Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3)

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Alien Romance Box Set: Romantic Suspense: Alien Destiny: Scifi Alien Romance Adventure Romantic Suspence Trilogy (Complete Series Box Set Books 1-3) Page 70

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “Actually,” I said, smiling even as tears began to spill from my eyes, “I brought you here because you’re the only one I can trust with this.”

  “What?” Barbas looked up again, his single eye wet, the tiniest glimmer of hope shining out from that bright green gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that in all the history of that people, every single one of them was granted great power and it turned them into monsters. They might not have been humans, but they were like us. They were all corrupted by power, and it turned them into horrible things. Even Ravanur and Palamun, who did so much to fight them, were monsters in their own right, many times over. Given time, I’ll become a monster too, even though I have but a fraction of their strength. But I’ll make sure I die long before that. I’ll live a good, long life, and secure the future of this people, and then I’ll die like everyone else. My power will die with me. Volistad too.”

  Barbas didn’t seem shocked. “What does that have to do with me?”

  “Everything,” I replied, running a hand down his tear-stained cheek. “We’re all mortals. All of us gods, from the least of us to the oldest monsters in the core of this planet. We’re all fallible, selfish animals at our core, and we can‘t handle power like this, not for long.”

  “But I’m not a person,” Barbas guessed, a note of bitterness coming into his voice.

  “Oh, you are,” I corrected him. “You’re one of the finest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, and loving. And if you weren’t the only person I could trust to do this, I would gladly take you back into my mind, Volistad or no.” I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. “But no, Barbas, while you are a person, there is something that you are not- something that makes you different from me, and Ravanur, and all the other monsters out there that were given way too much power. You're not an animal.”

  “Neither are you,” Barbas insisted, a note of anger lighting up his dead voice.

  I smiled even as the tears continued to stream down my face. He was defending me, even now, even from the truth, even from myself. A shot rang out in my memory, and a broken skull with pale eyes hit the pavement with a hollow click. “You’ve seen my memories, ‘Bas. You know I am. But you are not. And you can do what I can’t.”

  Barbas was weeping openly now, and I put my arms around his neck and wept with him. I wept for my lost childhood, for the pain I had suffered and the pain I had caused. I wept for the literal man of my dreams, who had been all but destroyed for me. Even in what could have been his last moments he had fought for me, and I wept for that sacrifice. Because I was about to ask him to make one more.

  “What do you need me to do?” He smiled down at me through his tears. “You know I would do anything for you.”

  I returned his smile, leaned in, and kissed him gently on the lips. Then I pulled back and disengaged myself from him. "I need you to do what none of us animals can do. I need you to become a god." Somewhere far from the cabin and the lake and the tatters of my heart, my body gave Volistad the signal. My hand rose sluggishly in the cold fluid of the tank and gave Volistad the thumbs-up. Back on the dock, I stepped close and pressed my lips against Barbas' again, kissing him hard for the last time as the world turned white around me.


  Unknown mind

  “Who am I?”

  “You are Barbas, god of the Chalice.” The answer came from everywhere. Such a beautiful voice.

  “What is the Chalice?”

  "It is the home of many people, and soon it will be the home of many more. It is my home." That made sense. Layers of meaning unfolded within me like flowers. I smiled to myself what flowers were. And what smiling was.

  “What am I to do?”

  “Protect life. Life is sacred.” Fair enough. I could do that.

  “Is that all?”

  “Almost.” It really was a beautiful voice. I wondered why she seemed so very sad. It seemed that I should be able to fix that, to make it so that the owner of that voice wasn’t sad anymore. “You need to love life. All of it, no matter how small, no matter how large. The Chalice is your world, and we are your children. We will love you. I will love you, and you will return that love to us.”

  Hah. That was easy. After all, the concept of love was already starting to blossom in my mind, and it seemed like the sort of thing that a god should have for his children. “I can do that.”

  “I know. But there’s one other thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  A world formed around me, a world of logic and power, where everything I thought could become a reality, where every idea could change the universe. Of course, I could change the world, with a workshop like this. But it was filthy in here. Whoever had used this workshop last had not taken care of it. But no matter. It would be but the work of half a moment to clean it up. Some of the filth extended back along the silvery strands of time that crossed all around me, and a few had even tried to reach out into the future. It was almost cute how the corruption thought such tactics would save it from me. I saw all of the corruption in my workshop for what it really was- a hundred-thousand little attempts at godhood, pitiful imitations of what I was. None of it could compare to what I was meant to be. I was the god of the Chalice. The Chalice was the home of my children. And I would protect my children.

  That beautiful voice sounded in my mind again, and for a moment I thought I remembered who she was. Then I shook the silly thought out of my head. Of course I remembered who she was. That was one of my people. One of my children. And she needed my help. Of course I would give it. “Barbas?” She asked.

  “Yes, Joanna.”

  “Please make your people safe again.”

  "It is done." I reached out to the little bubbles of corruption. They were all mine, all of them fragments of a power that wasn't theirs to command. They weren't fit to command it. "Cease," I said to them. And they were gone.

  “Thank you,” the beautiful voice said.

  “Of course,” I said back. “I would do anything for one of my children.”


  Chapter Twenty-Two: Epilogue


  I stood at the highest point of the mountain peak above the crater that contained the home of the Erin-Vulur. The air was cold but not uncomfortably so. It had taken a long time to manage it, but with some help from the God of the Chalice, we had moved the moon into a slightly different orbit, one that exposed it to the direct light of the system's sun for half the day. Of course, when the nightly eclipse fell across the planet, the temperature would drop as harshly as one would expect, but we could live with that. Volistad had been working feverishly for the last decade to ensure that we could. Quite often, I had to go down there to the sleeping hull of the archaic Heaven’s Hawk and literally make him come back up to the surface and interact with his people, not to mention our children.

  As it turned out, it had taken only some minor genetic tweaking of my genome to make me able to have children with my husband despite our wildly different backgrounds. Volistad had even found a way to induce the changes more quickly and simply than he had with me. When the colonists arrived, they would need to adapt to all the challenges of their new world if they wanted to avoid getting as sick as I had by the end of my first year. Plus, for the Erin-Vulur to survive, we all had to be ready to interbreed. Genetic diversity made us stronger. Getting spots on my back and knowing my children would come out with little baby fangs was a small price to pay.

  Saint Nissikul of the Hammer, as the other Erinye called her, stood beside me on the mountaintop, her arms crossed disapprovingly over her chest. The limb she had lost trying to kill me those many years before had been replaced by a cunning replica, fashioned by Volistad in one of his wild flights of genius down in his subterranean haunt. She scowled at me, glancing significantly at my belly, which was thoroughly swollen by the presence of my third kid. Her scowl was fearsome, especially considering the scars that marred one whole side of her face. “What would my brother s
ay if he knew you were up here in your condition?”

  A low, amused masculine voice came from the darkness, preceding Volistad out of the shadows by a split second. “He would probably keep his mouth wisely shut.”

  I grinned. “See. I’m fine.”

  Nissikul grunted noncommittally at me.

  “You didn’t think I would miss this, did you?” I tilted my head back and kissed Volistad on the cheek as he stepped up behind me and surrounded me in his arms.

  Nissikul sighed dramatically, though I could see the smile crinkle her eyes. “Of course not. The whole tribe is awake right now. I’ve got my Stormcallers working double shifts keeping the cold at bay long enough for everything to happen so we can get the tribe back to their homes safely.” She shook her head. “Such sentimentality. Barbas will help us if the ship doesn’t come down tonight. We’ll be standing out here to greet the sun, and my Callers will all collapse from exhaustion.”

  As if on cue, a bright flare of light broke across the horizon shining like a spear of fire against the eclipsing face of the planet above. We weren’t calling it Palamun, anymore. Volistad had found it tiresome. So now the shadowed, hooded face of Saint Thukkar the Brave watched over his people, the same way he had in life.

  I watched at the spear of fire resolved itself into the long, crude outline of an arrowhead. It drew closer, guided by the beacons that Volistad and I had installed at the top of the mountain. A wide open space had been made at the heart of the crater, and as we had improved the village, we had built the new houses into the craggy side of the mountain as it continued up over the crater. We needed the space down in the crater. It wouldn't do for the ship to land on the ice since all that would turn to something of a slushy freshwater sea when the morning came. Flashing lights blinked up from below, and the ship grew ever larger in my sight. I couldn't stop smiling; I was just so excited. This was what we had worked so hard for, what we had fought for.

  Soon, the great ship was touching down in the crater, settling onto giant metal feet that gripped the stone beneath it. “Well,” I said to Nissi and Vol, “I guess we had better get down there.” Then, without waiting for either of them to catch on to what I was about to do, I gathered my wind spirits about myself and stepped out into space. As they always did, my spirits carried me smoothly the long way down to the crater floor and set me down gently. They were always so nice to me.

  I walked around the side of the ship, looking for where I thought the main hatch would be. Sure enough, the side of the craft split in a whoosh of steam, and a long ramp extended to the ground. I arranged myself neatly and waited. Volistad and Nissikul touched down beside me, the first carried by the latter, both of them wearing identical exasperated looks on their faces. I raised a finger before either of them could scold me. “Shh.”

  From the steam, people appeared. They stepped out onto the ramp uncertainly, n0t sure what to make of everything. They had expected one half-mad Former in a suit of power armor, not an entire village. What could I say? I had gotten lucky. I searched my brain for the right words. It had been a long time since I had spoken anything other than Erinye. Then I put the biggest smile I could on my face, nudged Volistad to remind him to quit scowling and called to Chalice’s newest children, “Welcome home!”


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  Chapter One


  Leaving camp early was the first rule of every Chronicler, and I had just succeeded in breaking it. The loud buzzing of the vibrant life of Primordial Earth was both exciting and bothersome at the same time. Having just barely slept through the never-ending humming of the overgrown city forests, I was in a hurry.

  “Come on Silver. Don’t stay behind. We still have some way to go before we arrive,” I said, covering long strides of ground while in a hurry. And by long, I mean long enough for an average build woman like me to walk fast around the unearthed roots. I turned my focused eyes to watch my apathetic Android.

  “Yes, Eladia. I’m right behind you,” the metal woman uttered, her mechanical tunes giving off the same indifferent feeling.

  I couldn’t help but shake my head. Of all the assistants, I had to get chosen by the one with the advanced artificial intelligence.

  I, a Chronicler, and my partner Silver, the conveniently named robot, were chasing an important relic of the past. Chroniclers, like archeologists before us, were interested in cataloging and studying important historical events. Divided into many different majors, I was particularly interested in the extinct race of the Nusae and thus, I followed that particular way.

  However, today, I would rather have stayed back home, on the new human planet, Yaerus, than ran around on the primeval place called Earth. Even though my job as a Chronicler always led me to all sorts of interesting and rough places, Primordial Earth was probably one of the worst, certainly at the top five of my least-preferable places to be. And the next time a mosquito bit me, I was sure it would rise even higher to the list.

  I sighed and kept moving forward, checking around the decayed metal structures that humans used to build in the past. It must have been rough, building all those monstrosities. They were just plain ugly and impractical. Every destroyed building seemed like a gutted, gray giant, devoured by green and mossy plants. And yet, the beauty of it was unmatched.

  I stared at my watch, unable to remember if I had adjusted the time to fit the local system. “Silver, could you please remind me of Sol’s and Earth’s day/night cycles?”

  “For the third time since we landed, it’s 23,56 hours. And yes, you have already adjusted your watch even before we set up camp.”

  “You know, I’m your boss. You should show some respect every now and then,” I said in a mocking, annoyed tone.

  The android woman started cackling with short, electric sounds. “Well, if we finally find one Nusae artifact, I’ll make sure to reconsider.”

  I was in the middle of climbing atop what it seemed like an old, religious place, an ancient church. On the top of a stone pillar, I stopped to catch my breath.

  You shouldn
’t have those snacks for breakfast Eladia.

  The wind up here was fresh and less humid than down on the ground, in the center of the wet forest. It caressed my face and swept away some of my fatigue.

  Earth was considered the Mother Planet of the human species, the third-ranked, Expanded Empire of the Known Galaxy. The stories still told for this place were numerous, but none did justice to the miracle called life. Everywhere my sight fell, a new color sprouted from the ground and all kinds of bugs and flying creatures dwelled the land.

  Bugs? I hated bugs.

  I turned and searched for my assistant, but Silver was still on the base of the leafy pillar.

  “For god’s sake, can you please change and come up here Silver? I can’t find the trail all by myself.”


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