Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3) Page 28

by Ashley L. Hunt

“The escape pods are pre-programmed and their destination cannot be changed,” one of them insisted.

  "You had better find a way because your life depends upon it!" I said as I shoved the edge of my laser cannon into his temple.[G648]

  "Yes, sir!" The guard said. He began to switch on the control panel in front of him. Above our heads, we could see a huge screen that showed the escape pods making their way in the same direction they had been going in. The guard behind the control board heaved a huge sigh and pulled a lever back.[G649][G650]

  “Where do you want the pods to go, sir?” the guard asked.

  "Into the black hole!" Jessie said, suddenly, saying the same thing that I was about to say. The guard looked at us and it seemed as if all of the blood had drained from his face.[G651][G652]

  “Do it now!” Jessie insisted.

  “Very well,” the guard said and we watched as he programmed the coordinates. Soon, the pods began to change course one by one, starting with Demarin’s.

  “What is going on?” we heard Demarin ask the control room. “The pods are changing their course. What is happening? Mission control, answer me! This is your leader!”

  "Hello, Demarin!" Jessie spoke to the communication board.[G653][G654]

  “Jessie?” Demarin sounded confused.

  “Yes, it’s me. It seems that our conflict with one another is coming to an end. We have changed the coordinates of your escape pod and now you can see for yourself what it is like to enter a black hole,” Jessie stated.

  “What? You’re at the control center?” Demarin still couldn’t believe the turn of events.

  “Yes, that’s right,” she answered. We both took pleasure in doing a close up of Demarin’s face as he realized his fate. Demarin did not answer. He was trying his best to keep some shred of dignity during his last few minutes. Soon the escape pods came under the tremendous gravitational pull of the black hole. We could now see the empty spot that not even light could escape from. The pods began to shake as they drew closer to the event horizon. After a few more seconds, the last thing we heard was Demarin cry out as the pod was sucked into the opening and the monitor that we were looking at was now blank.

  “That will be the end of Demarin Goldarn,” Jessie remarked. I smiled at her and put my arms around her.

  "As for you two- everyone that has helped that awful warlord will be trialed for their crimes!" I stated.[G655][G656]

  We made our way to the prison level of Demarin’s compound and led the guards in front of us. We put them in a cell and then made our way to the exit.

  “You’re not going to just leave us here, are you?” one of them asked.

  “Don’t worry, you will have a trial, just like the rest of the executive guard; but you will pay for your loyalty to Demarin,” I told them.

  We made our way back to Hilga's building. Already, we were noticing that the streets seemed less decrepit. Many of the buildings that were beginning to decay were being repaired. There was the usual buzz of activity on the street, but the faces we saw seemed to be happy ones, and everyone greeted us as we made our way.[G657][G658][G659]

  “Look, our saviors have returned!

  “Praise to Jessie and Yahn!” the cheer went up. Soon, people were lining the streets and cheering for us. Hilga’s front door opened and she greeted us with a huge hug.

  “I am so glad to see the two of you! You should see the changes that have come about since you helped us overthrow the executive!” she said. We noticed right away that many of the poor Sarceastians who were just sitting in rooms dressed in rags were now gone.

  “Where is everyone?” Jessie asked.

  “Many of my boarders have found some work now that the old regime is gone!”

  “What about Yeritus and the others- what has become of them?” I inquired.

  "Let me take you to Yeritus- he would be most pleased to see you," she said. We followed her out of the building and down the street where several Sarceastians were still gathered in the hopes of getting a glance at us. We made our way out of the neighborhood and back towards the military complex that we had infiltrated, not so long ago. Only this time there were no executive guards waiting there for us. Finally, we made our way to the entrance of the building. There were guards there, but they wore the common gray robes that most Sarceastians wore. They held weapons, but they had kind expressions on their faces.[G660][G661]

  "Welcome, Private Jessie and Yahn of Karkast. Commander Yeritus will be most pleased to see you!" the guard said.[G662]

  “Commander Yeritus?” I said in surprise and delight.

  "Yes, since you've been gone, Yeritus has been elected as commander of Sarceastium. We have seen the positive results of his rule already. The poor no longer suffer. They have been provided with work and sustenance. The first action that Yeritus took was to put the wealth that Executive Farfaulus had put aside for himself, to work for the Sarceastians. This could not have been possible without your help," Hilga shared.[G663]

  We were taken up to the higher levels of the building until we reached the office of the commander. Yeritus greeted us with open arms as we entered the chamber. There were the friendly faces of Sarceastians all around us, wearing the same gray robes as the commoners.

  "Welcome, my friends! I'm sure you were surprised to find me here where the executive used to sit, but now we will enter a new era of Sarceastian society- one where there is no executive. The commander will wear the same robes as the other citizens, looking out for their best interests," he said with a smile.[G664][G665][G666]

  “You don’t know how happy I am to see that this is your fate. The Sarceastians could not ask for a better ruler than you,” Jessie said.

  "I will do everything that I can to serve the Sarceastians. I am but a humble servant," he responded with a smile. We stayed and visited for several hours and food was provided to us. Afterwards, we returned to Hilga's to spend the night, but our thoughts were focused on getting Jessie and her parents back home.[G667]

  The next morning, we said our heartfelt goodbyes to Hilga, although we knew that we would come back and visit before long. There was now no reason to fear the Sarceastians and most of the universe would now enter into a peaceful time. A few of the Sarceastian guards had escaped, and their whereabouts were unknown. However, there weren’t enough of them left to pose a serious threat to Yeritus’s administration. The guards that were left in Sarceastium faced a trial and sentence for their betrayal of the Sarceastian order. Most of them received life sentences.

  We returned to the cruiser and began to program the ship to return to Earth. Jessie smiled at me after she entered the coordinates on the control panel. We kissed and held hands as the ship took off from the surface of Sarceastium.

  Jessie’s parents came into the cockpit after we took off and sat down.

  “Yahn, we wanted to thank you properly for rescuing us and our daughter back on Sarceastium,” her father said.

  "It was nothing. All I did was stowing away on this ship. I would sneak around when the guards weren't around and try to free you, but there were too many guards. I had to bide my time and wait for the ship to land," I said, humbly.[G668][G669]

  “Yes, but if you hadn’t done so, none of us would be here right now heading home,” Jessie proudly stated.

  “I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I hadn’t rescued you. I would only be half a being without you in my life.” I put my arm around Jessie and her parents smiled at us. I knew then that I had finally gained the approval of Jessie’s father.

  Chapter 14


  It was time to return to Earth, but first, we would need to dock at a space colony called Freeport. By now, we had had plenty of experience with rough space colonies so I wasn't nervous when we entered a bar full of Langmilians, rough-looking humans, and even a few Sarceastians. We chose to leave my parents in the cruiser so that they wouldn't have to endure any possible troubles we might have. As soon as Yahn and I sat down in the booth, we n
oticed that several people were whispering amongst themselves and looking at us. I began to get nervous, thinking that we might be challenged by some of these rough-looking beings. [G670][G671][G672][G673][G674][G675][G676][G677][G678][G679]

  “Should we leave? We seem to be the talk of the whole bar,” Yahn remarked.

  I looked around at the bar's patrons and then turned back to Yahn. "No, I have come too far and through too many trials to be afraid anymore," I declared. Yahn nodded, but he clutched his gun, nonetheless. A few seconds later, a muscular Sarceastian with an eye patch came over to our booth. [G680]

  “Are you the one they call Jessie?” he asked in a husky voice.

  "Yes, I am," I answered simply. [G681]

  “Allow me to buy you a drink. You are the hero of my people and I am proud to call you my comrade. My name is Hagard,” he said as his mouth curved into a smile.

  “Thank you,” I said with a smile.

  “Everyone, we have a hero in our midst!” He announced.

  Now all of the creatures in the bar were focused on us. I looked nervously at Yahn, but he was now starting to feel at ease, feeling that we were amongst friends.

  "We have amongst us the human that defeated the Sarceastian executive and went on to defeat the warlord, Demarin Goldarn. She is a legend and a liberator and I would like to propose a toast to her. Cheers to Private Jessie of Earth and Yahn, the Karkastian!" [G682]

  “Cheers!” The whole crowd echoed after him. Soon, several creatures were coming by the booth to pay their respects. Yahn was glowing from all of the praise and began to look as if he had had a bit too much of the local ale. We talked with aliens from all walks of life and drank with Hagard and his friends. That was when I noticed a group of Sarceastians talking amongst themselves and looking at us suspiciously at a booth at the far end of the bar.

  “Who are those men?” I asked Hagard, trying not to be too obvious.

  “I don’t know. They arrived just before you did. I don’t know them, and I know most of the Sarceastians in this colony. They must be passing through.” Then, I caught sight of a silver robe that was folded on the far end of the booth and I knew who they were. Hagard must have noticed the robe at the same time I did because he drew his gun.

  "They are executive guards. I would know those silver robes anywhere," he whispered. "We need to make sure they don't try anything. They are likely to still be loyal to Demarin," he stated. As soon as he finished his statement, they got up to leave and went out of the bar. We watched them nervously but then relaxed after they took their leave. [G683]

  I turned to Yahn, “Let’s get back to the cruiser. I don’t like the idea of my parents being left alone with those guards creeping around.”

  “Right. I agree. We can’t risk them trying to enact some kind of revenge,” Yahn said.

  “Thank you for your hospitality, Hagard, but we had better get back to the ship to check on my parents.” Hagard smiled and shook Yahn’s hand and then mine.

  "It was a pleasure to have met you. Let me know if we can be of any assistance to you. My message code is 67092 should you need any backup," Hagard said with a grin.

  "That is greatly appreciated," I stated and we left the bar. The colony seemed too quiet for my taste as we made our way back to the cruiser that was docked on the eastern edge of the settlement. This colony was much nicer than many of the ones we had visited. Not as rowdy as Anarhie or as run down as Dwearden. However, as soon as we got back to the cruiser, I could see that things weren't quite right.

  "Mom, dad?" I called out, but no one answered. I run up to their quarters and found some things scattered around, an indication of some kind of struggle. I realized all at once that the Sarceastian guards had wasted no time making their move. My parents were once again being held captive. Immediately, I looked around for clues but didn't see any until I went into the cockpit. There was a note left there. [G684][G685]

  Jessie, we are most fortunate to have stumbled across the opportunity to follow through with our fallen leader, Demarin Goldarn’s wishes. Before you sent him to his untimely demise, he was going to trade your life for your parents. Now, we will make sure that his final wish is carried out. We will be at docking bay 7825 waiting for you and Yahn. You must both arrive unarmed and unaccompanied if you wish to see your parents alive again. Once you are in our custody, we will gladly release them.

  "Damn!" Yahn cried out, slamming his fist on the dash. "After all, we've been through we are back in this position again."[G686]

  "Don't worry, my love. We have come through too much for this to be the end. We will persevere." Immediately, I called Hagard on the messenger board in the cruiser's cockpit. Hagard's face immediately appeared on the screen. [G687][G688]

  "How can I help you, Jessie?" He asked, adjusting his eye patch.

  "The Sarceastian guards have my parents at docking bay 7825. They want Yahn and me to surrender to them or they will kill my parents. They are trying to fulfill Demarin's wishes and enact their revenge." [G689][G690][G691]

  “We will see about that,” Hagard said as his face began to crease with lines of concern.

  “You must be cautious. If they see that anyone is trying to help us, they won’t hesitate to kill Jessie’s parents,” Yahn added.

  “Do not worry. I know the workers at docking bay 7825 and believe me, they have no love for Demarin or the executive guard,” Hagard reassured us. “Do as they say and we will have a surprise for these guards.”

  We nervously made our way across the colony to the docking bay. By now, the streets were completely quiet. Most of the lights of the hover dwellings were now dim. When we arrived at the docking bay things were still and quiet. We made our way to the entrance where two Sarceastian guards, now wearing their silver robes came up to us, carrying laser cannons. They frisked us and then pushed us inside.

  “This way,” one of the guards barked. There in the hanger were six other guards and my frightened parents standing in the center.

  "So, you have come just as we have requested. I only wish that my leader, Demarin Goldarn could be here to witness the downfall of the mighty Jessie and Yahn," one of the guards spoke. He was taller than the rest and his red eyes seemed to glow brighter than the others’, indicating a superior malice. [G692]

  “Let them go and we will come with you,” I said.

  “Do not be so hasty, Earthling. We will let them go when we are ready. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Captain Kertoff, second in command of what is left of the proud Sarceastian guard.”

  “Now that we’ve dispensed with the pleasantries, let’s get on with the trade, shall we?” I said.

  “Are you that anxious to die? So be it,” Captain Kertoff nodded to the guards. Two of them came over and let us towards a Sarceastian cruiser that was docked there. The captain nodded again and my parents were released.

  “Go on, you are now free to go,” the captain said, but my parents stood there defiantly.

  “No, I will not allow you to do this,” my father stated as he wrapped his arms around my mother. The captain laughed heartily.

  “Well now, that is touching, but there is nothing that you can do. Either you can die along with your daughter or you can set yourselves free. The choice is yours,” the captain said.

  "Go now, before they decide to kill you as well," I urged. My mother broke down and cried as my father led her away from the ship. [G693][G694]

  "How touching. Now, get our prized prisoners aboard the ship and let's leave this uncivilized colony," the captain stated. The guards pushed their laser guns into our backs and we walked on board the ship. They took us to a chamber in the lower part of the ship that was equipped with all sorts of high tech torture devices. We were tied up in a corner and told to wait there. Seconds later, we saw several people move in behind the guards in the shadows. [G695]

  "Put down your weapons!" A familiar voice said. It was our newfound friend Hagard. The guards put down their weapons and were led away. Hagard and his m
en came and freed us from our chains, but the captain was nowhere to be seen. We exited the ship and then I immediately spotted the captain trying to board another ship nearby to make his escape. [G696]

  Yahn immediately changed to a blue vapor and then appeared behind the captain. For a second, there was a struggle on the platform. Then, I heard a laser blast and both Yahn and the captain fell off the platform onto the ground below.

  “Yahn!” I yelled, running across the docking area. Hagard and his men raced up behind me. When I reached the loading area of the ship, I saw a patch of scorched earth and Yahn lying beside it. Yahn opened his eyes, smiled and I threw my arms around him. Yahn’s laser blast had completely disintegrated the captain and there was nothing left of him.

  “Oh Yahn, my love you are ok,” I said.

  “Of course I’m ok. Did you really think that I was going to leave you now after everything we’ve been through?” Yahn made me laugh and we immediately walked over to Hagard to thank him.


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