White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More!

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White Christmas - A 6 Book BWWM & BBW Holiday Romance Collection Of Billionaires, Alpha Males, SEALs, Tycoons & More! Page 28

by Cherry Kay

  Marsha knelt above Finn, her thighs astride his body. She looked into his eyes and then lowered herself onto him, their anticipation of this moment, finally realized. Her thighs clung to his and she arched and swelled above him. He held her hips and thrust into her. She saw the look of love in his eyes and she reciprocated.

  Her head was thrown back now she was overwhelmed by the intensity of her pleasure. She heard him breathe her name twice, as he reached the same heights of satisfaction as she had.

  Hours later, after they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, Marsha began to stir. She lay on her side with her back curved into Finn's stomach. He held her hand, their brown and white fingers interlaced. She kissed his hand and he woke up too.

  They stretched and hugged each other.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked her.

  “Perfectly. I never felt so at peace.”

  “Me too.”

  “So,” said Marsha. “You told me the other day, London was a great place to spend the holidays. And you were right.”

  “I told you so.”

  “You also said you'd show me how the Irish spent Christmas. Was that what last night was all about?” She giggled. “Is that how the Irish spend Christmas?”

  “Absolutely,” he smiled back at her. “We've a very passionate culture, you understand.”

  “I can see that,” she said, smiling.

  Finn's passion for her had not faded in the night. He proceeded to cover her entire body with a series of kisses that began at her forehead and fluttered past her cheeks until he burrowed his lips into the warmth of her neck. He continued to kiss her upper body, then onto her stomach. Marsha closed her eyes, outstretched her arms and allowed herself to sink into the rapture of his love making.

  He tenderly kissed the skin on her thighs, between her legs and let them trail down to the very tips of her toes. He bent her legs at the knees and stared at the body until he was compelled to lie on top of her. She tilted her hips upwards to welcome him inside her again. Their bodies thrust forward and back, deep and passionately with a rhythm they sustained for the longest time. They moved faster and faster until once again the feeling of intense pleasure was theirs.

  Finn's voiced his emotions, in throaty gasps. For Marsha the depth of pleasure came again and again and again.

  They felt refreshed and renewed. Soon Finn decided it was time to make them breakfast.

  “I'll run you a bath if you like,” he said.

  In her bath, Marsha had to call Jodie.

  “Sorry about the time, Jodie, but I needed to get in touch again.”

  “That's all right. I wanted to be sure you landed safely, anyway. How was your flight?”

  “I'm still in London.”

  “You know what, Marsha, I'm not surprised and I know exactly where you are. With Finn, am I right?”

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “Just a feeling. Something in the way you spoke about him. I'm just happy it's him and not Jonathan.”

  “You and me both. I had a show down with Jonathan. As you expected. It was all lies, everything he told me. But I have him to thank for being here. I wouldn't have met Finn if I hadn't come to surprise him.”

  “And can I expect you to come home any time soon?” Jodie asked.

  “No. Sorry. And you'll have to wait before getting your Christmas present. I've decided to quit my job, too. The first thing I'm going to do is send a letter of resignation. I never want to have to see that creep, Jonathan again.”

  “But what happens next? You can't stay in London forever.”

  “Only for as long as it takes for us to work out what we're going to do. But that's the exciting part. Merry Christmas, Jodie. I'll see you when I see you.”

  “Bye honey, and take care. Have a fabulous Christmas.”

  Marsha came into the kitchen with a wide smile on her face. The kitchen was filled with the comforting aroma of a cooked breakfast that Finn had obviously taken a lot of time over.

  “This is beautiful, Finn.”

  On the table he had laid a white table cloth. He had cooked eggs, bacon, and sausages. There was a bowl of fruit as well as a basket of warm pastries and soft rolls. In a glass plate was some butter and a selection of jams and marmalades. She could smell the ground coffee in the coffee pot on the table and beside it was a large jug of juice.

  “Where do I start?” she asked.

  “Anywhere you'd like, but dig in while it's still hot.”

  “There's just one thing I have to give you,” Marsha said.

  “What's that,” he asked, sitting down to pour the coffee.

  Marsha sat opposite him and passed him a gift wrapped package across the table.

  “No, Marsha, you shouldn't have bought me a present. I didn't get you anything.” He took the box.

  “What do you mean you didn't get me anything? What do you call the past few days? This is the best Christmas I ever had. Especially when you punched Jonathan in the face.”

  They both laughed.

  “Come on, open it,” she insisted.

  “What is it?”

  “It's a surprise.”

  Gently removing the gold ribbon from the box, Finn undid the deep red, shiny paper. Beneath it he saw a black box. She saw him smile as he opened the box and took out the watch.

  “Marsha, this is fantastic. Very flashy, we'll have to go out somewhere special so I can wear it.”

  “No, you wear it all the time and think of me when you do.”

  He captivated her with the intensity in his green eyes, he wasn't smiling when he said, “All I do is think of you.”

  “Finn, I feel the same. But look, it's engraved.”

  He turned it over and saw the inscription: Finn, you were generous with your time, I will treasure those hours spent with you. Marsha.

  He got up and pulled her to standing. Holding both her hands, he looked deep into her eyes.

  “Whatever happens from here on in, I hope that we have many more hours to come. Not just for Christmas, but for always.”

  He kissed her deeply and she knew she was in the right place for the holidays.

  Outside, from the white gray sky there were large flakes of snow falling in drifts and swoops past the window.

  They didn't realize, until much later, that the snow settled on the ground outside, covered the line of parked cars around the surrounding streets, and colored the branches of the trees with a thick coat of white.

  The End

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  Should only take a moment!

  BOOK 5



  About This Book

  Bianca is not looking forward to her first Christmas alone after her divorce. So when she beings dating the mysterious Douglas Von Warren it seems she might actually have someone to spend the special day with.

  However, as the day approaches it seems that Douglas has something on his mind, something that he feels will change everything....

  Chapter 1

  Bianca Wilson was unable to make the beverages fast enough. She had only being working in the tiny coffee shop on the corner of Pear and Somerset for a little over two months, but she was unused to the pace. There was always a long line it seemed, and however fast she worked, she was unable to be fast enough. Her coworker and friend, Missy Thompson, who had an ease and quickness that helped with the job, always mesmerized her. She’d seen Missy make five double chocolate chip Frappuccinos in under five minutes. Missy could work an all-day shift, and then go out for drinks until two in the morning. She had spunk and energy that Bianca was unable to master, no matter how much she tried.

  So, maybe she was a bit jealous of Missy. Miss
y had guys lining up out the door to go out with her and there was no way she would be home alone, sulking on Christmas. Missy also wouldn’t care whether she had a man on Christmas either. She was just that independent with a fuck-all attitude and Bianca admired that.

  “Bianca, I need three espresso shots and a hot cider,” Missy said from her place at the register.

  Bianca cursed under her breath and hurried to take care of the order. She wondered again why she wasn’t the one at the register since Missy was faster, but then she remembered what they talked about the night before about Bianca growing more confident about working at the coffee shop. She quickly made the drinks and called them out for the customers. Then she took some coffees out to the various customers sitting at the tables waiting for their orders and finally as eleven rolled around the business seemed to die down enough.

  “So what are you doing this weekend?” Missy asked as she helped to clean up a little after the morning rush.

  “Nothing, probably. Maybe watch something on Netflix.” Bianca felt lame about her weekend plans.

  Missy grinned, “I’m going clubbing with Marcy and Melody. You should totally come!” she said excitedly.

  Bianca frowned and bit her lip as she thought about the invitation. As much as she wanted to go out with Missy because she was fun, Bianca wasn’t so crazy about Missy’s friends. First of all, they had all known each other since high school. Secondly, they were kind of dumb and lastly, not exactly the nicest people in the world. In Bianca’s opinion, Missy was much too nice for them, but she also hadn’t known them for as long as Missy had, and who was she to judge?

  “I’m not sure…” Bianca said quietly.

  “Bianca! You have to get out of this funk! Come on, it’ll be fun we’ll go out, meet a couple of hot guys, and then you know, dance our asses off. It’ll be much better than sitting at home with ice cream and Netflix.” Missy said, pouting.

  Bianca laughed, “How do you know ice-cream will be involved?”

  “Because I know you. Now, you should totally come out.” Missy begged.

  Bianca thought about it, “Well what day? I have to work early Saturday and Sunday morning.”

  “We’re going on Friday night and if you don’t want to stay long, I get it. I hate waking up for the early shift after a night at the club. It’s the worst.” Missy said shaking her head.

  Bianca smiled as she launched into a story of how she was so hung over she spent most of her shift in the bathroom one time.

  “But you’re in, right?” Missy asked making sure that she wasn’t going to bail last minute.

  “Yeah.” Bianca said with a shrug.

  “Excellent! Now I was also thinking since neither of us are doing anything for the Holidays—“Missy began, but was cut off by Bianca shaking her head.

  “I don’t want to talk about the holidays,” Bianca said, not wanting to think about how she was going to be alone. For the last five years, ever since high school she had been with her high school sweetheart, Justin. They had been married for almost a year when he announced that actually he was gay and ran off with a man. Bianca signed the divorce papers without a second thought and tried to move on with her life. The only thing she was sad about was spending the holidays alone. Every year she and Justin decorated a tree, hung stockings, and made egg nog. They had so much fun every Christmas and now this was the first one she’d spend alone and that frightened her.

  “You never want to talk about the holidays,” Missy whined.

  Bianca smiled at her whininess and leaned back against the counter, watching the various patrons in their morning mode.

  “I just…after Justin, I accepted what happened, but at the same time I don’t want to spend the holidays alone,” she said, trying to explain how she was feeling. She bit her lip and looked around the coffee shop to avoid Missy’s eyes.

  “We were together for so long and now…I don’t know -- I’ve never spent the Holidays alone.” She turned her back to Missy to see the sympathy in her eyes.

  “It’s going to be ok.” Missy reached out a hand out to comfort her. “I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but it will be,” She added, giving her a grin.

  Bianca rolled her eyes and sighed. “Whatever you say.” She went to the cash register to help the next person. Missy watched her for a moment, making a silent promise to help her friend any way she could. She knew Bianca was hurting; it was clearly written all of her face. She hoped that maybe with a little Christmas miracle, her friend could find a companion to spend the holidays with.

  On Saturday morning, Bianca continued to hit her snooze alarm until she really had to get out of bed. She thanked her lucky stars that she lived so close to the coffee shop because after the night before, she really needed a few minutes extra sleep. The four girls had gone to a few clubs and danced until they couldn’t dance anymore. At least Bianca danced until she couldn’t anymore. She met a lot of very nice single men at each of the clubs, but she wasn’t ready to take anything further. She was also pretty wasted and didn’t want to give her phone number out until she was sure they weren’t going to stalk or kill her. So instead of being on a man hunt, she decided to enjoy the time she had with her friends. Well-- friend, since she wouldn’t call Missy’s friends hers. She liked to think she had better taste than that.

  As her alarm began to beep again, signaling she only had thirty minutes before she had to be at work. She rolled out of bed and tried to make herself look as presentable as possible. She did her hair, and makeup, and then put on her uniform before hustling her ass to work. She made the quick five-minute walk down the street and opened the store. She went about her usual opening process: turning the lights on; counting the drawer, making sure everything was spic and span before she flipped the closed sign to open; and unlocking the rest of the doors. She began the machines and then leaned against the counter, feeling more tired than she had in her whole life. She made a mental note to never go out clubbing again when she had to open the next morning. She had only gotten two hours of sleep and had a long day ahead of her. She decided to make her own cup of coffee so she would be able to function properly.

  The store hadn’t even been open for a full ten minutes before the little ding on the door went off, signaling a customer.

  Bianca lifted her head from where it was buried in her cup of coffee to see the man before her. She smiled widely, noting that this was one of her regular customers. She wasn’t sure of his name since they had never exchanged pleasantries, but he was always so sweet and nice that she remembered him each and every time. He usually only came in during the week on his way to work, but also every now and again came in on a Saturday to lounge around before going off to do whatever it was he did.

  “Good morning.” He said before going to sit at one of the tables by the window.

  “The usual?” she chirped.

  “If only I could find something else worth my time.” he chuckled and then nodded. “Yes, please the usual.” He added when she smiled back.

  Bianca nodded and got to work making his regular coffee order. Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at what he was doing. She noted he had a paper with him and was looking through it slowly. He was a very good looking man with brown hair, black thick framed glasses, and twinkling hazel eyes. His build was pretty nice too. He had broad shoulders that filled his suit out very well and Bianca would bet anything there was a killer six pack under those abs. She licked her lips at the thought before catching herself, at how she was obviously man-deprived if she was checking her own customers out.

  She shook her head and reminded herself that this man was her customer and checking him out was not a good thing. She saw him every morning, well, mostly every morning. He was nice and they had a few casual conversations. She should not be ogling. Obviously she had too much to drink last night and needed to just find a man to work her frustration out on. She really shouldn’t be messing around with the customers. That would be a bad thing, she told herself over and ov

  She was so engrossed with trying not to think about how good looking Mr. Good-Looking was that as she brought over his coffee, she stumbled a little and ended up pouring the coffee all over his table. She gasped in shock and humiliation for a moment before quickly taking a dishcloth from her apron and mopping up the mess.

  “I am so sorry! So sorry! Oh my God, I’m just so sorry.” She whimpered, quickly cleaning up the mess and hoping none had gotten on to him.

  He reached a hand out to put on her wrist and she looked down at him shyly.

  “It’s quite ok…Bianca.” He said reading her nametag.

  She felt herself blush and thanked God for her dark complexion so he wasn’t aware of the redness.


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