Claiming His Champion: SciFi Alien Romance (Galatic Courtship Series Book 2)

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Claiming His Champion: SciFi Alien Romance (Galatic Courtship Series Book 2) Page 4

by Lily Thomas

  She swallowed, and then gave a quick nod.

  One corner of his mouth lifted up in a smile, as his fingers did short work of his pants.

  She sucked in a hard breath. His cock nearly reached the sky! Ok, maybe she was being a tad dramatic, but it was quite impressive.

  Her tongue darted out to lick her now dry lips. She could imagine having him between her thighs or between her lips.

  His steel blue skin rippled, as he began to walk towards her. Every black tattoo on his skin called out to her to lick them. Oh boy. She was way over her head when it came to the hunky Vrak’rir.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Anara glared at him.

  “To bed.”

  “In my bed?” She asked.

  “Yes, in your bed. Nothing but sleeping. I promise.”

  She eyed him for a second and shook her head. “No. I don’t think so. You sleep over there on the chair.”

  “No. I sleep in the same bed as my mate.”

  “Fight you for who gets to be in the bed.”

  “You want a fight?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “If I win, we sleep together. If you win, we don’t?”

  “You got it.”

  “Hand to hand combat.”

  Anara’s mouth opened and closed without a sound. No weapon? She would barely have a chance against him, but she never said no to a challenge.

  “Ok.” She slid out of the bed and readied herself.

  “You start us off.”

  Anara moved around the small room, circling him. Then she leapt forward and ducked through his legs, tripping him and sending him crashing down to the ground.

  His own leg whipped out and brought her down. Then he grabbed hold of both of her wrists and held them above her head, while his body held hers down.

  “Get off of me, you oaf!”

  “I beat you, admit it.”

  She growled up at him.

  “Admit, Anara.”

  “Fine, I admit it. You won, but no funny ideas when we sleep. Got it?” She didn’t want to admit defeat, but she needed sleep for the next battle.

  He held his hands in the air. “No funny ideas.”

  Anara wiggled out from under him and got back under the covers. She scooted over, and he slid under the covers. His arms came around her waist and drew her into him.

  “Hey! What about the promise about no funny ideas!” She tried to pull away, but his steel arms would budge. Damn those muscles she’d been ogling all day long.

  “I promised no funny ideas. I never said anything about no cuddling.” He whispered in her ear. His breath tickled her ear.

  “Fine, but no tricks.” She warned him, like she was in a position of power. She couldn’t even budge his arms.

  “No tricks.” He agreed.

  Chapter 4

  In no time, they fell asleep, but Anara woke soon after. Rauhq was mumbling in his sleep.

  “Shhh.” She whispered over at him, but he kept on mumbling, and then started to jerk in little spasms.

  “Don’t kill my family!” He barked, causing her to jump out of her skin a little.

  “Family?” Anara wanted to wake him from what was clearly a nightmare, but at the same time, this would be her moment to learn something about him. He might spill some personal things that he wouldn’t answer if she asked.

  She watched as sweat beaded his steel blue skin. Anara knew she should wake him, but she needed to know more about this family of his. Did he have a mate before her? Could Vrak’rir have more than one mate? To be honest, she really didn’t know all that much about Vrak’rir.

  A pang in her chest made her eyes narrow. Was she feeling a bit jealous over a ‘family’ she knew nothing about?

  He quieted down, so she leaned forward. “What happened to your family?” She whispered eagerly.

  Rauhq jerked to his side and mumbled something about his mother and father.

  So he wasn’t talking about a previous woman. The pinch in her chest lightened, but she still wanted to know more. She waited to see if he’d say anymore, but he appeared to have calmed down and gone back to a deep sleep.

  Reluctantly, she went back to sleep herself, but found herself interested in learning more about his mother and father. There was still the question of how they died.

  Anara woke before Rauhq and decided to slip out of bed and make her way to the mess hall. Tiera would probably be there by now, and she needed someone to talk to.

  Rauhq was throwing her off balance, which was what the Frirens probably wanted.

  As she entered the hall, she breathed a sigh of relief. Tiera was already eating at a table.

  “Boy, do I have a lot to tell you.” Anara said, as she plopped down on a seat at the table.

  “I bet you do.” Tiera sent her a wink and a smile.

  “Excuse me?” Anara blinked in confusion. What was Tiera getting at?

  “Aren’t you going to tell me what you did with Rauhq last night? It’s all over the barracks. People saw you two kiss in your doorway, and then you both disappeared into your room for the rest of the night.”

  “What?! No! Nothing happened. I came to my senses and pushed him away.” Anara blushed. How many people knew what she did last night? She glanced around the mess hall and noticed a few glances cast her way.


  Did Tiera sound a bit disappointed?

  “I can’t believe you thought I’d sleep with him.”

  “I can’t believe you haven’t thought about it. I mean look at that body of his!” Tiera’s ears twitched, and her pupils dilated a bit. “Are you sure nothing happened?”

  Anara hung her head. “I’m sure. I was in the room. I’d know if something happened.”

  “I will leave you alone then. Want the rest of my food?” Tiera pushed her plate across the table.

  “Yeah, thanks.” Anara scooped up the spoon and shoveled some grey goo onto it.

  “He must really love you to not push you into a mating. Those mate species have trouble resisting.”

  “I get it, he’s a nice guy.” Anara said over a mouthful of goo.

  “No, what I’m trying to say is, be careful. Who knows how long he can last with his mate right there under his nose. I’m not saying he’d harm you, but instinct drives them.”

  Tiera was probably right. Anara would have to tread carefully around Rauhq. At some point, he would want to stake his claim on her, or in her more like.

  “The weirdest thing happened last night. Rauhq mumbled something about his family in his sleep, like they were killed.”

  Tiera just watched Anara with her yellow cat eyes. “And?”

  “I’m just curious about his past. How he got here and what exactly happened with his family.”

  “Maybe you should ask him.”

  Anara shook her head. “I’m not at that point. Maybe he’ll tell me some more, when we go to sleep tonight, and he had another nightmare.”

  “Or you could ask.” Tiera suggested again.

  Anara looked up, when a large spot of blue moved in her vision. Glancing up she found Rauhq and all his muscle blocking the doorway into the mess hall.

  “Time to switch topics.” Anara whispered over to Tiera.

  Tiera shot a glance over her shoulder, and then smiled at Anara.

  “Nothing happened.” Anara whispered at her harshly. She didn’t have any sisters, but she’d consider Tiera close to one, even though they were from different species.

  “You left.” Rauhq growled, as he plopped onto a seat beside her.

  “I was hungry, and you were still sleeping. Of course I left.” What was his deal?

  “Someone could come after you and harm you.”

  “Thanks? You do realize I’m the champion of this arena, right? I can handle myself.” Anara patted each sword she had strapped to her waist.

  It wasn’t like someone was about to jump her in the mess hall. It was rare for fights to break out inside the barracks. It happened, bu
t was frowned upon by the Frirens. They preferred that the fighters kill each other in front of a paying audience.

  “We are the champions.” He corrected her.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Well, until you came along, I was the champion. I can defend myself.” Anara wasn’t the kind of person to be a damsel in distress. She would never need a man to save her, she’d save herself.

  “It’s still sweet.” Tiera mentioned from across the table. “You have someone watching your back. A lot of us would kill to have a partner in the arena.”

  Anara’s eyes narrowed, but she did feel a bit more relaxed in Rauhq’s presence. Even with him mumbling in his sleep and waking her, she’d slept better last night than she had in years.

  She might enjoy being the champion of the arena, but it could be stressful. She always had to have one eye open, because although fighting in the barracks was rare it did happen on occasion.

  “What gives?” Anara stared at the board of names.

  “What is it?” Rauhq came to stand behind her.

  She motioned to the board. “The only names up there for the next battle are ours. Think they’ve decided to have us fight against each other?”

  Rauhq shook his head. “No. It wouldn’t be very entertaining.”

  “Excuse me?” Anara folded her arms across her chest. “Are you saying that I’m not much of an opponent?”

  “No. It wouldn’t be much of a fight, since I would refuse to fight against you. A Vrak’rir cannot harm his mate.”

  Anara’s arms fell to her sides. She didn’t know what to say. It was sweet? He’d die so she could survive. “Then what do you think they have planned?”

  “We won’t know, until we head to the arena.”

  “We’d better get going then. Our battle is basically now.” The Frirens better not have something horrible planned for them.

  Anara stood by the gate with Rauhq right next to her. They were the only two who were called from their barracks for this battle, and she wondered who they would be going up against. It might be some sort of two-person team versus another two-person team.

  A shiver ran through her, as she took some calming breathes. With everything the Frirens were throwing at her, she feared what else they could throw her way.

  “Everything will be fine. I will be by your side.” Rauhq placed one of his hands on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.

  She wanted to shake his hand off her shoulder, but maybe it was time she relented a bit. Tiera was right when she said it was a matter of time until Rauhq’s patience ran out. He’d want his mate at some point.

  So she sent him a smile, and his blue lips pulled back to show his straight white teeth in return.

  The gate cranked open, and they made their way into the arena.

  “Who do you think we’re versing?”

  Rauhq gave her a shrug, and she appreciated the fact he hadn’t worn a shirt into battle. How was she supposed to fight when she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off his bare chest though?

  “Today we will have a special event for all of you!”

  Anara tore her eyes off Rauhq’s tattooed chest to glare up at the speaker. She knew there was going to be another surprise for her. The speaker was too gleeful.

  “Our arena champions will face a creature from Rauhq’s home planet!” The speaker announced, like it was the grandest thing in the universe.

  The crowd roared with excitement, while a lump formed in her stomach.

  “What’s the most dangerous animal on your home planet?”

  “There are many possibilities. Could be a xa’er or a shri’el. And neither would be an easy opponent.”

  Another huge gate lifted and out came an enormous creature. It had the skin of a rhino and was as large as a mammoth.

  Anara’s mouth hung open, as she watched the tusked creature come out and give a ground rumbling roar. Its mouth was large enough to swallow her whole.

  “Carnivore or herbivore?” She asked.

  “Carnivore.” Rauhq supplied.

  Before the horn even blew, the creature caught sight of them with its piercing red eyes and charged them.

  “Shit.” Anara leapt to her left and darted around the alien creature, as it came flying past her.

  “What is it?” She called out to Rauhq.

  “A shri’el!”

  “Any good points on how to kill one?”

  “The underbelly should be the weakest part of the tough hide.”

  “Should be?” Anara mumbled. Great.

  The shri’el turned and came right back for another charge. Anara went left again, while Rauhq went right.

  As one of its legs went by her, she hefted one of her swords in two hands and took a slash at it. The beast went by without even a flinch.

  She darted over to Rauhq. “My sword had no effect on the thick skin.”

  “We’ll have to get under it, so we can strike at its belly, but we’ll have to be careful that it doesn’t trample us.”

  “Roger that!” Anara sprinted towards the shri’el, as it turned and came back for another charge.

  “Anara!” Rauhq yelled out from behind her.

  Clearly, he still didn’t think she could handle herself. She’d show him though.

  The shri’el swiped its head, trying to knock its long tusks into her, but she ducked down and popped back up underneath the beast. Lifting a sword, she scraped it along its belly, until she popped out the other end.

  Still the creature was standing, but at least it was now dripping thick blood onto the ground of the arena. How many more strikes would it take to defeat the shri’el?

  She watched as Rauhq used his huge battle ax against the shri’el. He managed to crack one of its tusks in half, slightly disarming the creature. It let out a ground shaking roar, before charging Rauhq. He ducked and rolled to the side, then jumped up and slashed at one of the shri’el’s legs.

  Even his mighty battle ax didn’t seem to pierce the creatures tough hide. No wonder Vrak’rir’s were so built. Anara couldn’t imagine running into one of these while on a pleasant stroll through nature.

  Lifting her sword again, she charged towards the shri’el, but it turned and the remaining tusk came straight for her head. Anara rolled, and then popped back up, only to stare into the creatures gaping mouth.

  “Anara!” Rauhq yelled in warning, but it was too late.

  Darkness consumed her.

  Rauhq couldn’t believe it. One moment she was standing there, and then the next moment his mate was gone. The shri’el had swallowed her whole!

  A rage consumed him. If she was still alive, he planned on saving her before she was dissolved by the digestive juices of the beasts belly.

  Lifting his battle ax Rauhq dove under the neck of the shri’el and gave a deep slash to its vulnerable skin. He rolled away, right before an enormous foot stomped the ground where he used to be standing.

  Rolling into a crouched position he watched as the shri’el stumbled a couple steps, right itself, and then its crimson eyes fixed on him. It charged, blood pouring from its neck, but Rauhq stood his ground. Right before it came crashing into him, it teetered and fell onto its side.

  Rauhq approached, slowly, after the ground finished shaking from the force of its fall. When he knew it was dead, he rushed over and used his battle ax like a sharp knife. He didn’t want to hack at the belly in case one of his strikes went too far and he hit Anara. He was determined to save her from the stomach of the shri’el.

  His family had been taken away from him, and then the universe had handed him another chance. He wasn’t about to lose his mate.

  A sword shot out of the belly, and relief filled him. Anara was still alive, and she was attempting to escape!

  He stuck his ax a little deeper into the belly flesh and swiped along the length, and Anara came spilling out in a heap.

  Fresh air!

  Anara got up, sheathed her sword, and then held her arms out. “This is disgusting.” She was dripp
ing with yellow goo. It smelled horrible, and she was covered with it from head to toe.

  Rauhq took a step back from her.

  “What, no hug for your mate?” She teased over the roar of the audience above them. Clearly, they really enjoyed her being swallowed, and then rescued. Anara was just happy she was still alive.

  “You may be my mate, but at the moment, you might be the grossest thing I’ve seen.”

  Anara wiped the goo from her face and sent him a smirk. She was glad to see this teasing side of him.

  “Congratulations to our champions. It seems nothing can take them down!” The speaker announced.

  “Let’s get going. I need a shower super bad.”

  “You first.” Rauhq motioned for her to lead the way.

  “Why thank you. Wait until Tiera sees me. She’ll never let me forget this moment that I got myself eaten by a beast.”

  When Rauhq let out a deep laugh, it shocked Anara to the core. The sound was pleasant, as it rolled over her.

  She slid her way back to the barrack gate, since even the bottom of her shoes were slick with the yellow goo. Anara prayed this smell would disappear with a shower.

  “What happened to you?” Tiera came out of the mess hall to lean against a wall, as she eyed Anara walking past.

  “I’ll tell you, when I’m clean.”

  “Are you sure you can clean that off? And that smell!”

  “What smell?” Anara sent her a smirk. “I can’t smell anything anymore. I think I killed my nose.”

  “Make sure she gets that smell off of her.” Tiera called out, as Anara and Rauhq continued on their way to the showers.

  “I’ll grab you some new clothing, while you take your shower. Just remember not to lock the door.”

  “Got it, thanks!”

  The warm water felt great on her skin, and after using most all of the liquid soap, she was finally smelling like herself. Thank goodness. For a few moments there, Anara feared that she might smell like digestive juice for a couple days.

  That had to be the worst experience of her life.

  Being eaten alive, and then having to sit inside the stomach of the beast, while Rauhq faced it on his own, was horrible. She’d admit it, she feared for Rauhq’s safety. He might be a champion in his own right, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be brought down.


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