?!” Ares shouted, drawing a sword from the dual blades sheathed at his sides.

  “I do,” Tina said, never taking her eye off the king of the gods, who sat quietly in his throne. “Politely, of course.”

  To his credit, Odin chuckled, his shoulders shaking as he gently shook his head. “Congratulations, little one.” His smile broadened. “You passed the first test.”

  Inwardly, Tina sighed with relief, though she did her best to mask it. Instead, she nodded her head once in thanks.

  Behind her, Anthony briefly tapped the small of her back in reassurance before he joined the other four princes. This was her battle of wits, and all they could do was support her through it.

  “Put the blade away, Ares,” Odin said with a roll of his eyes. The god of war obeyed, albeit begrudgingly, and slammed the sword back into its sheath while glaring daggers at Tina. Odin gestured to her. “I assume you realize the trial began the moment you stepped onto my island.”

  “Of course.” She had figured as much, assuming instead that the trial had begun far earlier, back during their initial conversation. “What is it you would like to know?”

  “Your intentions.” Odin relaxed in his golden chair, the high back supporting him as he got comfortable. “More importantly, your connection to Damara herself.”

  “I just want her to be happy,” Tina said softly, a smile on her face as she did her best to make the god understand. “I want Damara to live fully, joyfully, and completely. The life I had before she and I fused, well, to be blunt, it sucked.” Tina laughed, surprised at how at ease she could feel in a room filled with other gods. “Damara has brought such joy to my life, and if it weren’t for her, I never would have met the men of my dreams.”

  Tina looked behind her briefly, smiling at each of her princes, and managed to get a thin smile out of all of them. She returned her attention to Odin. “To answer your question, Odin, I don’t have any intentions beyond living a happy life.” She shrugged. “I don’t want power, but magic seems to attract crazy people. Any power I take on because of my goddess status is purely to protect Damara and the people I love. No more.”

  As she finished, she set her hands on her hips and met Odin’s eye. He didn’t say anything, his jaw tensing as he stared intently at her, and the silence seemed to imply that he wanted her to continue. She didn’t, more so because she figured it was a manipulation tactic. He wanted to intimidate her into talking endlessly, saying something she would regret simply because most people feared silence. Tina, however, didn’t. She had spoken her piece, and he wouldn’t get the better of her.

  “Very eloquent,” he eventually said, slowly nodding. “However, as you said, your magic attracts powerful people, many hellbent on owning Damara for themselves. Not just using her power, but outright owning her.” The All Father frowned. “I have heard many things in my short time here, child, many things which disturb me greatly.”

  He leaned forward, and his tone shifted, lowering to an almost dangerous growl. “The five kingdoms are on the brink of war, my girl. The humans want you dead because they fear the gods’ powers. If you are not cunning, you will become a pawn in a much larger game, one that could upset the balance in this precarious world.” He lifted his chin, staring down at her in challenge. “All that, and we still do not know who forced Damara into this world against her will, nor do we know his intentions.”

  “I know who did.” Tina resisted the impulse to look at Anthony, instead tensing her jaw and meeting Odin’s intense gaze. “We also have several leads on those who are actively trying to frame, kill, or control her.”

  “Do you, now?” Odin lifted one eyebrow quizzically, as if he didn’t believe her.

  “Yes.” Tina figured she might as well show her cards, at least somewhat, to the All Father in an effort to show exactly how much she really did know about the powerful people who were after her and her goddess. “I assure you, we will hold the man who forced Damara to Earth responsible for his actions and punish him accordingly. No one on Earth will get away with harming a god or with thinking they can control one.”

  “Isn’t that what you’re doing?” Odin glanced her up and down.

  “Not at all.” Again, Tina smiled as she connected with her goddess. “Damara and I are friends. Sisters. We will always look out for each other. Time and time again, she’s asked for things and I have delivered as quickly as possible. I want to make her time here beautiful, and I will do so until my dying day.” Tina grinned mischievously, fully channeling the Damara Odin knew and cared for. “Her magic is fun, don’t get me wrong, but as long as I’m connected to my goddess, I’m happy.”

  Behind her, Flynn sucked in a sharp breath, but Tina knew what she was doing. She shot him a quick glare, asking him to be silent, since she knew Damara better than any of her men.

  Again, Odin laughed. “You truly are connected with her, child.” The skin around his eyes crinkled, and Tina smiled in victory at the thought of making the All Father laugh. “I see so much of her in you.” He rubbed his jaw, his voice almost wistful. “I had assumed you would fail today, and yet here you are, proving me wrong.”

  That gave Tina hope. “So, all three of you will leave?” Tina straightened her back, never letting her gaze waver from Odin’s. “You don’t mind if Damara stays?”

  “All Father, you can’t!” Ares growled with frustration. “She has broken so many of our laws, done—”

  “SILENCE!” Odin barked, interrupting Ares’ outburst with a powerful pulse of energy. Tina braced herself against the force, and even then, she was pushed back a good inch from the sheer strength of his voice.

  If that was the result of only h
is voice, Tina couldn’t imagine what fighting Odin would be like. She squared her shoulders, her smile fading into grim determination as she shifted her gaze between Odin and Ares.

  “Now, child,” Odin said, his attention on her once more, his voice calmer now as he settled again into his chair. “I have reports from several priests and priestesses that you are abusing Damara’s magic, that you are stirring unrest within this world for your own benefit.” He looked at her dubiously. “That you are unfit to be Damara’s host.”

  “What?” Tina couldn’t help her reaction. The very idea that a priest or priestess would make such allegations, especially when they didn’t know her, boiled her blood. “Who would say such a thing?” She gritted her teeth, barely containing her fury. “I’ve done nothing of the sort!”

  “So it seems.” Odin, for his part, didn’t seem riled in the least. He stared at her expectantly, and for a moment, Tina wondered if this was just another test, that no one had actually said such things to him. He nodded, almost to himself. “You’re upset with these allegations, not nervous. A good sign.” He scanned her up and down again, those intensely burning eyes seeming to stare into her very soul. “I can see now that those were lies, though I’m uncertain of why priests and priestesses would lie to me.”

  He sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. “I will have to punish them,” he said softly, almost to himself.

  Tina sighed with relief. “Thank you for believing me.”

  Odin waved away her words with a careless flick of his wrist, apparently already familiar and comfortable enough with her to dispense with pleasantries. To her, though, it was legitimate gratitude, and she didn’t want to push her luck with him.

  Tina’s hair rose on the back of her neck, and the urge to look at Venus became overwhelming. She shifted her gaze to find the goddess glaring at her with intense hatred, her fists clenched. Once more, Tina felt the scratching deep in her soul, as if Damara was being dragged out of her, and she merely closed her eyes to fight off the sensation. Though Flynn and Zane weren’t sure if it was possible to pull a goddess out of a host, she wouldn’t indulge Venus or give her the chance to try.

  “Odin, if I may,” Tina nodded toward the goddess standing beside him. “When I met with Venus, she told me she wanted to kill Damara in both this life and—”

  “This is your trial, not mine,” Venus interrupted, her fingers twitching, no doubt eager to grab the blade hidden in her skirts.

  “Sir,” Tina focused her attention on the All Father, eager to get him to understand the depths of Venus’ betrayal. “She wants to—”

  “She’s right,” Odin said, shaking his head. “This is your trial, not hers, and I am undecided,” Odin announced. Tina frowned, distracted by this development and not sure what that meant, but the All Father continued. “To remain, you will need to prove to me you can handle the tumultuous life as a host, that you will be resilient and strong against the powers on this world which will do their best to own you in body, heart, and soul.” Odin stood, his tall and muscled body perfectly framed by the ornate gold chair and blue fabric behind him. “You, child, will face the god’s challenge.”

  “The … what?” Tina blinked in surprise, trying not to show her utter ignorance of this apparently obscure part of god culture.

  “To remain on Earth, you will require cunning, wit, and courage.” Odin gestured toward the door and the tropical sunshine outside. “Therefore, you must prove yourself in the god’s challenge, a fight to the death against one of your fellow gods.”

  Tina could barely suppress the gasp that died in her throat. Eyes wide, she sucked in a breath and stared at the All Father as her men growled behind her.

  “Win,” Odin said, pressing onward, “and we will leave you to this world, never to return.” He lowered his chin, his intense glare driving home his words. “Lose, and you will die. Should anyone else attempt to fight for you, the contract is voided, and anyone protecting you will perish.”

  At that, Tina gritted her teeth in anger. No one threatened her men, not even Odin. She would go to war against the All Father himself if it meant protecting them and the goddess she so dearly loved.

  “You have four days before the challenge begins.” Odin said, taking a seat in his throne once more. “As the defender, you will name the location of the duel.”

  “Epara,” she said instantly. If all temples really did have a connection to their god or goddess, perhaps she could find a way to activate hers and use its magic in the contest. Technically, it was still her magic, and it would count. Probably.

  “So be it.” Odin waved his hand, and the air grew heavy, as if someone were smothering her with a blanket. In a sudden rush, something snapped, and she looked down at her arms to see her veins were glowing. “The deal is made and cannot be broken.”

  Odin set his hands on his throne’s armrests, lounging comfortably in the ornate chair. “You have impressed me, child, and it is for that reason alone that I am allowing this. Take this time and prepare. We will come with one champion for you to fight, either Venus or Ares, and when the time comes, you will face your challenger alone.” Odin smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I have every faith that you will continue to impress me.”

  She nodded and left without another word, a bit of pride welling in her chest at the realization that she had impressed the All Father himself, even if she hadn’t yet been able to make him see reason and leave Damara alone. As she left his temple, she turned her back on the king of gods in a display of trust that he would see to it they left without either of the other immortals taking advantage of the short-term peace treaty. She walked with her head held high, determined to prove her worth.

  Tina was powerful, sure, but these were gods in full burn. It would take everything in her to win, but she had every intention of sending their unlucky champion to an early death.



  By some miracle, Zane had found a safehouse in Indonesia, a vacant mansion barely thirty minutes from her temple. Tina wanted to lay low for a few hours and regroup, to think through what had happened back in Odin’s temple, and come up with a plan.

  She reclined in a plush chair in an ornate living room with vaulted ceilings, the wall of windows on the far end opening out to an infinity pool and the ocean beyond as darkness slowly fell over their little corner of the world. A hot tub rumbled to life in one corner of the backyard, the entire property surrounded by massive walls and security cameras her brilliant tiger had hacked to run loops of the previous day’s recordings, which for all intents and purposes made the house appear empty to anyone who wasn’t physically inside of it.

  Beside her on the couch, Killian stroked her arm, her white knight soothing her own rage, though her anger was directed more at the All Father’s threat against her men than anything else. Still, her eagle shifter’s touch sent ripples of soothing relief up her arm and into her very soul, helping to clear her mind as she silently processed Odin’s decree.

  Anthony darted from room to room at full speed, his enhanced powers helping him to keep tabs on the perimeter while also monitoring her. Flynn and Zane debated in hushed tones in the other room, as they had been for the last ten minutes, and Tina had the feeling she would need to barge in and put a stop to whatever little rescue attempt they were staging.

  Draven, meanwhile, paced by the windows, smoke billowing out of his nose as he furiously walked back and forth, glaring out into the dusk as he silently fumed. “This is bullshit,” he snapped, finally breaking the silence. “I won’t let them kill you, Tina. I’ll be damned if anyone threatens my mate.”

  Tina’s eye twitched in annoyance, and even though he meant well, Draven’s words were the final straw. “Listen up, all of you.” She stood, tenderly running her fingers over Killian’s jaw in thanks for his soothing presence as she left the warmth of his touch. “I am not going to die.”

  “He wants you to fight a god, Tina!” Draven said, gesturing out the window in
the general direction of Odin’s island. “It’s impossible! He’s a full-burn god, with complete control over his magic, and you’re not!”

  “That’s enough!” she snapped.

  Draven crossed the room and walked toward her, his formidable form blocking out everything behind him as he approached her, challenging her, smoke puffing from his nose and mouth as he glared down at her. He radiated power and control, and his stunning face hardened as he caught her eye.

  “You are my mate, Tina,” he said, his voice low and gravelly, sparking embers of lust deep in her core. “I will protect you even if you don’t want me to, even if it means throwing you over my shoulder and squirreling you away in a cave somewhere.” He pressed his forehead against hers, the challenge issued as his strong fingers tenderly cupped her face. “You will come with me, now, and we’ll—”

  “ENOUGH!” In a fluid, easy motion, Tina dipped into her magic. What had once taken several minutes now came to her effortlessly, almost instantly, as she heard the thundering heartbeats of her princes and acquired control of their bodies. Sex and lust filled the air, radiating from her like perfume as her magic rose in her veins, hot and heavy. In an instant, she controlled Draven’s heart, both literally and metaphorically, and she let him feel it, tightening her hand into a fist to make his pulse race faster.

  Draven’s expression shifted between lust and anger, the dragon in him no doubt fighting to take over as she took control of his body and brought him to his knees before her. Kneeling, he leaned his head against her stomach, heaving as he failed to fight off her magic, his hands gripping her thighs with need as he succumbed to her power. He inhaled sharply, his nose pressed against the thin fabric of her shirt, and his grip on her body tightened.

  “You will never take me anywhere against my will,” she said sharply, glaring down at him as her hair billowed around her, blown by the force of her magic. “Is that clear?”

  “Tina, listen to me, damn it …” He pressed his face against her body, holding her close as he trailed off, unable to finish his thought.


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