Trust In Love (A McCord Family Novel Book 2)

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Trust In Love (A McCord Family Novel Book 2) Page 12

by Amanda Siegrist

  Sophie stepped back, shock written on her face. "It doesn't matter. Please, don't ask me about this again, Ava."

  Sophie turned around and walked away. If Ava wanted to stop her again, then so be it. She needed to leave. She needed off this farm. She didn't want to hear the questions, the concern, or see the compassionate look in her eyes, the understanding. Ava meant the best, but she had no idea what hell would be opened if she got the answers she was looking for. She couldn't believe Ava's father is the police commissioner—but would that be enough? Sophie didn't think so.

  She quickly made her way to the house finding Austin in the kitchen with Zane.

  "I'd like to leave now, Austin," Sophie said quietly, avoiding eye contact with both of them.

  Austin pushed himself away from the counter, took two steps towards her, and stopped when she retreated two steps back. "What did Ava say to you? What's wrong?"

  "I'm tired. I'd like to leave," Sophie said.

  "Look, I know she wanted to talk to you about Deja, and I'm sorry. I told her—"

  "It's not about Deja. We came to an understanding on that. I think, anyway. Austin, I want to leave. You can call it what you like—running, tiredness, fear—maybe all of that. I don't want to talk about some things. If I choose to talk to you about it, how do I know you won't go telling Ava? How can I trust you to keep things between us? You told her I'm from New York," Sophie said, finally looking at him. She saw Zane out of the corner of her eye, still leaning casually against the counter, yet his face hard with an expression she couldn't describe.

  "I didn't think that was a secret. From now on, what you say to me is between you and me. Nobody else, I swear. What happened?" Austin asked, as the nerves could be heard clear in his voice as he braved a step towards her.

  "Well, I guess I didn't say it was a secret, but I didn't even want to tell you. There are things I don't want you to know. I don't want you to see—" Sophie paused, afraid to continue. What was she doing exploding her emotions out in the open like this, especially in front of Zane who she just met?

  "See what? You wanna know what I see. I see a courageous woman, a fierce woman, a strong woman, quite capable of taking care of herself. So please, tell me what you don't want me to see?" Austin said with frustration mixing in with fear.

  "A weak, broken woman who took the abuse until the day he nearly ended it all. I was so weak. I let him do those things to me. I made sure to do everything right, yet, still couldn't manage to do anything right. I don't want him to find me," she said, the last comment barely leaving her mouth in a whisper.

  "Geez, what the hell did Ava say to you out there?" Zane asked.

  Austin ignored Zane and walked up to Sophie, grabbing her hands before she could walk away. "You let no one do anything. You survived and then you broke free. I refuse to let you think anything else. I have no idea what Ava said to you, but she's going to get an earful from me. I won't let anyone hurt you, least of all the creep who dared to put his hands on you. I'm so sorry if telling her you're from New York was bad. I'm sure she was only trying to help. Please, don't shut me out now just when I felt like we were making headway."

  "I know she didn't mean it in a bad way, but I'll never step foot in New York again. Don't ever ask me to," Sophie said.

  "Hear, hear," Zane muttered under his breath. He looked guilty when he saw Austin turn around and glare at him, realizing he must have spoken louder than he intended.

  "I won't. I also won't say I'm not worried about leaving you with Deja alone. You can stay here on the farm with Eleanor while we're gone," Austin suggested.

  "I'll stay in my own house, thank you," Sophie said firmly.

  Austin grinned. "And you say you're weak. You continuously stand strong with your beliefs and your words when you speak to me. Or is it just me?"

  Sophie paused, thinking it over, instant dawning pricking her mind. "It is you. I guess, for once in my life, I don't fear a man will hurt me for talking back. I guess I sensed that immediately when it came to you. Strange."

  "Na, I'm just that irresistible," Austin said, suddenly pulling her into his arms.

  Sophie smiled for the first time since walking into the kitchen, his magical essence pulling her into comfort, security, and a powerful feeling she never wanted to lose. "Irresistible, huh? I don't know, maybe—"

  Austin cut off any other words she may have uttered by kissing her lightly on the lips. "Let's stick with irresistible and speak no more. We can go home if that's what you want, but I need to know you're okay first. That things between us are okay?"

  "Yes, we are. I don't want to come between you and Ava and—"

  "Don't worry about Ava, Sophie. She always sticks her nose where it doesn't belong, says things she should keep to herself. Trust me, that's how I met her for the first time. Sticking her nose where it didn't belong. Austin will have words with her for upsetting you and then they'll both move on," Zane interjected.

  Austin glanced at Zane again. "Do you mind?"

  "No, not at all. Continue on," Zane said with a grin.

  "Ignore my brother, but he does have a point. You'll never come between us because we will have words and move on. She's my annoying little sister who needs to mind her own business. I'll be sure to let her know. And I'm sure she won't listen to a dam—nuzeling thing I say," Austin said, catching himself at the last minute, earning another small smile from Sophie.

  "What strange language you speaking over there?" Zane asked confused.

  "Why are you even still in the kitchen? Can't you see I may want to kiss Sophie a little more fiercely without you looking on? Go find your wife and holler at her for me for upsetting Sophie," Austin said with a pointed glare, begging Zane with his eyes to leave already.

  "Sure, I'll go holler at her for you. I love when she gets all fired up, hot in the face, fists clenched and angry with me. She's so adorable when she gets mad," Zane said, winking at them as he walked out.

  "He's not really going to yell at her, will he? I didn't mean to come in here all upset like I did. She just touched a sore spot," Sophie said.

  "I imagine he won't really yell, but will inquire what she said. Care to tell me what she said?"

  "Later, maybe. I thought you asked him to leave so you could kiss me more fiercely. I'm dying to find out what that entails," Sophie said, hoping to change the subject. She didn't want to talk about her past anymore. Never again, to be exact. Deep inside, she ached for his lips to touch her softly.

  Austin raised a brow as a delicious grin formed just before he swooped in for a kiss. The minute his mouth touched hers, she was on fire. She opened for him immediately, joining in the journey he led. He pulled her closer, her molding instantly in all the right places. His hands moved down her back slowly, cupping her butt lightly as he pulled her closer.

  She felt his hunger, moaning into his mouth as the touch sparked something new inside. She never felt such passion, such tingling sensations absorbing her body. Kevin always took what he felt he was entitled, never giving in return. She never knew she could feel like this, that a man could invoke such desire.

  Then the horrible thought, the embarrassment of someone walking into the kitchen to find them embracing as they were consumed her, a shiver releasing. But that brief thought vanished just as quickly as he pulled her even closer, if that was even possible, his touch igniting another moan from her.


  Austin's mind went blank, except for the beautiful woman in his arms. He slowly backed her up to the counter, pressing into her lightly but firmly, eliciting another beautiful moan from her lips. Not once did he let go of her mouth, exploring, taking, begging for more. His hands moved from her bottom, slowly making their way up her back where he was about to venture to her chest when his brain came back into focus.

  Instead, he grabbed her face softly, kissing her deeply, hoping for one more delightful moan as he moved his hips against her one more time. As soon as he heard the glorious moan, he pulled his lips away, but s
till held her face gently.

  "Well, that was a little more fiercely than I intended. I'm pretty sure I could take you, right here, right now, with absolutely no regrets," Austin said, trying to find his breath and his heart that soared away within that madness.

  "I'm pretty sure I would have let you. Oh dear. We're in the kitchen, Austin," Sophie whispered.

  He grabbed another quick kiss. "Exactly. That's why I stopped. Can I ask you a question?"

  "You just did," Sophie said with a small grin.

  He chuckled as he moved his hips a little, receiving a small gasp from her. "I want you, Sophie. Unless I'm mistaken, you want me, too. I said I would let you set the pace and I will. But—can I have you tonight? No...that sounds bad and very pressuring. Can I sleep in the bed with you? I'll behave if you really want me to. Knowing how you taste, it makes it hard to resist you."

  Sophie bit her lip as the indecision soared across her face.

  "You know, when you bite your lip like that, it kinda turns me on," Austin said with a grin.

  "You always do that," she said with a small laugh.

  "Do what?" he asked innocently.

  "Make me laugh, forget what I was thinking. Make me happy when it's hard to be."

  "Hmm...good. Then I'm doing something right."

  "I can't make any promises, Austin. When I'm in your arms like this, I feel things I've never felt. That's saying more than you can ever realize."

  "No, I think that says everything I needed to know," he replied, wishing like hell he could find the man who ever laid a hand on her. He'd kill him right now if he could.

  Chapter 8

  Sophie stood in the hallway, beaming with happiness at Deja. "I'm so excited. When do you start?"

  Deja shook her head slightly in disbelief. Sophie's excitement for her clearly showed, and she didn't think just because it meant she would be able to pay Austin back quickly. She'd been offered help before. Of course, with it came a million questions, accusations and knowledge with what they thought was best for her. Not once had Sophie, or even Austin, tried to dig deeper into her background. That alone made her like Sophie even more.

  She just couldn't believe her luck falling into the perfect place to rebuild herself, finding a friend, a woman who understood what she was going through. Disgust and disgrace still impeded her happiness. She couldn't believe she ever stooped so low to break and enter into anyone's home, least of all a nice man who was willing to overlook her crime.

  She understood why Sophie got all dreamy-like when she spoke about Austin. He seemed like a good man, but like Sophie, she was also weary of men, barely giving them a chance anymore. But if she had a man like Austin begging for her affection, she'd pay attention immediately.

  "Tomorrow. Can you believe it? I went in with an application and walked out with a job. They must be really hurting for a waitress."

  "Or they really liked you and your qualifications. This is good, Deja. It's a good start to a new beginning," Sophie said.

  "A new beginning. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Did you have a nice time at the farm?" Deja asked.

  Sophie hesitated for a brief second. "Yeah, I did. I've never been on a farm and it was neat. Lots of pigs and cow. And the horses were just sweet. I was nervous the whole time riding one. It's a beautiful place. I can see why Austin loves it."

  "Good. Ava was there?" Deja asked nervously.

  Sophie looked away, finally cringing slightly. "Yeah, she was."

  "She's gonna have me arrested, isn't she?"

  Sophie looked back at her, shocked. "What? No, no, she's not. You have nothing to worry about, Deja. She won't have you arrested. She may try prying into your background." Sophie gave a strangled laugh. "That's what she did to me. I know she was doing it to help, but I just want to forget it all. I don't even want to talk about it now. That part of my life is over. New beginnings."

  "I'll cheers to that, Sophie. Goodnight," Deja said, not wanting to talk about painful memories either. She understood Sophie's torment and the need to keep it closed inside from anyone.


  Sophie nodded and watched Deja walk to the master bedroom, shutting the door quietly. She stood there for a moment, gathering strength, then turned towards her own door. She jumped back in surprise when she saw Austin and Axel curled up on her bed. He patted the empty spot. "Waiting on you, Sophie."

  "I never said you could sleep in my bed, Austin," she said apprehensively, glancing at Axel wagging his tail expectantly.

  "You didn't say I couldn't either. You said you couldn't make any promises. You also said when you're in my arms you feel things you never have before. Let me just hold you. I like holding you. Axel slept up here last night and I felt left out," Austin said with a goofy frown.

  "You always try to sucker me by using Axel, you know that."

  "Hey, if it works." He patted the spot again as she struggled with the decision.

  She wanted him, there was no denying that. He made her feel things she had never felt before. He had said last time that it would be like making love with her, not that he was insinuating that would happen if she let him in the bed. But she didn't know what that felt like and desperately wanted to find out.

  The thought frightened her, though. It hurt when Kevin took her. He was never gentle. She shouldn't compare the two, it wasn't fair, but the fear was so embedded inside her, it was impossible to let it go.

  "I won't hurt you, Sophie. I promise. I would never hurt you. You trust me, you said so yourself. Trust me by coming here and knowing that I won't do anything but hold you," Austin said, patting the spot one more time.

  Sophie zoned in on the spot he kept patting and shivered. He was asking a lot of her right now and she didn't know if she could. She did trust him, but it scared her. Suddenly, she whipped her head away to her dresser and focused on her angel. Its beauty wrapped around her and instantly filled her with peace. That's all the courage she needed. She heard movement on the bed and turned back to see Austin sitting up and scooting to the edge.

  "What are you doing?"

  "You're scared. I can tell. I don't want you scared of me. You didn't make me a promise, so I'm not mad. I'll sleep on the floor," Austin said, looking at her with pain in his eyes.

  "I trust you," she whispered.

  "Enough to let me stay in the bed?" he whispered back.


  He moved back to his original position and patted the spot next to him for the last time. "Come here, my pixie angel."

  "What did you call me?"

  "You don't like it when I call you darling, and with good reason. I'll never utter darling to you again, or any woman, for that matter. You're the only one for me. But when I saw you look at the angel on your dresser—" Austin glanced over at the broken angel and sighed heavily. "I can't compare you to any woman and I don't even want to try. You're one of a kind. You're special. Everything about you makes me feel things I've never felt. You're not the only one feeling new things. I love your pixie haircut. I love your laugh. I love your kindness. I love your smile. When you smile, you shine just like an angel. I guess when I saw you look at the angel and then I looked at just came to me. My pixie angel. I guess I can just call you Sophie. That works for me, too."

  Sophie glanced at her angel, then back at Austin. "I think I like that. That angel means a lot to me."

  "I know it does. Maybe someday you can tell me why. Right now, because I know you don't want to share, join me in this bed. I'm dying to hold you."

  She nodded shyly, locked the bedroom door and glanced at her angel one more time before tentatively climbing onto the bed. Her angel still gave her a calming peace. Hearing Austin call her his pixie angel, strangely, also gave her a calming peace. He was right, though. She couldn't share why the angel was important right now. Moments like this, him just knowing how she felt, made her emotions fall deeper for him.

  Axel sat in the middle of them. Sophie ruffled his head and looked at Austin. "He's a bed hog
, you know."

  He grinned at her, shoved Axel to the end of the bed, and pulled her into his arms. "Not tonight, he isn't. He'll sleep at our feet because you are sleeping in my arms. I love how you feel in my arms."

  She snuggled deeper into his embrace, breathing in his wonderful scent. "I don't know when I'll be ready for anything more than just holding. I enjoy being in your arms, kissing you, but I'm scared, Austin."

  He lifted her chin to meet her eyes. "I don't want you to ever be scared of me. One day at a time, Sophie. Sleeping like this will get you more familiar with me. I don't know what that bastard did to you, but don't ever be afraid of me. I swear I'll never hurt you like that. When we make love for the first time, because it will happen, you'll feel nothing but pure bliss. I promise."

  "You sound so sure I'll give in eventually."

  "Let's not pretend you don't want me. I've already made you moan in delight," Austin said with a grin as she smiled back, conceding what he said was true. "If I really put my mind to it, I could probably convince you right now. I don't want to take you on my terms. I want it on your terms. I want to make you feel good, just like how you make me feel. You have no idea what you do to me with a simple smile directed my way. When you're ready, let me know. Or when you're ready for me to convince you, I'll start my wicked way on you."

  He grinned again, kissing her lightly on the lips. He moved his soft lips from her mouth, peppering a few on her chin, and made a trail of kisses down her neck. "How does that make you feel, Sophie? Do you like that?"

  She moved slightly in his arms, but made no sound in response. How could she when his touch immobilized every part in her body as she waited desperately for more? Such a small taste he bestowed upon her.

  Without notice, he slowly kissed his way up the side of her neck to her ear, lightly nibbling. Shivering from the contact, she waited for more kisses to touch her delicate skin. He moved his sweet lips across her neck again, giving each kiss its own undivided attention, taking his time to love every part of her skin that he touched. When he made his way back to her lips, he nibbled on her bottom lip.


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