The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet)

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The Terms: Part One (The Terms Duet) Page 15

by Ruby Rowe

  She’s also not why I can’t sleep. I’ve been lying here, worrying about Liam, too, and imagining the worst. I hope they did check him out well enough at the hospital.

  Dammit. Kicking off my sheet, I sit at the side of the bed and pull on my pajama pants. I’m lightheaded in an instant, and my head is pounding, too.

  I’m pissed at myself for losing my balance when I grabbed Liam. Maybe I made things worse. This caring shit is painful, and I’m recalling why I kept my emotions shut off for years.


  Lying next to Liam, I stroke his silky hair. If his breathing slows too much, I panic and touch him just so he’ll stir a little to ease my concern.

  Ellis hasn’t been nice to me the times I’ve checked on him tonight, and I’m curious if he doesn’t want me in his room.

  He’s never shown it to me or mentioned me sleeping in there with him. I can’t help but wonder about it since we’ve slept together in my room and in the bed in the guest house.

  The door opens, so I sit up. “Ellis, are you OK?”

  “Come on. We’re all sleeping in your room.” Climbing off the bed, I pick up Liam and follow Ellis down the hallway. Once we’re in my room, Ellis pulls back the bedding with his good arm and points. “Put him in the middle.” I do as he instructs and lay Liam down in the center of my king-size bed.

  “You don’t have to sleep in here. I promise not to wake you up again.”

  “I want us all together,” he says as he joins Liam, getting in on the right side. I pad over to the left, and once I’m in, we face each other with Liam between us.

  “Can I ask why you don’t want me in your bed?”

  I hear his heavy exhale. “I do, Camilla. I think about it often, but I want it to be just the two of us, and I want to be well when I finally get to fuck you there.”

  “Oh,” I whisper.

  “I probably fell today from you and Liam tilting my world on its axis.”

  “You’re regretting us being here.”

  “No, but I’ll tell you what I am feeling. I’m envious of Christopher for knowing you and my nephew better than I do. You and Liam feel safer with him, and it makes me fucking furious. I’m jealous that he wants you, and I have an overwhelming desire to hurt him for it.

  “I’m angry that my brother let you struggle instead of taking care of you and Liam, and although he chose to be a worthless piece of shit, I feel guilty for being grateful that it’s me who gets to be with you and his son and not him.

  “Oh, and my damn head hurts from the fall, so can we finally go to sleep? I’ve had all the feelings I can take for one day.”

  “I’m falling in love with you.”




  Waking up from the sound of Liam’s voice, I open my eyes in time to see the door shut behind him and Camilla. She’s pissed at me, and I can’t blame her.

  She proclaimed she was falling in love with me last night, and I told her to go to sleep. It was not my finest moment.

  If she hadn’t been so worried about me, she would’ve gotten up right then. Instead, she only called me a jackass before exhaustion knocked us out.

  Rolling over, I groan from how achy and stiff my body feels. The back of my head is throbbing where my stitches are, and my arm fucking hurts, too.

  Once I think of the conversations I need to have with Camilla, Christopher, and my cousin Greyson, I realize today’s going to suck almost as much as yesterday.

  I ease my battered body out of bed and walk to my bedroom to get my phone. After I send Christopher a text to meet me in my office at ten, I call Greyson.

  “Hi, are you busy?” I ask.

  “Driving to the office. I was going to call you when I got there. Something interesting happened with Tony’s estate. I got a phone call inquiring about his will.”

  “From who?”

  “His birth mother.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “No, and I went off on the bitch. I can’t believe she thought Tony would leave her money after she basically sold him to your parents.”

  “She gave up her legal rights. She’s not entitled to shit.”

  “Right. It’s all going to you, and I told her she’d be wasting her time to try to change that.”

  “Actually, I was calling you in regard to my own will. I need to see you today if possible.”

  “I’m packed with appointments, but I could do dinner.”

  “Great, uh, I can’t go out today. Could you come here instead? Say around six-thirty? I’ll have Irene fix us something.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”


  “Camilla, I’m so sorry,” Emma exclaims. She’s clutching the top of her purple t-shirt as she examines Liam’s injuries in the dining room. He proudly shows her his bandages, and then with round eyes, he raises his hand.

  “We fell way far down.”

  “Oh, I feel so bad.”

  “Emma, this isn’t your fault, and I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

  “I am. I think I got sick from the greasy pizza I had the night before, but if I’d only stayed, this wouldn’t have happened. I bet Mr. Burke will fire me as soon as he sees me.”

  “No. He doesn’t blame you, and often I wonder if things are supposed to happen a certain way.” I try to hide my annoyance. “I know this whole event gave me some clarity.

  “Why don’t you and Liam take it easy today and hang out in the family room? He doesn’t need to be jumping around, and he’s probably too anxious to focus on learning, so you can watch movies instead.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Emma helps my kiddo down from his chair, and as they leave the room, Christopher walks in. He sits across from me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  “Did you tell him?” he asks.

  “I did.”

  “Is he firing me?”

  “He’s not supposed to.”

  “I’m surprised.” Taking a drink, he swipes a hand over his short hair that’s a touch damp and barely brushed. His eyes are heavy this morning, and his blue shirt is wrinkled. I guess he got about as much sleep as the rest of us.

  “I’m not promising anything. The man’s moody, so who the hell knows what he’ll do? I did put the focus on me and how I needed a friend coming into the house.

  “He understood, but he’s still angry you lied to him. You need to convince him that it’s honesty from here on out. If not, he’s going to give you the boot for sure.”

  “You seem pissed this morning.”

  “Yesterday was long and stressful. I didn’t get much sleep, and I’m tired of trying to read Ellis.” Standing abruptly, I grab my plate. “I don’t want to discuss it. I have schoolwork to do. Good luck with moody Mr. Burke.”

  On that note, I leave and head to my office. I need to call Sasha again. I’ve texted and called her several times since arriving at the hospital yesterday, but I haven’t reached her. It’s worrying me.


  Christopher sets a fresh cup of coffee on my desk before he takes a seat across from me.

  “Irene sent that up. I’m glad to see you’re able to get around today.”

  “Thank you, but we don’t need to exchange pleasantries. I’m going to get right to the point. Why did you lie to me? Why didn’t you tell me Tony knew about Liam and that you were friends with Camilla? You had the opportunity when I announced I was moving her into my home.”

  “I needed this job, and I wasn’t sure if you would keep me around after that admission. I was caught off guard, and I apologize. I guess I should’ve known it would come out eventually since Tony left his estate to Liam in his will.”

  “What? Tony didn’t leave anything to Liam. He left his estate to me.”

  Christopher’s mouth opens, and he squints his eyes.

  “He told me he added him to his will,” he says bitterly.

  I shrug. “Maybe he wanted to appe
ar better than the piece of shit father he truly was.” Lacing my fingers behind my head, I lean back in my chair.

  “Anyway, I’m not going to be self-righteous and pretend I’m perfect. I made some poor decisions where Camilla and Liam were concerned, but you lied to me.

  “She gave me the impression you wanted to protect her, yet had you told me Tony knew about Liam, I wouldn’t have had the grounds to put her through what I did. I hope you realize you’re the one who caused her anguish.”

  His jaw ticks and body stiffens, but he can’t intimidate me.

  “I didn’t know you were blackmailing her when this all began. Once she told me, we worried you might take Liam regardless, so we made the only choice we could. You know, she doesn’t wish to be here. She’s even pissed at you today.”

  Sitting back up, I clasp my hands on my desk and give him a cold stare.

  “Here’s the bottom line. Camilla isn’t being held against her will. She’s been told she can leave at any time, and she’s choosing to stay, so obviously she isn’t too upset with our arrangement.

  “She’s happy living here, being with me, and she wants me in Liam’s life, so I’m going to say this once; back the hell off, stay out of our relationship, and stop chitchatting with her.”

  I may not have known Christopher was in love with Camilla, but I sure as hell knew he liked her. I have cameras I can view from my laptop, and I was about to install audio on the fuckers because of how often he was seen talking to her. I even witnessed it this morning, but it stops now.

  “I understand,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “On to the next matter. This will be shocking news, but Tony was poisoned. Someone wanted him dead, so you’re going to cooperate with me and the detectives to figure out who that was. He had enemies, and seeing how you worked for him and was his close friend, you should know who some of them were, so start racking your brain.”


  I’m working on an assignment in my study when my phone rings. Christopher… I wonder what transpired this morning during his conversation with Ellis.


  “You’re sleeping with him,” he says angrily. “Admit it.”

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “I knew it! Why? What do you see in him that you don’t see in me?”

  “I can’t explain it. I’ve been drawn to him since we first met, and attraction is not something people can control. Then, after I suspected he was a good person inside, I started developing feelings for him.”

  “You can’t be with him, Cammy.”

  “I think it’s time you stop calling me that, and you don’t get a say in this. Did you forget how you betrayed me for years? You want to talk about Ellis being so evil, yet look what you kept from me? You used the situation with Tony and Liam to get close to me.”

  “But I did it because I cared about you and that sweet boy. Ellis has never been in a relationship, and he’s almost thirty-five. Do you honestly think he’s going to keep you around?

  “He’ll only use you until he’s bored. Then, he’ll toss you aside like Tony did, and Liam will be in the crossfire. Is that the kind of mother you want to be?”

  “This conversation is over.”

  “Only for now, Cammy. One day soon, Ellis will reveal his true colors, and then you’ll be throwing yourself in my arms like you did the first day you were here.”

  “And that was a mistake. I’ve never purposely misled you.”

  “Deep down you care for me. I think you’re scared to admit it since we could have something real and lasting.”

  “I’m hanging up now, and you need to get your temper under control if you’re going to be around Liam. You’re acting like a jealous boyfriend.”

  “No, that role goes to Ellis Burke.”

  I huff at him and end the call as someone knocks on my door. I thought not having a job would give me more time to devote to college, but that has yet to be the case.

  “Come in,” I yell. Ellis ambles inside the room, looking broken today. Because of his injuries, a part of me has the urge to run and hug him, but another part of me that’s angry at him for last night is overriding that urge. “What do you need?”

  “We should talk.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise right now.”

  “I know you’re pissed at me, so we’re talking about it until you’re not.”

  “You can make the decisions in the playroom, but I always have another person’s wellbeing to consider when we’re out of it, and that’s Liam’s, so you’re not bossing me, Boss.”

  “I don’t see how this has to do with Liam.”

  Sighing, I point to the yellow chairs near my bookcases.

  “All right, we’ll talk.”

  Ellis limps over and sits down. He’s in jeans and a black polo shirt, and I’m betting he used his sprained arm to button his pants.

  “I know I picked a terrible time for my confession last night, but your insensitive response was uncalled for. I didn’t expect you to say it back, but at least acknowledging what I said would’ve been nice. It left me questioning everything between us.”

  “Look, I’m sorry. It was a hellish day, and I was exhausted and in pain.”

  “And that’s why I said it was terrible timing, but the rant you delivered left me questioning if this is too much for you to handle: me, Liam, us moving in here, a relationship, and the worry of keeping us safe.

  “Add that stress to your grief over losing Tony and finding out what happened to him, and I fear you could change your mind about all of this.”

  His lips purse, and he shakes his head.

  “That’s a bunch of shit.”

  “Ellis, I have to protect Liam’s little heart. He hugged you last night and thinks the world of you already. I can’t have him getting crushed if the day comes when we have to go back to our old life. You and I need to slow down so this doesn’t become too overwhelming for either of us.”

  “Come here.” His gaze projects aggravation and desire, but mostly dominance. I want him, and I wish I didn’t. I haven’t risked my own heart being broken in years, and it’s never been on the line like it is now with Ellis. It’s scaring the shit out of me.

  Moving past the small table sitting between us, I stand in front of him. “Kneel.”

  I do it and stare at the floor. It’s my last ditch effort to hang on to some control. His fingers slide beneath my chin and raise it.

  “Look at me, and listen closely. I want you and Liam here. I have no intentions to end what’s happening between us. I’ve never been the best with words, but I do show how I feel with actions.

  “Aside from when this all began, my actions have proven the depth of my attraction to you and the genuine desire I have to provide for you and Liam.

  “Do you know what I think? I think your confession last night surprised you more than it did me. So, with that said, my Rose, stop looking for a fucking excuse to bail.”

  Ever so slowly, he leans over, taunting me with a seductive gaze. His lips press to mine and linger before they brush along my cheek and then my ear. His tongue traces the shell of it, stirring up a shiver.

  “I’ll never let you go,” he whispers, “and as soon as I feel better, I vow to fuck the doubt right out of you.”

  My eyes close and my knees wobble as his searing breath coats my neck. His tongue skims, curving down to the dip in my throat before a husky sound emerges from him and vibrates against my skin.

  “I want inside you at this moment. What you do to me … what I already feel for you … can’t be put into words, Camilla. Let me show you one day at a time.”

  “I’ve never been able to count on a single person in my life, Sir. No one.”

  “Then I’ll be the first.”



  “Ellis, what happened to you?” Greyson asks the second he strolls into the family room. He’s early, and I’m guessing Irene let him in. I’m resting on
the sofa with Camilla, looking like a weakling, while Liam plays in the floor.

  “I failed at preventing Liam from falling down the stairs. We both took a tumble instead.” Greyson’s eyes are round, his mouth agape.

  “Are you two OK?” His gaze darts to Liam.

  “We’ll be fine. Minor injuries.” It takes me a minute, but I manage to stand up. “Let’s go to the dining room.”

  “Are you joining us, Camilla?” he asks.

  Giving him one of her glowing smiles, she stands, too.

  “No, Liam and I already ate.”

  “OK, then. It was good seeing you again.”

  “Same here. You both have a nice dinner.” As she turns to me, a crease forms across her forehead. “Um, I’m going to ask Beatrice to come over tonight so I can check on Sasha.”

  Turning my back to Greyson, I give her a pointed look.

  “Why are you just now mentioning this?”

  “It’s not a big deal. I shouldn’t be gone long.”

  “OK, but call Fletcher to drive you, and have one of the two security men at the front gate ride along, as well.” Her nod is faint before she sits back down and picks up her phone.

  I sense a need to say more, but feeling a cramp in my leg, I start to walk toward the door to work it out. Greyson follows me to the dining room, and right after we sit, Irene hurries in to serve us drinks.

  “I shouldn’t laugh, but there’s humor in you falling and then asking me to come over about your will today. Did your life flash before your eyes?”

  “Yes, but mostly I was thinking about Liam. To be honest, I’ve never felt fear like that. Thank God he wasn’t hurt worse. He only has some bumps and bruises.”

  “I guess we do need to update your will. Did you consider doing the paternity test?”

  “Yes, and I agree it’s wise. How accurate will it be? Like what percentage are we talking about if, uh, say I come back as the father?”

  He lets out a clipped laugh. “That you’re 99.9% the baby daddy.”


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