OMEGA Brutal

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OMEGA Brutal Page 15

by Stephen Arseneault

  Quan said, "The Duke took steps to bring about the final war on Jorus. Some aspects did not go according to plan and the remaining Gruntas were swept away. The Grotus, who were equally responsible for the conflict, were left to fend for themselves. The fact that they survived speaks well of their determination."

  Go went under the knife almost immediately. Joni returned with a new suit and a Quantum Entangled bio-implant. It allowed her to communicate with the ship, and Quan, using only thought. The rest of us were slated to receive a similar implant.

  With the AI now in our service, it was time to explore the planet of Gratis.

  Chapter 15

  * * *

  Gratis was a beautiful blue-green world, terraformed for a Human population. An untold number of sentinel ships waited nearby, always ready to defend her. The Gratis IV remained in high orbit as a separate shuttle took us planet-side. Deep blue oceans covered 80 percent of the surface, with lush green land covering the rest in a continuous strip that circled the globe along its equator. Ice-caps covered the oceans at either pole. The shuttle landed in a grassy field beside a hidden bunker doorway.

  Garrett said, "Looks like that door goes right into the side of that mountain."

  Quan remarked, "We are visiting the prior home of Don Grange and his wife Ashley. The insides of this mountain provide both a cavernous recreation area and luxurious living quarters. A cesium fusion reactor powers the complex while a self sustaining farm provides nutrients. Up to three dozen Humans can live out their lifetimes within this facility without having any external needs."

  Jack said, "I kind of like the traveling around myself."

  Quan continued: "The mountain just to the east of here has a similar domicile. It belonged to Bartel Helbris and his family."

  Garrett looked around. "This place is huge. Didn't the Granges have kids?"

  Quan replied, "The Granges bore seven children, all told. Those children had families of their own and all eventually moved off world. Six of those family lines have been genetically diluted to the common standard. A single line remains."

  Garrett stopped. "You've mentioned genetics with family line a couple times now. What exactly are you referring to?"

  Quan replied, "A small portion of the Human population had their DNA altered through the use of a serum. Physical performance and intelligence were both enhanced somewhere between 5 and 15 percent. If an individual is parented by a single, non-altered parent, and if their children are parented by at least one non-altered parent, those children revert to the standard DNA, which is dominant. Only those individuals whose family lines have remained pure can wear the BGS suit. The bio-gel and the suit's computer system have been altered to only accept individuals with the enhanced DNA. I just scanned the data recently collected from the security stations. There are less than ten thousand Humans who remain with the enhanced genetics. All others are common."

  Jack shoved Garrett in the shoulder. "Hear that? We're nothing more than common."

  Quan continued, "Both Joni Salton and Go are second line common, meaning if they parent with a commoner, their offspring will be common as well."

  Garrett frowned. "Nice to know you're nothing more than a commoner."

  Quan said, "Over here we have a historical archive for all Humans. On the right is a laboratory for science experiments. Don Grange did not put much effort into the cause of science. Bartel Helbris, however, strode to gather whatever information he could, working on projects up until his death."

  I asked, "Will we be given a tour of the Gambit's lab?"

  Quan replied, "If the ACs allow it, you can visit anywhere on this planet."

  I raised an eyebrow. "What else is down here?"

  Quan replied, "Gratis was the de facto mission base for the AMP during its expansion period. Security station zero is located just on the other side of the mountain range from here, buried deep beneath the ground. More than a thousand worlds were brought into the AMP from this location alone."

  Our tour continued for most of the day, ending at a cafeteria in the underground security station.

  Jack said, "This place is remarkable. With those sentinel ships out there, you could live here without concern for what the rest of the galaxy was doing."

  Garrett replied, "Yeah, well, that thought pattern is what got us into trouble in the first place."

  Jack turned to face him. "How so?"

  Garrett continued, "The people got complacent and let the politicians take their freedoms. When you get so comfortable that you don't care what's going on outside of your little sphere, you better be willing to accept whatever invades that sphere. You need to stay vigilant if you want to remain free."

  Jack nodded. "I think a little vigilance is warranted, but it shouldn't take much."

  Garrett half laughed. "Obviously we didn't have enough."

  I said, "Quan. You said the sentinel ships out there have portal generators built into them? Could that technology be added to our ship? The Garmon?"

  Quan replied, "I am not familiar with the Garmon. Do you have her designs available for evaluation?"

  I nodded. "Sorry, the Caliente. Could the Caliente be modified to have a portal gate or drive or whatever you want to call it?"

  Quan replied, "One moment... I am sorry, Knog. There seems to be a section of the ship I cannot scan."

  I thought for a moment. "We have a comm isolation room. It currently has an AI in it that we don't want to have access to anything else."

  The image of the Gambit floating over my arm pad replied, "What would be the purpose of isolation? Does the AI in question lack moral inhibitors or suppression circuits?"

  I shook my head. "The problem is we don't know. We don't trust it. It has a built in impulse to survive that we believe overrides any moral programming. We feel it might become belligerent if it believes its existence is threatened."

  Quan replied, "I could scan this AI and return an evaluation if you like."

  Garrett cut in. "Ah, no, we would rather this thing stay isolated. It would immediately attempt to take you over."

  Quan's image smiled. "I can assure you that would not happen, Mr. Rourke. If the AI in question is similar to the other units operating on your ship, I would have no issue with maintaining control over it."

  Garrett held up a slowly wiggling finger. "I don't think so, Quan. It's best we leave it in isolation."

  Quan said, "Would you like an evaluation of the AIs that are in operation? I could suggest efficiency updates that may make them more useful."

  I replied, "If you want to study them and offer up suggestions, I would see no harm in that. Just keep in mind that we prefer they not have the ability to learn. We would like for them to be programmed for a task and to only perform that task."

  Quan replied, "I will happily comply, although it does seem a tremendous waste of a potential resource."

  Quan continued: "I see your large vessel has portal capability. If you would like, I can offer suggestions for enhancement for both it and the small vessel in its docking bay."

  Garrett held up a hand. "Hold on. Are you saying you could put a portal generator on the Jess?"

  Quan replied, "That has been accomplished on similarly sized ships."

  Garrett smiled. "Now that's the first enhancement suggestion you've made that I like. How long would it take you to evaluate that?"

  Quan was silent for only seconds. "I have the designs ready if you would like them."

  Garrett held up a hand. "Hold on. What other enhancements could be made?"

  Quan replied, "The Jess could be upgraded with an active skin, a new ion cannon, armor, an environmental system, upgraded operations and nav computers, an upgraded gravity drive, a Yacabucci web generator—"

  Garrett interrupted, "A what? A web generator?"

  Quan continued, "A Yacabucci web generator. An ion field inhibitor is established between generation points or from a single point, projecting out into free space. Any ship or device traveling through the
wave field is brought to a stop and held in position for as long as the wave is active."

  Garrett nodded. "Sounds useful. I'll take one."

  Quan said, "Would you like to hear the remainder of the enhancements?"

  Garrett smiled. "Keep them coming!"

  Quan continued, "Cesium fusion generators, QE comm, a BGS suit lab—"

  Garrett held up his hand. "I'll take them all. When can we get started on those? And when would they be done?"

  Quan replied, "Installation of those enhancement can begin immediately. An estimated time for retrofit in our automated repair facility is five days."

  Garrett half laughed and offered a sarcastic question in response. "Five days? Why so long?"

  Quan replied, "The installation of the Tantric armor and curing of the sodium skin, along with testing, will require five days, fourteen minutes."

  Garrett grinned as he looked my way. "Well, let's get started!"

  Jack asked, "What would a time estimate be for the Garmon? I mean Caliente?"

  The AI replied, "The repair facility is quite large. The Garmon, as you call her, would be ready in the same five days."

  Jack looked at me. "I don't think we can refuse this. If it makes them anything like that sentinel ship, we would be insane to refuse it."

  I nodded. "Quan, please make the upgrades to all three ships."

  Joni said, "I know I just got the bio-implant for the QE comm, but I can actually feel it, or hear it taking hold. It's hard to say that I'm actually hearing it because it's not really in my ear. I just think I hear it."

  Quan added, "The device will take approximately two days to fully seat. At that time you will hear a single continuous tone. Just think 'answer' and the device will enable. Training yourself to properly use it should require less than a day. As an added benefit, the QE comm ties directly to the helmet computer of your BGS, allowing thought commands for all controls."

  Garrett gestured toward his battle-suit. "What about this? Any enhancements you can offer for this suit?"

  Quan replied, "I'm afraid not. The structural components of that suit cannot be adequately modified."

  Garrett scowled. "All this awesome tech and I'm stuck with this lame suit."

  Quan said, "We have other, non-BGS suits available that far surpass the capabilities of what you are wearing. Would you like to be outfitted with a standard Human combat-suit?"

  Garrett nodded. "Well, yeah... Jack?"

  Jack nodded. "I think we would all be happy with that. So long as they are comfortable."

  Quan performed a near instant analysis. "I can assure you they offer a level of comfort above what you currently experience."

  Jack replied, "Sold!"

  Quan continued, "The suit computers also offer a similar QE comm feature as the BGS. Thought control of their functions, including gravity boots, oxygen levels, visor shielding, and HUD controls, are all possible."

  Garrett asked, "What about hand weapons?"

  Quan paused. "Before I continue, I must add that all of these personal features are only available by the order of an AC."

  I asked, "Is there no alternative to the becoming an AC other than having the genetics?"

  Quan replied, "Any AC can deputize as many agents as they like. Said agents have the same rights as an AC, excluding control of the sentinels, access to this planet, and access to me. Those items are only available in the presence of, or by order of, an AC."

  Joni pointed with a grin. "Hear that, boys? You want something? You come through me."

  Garrett turned. "Mrs. Rourke? Do you think you could find it in your heart to make us deputies?"

  Joni looked toward the ceiling. "I suppose. Quan, Please deputize the remainder of my party."

  The AI replied, "Consider it done, Joni. If you would escort them to the lab destination where I sent you, each may have a QE comm embedded that will also authorize them as deputies."

  Two additional days passed. My Talisans were fitted with the Human battle-suits. I remained in the Grotus suit while the AI named Quan had a new suit constructed for my use. In the meantime, I was given a large Human helmet with which I could practice.

  I stood on the grassy field outside of the bunker entrance. Garrett sprinted toward me at an incredible speed, essentially tripling the normal pace of a Human.

  Garrett slid to a stop. "That was incredible! Did you see how fast I was going? The boots and joints in this suit are all assisting. I just sprinted three kilometers, far faster than I've ever run, and I'm not winded!"

  Jack raced across the field, just behind one of his crew.

  Jack said, as he came to a stop, "Wow. Just wow. This suit is so powerful. You have to be careful to not jumble your insides with a hard impact. I took a jump over a small creek and landed thirty meters on the other side."

  I nodded. "The gravity on this planet is about 3 percent below standard."

  Jack shrugged. "Still, and Quan was right, this is a comfortable suit. It's both flexible and lightweight."

  The following week saw us training with our new gear. Go emerged from his operations early and we paid a visit to the medical facility on the Gratis IV.

  Go perked up as we entered the room. "Finally, someone Human to talk to."

  Jack laughed. "Getting tired of talking to the hologram?"

  Go nodded. "Yes. I mean I've only been awake for a day, but that AI won't shut up."

  Quan said, "The questions I ask are intended to speed your recovery."

  Go rolled his eyes. "See? Sorry, Quan. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

  The AI replied, "If I had feelings to hurt I would gladly accept your apology. Has the tingling in your right lower nerve bundle subsided?"

  Go nodded. "Yes, I guess it has. Does that mean we are ready to attach the prostheses?"

  Quan replied, "I'm afraid not. Your internal organs need to settle into their new positions. This will also allow adequate time for your interfaces to fully heal. As an aside, you will be fitted with a simulation helmet that will allow you a head start on mentally training your new limbs. Within the helmet, you will see, feel, and hear precisely what you would with the connected arms and legs. When the prosthetics are attached, you will be able to stand, walk, and grasp items with your hands, giving you about 70 percent normal functionality."

  Go smiled. "I like the sound of that. And what, two weeks after that I can go?"

  Quan replied, "No. You will have the ability to leave immediately after the prosthetics are attached. They will automatically calibrate to your interfaces and thoughts. I would stress that activity should be kept light for that two week period. You would not want to risk damage to yourself or others due to improper training or balance."

  Garrett pointed and laughed, "Hear that? No roughhousing!"

  Quan said, "The Jess is now available for flight testing. The Garmon will be ready in forty-two minutes. I would advise extreme caution with your initial flights. Fly with manual controls until such time as you are far away from Gratis.

  "And something to consider when using the portal drive. Always know the exact location of your destination. You would not want to jump into the center of a planet or a star if traveling at speed. Best practice would be to initiate jumps from a dead stop until you are confident in your abilities. You will have new nav and sensor displays. Your helmets possess tutorials for their functionality and use."

  Garrett waved his hand. "Back up a second. What happens if we jump into a star?"

  Quan replied, "If the sodium skin is active and you are moving at a slower rate of speed, a maximum of approximately thirty SOL for the Jess and thirty-six SOL for the Garmon, you will have no issue. The active skin will protect the ship until it emerges from the object. However, at speeds above those approximates, the active skin may be overwhelmed, causing a catastrophic failure. In the case of the sun, you will instantly incinerate. In the case of a planet, a collision with other matter will be your end."

  Joni and Garrett lifted off in the J
ess as Jack and I walked aboard the Garmon.

  Garrett yelled over the QE comm: "Whoa! This thing has some speed! We just hit high orbit in under a second!"

  Joni said, "Let's make a jump."

  Garrett replied, "Hold on. We just got up here. Let me drive for a bit, then you can take over."

  Joni held up her hands. "You don't even have a nav map up!"

  Garrett laughed. "I'm a man, I don't need a map. We're just flying around. Let me get the feel of this please."

  Joni scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  Garrett looked into the standard comm camera. "Women."

  Jack chuckled as he powered up the Garmon. "That boy is just getting himself into trouble."

  I replied, "What would you have suggested he do?"

  Jack smiled, "You let the lady drive it first. What would you do with your wife?"

  I nodded. "She would pilot it first, but not because I let her."

  Jack looked over as we shot through the Gratis atmosphere. "Yeah, I guess that would be your case."

  The animosity on the Jess continued for several minutes until Garrett pulled the small ship to a stop. "You want to drive? Here. Take it."

  Joni nodded. "Thank you."

  The nav map popped up showing the planet Doomlight.

  Garrett turned to face his wife. "What are you doing?"

  Joni leaned back. "I'm thinking Doomlight."

  A rumble could be heard as the portal generator powered up. Three seconds later, a black wavy hole opened in front of the Jess and the ship powered through. In another instant, the portal closed and the ship disappeared from our nav display.

  Garrett said, "You jumped us to Doomlight? Whoa. There must be forty thousand ships out there!"

  Joni smiled. "Relax, they can't see us."

  Jack said, "You aren't really at Doomlight, are you? That easy?"

  Garrett crossed his arms. "Yes, we are. Wait... you can hear us?"

  Jack replied, "Not only that, we can see what your sensor feeds are detecting. This is insane!"


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