The Wronged

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The Wronged Page 39

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Go get the fucking tape, Michael,’ Vinny ordered. He was fuming that Ahmed wasn’t blubbering and begging for forgiveness the way he’d envisaged.

  As soon as Michael returned with the recording equipment, Vinny smashed it to smithereens. His son was no angel like Molly had been, but no way could he have killed her. Jamie Preston had done that. The Old Bill had him bang to rights.

  ‘Finish him off, Vin, and let’s get out of ’ere. Time’s ticking on,’ Michael urged. He’d started to get the heebies now. Ahmed was far too cool for his liking and he wondered if he had back-up on the way.

  Ahmed’s hands and legs were tied up with rope. ‘Poke that lying tongue of yours out, cunt,’ Vinny ordered.

  ‘Make me,’ Ahmed hissed.

  Trying to pull Ahmed’s tongue out of his mouth was no easy task, so Vinny unzipped his enemy’s trousers instead.

  Ahmed’s cool persona left him as his penis was sliced off. His screams were that horrific, Michael picked up the gun and ended the man’s misery immediately.

  ‘Whaddya do that for? I hadn’t finished with him yet,’ Vinny growled.

  ‘Which is exactly why I shot him. Knowing you, Vin, you’d have been here until midnight chopping every limb off. Let’s clean up and get the fuck out of here.’


  ‘Happy Birthday, boy. I cannot believe at this very moment forty years ago I was in bleedin’ agony trying to push you out. How time flies, eh?’

  Vinny Butler grinned and held the woman he loved so dearly close to his chest. She’d given him the same speech every birthday he could remember, but this year she’d forgotten to add that his useless arsehole of a father was pissed and out whoring at the time. ‘Bless ya, Mum. Where’s Ava?’

  ‘Where d’ya think? Out in the garden with her furry friend. That little sod’s getting naughtier by the day. Chewed my Marks and Spencer slippers up yesterday. Might have to take him to Battersea Dogs Home soon,’ Queenie joked. She was actually just as besotted with the funny little mutt as Ava was.

  Vinny chuckled. His daughter was obsessed with Fred and thankfully seemed to be well over her mother’s death. She’d rarely mentioned Joanna recently, nor Nanny Deborah or her dead Granddad Johnny. What a moment that had been when Vinny had learned Preston had blown his own brains out. He and his mother had celebrated into the early hours in honour of Roy. ‘You’re gonna have to enrol Ava in a school soon, Vin. I know you don’t want her going to one round ’ere, but I think your idea of a private school is an awful one. She’ll be like a lost sheep amongst all those posh kids. She’s not one of them, she’s one of us.’

  ‘This area’s gone so far downhill, Mum. I just want the best for Ava.’

  ‘I understand that. But Ava will be far more comfortable starting at the local infants’ with Destiny. I know you don’t like Stinky Susan, and neither do I, but them little ’uns get along so well. You can always consider sending Ava private once she reaches Juniors. She’s gonna be devastated to be parted from Fred in the daytime as it is, and you have to remember all the other kids are gonna have their mums taking them to and from school. Bound to bring back memories of Jo. And we don’t want that, do we? At least if she goes to school locally, I’ll be able to take her and pick her up with Fred.’

  ‘You do have a point, but let’s discuss this another time. I woke up with mixed emotions this morning and kind of wished I hadn’t arranged a do for meself. I couldn’t stop thinking of Molly. It don’t seem right to be celebrating without her, Roy, Champ and Adam present.’

  Queenie stroked her son’s cheeks. ‘The past is the past, boy. We can’t change that. But we have plenty to be thankful for and to look forward to. Far more than most. Let’s celebrate your birthday in true Butler style. Even your Auntie Viv has agreed to attend. Told you she’d come round one day, didn’t I?’

  Michael Butler ordered Daniel and Lee to sit on the sofa. He knew he should have said something beforehand, but these past couple of weeks had been manic and it just never seemed to be the right moment to break the news. Especially after the fiasco Daniel had caused at Nancy’s remembrance-of-life service.

  ‘What’s up, Dad? We’re still going to the party, aren’t we?’ Lee asked.

  ‘Yeah. Course we are. Actually, it’s the party I wanted to speak to you about. I’ve invited a lady friend of mine and she’s bringing her little boy. I want you to be nice to them. You OK about that?’

  ‘You got a new bird, Dad?’ Daniel asked bluntly.

  Michael chose his words carefully. ‘Bella’s a lovely lady and very special to me. She’s helped me cope with what happened to Adam and your mum.’

  ‘How old’s her son? What’s his name?’ Lee enquired.

  ‘Antonio’s four. He’s a nice kid.’

  ‘Bella’s definitely your new girlfriend, Dad. I can tell,’ Daniel said cockily.

  ‘It’s too early after your mum for me to have a proper girlfriend, Dan. But I do really like Bella. The future all depends on if you and Lee get on with her and Antonio. I’ll always put yous two first, you know that.’

  ‘As long as Bella ain’t a nutter like Mum was, I’m OK about it. What do you reckon, Lee?’ Daniel asked chirpily. Since he’d embarrassed himself in front of his mother’s parents, who had severed all contact with him as a result, Daniel had put Nancy totally out of his mind.

  Lee shrugged. Unlike his brother, who didn’t seem to care that his own mother was dead, he still missed Nancy. However, he wanted his dad to be happy too.

  ‘I’m OK about it,’ he mumbled.

  Bella D’Angelo wasn’t usually a woman to suffer from nerves. She had strutted up and down catwalks all over the world, brimming with confidence. However, the thought of meeting Michael’s entire family today for the very first time was making her feel nauseous. So much so, she’d spent an hour on the phone to a friend earlier discussing outfits and the big occasion. What if Michael’s sons hated her? Or his mother? Where would that leave the relationship with the only man she’d ever truly loved?

  ‘Why do I have to wear this, Mummy? It hurts my neck,’ Antonio complained. He didn’t mind the suit and shirt he was being forced to wear, just hated the tie.

  ‘Because we want to make a good impression in front of Michael’s family,’ Bella explained. She’d chosen to wear a long red halter-neck dress. It was less provocative than her usual choice of clothing. She’d bought it especially for the occasion, as she would hate Michael’s family to see her as some tart. As her father had always drummed into her, first impressions truly count.

  Anna Zane smiled as the last of her belongings were loaded into the removal van. Three weeks had gone by since her husband had disappeared into thin air and Anna knew in her heart he was dead. It was too much of a coincidence that both Burak and Tarkan had gone missing at the same time for there to be any other explanation. That’s why Anna had decided to put the house on the market and rent a smaller property. There were far too many bad memories for her and the children to stay here.

  Ahmed had never been a great husband, or father. He’d spent most of his time away from his family and Anna knew without a doubt he’d messed around with other women. She’d smelled their scent on his clothes and Ahmed had rarely wanted sex with her. He’d been a good provider though, which was why Anna had suffered him. Her children would always come first and they had loved their father on the odd occasions they’d spent quality time with him.

  ‘You OK, Anna?’ her mother asked.

  Anna Zane was more than OK. She was now a very wealthy woman and glad to be rid of the vile man she’d married. Unbeknown to him, he’d even once given her a sexually transmitted disease.

  Anna took one last look around before shutting the front door. What she didn’t realize as she trotted down the huge driveway was that Ahmed had kept a secret safe inside the abode. And not only did that safe contain a huge amount of money, it also contained the truth about Molly Butler’s death.

  Vinny Butler was savouring
his first Scotch of the day. His mother was right. The past couldn’t be changed, but he still had plenty to be thankful for. Which was why he was now determined to enjoy his birthday.

  It had been a hectic month. The biggest killing spree he’d ever been on in such a short spell. The police had never returned to interrogate him about Joanna, which was hardly surprising since he’d had the perfect alibi. They had checked it out thoroughly, asking for the name of the boozer where his family had eaten lunch in Southend and even questioning Ava, Daniel and Lee. It got them nowhere, the mugs.

  The Old Bill didn’t seem anywhere near as bothered about Ahmed, Burak and Tarkan’s disappearance. They’d paid Vinny only one visit, saying they knew he and Ahmed were good friends and asking when was the last time he’d seen Ahmed. Vinny had told the police they were still good pals but, since opening their separate business ventures, they didn’t see one another anywhere near as much as in the old days. Vinny had also informed the police that he’d never met Tarkan, neither had he ever socialized with Burak except in Ahmed’s company.

  Michael’s arrival snapped Vinny’s thoughts back to the present. ‘Happy birthday, bruv. I didn’t wanna take this to the restaurant in case it got lost among all the other gifts.’

  Vinny was bowled over by the Rolex watch. It was a beauty. ‘Fucking hell! I weren’t expecting that. It’s mint,’ Vinny said, taking his old watch off and putting the new one on. After being at one another’s throats for years, it was a good feeling to have all their differences sorted and behind them.

  ‘You’re the only brother I’ve got now, Vin, and forty is a special birthday. Just make sure you’re as extravagant when I reach your ripe old age,’ Michael chuckled.

  Vinny grinned. ‘I’ve got a present for you an’ all. And it’s just as extravagant,’ Vinny said, handing his brother an envelope.

  Michael’s eyes widened as he read the official document. Vinny had signed away his percentage of their old club, so he was now the sole owner. ‘I dunno what to say. Why now?’

  ‘Because the time felt right. Ahmed put a lot of obstacles between us, and you’re the clever bastard who sussed out he was a wrong ’un long before I did. You also made a major success of turning the gaff into a disco, so I know it’s in good hands. Most of all, you’ve backed me whenever I’ve asked for your help. All in all, you’re a top fucking brother, Michael Butler, and I love ya to death.’

  Tears in their eyes, Vinny and Michael shared a brotherly hug. They also vowed never to let anybody or anything come between them ever again.

  ‘Viv, you look stunning! Peach don’t ’arf suit you,’ Queenie gushed, admiring her sister’s dress.

  ‘Thanks. You look beautiful too,’ Vivian replied lamely. She wasn’t looking forward to the party at all. She had only agreed to go for Queenie’s sake. Albie was dreading it as well. Viv had bumped into him down the market yesterday and they’d commiserated, as they always did before a family event involving Vinny.

  ‘I can’t wait to meet Michael’s new girlfriend. Little Vinny’s bringing his future in-laws too. Plus our handsome Eddie Mitchell’s gonna be there.’

  For the first time that day, Vivian cracked a smile. ‘Let’s hope Eddie doesn’t bring his wife with him. I want him all to my bleedin’ self!’

  Vinny Butler had decided to organize his own fortieth bash for a reason. He’d guessed that, if he didn’t arrange something, his family would surprise him. And if there was one thing Vinny hated in life it was being surprised. Neither did he want people attending who he had no desire to socialize with.

  Nick’s restaurant in Stratford was the venue Vinny had chosen. He and Ahmed both owned a stake in the business after buying it for Nick to run in the first place, so to celebrate his birthday there appealed to Vinny’s warped mind. Ahmed screaming as he’d chopped his penis off was a moment Vinny would cherish for ever.

  ‘The venue looks the nuts, Vin. I’ve escorted your family inside. Funny pair, your mum and aunt. Never fail to make me laugh,’ Carl Tanner said.

  ‘Tell me about it,’ Vinny mumbled, checking his appearance one last time. His hair Brylcreemed back as always, Vinny had treated himself to a new dark-grey Armani suit. Accompanied with a crisp white shirt and shiny electric-green tie that matched his eye colour, Vinny couldn’t help but think what a handsome bastard he was.

  ‘You ready to make tracks?’

  ‘Yep,’ Vinny replied, slapping the new member of his workforce on the back. Carl now worked at his club in the same role as Pete and Paul. Vinny actually liked the guy, but had made it clear to the Mitchells that if Carl ever fucked up, he wouldn’t be given a second chance.

  Vinny had been well impressed with Carl on the night of the cull. Not only had the guy sliced Tarkan up as calmly as a butcher slaughtering a cow, he’d also driven the van with the dead bodies to its pick-up point.

  Vinny had no idea of the name of the geezer who’d disposed of the Turks, but Eddie Mitchell had assured him all had gone smoothly and not so much as a chip of bone or a tooth would ever come to light. Vinny had settled up via Eddie. Ten grand per body, the mystery man had charged.

  The DJ Vinny had hired for the occasion had been tipped off that he’d arrived, so as he walked into the restaurant Vinny was greeted by Stevie Wonder’s ‘Happy Birthday’ belting out the speakers. Lots of clapping, cheering, pats on the back and handshakes followed.

  Waiters were walking around with trays of champagne plus alternative beverages, and Nick and his chefs had organized a wonderful array of food.

  ‘Happy birthday, Dad. This present is from me and Sammi, and the smaller one’s from Ollie,’ Little Vinny said. He’d been a bit miffed at first when he’d found out his father had dealt with Ahmed without telling or involving him, but now he was just relieved it was all over. He’d been told no details of what had occurred on the night, but his dad assured him that Ahmed and Burak wouldn’t be seen again and that his forced confession had been destroyed without him even bothering to listen to it.

  Obviously, Little Vinny was still concerned that Ahmed had made copies of the taped confession, but those could be anywhere and there was nothing he could do about it. Instead of worrying about that, he’d made up his mind to forget about the past as best he could and concentrate on the future. He and Sammi-Lou had booked their wedding for next June and they’d already discussed having another child soon afterwards. Working for his father was another bonus. Little Vinny loved his new job and it paid far more than his previous one.

  ‘Come and say hello to Sammi’s parents and sister, Dad. They’ve got a present for you too.’

  ‘I’ll be over in a bit, boy. Just give all the gifts to Nick. He’s gonna keep ’em safe out the back for me.’

  Vinny grinned as he did the rounds, shaking the men’s hands and politely kissing the ladies. He’d kept the numbers down, only invited the elite. His sister Brenda wasn’t one of those. No way did Vinny want her there, spoiling the good family name.

  Pete, Paul and Jay Boy had brought their other halves and nippers. The Mitchells were also there with their families, including Eddie’s older sons, Gary and Ricky, and Jessica’s brother Raymond who was part of the Mitchell firm.

  Greeting his loyal cleaner Edna, Vinny then moved over to the Kelly brothers, who were chatting to his brief Colin.

  ‘Daddy, Fred just bit Auntie Viv again,’ Ava said, tugging her father’s trouser leg in a fit of giggles. Ava had been heartbroken at the thought of Fred being left at home all alone, so Vinny had allowed her to bring him to the party with her.

  Vinny picked his daughter up and swung her in the air. ‘That’s ’cause Fred is a legend, just like your daddy, angel.’

  Vivian sidled over to Albie clutching a handkerchief to her little finger. ‘That mutt’s as evil as Vinny. Just nipped me again. Only he could’ve chosen that bastard ratpig. You bought golden boy a present?’

  ‘Just a bottle of Scotch. You?’

  ‘Nothing. Not even a card. Can’t believe I
agreed to come. My Lenny’s never gonna reach forty, thanks to him, so what am I doing ’ere?’

  Aware of the anger in Vivian’s voice, Albie patted her on the back. ‘I’m not sticking up for Vinny, Viv. As you well know, I’m no fan of my own son. However, he did idolize your Lenny. Made a stupid decision to drive a car drunk and drugged up, but he would never have harmed that boy purposely, like he did me that time.’

  ‘I’m hardly gonna forgive him though, am I, Albie?’

  ‘No. But bitterness eats away at you, Viv. I should know, I’ve been there. Just eat, drink and be merry with Queenie today. No point going home now you’re here, is there? I might even get up and sing “Spanish Eyes” later. How’s that grab ya?’ Albie winked.

  Vivian chuckled. ‘Even when I hated you back in the day, Albie Butler, I always said you had a smashing voice. You sing it like Al Martino and I’ll definitely stay.’

  ‘Where’s Michael, Mum? Daniel and Lee are sat with Eddie Mitchell’s twins, but I can’t see me bruvver anywhere. Perhaps he’s out the back giving his bit of fluff a sneaky one? Whaddya reckon?’ Vinny chuckled.

  Queenie nearly choked on her sherry. ‘Stop being so rude! And don’t you dare tell Bella that we used to call him Alfie,’ she insisted.

  Vinny strolled over to his nephews and smiled as he overheard Daniel ask Frankie Mitchell if she had a boyfriend. ‘Sorry to interrupt. Where’s your old man, lads?’

  ‘Gone to pick his new bird and her son up. We’re cool about it, ain’t we, Lee?’ Daniel replied, in a grown-up manner.

  ‘So how did yous two get here?’ Vinny enquired.

  ‘We was gonna make our own way ’ere, but Pete offered to pick us up so we snapped his hand off,’ Daniel replied brazenly.

  Vinny Butler laughed as he walked away. His nephew was a chip off the old block, all right. What’s more, it looked as if he had his first major crush in life, and of all the girls to hit on, he’d chosen Eddie Mitchell’s daughter.

  Bella D’Angelo was even more edgy now than earlier. Antonio had only ever been travel-sick once before, but today he’d managed to vomit not just over himself, but also over her new red dress. Hence Michael had had to drive them all the way back to Chelsea to get cleaned up and changed. ‘I’m so sorry, Michael. About your car and making you late for your own brother’s party.’


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