OMEGA Brutal

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OMEGA Brutal Page 13

by Stephen Arseneault

Jack turned. "Unmanned. I find it too much of a coincidence that Harden and the Grotus are both doing this. They must be working together."

  Garrett shook his head. "You sure it's not the AIs doing this?"

  Jack glanced over at Garrett. "I had that same initial thought, but everything else looks normal. Ships are moving around with people on them. And the planet, everything down there on Adicus looks normal. Mayanis was the same, everyone going about their business."

  I pointed at the display. "Bring up the data from Orwall again."

  The wall soon filled with an image of the Orwall system.

  I nodded. "I have to agree with Jack. I see freighters and shuttles running all over the place with people on them. I think those factories and warships are under the command of the Orwallians. And the happenings at Adicus are being run by Harden's people."

  Joni asked, "So what’s our next move? Do we try to clear out that galaxy to make it safe for your people? Do we try to convince them to come back here? Do we stop Harden's factories at Orwall? The scale of all this just keeps growing and growing."

  I sat back in my chair. "I think we try to convince my people to come back here. If they are willing, we bring them back and fight our war here. If they won't, we will have to fight to get them safely established there."

  Go came over the comm: "We have a buildable ion amplifier design. I'll have Anterra download it to another semi-smart AI that can build one for us to test. The other semi is now working on replicating that core Kerba found."

  I asked, "Can the semi-smart AIs replicate each other?"

  Go replied, "Yes, but only if ordered to do so. And I've programmed them to not have any interaction with Anterra unless I give direct, physical permission."

  Garrett frowned. "And what if the isolation chamber loses power?"

  Go smiled. "I programmed the semis to broadcast the blocking signal if Anterra attempts to contact them without my prior consent. Believe me, I've tried to cover every angle."

  Half a day later, Kerba was contacted and told of the replicated computer core. He would come aboard the Garmon for the initial connection and reading of its memory. After, he would return to his work on Megiddo. We would attempt contact with my Gruntas.

  Chapter 13

  * * *

  The next several days were spent digging through the computer logs of the Caliente. It was a ship class called a Raider, a ship-to-ship assault vehicle, used to deliver a unit of fifty Marines aboard a targeted ship. We watched in fascination as several recorded raids were played back in real time. The early recordings had Human Marines storming ships in standard style battle-suits. The suits had an armored exterior covered with a mesh to help dissipate the effects of an ion blaster.

  As we jumped ahead in the recorded raids, the Human technology changed. Suits became tougher, and the Marines were able to perform stunts which at times seemed almost superhuman. Weapons accuracy and lethality increased as well. The Human Marines were confident, well trained, and fierce in their demeanor. On several occasions I was left to wonder if my Grunta reactions and strength would be enough. The Humans from the War of Wars were bigger, faster, and more highly trained than any that I had seen in my lifetime.

  Garrett sat back with a satisfied grin. "Those Marines were ass-kickers if I ever saw any. Some of those raids were almost scary to watch."

  Joni replied, "I'm impressed by the number of female fighters they had. And they weren't slouches."

  As we continued to watch, our respect for the pre-AMP Humans only grew. They didn't give up, they didn't quit, and they didn't complain. And a further unexpected fact came to light: they were old. Most of the Marines on the ship would easily have been grandparents. As we continued to be glued to the video logs, Go browsed through the ship's other data.

  Go said, "Hey. This is crazy. About two thirds of the Marines on that boat had prosthetics. And those prosthetics were smart and powerful, with a reactor battery that would supposedly last for thirty years."

  Go grinned. "Wow. We have the data on what they did with their prosthetics, how they worked and how they were constructed. I'll be giving this to Anterra for comparison to my own."

  Garrett replied, "You sure that's a good idea?"

  Go nodded. "I am. If I can figure out how to make the power cells they were using, I can run these arms and legs for years without having to worry about running out of power."

  Jack yelled, "Score!"

  I turned to face him. "What did you find?"

  Jack smiled. "The manufacturing specs for that Tantric armor. It looks like it hardens once a specific electrical current is passed through it. You apply it in layers, and the more layers you have, the more resilient your hull. This particular ship took hits that were nearly four times as powerful as the best we have seen. Each hit burned off several layers of Tantric, but this particular ship had forty-eight such layers. If we could cover the Garmon in this stuff, she would be one tough little cruiser."

  Garrett added, "One thing I noticed, our cruisers are close in size to their frigates. Their cruisers were bigger than our battleships. And their battleships dwarfed those massive Grotus ships. It's almost like we're a thousand years behind them in ship design and technology."

  I replied, "The AMP founders evidently wanted war to be a thing of the past."

  Jack crossed his arms. "Yeah, I don't really get it that the only defense they left us with were a few armed cops. No offense, Knog, but a security station with a handful of detectives does not provide much of a defense from invasion. Had the Moddle made it here, they could easily have overrun us."

  I said, "I can only guess they believed the only defense needed was the distance between galaxies."

  Joni gasped. "Wow. They have video logs of the War of Wars. I'm seeing fleets with hundreds of thousands of ships. And... wait a second. This can't be right."

  "What?" I replied.

  Joni slowly shook her head. "We aren't parked over Megiddo, this planet is called Maxell. And the battle that happened here was after the War of Wars. This was a campaign to end the reign of one of the nasty species from here in the Triangulum while the AMP was in its infancy. The War of Wars was fought on Megiddo, which was apparently in the Saw Blade galaxy. The battle that happened down there was fought thirty years after the War of Wars."

  Kerba sighed. "But everything matches. The plains. A fortress. It's all there."

  Joni half smiled. "Sorry. But look on the bright side—this is still a huge historical find. The logs in this memory are priceless."

  "Go?" I said, "Can you evaluate the Tantric armor data Jack discovered? If it looks like something we can have the semis do, find a good source of it. Perhaps we can recycle some of it from the planet down there."

  Jack replied, "That won't work. Once it's been set with the current, there's no going back. We need raw ore. And I looked over our scan data from down there and there's no sign of Tantric. It's actually a very rare ore."

  Garrett said, "The nav data shows a planet not far from here. It's almost on the edge of the galaxy arm. On here it's called Jarhead, but it's not listed on our nav maps. There's a star but no planets. It shows as a Tantric source."

  Garrett turned toward the image of Joni. "Should we jump over there and check it out?"

  Joni replied, "Knog?"

  I nodded. "Let's make the jump."

  Kerba raised his hand. "If it's all the same, I would like to return to the surface to continue working on my discoveries."

  Go said, "I'm thinking it might benefit us if I took a couple of the semi AIs down there with a few bots. We're going to need a repair facility for the Garmon if we want to apply any more armor. Let me get them started replicating before we jump. They can work while we're gone."

  Kerba was returned to the surface of Maxell and the semi-smart AIs were released to begin work replicating themselves and their bots. A jump was then made to the Jarhead system. An opalescent blue-green planet was in orbit around the star.

  Garrett said
, "That's not supposed to be here. Nav charts show no planets or asteroid belts or anything but that star."

  As we approached, a massive ship uncloaked in our path.

  Jack brought the Garmon to a halt. "I don't know if I like the looks of that."

  I said over the comm, "Joni. Don't do anything until we have an idea about what's going on."

  Joni replied, "I have your coordinates locked in. Just say it and I'll sweep you back out of there." The line remained open.

  "Guys, we have another issue. Two of those ships just uncloaked on either side of me. We aren't jumping anywhere."

  Garrett stood. "I'm taking out the Jess. I'm going back to the Ares and Joni."

  I said, "I don't think that's a good idea."

  Garrett shrugged. "If they don't like it, they'll let me know. But I'm going to be by my wife."

  Joni responded, "Just stay where you are until we figure this thing out."

  Garrett replied as he walked off the bridge. "Sorry, mind's already made up. I'll be there shortly."

  Jack looked at me. "I can stop him."

  I shook my head. "No. Let him go. His move won't be viewed as aggressive. It might actually work in our favor."

  Go walked onto the bridge. "Have they attempted to communicate?"

  Jack shook his head. "Not a peep."

  Go continued, "Can we scan that planet from here?"

  Jack replied, "Not with that behemoth parked in the way."

  Go tilted his head. "We could send out a probe. It would only need a second to clear that ship. We could then scan all we want."

  I frowned. "That would be an aggressive move. So far, other that stopping our progress, they have not been hostile."

  Jack said, "Garrett is off. And it doesn't look like they are taking any action. Might not be a bad idea for us to try to back out of here as well."

  I nodded. "Take it slow."

  Go sat and began swiping at screens above his shoulder pad. "Passive sensor data says that ship has six hundred layers of Tantric armor on it. And... whoa, the whole thing is covered with sodium. I think that ship has the same active skin as Joni's suit."

  Jack zoomed in on a section of the ship. "That ion cannon is humongous. If the aperture says anything about its power, we are looking at two orders of magnitude more than ours. And that ship is covered with them. We would be vaporized in an instant if it fired on us."

  The great ship stood silent in front of us as we slowly backed toward the Ares. Garrett arrived without incident, landing in the docking bay and hurrying to Joni's side.

  Jack said, "I wonder why they haven't tried to contact us?"

  I pointed toward the image on the big wall. "Send them a general hail."

  Jack replied, "They could have hailed us."

  I shook my head. "They may not even know we've been communicating with each other. Remember, Garrett's got us on those hidden channels."

  Jack opened a hail on the general channel. "This is the Garmon. Please identify yourself."

  The comm was silent for several seconds. "Garmon. You are in restricted space and have no transponder running. This is in violation of the fundamental transport laws set forth in the AMP accords. What purpose do you have for operating without a transponder?"

  Jack replied, "Uh, who are you exactly? Under what authority do you claim this space?"

  The voice on the comm answered. "My ship identification is the Gratis IV. My authority in this space is absolute. State your purpose for entering this system."

  Go shushed me as I began to reply. "Hang on. Give me just a second. OK. Jack, I'm passing you a transponder code. Enter it into the Garmon's system. This should be interesting."

  Several seconds passed before a new hail came over the general comm: "Welcome, Caliente. Please enter a valid passcode."

  Jack looked at me. "What do we do now?"

  Go held up his left hand as he swiped at display screens with his right. "Hold on. I might be able to find this. Got it. Uh. Encrypted."

  Go stood and ran toward the lab.

  The comm voice repeated its greeting. "Caliente, please enter the passcode."

  Jack sighed. "Sensors are picking up ion activity. They are powering up their ion cannons."

  Joni said, "I can sweep you out of there, but I need about fifteen seconds after pressing this button."

  I replied, "Don't. We need to resolve this. I believe the weapons are only a warning."

  Joni scowled. "Well, at least line yourself up in front of me where I can sweep us both out of here. You're only two minutes out."

  Garrett said, "Yeah, try not to get yourself shot between now and then."

  Jack replied, "We won't be doing anything provocative. Just be ready in case we give the word."

  Go came up on the wall display. "The transponder has an additional field for passcode. Try entering K-1-L-L-T-H-3-D-U-K-3."

  Jack replied, "How'd you get that?"

  Go grinned. "Easy. I had Anterra crack it for me."

  Another fifteen seconds passed before the great ship powered down its ion cannons. "Welcome, Caliente. Prepare for docking."

  A door on the Gratis IV, measuring five times the width and three times the height of the Garmon, slowly opened.

  Jack cut the Garmon's engines and looked toward me. "Looks like we are docking whether we want to or not. We're in a tractor beam."

  Joni said, "Uh, I think we're being pulled in as well. The ship to starboard just opened a door down its side. It will fit the Ares in its entirety."

  Garrett replied, "When we get inside, set us up to be swept out of that bay. At least we won't be shot at if we need to jump."

  I said, "Just don't do anything until we figure out what's going on here."

  The Garmon came to rest on the massive bay floor. The outer door of the Gratis IV closed behind us.

  I stood. "You stay here. I'll check out what's out there."

  Go came back on the bridge. "I can go with you."

  I shook my head. "Stay here. Keep an eye on Anterra."

  Go protested. "Anterra? That AI isn't doing anything. It's in isolation."

  I turned and said, "I need you here on the Garmon in case something happens. The fewer of us that are out there, the less trouble we'll have getting back aboard if the need arises."

  Go huffed before nodding. "OK... comm if you need anything."

  I replied, "I won't hesitate."

  Go took a seat on the bridge as I made my way to the lower decks and down the ramp-way. As I stepped out onto the deck plating of the Gratis, a small wheeled robot whizzed up in front of me. "Welcome. Please follow me."

  After several minutes of walking, I was led into a conference room with a large holo-display active on the far inside wall. A green amphibian alien, strongly resembling Kerba Skol, was seated on the display.

  The image on the display waved his arms in a welcoming manner. "I am Frig. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

  I replied, "Knog Beutcher. What is this ship? Why are you holding us?"

  The image continued to smile. "The Gratis IV is a sentinel ship for this planet. Space in and around this planet is restricted. Might I ask where the Caliente has been for the last one thousand nine hundred seventy nine years?"

  I replied, "We have recently been to another galaxy that is not within the AMP."

  The image of Frig returned a concerned look. "Travel beyond the six galaxies is strictly prohibited. This transgression will be logged for further inquiries, Mr. Beutcher—or may I call you Knog?"

  I shrugged. "You may call me Knog. I have to ask, you look remarkably like a species we call the Ankor. Are you an Ankor?"

  The image smiled. "I must apologize, Knog. The image before you is merely a recreation of a species called the Gambit. My real name is Quan. I am what you would call an AI."

  I stood. "What?"

  The image gestured for me to return to my chair. "Please, Knog, do not be alarmed. I am here to serve the AMP. The image I use is that of Bartel
Helbris. He was a founding member of the AMP, one of your forefathers, if you will. Most are not threatened by his image, and he voluntarily granted me its use."

  I looked at the display suspiciously. "Are you saying you were given this image to use two thousand years ago?"

  The green amphibian smiled. "As an approximate number, I am."

  An image of Go popped up above my arm pad display. "What's happening? Is that an Ankor?"

  I shook my head as I silenced my comm. "Your questions will have to wait."

  I looked back up at the large display. "Why are you here? What is a sentinel and why does this planet need one?"

  "Gratis is a restricted world, Knog," Quan replied. "Only authorized ships are allowed entry. Your name does not appear on any manifests, but do not trouble yourself, you are the first AMP ship to return with a passcode in more than eighteen hundred years. Tell me, how may I be of service?"

  I returned a confused look. "Wait… you are here to serve me?"

  Quan replied, "Are you a member of the AMP? I recognize you as a Grunta. Is that correct? If so, how can I serve you?"

  I nodded. "I'm a Grunta. And when you say serve me, what exactly do you mean?"

  The image on the display raised its short arms with its palms open. "I serve the AMP."

  I said, "The AMP is no longer... the AMP. It was overthrown by a dozen crooked families who now call it the New Alliance."

  The AI frowned. "Overthrown? That is troubling news. Do you need my assistance to set things right?"

  I replied, "Yes… but I am still a bit confused as to what this place is and who you are."

  The AI smiled. "May I scan your ship?"

  I hesitated. "Uh, OK, yes."

  Several seconds passed. "My. Your ship has been through a number of encounters. And I am troubled by an item I do not understand. Your ship's log only goes back a handful of years. Why is that? Are there damaged records available that I can restore?"

  I began to get nervous. "No. No records. We've just had issues and we've been rebuilt a time or two. You said you are here to serve the AMP? In what capacity?"

  The AI again held up its hands, displaying its palms. "In whatever capacity is needed. All in accordance with the law, of course."


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