Time of Death

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Time of Death Page 13

by Nathan Van Coops

  “Do you think they’ll work it out? Mr. and Mrs. Phillips?” Waldo asked.

  “Hard to say. Predicting the future isn’t in my job description. I just work there.”

  “Speaking of which, would you like me to cue the next of your cases? Someone has just walked into one of your future offices. They insist on seeing you. It seems someone they care about has gone missing.”

  “Which office?”

  “Port Nyongo. In 2099.”

  I pulled myself away from the window and ran a hand through my hair. “Sure. About time for a change of scenery anyway.” I adjusted the dials on my wrist. “Double-check my coordinates for me?”

  “Your settings are perfect, as always.”

  I pressed my hand to the edge of the desk. “You know what? Why don’t you bring the car.”

  Waldo’s voice had a hint of excitement to it this time. “We’ll meet you there, sir.”

  I smiled. Then I donned my sunglasses, pressed the pin on my chronometer, and vanished into the future.

  Thanks for reading Time of Death! Greyson’s adventures will continue. Want to know more about our time traveling detective?

  For a look at the days leading up to this story, download three exclusive bonus chapters, including how Greyson ended up with the Boss. Get your bonus here.


  Then read on for a sample of Clockwise and Gone, a free time travel thriller that takes place in the same world.


  * * *

  Chapter 1

  “To your promotion,” Dom said, raising the glass of champagne. “New head of Gammatech’s Safety Division.”

  Emily reached for her nearly-empty glass and held it aloft gently. “Thanks to you.”

  “I had hardly anything to do with it.” Dom snatched the bottle from the bucket of ice and quickly topped off her champagne flute. “Management at Gammatech just knows a winner when they see one.” He grinned and clinked his glass against hers. “You earned it.”

  Emily smiled and took a sip. She certainly had done everything in her power to prove herself at the energy company but that hadn’t stopped the rumors and muttering behind her back—the whispers that she was only where she was because she had slept her way to the top. Dom laughed off the idea that anyone would doubt her resume, but no one had ever said anything to him directly. He was Dominic Del Toro, son of the owner of the company. He was immune.

  Emily was not.

  She had no doubt that there would be sideways glances on Monday when she was back at the office, but she was determined to enjoy the champagne anyway. She took another sip and took in the expansive view of the illuminated city skyline. She would enjoy tonight. Monday’s problems could wait.

  The server’s reflection in the glass made her turn her gaze back to the bustling restaurant.

  “Can I interest you in any dessert this evening?” He cleared away her plate and handed it off to a passing busboy.

  “I actually hoped we could have the special tonight, Felipe. The one I called ahead about?” Dom said.

  “Of course, sir.” Felipe smiled. “I’ll get that for you right away.”

  “Call-ahead special?” Emily asked. “Wow. Courtside seats at the game, now specialty desserts— you really did go all out tonight.”

  “Well, not quite yet,” Dom said. He slid out of his seat and reached into his pocket as he stood. “There was one more thing I was hoping to discuss. One question that wasn’t in your interview from the board yesterday.”

  Emily stared at the small black box in his hand. He was getting on one knee. Oh wow, this was happening now?

  “Emily Marie Davis, from the first time I saw you, I was completely and utterly in love with you. Even all the way back at uni when you wouldn’t give me the time of day.” Dom smiled at her. “I would do absolutely anything to keep you in my life forever. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Emily stared at the sparkling diamond as he opened the box, and realized her hand was shaking when some champagne sloshed onto the table. She hastily set the glass down.

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe you are doing this.” Marriage. This was really happening.

  He grinned up at her. “So, what do you say? Would you like to be Mrs. Del Toro?”

  Emily looked into his eager eyes and slid out of her chair. Her breath seemed caught inside her, but finally she got the words out. “Yes, of course. Yes.”

  He stood to wrap his arms around her and she pressed her lips to his. Over the thrumming of her heartbeat in her ears, she registered the clapping and cheering of the other diners in the restaurant. But just barely. They may as well have been in another world.

  The elevator ride to the street was a blur. She didn’t even remember leaving the restaurant. There had been a dessert. A cake? She vaguely recalled that much. Another bottle of champagne had been opened too. That was still with them. Dom carried the half empty bottle with him to the car. As his vehicle pulled to the curb they climbed into the back laughing.

  “Home, Avery,” Dom managed, before Emily tackled him and started planting kisses all over his face.

  “Proceeding to Regency Tower.” The car’s automated response system flashed the destination on a screen and engaged its drive motor.

  Emily stopped kissing Dom long enough to admire the ring on her finger again. He’d really outdone himself this time.

  “You like it?” Dom studied her with eager eyes.

  “I love it. It’s beautiful.”

  “Still doesn’t compare to you,” Dom replied.

  As Emily reached for him again, the car’s speaker came on and the voice of Dom’s life management system, Avery, spoke. “A call coming in for you, sir. Inspector Walsh from subsection Delta.”

  “I’m a little busy right now,” Dom replied between Emily’s smothering kisses.

  “He’s all mine tonight, Avery,” Emily said.

  “The call is marked urgent,” Avery replied. “How would you like me to respond?”

  “Inspectors always think everything is urgent,” Dom said. “Tell him I’ll call him back.”

  “Yes, sir,” Avery replied.

  The car arrived at Regency Tower entirely too quickly as far as Emily was concerned. She had barely gotten Dom’s tie off him, let alone anything else. He was altogether too buttoned up for her taste.

  They were engaged. She had a fiance. It had seemed like a made-up word till now.

  She let it roll around her mind as she carried her shoes and let Dom lead her toward the elevator. Her head was decidedly fuzzy from the champagne, but something about the ring on her finger was making him irresistible tonight. She entwined her fingers through his and leaned her head onto his shoulder in the elevator. He was wearing the cologne she’d gotten him for Christmas. She took a deep breath. Yes. This was going to be a good night.

  Dom wasn’t the most physically attractive man she had ever dated. If you had asked her yesterday she might even have said he wasn’t in the top five. He lacked the height and athleticism she usually looked for. She had always dated ball players in college. Dom’s physique was far better suited for a golf course than a basketball court. His jump shot was atrocious. He worked out when he could, but as heir to the Gammatech empire, he spent far more time in board meetings than at the gym. Add in the receding hairline, and Dom might even be considered homely by some. But what he lacked in looks he had more than made up for in devotion.

  Ever since she moved back to the city, he’d been pursuing her. No. Longer than that. She could remember him trying to walk her home from parties in college, back before he’d lost his glasses. He’d always had style, and women interested in his money certainly fawned over him, but he used to show up to her games in a suit and tie. Not at all what she was looking for then. He’d even visited her in the hospital the night she tore her ACL and ended her dreams of going pro. Despite his continued attention, she’d barely given him a second glance. During the years since college she
rarely thought of him at all unless it was at Christmas or her birthday. He always remembered to send a card. Real mail. Hardly anyone did that anymore.

  Those were the little things that added up in the end.

  When she finished with her energy contracts abroad and decided to search for a job back in the states, it was Dom that had contacted her immediately. He said he’d seen her resume and thought she’d be a wonderful fit at Gammatech. A management track with a salary that made competitor’s offers look laughable. How could she say no?

  The doors dinged open at the penthouse. His penthouse. Would they live here after they were married? The thought gave her pause. This was all happening so fast.

  “Avery, please set lights to level 2,” Dom said as they entered.

  The normally bright lighting dimmed to a soft glow.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Dom asked, smiling at her. Emily realized she was still latched to his arm and slowly unwrapped herself.

  “Yes. But I think I need more champagne. You’ll go find us some?”

  Dom brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’m already as elated as I’ve ever been. More booze won’t help.”

  Emily grabbed his hand and kissed his fingers. “Yes, but I need a minute to get sexy for you.”

  “You’re already sexy,” Dom grinned.

  “Champagne,” Emily commanded, pointing toward the kitchen. “Your fiancee says she needs champagne!”

  He let go of her fingers and bowed, then turned toward the kitchen.

  She did not need more champagne.

  Her head was already swimming, but she was going to do this right. She pushed through the door to his bedroom and dropped her shoes near the closet doors. She should have planned ahead better. If she had known this was coming she would have tried to stash something here to wear. Something other than the yoga pants and old sweatshirt she kept stuffed in the bottom drawer of his dresser for nights she slept over. That wasn’t going to cut it tonight.

  She considered just stripping bare on the bed and waiting, but shook off the thought. She was feeling far too full from dinner to be up for that. She would opt for one of his button-down shirts. It wasn’t lingerie, but he’d still like it. Can’t beat the classics.

  A cork popped from somewhere in the vicinity of the living room.

  She ditched her dress on the floor and walked to the bathroom mirror to determine the appropriate amount of buttons to employ on the shirt. Once there she took a look at the state of her wavy chestnut hair and frowned. She was trying to get it back into some semblance of a style when Avery chimed from the other room.

  “Call from Inspector Danvers, marked as urgent.”

  “Danvers?” Dom asked. “From Sector Echo?”

  “Yes. There are also three other inspectors on the line. They’ve requested you join a community call. Shall I engage a video conference?”

  “No!” Emily shouted from the bathroom. “He’s busy.”

  “No video,” Dom said as he walked into the bedroom.

  “Hey, I’m not ready for you yet,” Emily said. “You go there.” She pointed him toward the bed.

  “I might need to take this call,” Dom said. “It sounds important.”

  “It’s Saturday night. We just got engaged. Can’t it wait?”

  “I’m just going to see what’s going on. Maybe it’s nothing.”

  Avery chimed in. “Mr. Del Toro Senior has also joined the call but is requesting a private conversation.”

  Dom squeezed Emily’s hand, then walked back into the other room.

  Emily frowned and slumped onto the bed.


  “Yes, Miss Davis?”

  “We’re going to need to talk about his priorities . . .”

  “I would be happy to provide any service Dom requires,” Avery replied.

  “I’ll bet you would,” Emily muttered.

  She propelled herself off the bed and only wavered momentarily before pushing her way out the door to the living room.

  Dom had his jacket back on and was attempting to retie his tie.

  “You’re leaving?” Emily said. “Where are you going?”

  “I need to get down to the plant and check on things. This new shipment of control rods I ordered for the reactor is giving us some strange indications. The inspectors called a meeting. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

  “Is everyone at the plant okay?”

  “Yeah, absolutely. Just stay here. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He finished the tie, then patted his jacket pockets, doing an inventory, before stepping over and kissing her. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Fine,” Emily said, pouting her lower lip, but adjusting his collar to better cover the tie.

  He kissed her one more time, then slipped out the door. “Be back soon.”

  Emily stood staring at the closed door for a few seconds, then turned slowly on her heel to check her other options. The newly opened bottle of champagne was still sitting on the counter. She slouched over to it and snatched one of the glasses up before trudging back to the bedroom.

  “Looks like it’s just the two of us, Avery.”

  “Would you like to view entertainment options, Miss Davis? Perhaps the highlights from the afternoon’s games?”

  “Not tonight. I think I just want a bath. Will you fill the tub?”

  “Bathtub will be filled in approximately eleven minutes. Would you like to choose a scent for your bath oils?”

  “What does Dom use?”

  “Mr. Del Toro prefers lavender and tea tree.”

  “Interesting. I’ll try that.” Emily took a sip of champagne. “And some music please.” The penthouse filled with soothing instrumental piano music. “Something from this century,” Emily said.

  She was still bickering with Avery about the music choices when she heard the elevator ding in the hall. A moment later, footsteps sounded in the kitchen.

  She opened the bedroom door and looked back out. “Dom?”

  Dom had his back to her, rooting through a drawer in the kitchen, but turned around at the sound of her voice.

  “That was fast,” Emily said. “False alarm?”

  He wasn’t wearing a tie anymore. He looked . . . tired. Like the few minutes he’d been gone had aged him.

  “Hello, Emily,” Dom said. He stared at her, looking her up and down. “You look . . . well.”

  Well? She was half-naked in his shirt wearing a brand new engagement ring and ‘well’ was the best compliment he could muster?

  “What happened?” she said aloud.

  “We need to go,” Dom replied. He strode across the room and grabbed her by the wrist.

  “What? Go where?”

  But he was already pulling her across the room toward the elevator.

  “Dom, I can’t go anywhere. I’m not dressed and it’s late. I thought we were staying in. Ow. You’re hurting me.”

  Dom’s grip on her wrist was like a vice. He dragged her into the foyer. The elevator doors opened and he spun her inside.

  “I don’t have my shoes,” Emily objected.

  “You don’t need them.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He didn’t reply. He was preoccupied with checking his phone. He studied the time, then shoved the phone back in his pocket. Emily stared at him but he seemed intent on ignoring her.

  His face was stubbled. Hadn’t he been clean shaven earlier tonight? Emily studied the shadow on his chin with confusion. How much champagne had she drunk? Things were getting strange.

  The elevator reached the garage level and Dom hauled her forward across the oil-stained concrete to a waiting car. It wasn’t his car, but Dom flung the door open without a moment’s hesitation. “Come on. Get in.”

  “I want your jacket.”


  “Give me your jacket. You’re hauling me off to somewhere you won’t explain. I’m not going in just your shirt.”

  “Why does it matter?” Dom asked. “We
won’t be seeing anyone.”

  Emily held out her hand for the jacket.

  Dom sighed and took it off, then tossed it to her. He pushed her toward the car. Come on. We’ve got to go.”

  Emily climbed into the rear-facing bench seat and slipped her arms into the jacket. She wrapped it around herself and tucked her dirty feet up underneath her.

  “Why on earth can’t we just stay in the penthouse? What’s the big hurry?”

  Dom was glancing at his phone again. “You’ll know soon enough. Avery, take us to Section Kilo.”

  “The research division?” Emily asked. Gammatech had what seemed like a thousand departments on a dozen campuses around the city, but she’d made a point of learning them all.

  “Here. I need you to drink this.” Dom held out a glass bottle of bright blue liquid. “It’ll help you sober up.”

  “Then you drink it,” Emily replied. “You’re the one acting like a crazy person.”

  Dom shrugged, unscrewed the cap on the bottle, and took a swig. Then he held it out to her again.

  Emily glared at him, but then took the bottle. Her head was beginning to throb. Hydration wasn’t a bad idea. She took a sip and let the blue liquid course down her throat. It tasted like . . . What was it? Something she’d never felt. Like liquid lightning. Her throat tingled with it.

  She considered Dom seated across from her. He was simply staring out the window. She sniffed and wrinkled her nose, then tried to locate the scent she was smelling. It was coming from his jacket. She lifted the collar and held it to her nose. Cologne. But one she’d never smelled before. When would he have had time to get more cologne? The bathtub hadn’t even filled in the time he was gone.

  She looked at her fiance across the back of the car. His expression was hard to read in the shadowy interior.

  He had been clean shaven tonight. All those kisses.

  “Dom?” she tried softly this time. “What’s going on?”

  When he looked at her, his eyes were serious. “You’ll just have to trust me.”

  “But why can’t you tell me what’s happening? I’m getting frightened. You’re freaking me out.”


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