Tropical Storm

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Tropical Storm Page 13

by Stefanie Graham

  “You can’t have me.” He said his voice a husky baritone. “I want you, I need you and I will have you again, but not like this. Divorce your husband, Jessica. I won’t let you break my control but I will break yours. I will bring you to the brink of ecstasy and then deny us both what we want until you end our torture. The power is in your hands. Give in. Give us what we both want. I’m tired of asking.” Finished speaking, he gently placed her feet on the ground.

  Jerking open the stall door with a shaking hand that belied his control, Cairo stepped out and wrapped a towel around his hips. Grabbing a larger towel, he turned around and abruptly stopped. Storm stood propped up against the marble tiled wall, her body naked and wet and her eyes liquid with longing and something close to resentment. Cairo ran a shaky hand down his face resenting his own resolve. He took a deep breath and enveloped Storm in the towel, turned off the water, lifted her up and walked into the bedroom with her. He placed her gently down on the bed. He then slipped the towel from his hips and used it to gently dry her hair.

  At her breaking point, Storm struggled out of his grasp. Without a word she got up, wrapped the towel more securely around her body and stalked out.

  Chapter Nine

  The next morning there wasn’t much conversation between them. Oblivious to this, Shane held a steady stream of conversation all the way back to the hotel. To Storm and Cairo, the return trip was excruciating and excessively long. The distance they’d traveled in companionable chatter on the way there was now a stony silence. When the hotel came into view, the jeep barely drew to a stop before Storm leaped out. She blew past Tyrone who had come to greet them without a word.

  “Whoa. What was that all about?” Tyrone asked as Cairo helped Shane from the jeep.

  “Nothing really,” Cairo answered. “I just gave Jessica something to think about. I imagine she’s in her room considering her options.”

  Cairo looked down at Shane. “Hey, how would you feel about hanging out with cousin Tyrone today?”

  Tyrone’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “What! Has it finally come to this?” He protested. “No longer playboy extraordinaire and no longer your right-hand-man? Now I’m simply a babysitter. What will the ladies say about my tragic fall from grace?” He hung his head.

  Cairo shook his head at Tyrone’s antics. “Can we do without the theatrics today? I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first. But I’m asking you now. Can you do this for me, Ty? It’s important.”

  Tyrone tapped a finger against his jaw in mock contemplation. “Of course I’ll help out, but what can a grown man and a young boy do for fun?” Looking down at Shane, he raised a sardonic brow. “Strip club?” He suggested.

  “Yes!” Shane agreed readily.

  “No!” Cairo yelled putting an end to the possibility. “No strip club.” He said to Tyrone with a scowl. “And what does a six-year-old know about strip clubs anyway?” Cairo demanded throwing a stern look his son’s way.

  Shane shrugged carelessly. “VH1 and BET.” He said in explanation.

  “A boy after my own heart.” Tyrone laughed. He threw a companionable arm around Shane. “But since your father is such an old stick in the mud, we’ll have to settle for watching a movie.”

  “Thanks, Ty.” Cairo ruffled his son’s hair before turning to leave. “Be good, Shane. I’ll see you later. I’m off to find your mother; she and I have some unfinished business to attend to.”

  Cairo knocked on Storm’s door for a full five minutes without any response. He knew Storm was inside so stubbornly continued pounding on the door. Just as his knocking became more insistent, she wrenched open the door.

  “What!” She shouted obviously not happy to see him.

  “You’re not ready, I see.” Cairo surmised taking in her robe and slippers.

  “Ready for what?” She demanded clearly still angry about last night.

  “For our date, of course.” He chided pleasantly. “Please don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.”

  Storm gave him a hateful look and stepped back into the room. “Sorry but I have no other plans for today except to curl up under the covers and read a good book, so if you’ll excuse me.” She started to close the door.

  Cairo stuck his foot in the door. “Our date slipped your mind, no problem. I understand that these things happen.” He said pushing into her room and sitting down on the couch. “I’ll just wait here until you’re ready.”

  “How dare you!” Storm huffed slamming the door behind her and planting her hands on her hips. “I said I’m not going anywhere and I meant it.”

  Cairo stood up his patience at an end. “Don’t be obstinate, Jessica. We said we were going to try and make this relationship work so we’re trying. Don’t be childish.” He chastised. “Just because you didn’t get your way yesterday doesn’t mean we can’t forget the incident and move on. You knew how I felt about us sleeping together before you snuck into my room. Now get dressed or I’ll be forced to dress you myself.”

  In a huff Storm stomped across the room and pulled a dress from the closet.

  Seeing her with the dress, Cairo gave her a smug smile. Seeing his satisfied grin, Storm walked over to him and dropped the dress in his lap. “I guess you will be forced to dress me.” She challenged and stood in front of him waiting.

  When he made no move to get up, Storm smirked, turned away and walked over to the bed where she started to draw back the covers.

  “Not so fast.” Cairo said snatching up the dress and walking over to her. “Now, we can do this two ways.” He said. “The hard way or the easy way; which one do you prefer?” He asked.

  “Why the hard way, of course.” Storm answered, her smile never reaching her eyes.

  “Fine.” Cairo said grimly. He didn’t relish touching her in any way after what they had gone through the night before. But he was determined. He dropped the dress on the bed and untied the sash on her silk robe. He then took a deep breath and slid it from her shoulders.

  Storm’s sharp intake of breath was her only response as she stared up at him defiantly.

  Cairo swallowed hard. It seemed Storm always did her best to test his control. Under the robe was a set of matching silk underwear. Cairo wanted desperately to caress her breasts in the silky cups and slip his hands around her waist and pull her to him, as she stood there practically naked, daring him to continue. Cairo took another deep breath and pushed away all the lustful thoughts that threatened his concentration. Looking away from her tempting form, he picked up the dress. “Turn around.” He said gruffly, knowing that he didn’t dare touch her.

  He was surprised when for once Storm did what she was told. She turned slowly and presented her backside for his view. Cairo took in the impossibly small width of her waist, the two dimples that resided low on her back and shaped with his eyes her perfectly formed rear. He ran a shaky hand across his brow and wondered if he would be able to get her dressed with all the sinful things he had on his mind. In the end, he thought of Shane and the precariousness of their future if Storm failed to get a divorce, then he took the dress and slipped it over her head and down her hips. With the barest of touches, he zipped up the back. With a sigh of relief he turned her around and said with as much calm as he could muster, “Shall we go?”

  Storm put her hand in his without protest. They walked silently together each of them mentally conceiving and discarding battle strategies. If they were waging a romantic war for supremacy then there could only be one winner. Neither of them spoke until they reached the lobby and caught sight of Shane with Tyrone at the front desk. Their son waved at them wildly.

  “I’d like to say goodbye to Shane before we leave.” Storm started across the lobby but froze when Cairo abruptly stopped. That’s when Shane ran up to her and momentarily diverted her attention. When she looked up at Cairo he had a big smile on his face. He hadn’t smiled at her all day so sh
e followed his gaze across the hotel lobby to see what had brought him such pleasure.

  Her name was Ambrosia.

  She heard the name pass his lips in a pleasurable sigh. Her heart started beating painfully in her chest as she saw Cairo affectionately greet and hug the woman. The way they spoke to each other with just a breath separating them; the way he held her hand lightly in his grip as they spoke; the way she looked at him with easy affection convinced Storm that this was no casual female friend. She felt an unreasonable possessiveness grip her. Shane, who was always sensitive to her moods, tensed beside her as if he too sensed the danger that this woman brought to his newly formed family.

  Storm stood seemingly forgotten by Cairo’s side as he carried on his conversation with the woman. It seemed she was destined to be a part of the furniture until Ambrosia turned and looked at her. She then whispered something to Cairo that made him turn back to her. Nodding reluctantly, he introduced the two women.

  “Jessica Storm, this is Ambrosia Harris.” He then struggled to find the right words. “She’s a . . . friend.” The pause was almost imperceptible, but it was not lost on Storm.

  Ambrosia held her hand out to Storm with a pleasant, open smile.

  Looking at Ambrosia, Storm almost flinched; she was even more beautiful than she’d first thought. She searched her face for some imperfection but none were visible. She had smooth silky skin that was a rich, dark bronze that complimented high cheekbones and full lips. Her hazel eyes were flecked with gold and her thick dark hair fell in waves down her back. She looked cool and elegant in a short, sleeveless linen dress that complemented her lithe, leggy figure. To add insult to injury, at nearly six feet tall, she was statuesque and gifted with proportions that a supermodel would envy. She was everything Storm was not. Her eyes were friendly and candid with strength and gentleness in their depths.

  “Lovely to meet you.” She said clasping Storm’s hand warmly.

  Her lilting Jamaican accent held a hint of British reserve. Storm could find not one thing wrong with her. She felt like a fool. She never thought for a moment that there might be another woman in Cairo’s life. The magnitude of her mistake was devastating. To her credit, Storm tried to appear calm in the face of her enemy. She didn’t care if he’d introduced Ambrosia as a ‘friend’, if the woman wanted Cairo that meant she would have a battle on her hands. Cairo was hers and she was not about to let anyone else have him.

  “Cairo tells me that you have recently arrived on our island. I hope you’re enjoying yourself.” Ambrosia said gracefully tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

  Storm summoned a smile hoping the effort didn’t cripple her. “My son and I are having a wonderful time.” Storm gestured towards Shane who was watching the woman closely with a frown on his face. “The hotel is wonderful and Cairo has done his best to keep us entertained.”

  Ambrosia placed a delicate hand on Cairo’s shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. “Well the hotel is a masterpiece of both architecture and hospitality. He’s worked very hard. I’ve never seen a man so determined to make a success out of something. Watching The Victory transform from a dream into a reality was very gratifying. We are all very proud.” The look she gave Cairo was tender and knowing. Storm wanted to punch her.

  At her words, Cairo gazed deeply into Ambrosia’s eyes and a look of understanding passed between them—a silent communication that spoke of something more than just a physical bond, it was something infinitely more dangerous, it was an emotional one.

  Storm’s stomach churned and she thought she might be sick as a strange sense of doom held her in its grip. She unconsciously tightened her hold on Shane’s hand. Sensing her discomfort Shane pulled his hand out of hers and looked up at Ambrosia.

  “Hello, Miss Harris. My name is Shane. Did my daddy tell you that he and my mommy are getting married?”

  Cairo groaned loudly and Ambrosia, whose face had held nothing but polite friendliness up until that moment, showed a quick flash of pain before she could disguise it.

  “Your daddy?” She questioned clearly startled.

  Cairo spoke quickly. “It’s a long story.” He explained. “I’ll tell you all about it later.” He reassured her.

  To her credit, Ambrosia kept her composure as she bent down to smile at Shane. “No, your father didn’t tell me the news,” she explained. “But maybe he wanted it to be a surprise. Congratulations to you both,” Her gaze flickered briefly over Storm and Cairo before returning to Shane’s. “I know your father must be very happy.”

  Shane seemed momentarily sidetracked as he stared at Ambrosia’s exquisite loveliness. Even at six, he was not immune. He touched her cheek gently. “You’re very pretty,” he admitted. “But you can’t have my daddy. My mommy and I just got him back.”

  “Shane!” Cairo said sharply still not used to his son’s candor.

  Ambrosia held up a hand and smiled at Shane warmly. “That’s okay, Cairo,” she said straightening back up to her full height. “It seems your son and I understand each other perfectly.”

  She turned to Storm and smiled. “Nice meeting you, Jessica. Your son is delightful and you have a good man in Cairo. I hope you know just how lucky you are.”

  “I do.” Storm said quietly. “I really do.” The few words held a wealth of meaning.

  Cairo took Ambrosia’s hand. “Come walk with me,” he said gently. “I have a lot to tell you.” He then turned briefly back to Storm “I’ll meet you both later. We’ll talk then.” And without remembering their date, he was gone.

  Storm watched helplessly as he walked away hand-in-hand with a woman who might have the power to change everything she’d worked so long and so hard for.

  No one, not her son, not Cairo, no one that saw her as she passed quietly through the hotel lobby back to her room would ever know what it took for her to walk calmly to her suite. Cairo was with a woman he’d clearly been intimate with and one he apparently still cared about. Storm felt like she was falling apart, like she was breaking apart from the inside, but she couldn’t, she wouldn’t, let it show. She had too much pride, had come too far and had suffered too much to let this stop her. Despite this, as soon as she closed the bathroom door away from her son’s worried and prying eyes, Storm sank to her knees near the tub and cried. The sobs came out in silent gasps. The pain she was used to, had been familiar with ever since she’d been ripped from Cairo’s arms on their wedding night, but this feeling, the powerlessness, this jealously, was new and Storm had no idea how to deal with it. Suddenly, this woman, who obviously held an important place in his life, made Storm feel less desirable, less capable, and less sure of Cairo’s love.

  Storm’s body rocked with the effort it took not to sob out loud, not to release the pain her body was now racked with. Shane was in the other room and she would rather die than let him see her this way. She didn’t know how long she sat on the cool tile of the marble floor, her shoulders hunched over her knees, her head in her hands. But when she had no more tears, she got up, washed her face and replied her makeup doing her best to hide the ravages of her tears. To no avail, like his father, Shane was a very astute boy. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door slowly and saw her son at her feet.

  Storm leaned down and scooped him up in her arms, a feat that was proving more and more difficult every day. He was growing so quickly.

  “How long have you been sitting outside the door, young man?” She asked playfully.

  Shane snuggled in her arms and held her tight. “Don’t worry mommy and don’t cry. I won’t let that lady take daddy away. But you can’t give up, okay?”

  Storm could only squeeze him tight. It was amazing how perceptive her son was. There was very little that escaped his notice. She stroked his hair lovingly; he had wanted a father for so long.

  “Don’t worry about me, Shane.” She reassured him. “I’m fine
. No matter what happens we’ve found Cairo and he loves you. He will always be your daddy.”

  “I know but we both have to get what we want: a daddy for me and a husband for you. That was the plan and we must stick to it. Promise.” He demanded.

  Storm was mute, suddenly it seemed it was a promise she couldn’t keep, but Shane was adamant. “Promise!”

  Storm squeezed him tightly, gripped by an incredible love for him. He had been the only constant in her life; she wouldn’t fail him now. “Promise.” She whispered.

  Shane’s grin went from ear to ear. “Good, that is all I want to hear. I’m going back to find cousin Tyrone and see if he’s ready to watch movies now.” He wiggled down from her arms, the serious moment between them already melting away. “No more crying, okay?” he warned and then he was gone.

  When she was finally alone, Storm sat on the bed and put her head in her hands. What was she going to do now? The light knock on the door saved her from seriously contemplating the question. She sighed and dragged herself to the door and swung it open. Cairo stood there looking at her with an expression she couldn’t read.

  “Back so soon?” She couldn’t keep the bitterness out of her tone.

  He sauntered in. “Why, did you miss me?”

  Storm elected to say nothing. She watched as he strolled over to her bed and sat down. She observed him as he sat there, looking for signs of passion: a rumpled shirt, errant stray hairs or lipstick on his collar. Either there was nothing to see or he had already checked for signs of indiscretion before coming to see her. Cairo was nothing if not a smart man.


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