Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3) Page 13

by Ashley L. Hunt

  No need, we are here and we are going to save you, Jessie. Yahn answered me. I looked through the crowd and noticed a loud commotion over to the right of the platform.

  “Stop this brutal execution right now or these men will meet their fate!” David shouted. I looked hopefully over in the direction of his voice and saw Yahn on one side of a group of policemen and David on the other with their guns pointed at them.

  “What is this?” Judge Randall said indignantly into the microphone.

  “This is your chance to save your men and give up the prisoner!” David shouted back. The crowd began to chat amongst themselves in confusion.

  Some of the judge’s advisors, including the chief of police, came up and began to whisper to him.

  “I said release the prisoner!” David repeated. The judge looked up at the guards, reluctantly and gave them an order.

  “Go on and do it. We will not risk the lives of our men. However, these men will not get away with their attempt to usurp our divine system of judgment!” the judge said, indignantly.

  One of the guards removed the noose from around my neck and they led me down the stairway, pushing me when I didn’t move fast enough to suit them. I breathed a sigh of relief as they brought me over to David’s side. The crowd began to shout at us as we slowly began to back away from the scene. David and Yahn had four officers with us that they ordered to get into the back of their hover car. I got in the front with David and Yahn. Yahn took the wheel. The armed policemen closed in behind the car, with their laser guns drawn.

  “Allow us to escape or we will execute your precious officers, immediately! I am not joking!” David said. Yahn threw the car into a high gear and we took off over the crowd. Almost immediately a whole fleet of police hover cars began to chase us.

  “Hold on!” Yahn said as he put the pedal to the floor and the hover car jolted forward. We began a jarring chase through the city. Yahn would take sudden turns and dips as the policemen began to reach us. Luckily, they had gained access to one of the fastest hover cars on the market and we were able to stay ahead of the police cars so that they couldn’t surround us.

  “Look!” David shouted as he took out the owner’s manual from the glove compartment and pointed to a red knob to the left of the steering wheel. These new models are equipped with a cloaking device! Just hit the red button and we should be able to give them the slip.”

  “It will help, but they will still be able to pick us up on radar,” Yahn said as he pushed the red button. Seconds after we became invisible, Yahn took a sharp right turn and guided the car up above the main traffic lanes and above the clouds. He turned on the hyperdrive and put the pedal to the floor. The car went so fast, we were pressed against our seats, unable to move due to the g-forces. The combination of our invisibility and Yahn’s quick maneuvering had helped us lose the police. We stayed up above the clouds until we reached the outskirts of the city. We saw police cars everywhere, so we stayed where we were until we were far out in the country. We stopped at a fueling station on a hover platform and turned off the invisibility device.

  “Alright, I think it’s safe to release the prisoners now,” Yahn said.

  “You heard him, out of the car!” David said. The four policemen frowned at us and got out of the back seat. They were still handcuffed to one another. A fuel station worker looked at us and the officers in puzzlement.

  “Have a great day!” I said to the worker as we turned the cloaking device back on and left the station. Seconds later, several police hover cars arrived on the scene, but we were long gone.

  I leaned over and kissed Yahn as my eyes grew watery. I became emotional thinking of how close I had come to death.

  “I didn’t think anything was going to save me. I really thought I was going to die,” I said as Yahn took my hand.

  “I wasn’t going to let that happen, my dear. You are safe now, but we need to think of our next move,” he said.

  “I know. My uncle used to have a cabin deep in the woods about twenty miles from where we are. I’m sure it’s still there.” I pulled up the hover car’s navigator and typed in the location.

  “There, to the northeast just south of Grinder’s Creek,” I said. Yahn nodded, looked at the navigator and we began to head in that direction.

  I looked down and saw the small cabin, surrounded by forested hills and memories of my childhood came streaming back. My uncle owned about fifty acres of woods and fields. Private land holdings such as these were becoming a rare thing because the government was buying up more and more land for development.

  We landed the car in a field outside the barn. We kept the cloaking device on and turned the car off. Now that the car wasn’t running, the police wouldn’t be able to track us. We quickly got out of the hover car and walked over to the cabin that sat on the edge of the woods. The door was locked, but I knew that there was a key around the back under a brick, so I went and got it and opened the door. Yahn and David were amazed to see an old fashioned door that opened with a key rather than a retina scan door or an electromagnetic key like the doors of the prisons.

  “I haven’t seen a building or a door like this in many years,” David remarked.

  We got inside just in time as a police hover copter scanned the area and then moved on.

  “We should be able to hide out here for a while safely,” I said and sat down in a wooden rocking chair that my uncle had made himself.

  Chapter 5


  Jessie told me that we were far enough away from everything and that we would be able to rest here, at least for a while. Nonetheless, we did not let our guard down and took shifts patrolling the area around the cabin. Luckily, there were hundreds of acres of remote wooded land around her uncle’s property that was still intact because of a paper company’s holdings and a National Forest just a few miles down the road. After a couple of days of quiet came and went, we began to relax a little bit.

  One evening while David was on his shift, I went up behind Jessie and began to kiss her neck. With everything that had happened recently, we had very little time alone with each other. Jessie sighed, turned around and began to kiss me. Of all of the ways to show affection that were different from the Karkastian way, this was one of my favorites. I put my arms around her as our tongues began to intertwine. Slowly, I slid her clothes off of her and began to kiss her from her neck down to her breasts. She pulled me down on the bed on top of her and we began to make love. It was fast and furious and I had to close my eyes to keep it from being cut short. Jessie looked so gorgeous with her eyes rolled back in her head and her large breasts bouncing up and down. Karkastians didn’t have breasts, and I had never realized what I was missing out on when I was with females of my own kind. As I watched her writhing with pleasure, I thought of how gorgeous she was. I knew that I was falling deeper in love with her, a feeling that I wasn’t aware of until I met her.

  After we finished making love, we sat together in bed talking and enjoying the sounds of the evening in the forest coming from the open window in our bedroom.

  “Do you think there will ever be a time when we will not be on the run?” Jessie asked me.

  “Of course, I do. I know it’s hard to believe because we’ve pretty much been on the run since we met, but I still believe we will find a place for us,” I answered.

  “’Somewhere, a place for us,’” she began to sing. “That’s an old song that my mother taught me from a very old musical called, West Side Story. It’s about two lovers who are from two groups that are considered enemies of each other,” she said.

  “Sounds like us. What is a musical?” I inquired.

  “It’s like a show where there are actors and actresses, but it is set to music. I would love to be able to take you to one someday, but since musicals take place in cities on Earth, that’s not likely to happen,” she said, sadly.

  “I love the song you were singing. Would you sing some more of it?” I asked.

  “Of course,” sh
e said, taking my hand. She sang the entire song and I felt even more in love with her, listening to the sound of her singing voice, which was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard. As I listened to the words, I felt as if they were about us, though I knew that they had been written long ago about fictional characters.

  We fell asleep in each other’s arms soon after she finished singing, not worrying about the police or any of the others who wanted to find us. The next morning, we had a serious discussion with David about our next move.

  “We have remained here long enough. We will need to leave soon before they find us,” David stated.

  “They have already searched the area and haven’t found us. I say we can remain here for as long as we can. It’s relatively safe and there is plenty of wild game in the forest to keep us fed,” Jessie argued.

  “I disagree. It’s only a matter of time before they find us here. We’re like sitting ducks. I say we find a town, steal a space cruiser and leave Earth again. We could head back to Padure again. Oh, how I miss the vast forests of Padure. This place reminds me a lot of it, but it isn’t safe for the long term,” David argued.

  “I have to agree with David,” I stated. Jessie gave me a disappointed glance when I said this.

  “This is my home, and it’s hard for me to give up on the idea that I could one day live here again,” Jessie said.

  “I understand. I had to give up my home and my people if you remember. David too has given up his home planet and now considers another one to be his home. This is the way of things, and the sooner you resign yourself to this, the better off you’ll be,” I said, softly, holding her hand. I could tell that she agreed with me, but it was difficult for her. I comforted her the best I could. Soon, we had to turn our attention to other matters. We agreed that we would leave fairly soon, but in the meantime, we needed to replenish our food supplies, which were dwindling.

  Jessie and I went into the surrounding forest to hunt for game. She said there were plenty of wild animals around, including strange creatures that she called deer and bears. She told me that bears were very large, hairy creatures with sharp teeth and claws. This made me nervous and made me think of the Maramoks back home, which were similar in description to bears.

  Suddenly we heard some movement in the forest. We began to move in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, a man came out of the woods with a laser gun pointed at us. He had an outfit on that was green so he could blend in with the surrounding forest. I assumed it was to provide him with camouflage for hunting purposes.

  “Freeze! Hold it right there!” he said. He was tall with dark hair and dark eyes.

  “Please don’t shoot, we are just hunting,” Jessie pleaded.

  “Hunting with a Karkastian? You are two of the fugitives they’ve been talking about on the news, aren’t you?” he said. “There’s no use lying about it because there aren’t any other Karkastians besides you, are there?” he said.

  “Look, sir, we just want to live in peace and find some food. We don’t mean anyone or anything any harm,” I stated.

  “None of that means anything to me. I just want the reward that they are offering. If I bring you in, I will receive fifty million dollars. That’s enough money for a country boy to live quite comfortably,” he answered.

  When it became obvious that this human had no intention of letting us go, I used my telekinetic powers to take his gun from him.

  “What the...?” He said as his gun slipped out of his hands and into my own. Jessie and I both pointed the guns at him and he began to take off running through the woods.

  “Come on, after him! We can’t let him get away!” I shouted. We took off after him through the woods, not knowing exactly what direction that we were heading in. Finally, we saw a small cabin beside a stream in a tiny clearing just up ahead. The man ran inside the cabin and seconds later, he began to fire a laser gun at us through an open window. We took cover behind some trees and returned fire. This continued for some time without either of us being able to shoot the other.

  “We have to kill him, unfortunately, or he will tell someone we’re out here, for sure!” I said as I continued to fire my gun at the man. The cabin was beginning to catch fire from all of the laser fire. As soon as I made this statement, we heard a cry come from some distance away, in the direction of Jessie’s uncle’s cabin.

  “It’s David! It sounds like he’s in some trouble. We have to go and help him,” Jessie urged.

  “What about him?” I asked, referring to the man in the cabin.

  “We will have to let him go for now. We can’t just leave David to fend for himself,” she answered. Reluctantly, I agreed and we left the area and began to make our way back towards the cabin as quickly as we could. We heard another cry of distress a few seconds later.

  As soon as we reached the clearing that the cabin was located in, we saw what was happening. David was up in a tree and a very large black bear was walking around the base of the tree looking up at him. It let out a loud growl when it saw us.

  “Eh, you know that bears can climb trees, don’t you?” Jessie said to David.

  “I know that, but I didn’t know what else to do. I sure can’t outrun a bear and my laser gun is inside the cabin. I couldn’t get past the bear to get to it,” he answered in a shaky voice.

  I took aim at the bear and took a shot. It moved out of the way at the last minute and began to run into the forest. Jessie and I chased it, but it escaped into the trees. David climbed down and ran into the cabin. We couldn’t help but laugh at him when he emerged from the cabin holding the laser gun in front of him with his knees trembling.

  “Don’t laugh at me. You’d be scared too if that huge bear had you cornered,” he said, with his face red with embarrassment.

  “Sorry, David. Seriously, we are going to have to get out of here very soon. We encountered a hunter in the forest about two miles east of here. He has a cabin about another two miles from where we saw him. He recognized us from the news and tried to capture us, but Yahn took his laser gun from him. We tried our best to take care of the situation, but we heard you cry out and had to leave him. I have no doubt that he is probably heading to town to tell the authorities. We need to form a plan of action and then get out of here as quickly as we can,” Jessie stated.

  “See? I told you this place wasn’t as safe as you thought. We need to head to town in the opposite direction from where you went hunting and get a space cruiser and leave this planet!” David said.

  “We need to replenish ourselves with some food first. We didn’t manage to shoot anything before the hunter saw us,” I said in frustration.

  “Well, I caught a couple of rabbits in some snares that I set outside of camp. That’s the good news. Let’s have a proper meal and then we can discuss our plan of action. After that, we need to head out of here as soon as we can. If I had my way, I would say that we should leave right now,” David emphasized.

  “We can travel much faster once we have more energy,” Jessie argued, and I agreed. I agreed to watch the perimeter of the clearing while Jessie and David prepared the rabbits for our meal. The smell of the cooking meat was making my mouth water. My body was aching for a proper meal. Oh, how I longed for a batch of kerfol, the plant that I used to love so much on my home planet. I would have to settle for human food though.

  “It’s ready,” Jessie said as she stuck her head out of the open window. I went inside and we ate until our stomachs were quite full.

  Chapter 6


  We ate the rabbit meat and packed our things, knowing that the hunter would have the authorities coming after us soon enough. David was very adamant about leaving the planet, and deep down we knew he was right. Yahn and I would be in more trouble than ever if we were caught. Now that we knew we were leaving Earth again, we had to figure out how. It wasn’t going to be easy trying to obtain a space cruiser with our faces all over the media. Luckily, David had a plan.

  “I think we n
eed to return to Padure and I think I know how we can do it,” David shared.

  “Ok, we’re listening, but let’s figure it out fast,” I said.

  "Well, I used to know this man named Harold Chambers, before I left Earth the first time, who had a shape shifting device. He used to run a business that would let people take on different identities. It was amazing how many people desired that. Anyway, I'm not sure if he still has the device or is still around, but he doesn't live that far from here. If we can take on new identities, we can get around without any trouble and buy a space cruiser. After we get a space cruiser, we can return to Harold and change our appearances back again. Then, we can be on our way," David suggested.[G1]

  “I don’t know,” I said, feeling that this plan was a dubious one at best.

  “I think he’s onto something,” Yahn said.

  Deep down I knew that this plan was as good as any other. The truth of the matter was, I didn’t really want to leave Earth again. Part of me was still clinging to the idea of staying here somehow. After all, this was my home planet and always would be no matter what sort of trouble I was in. I took a deep breath and put my bag over my shoulder.


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